Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 64: Chapter 65. alpha0.4 version update! The night system is online! (3/4)

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Official Website:

[ Wasteland OL closed test service Alpha0.4 version update announcement. ]

[ Major update:

1. The number of closed beta players has increased to 90.

2. The "Night" system is officially launched. ]

[ Optimization:

1. Rich NPC facial expressions.

2. Optimize the snowflake texture details.

3. Fix a few bugs.

... ]

After the announcement was made, Lucius clicked to send the edited post as a planner.

"Developer Diary: Alpha0.4 Version"

"Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner! After sacrificing a programmer, we finally completed the development of the alpha0.4 version!"

"Before, some friends have been complaining that they can only enter the game after six o'clock in the evening, and they can only pour water on the official website during the day."

"Now, this 'BUG' has finally been fixed. Even in the daytime, everyone can clock normally. Are you surprised? Are you happy?"

"If you are happy, then I can only congratulate you for being too happy now!"

"Because in the setting of Wasteland OL, the character controlled by the player not only has the physiological needs of eating, drinking, and lazing, but also has a hidden fatigue value setting. In other words, your character in the game also needs to sleep! "

"High fatigue will cause a 1~33% attribute debuff effect. Excessive fatigue will also cause the character to be in a trance, hallucination or even coma, and trigger a forced offline. If you want to step into the wasteland in the best condition, please Guaranteed to have more than 8 hours of offline rest time a day to stay with your relatives and friends."

"This setting is not only for the consideration of hardcore elements, but also for the health of the players. You can understand it as an anti-addiction system."

"The nighttime online function will be activated at 12:00 today, and the wasteland time is exactly 0:00. By the way, due to the setting of the wasteland OL, the night is full of dangers, so even if you go online, you can only move around in the base. Please pay attention."

"Here we reiterate again that we are a serious company, and Wasteland OL is a game that focuses on relaxation and leisure."

"Entertain moderately, keep a good schedule, and arrange game time reasonably. I wish you a happy life!"

After the post was posted, the comment area exploded without incident.

Red Face Boxer: "Wait, leisure?!"

The Boy On The Construction Site: "Don't you dare!?"

Yaya: "Someone here is suspected of false propaganda!"

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "??? Wait, everyone can work the night shift now? Damn! The lizardmen still have a hairy advantage!"

Keeping People Under The Knife: "Hahahaha, brother trash has been weakened at an epic level! The version brother is real!"

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "I'm crying!"

Quit Smoking: "Oh, it's too much! You are all online 24/7, and I haven't gotten the qualification for the internal test yet! .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠."

Irena: "I just checked, and the number of reservations has exceeded 600. This time, 40 places will be released, which means...the probability of you being drawn is less than 6%. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆"

Quit Smoking: "(◣◢)┌∩┐"

The Thunder King: "(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠), I only make an appointment with a fool!"

Lucius was happy when he saw this line of business, and almost couldn't help sending him the qualification for the beta test.

So close. Be sure to hold back!

Tickets in the early stage are precious, so they can't be wasted on pets. Candidates must be carefully selected, and it's not yet the time to start making waves.

After sending text messages to the selected children, Lucius turned off the forum, got up from the chair, went to the corner and pushed Sumeria's arm.

"Hey, wake up."

Maybe it's because the past few days have been so comfortable that she let down her vigilance, and this guy actually recited her lines until she fell asleep.

Not only that, but she was still muttering dream words like "chocolate", "wine", "I can't eat anymore".

Sumeria, whose dream was interrupted, opened her eyes in a daze.

When she saw clearly that it was Lucius in front of her, she was startled like a frightened hamster, lost all sleepiness, and clamped her knees and arms nervously.

"What are you doing?"

Lucius pointed to the next door with his chin.

"Remind you to go back to your room and don't sleep here."

Sumeria heaved a sigh of relief, muttered and stood up while leaning on his crutches, and staggered back to the room.

It looks like she hasn't woken up yet.

Thinking that there must be no hope for a while anyway, Lucius ignored her, looked at Popo at the side, and said.

"Popo, I'll sleeping for a while, remember to wake me up at 23:55."

The camera above the head tapped lightly, and Popo said energetically.

"Alright, Master!"


Wasteland time, 0:00.

In reality, it should be 12:00 noon.

As Lucius lifted the player's login restrictions through the system, a total of 27 players logged into the game.

To be honest, Lucius was quite surprised. Didn't expect so many salted fish who don't have to go to work during the day? Of course, it may just happen that there are so many today.

Facing the players whose faces were full of excitement and who couldn't wait to go out to see the stars and the moon, Lucius signaled them to be quiet with his majestic eyes.

Then came the lines he made up by the way while dreaming.

"Winter is coming, and danger is approaching."

"In the past few days of exploration and hunting, our existence has alarmed the neighbors around us. For us, this is both an opportunity and a danger."

"Right now, I need 8 warriors to stand up—"

Before Lucius finished speaking, a swish, swish, swish sound sounded, and Twenty-seven's legs moved forward in unison, and he couldn't fix it.

"Hey, wait for me to finish first."

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Coughing lightly, Lucius readjusted his state, faced the expectant eyes, and sped up his speech.

"I need 8 warriors to shoulder the heavy responsibility of night defense and serve as the guards of the outpost."

"During your duty, your equipment will be provided by the shelter, and you will be rewarded with 15 copper coins and 10 contribution points per hour."

"The maximum on-duty time per night is 8 hours, and there will be a rotation if it exceeds 6 hours. If you die in the line of duty during the execution of the mission, the death penalty except the resurrection CD will be exempted, and a pension of 1~10 silver coins will be obtained depending on the situation.”

After a pause, Lucius continued, "You have 20 seconds to think about whether you really need this job..."

"Now, those who need it, please raise your hand."

The last sentence is obviously redundant.

For players, who can't wait to be online 24 hours a day, this vacancy is simply too tempting! From twelve o'clock in the morning to six o'clock, there are 6 hours. 1.5 silver and 10 contribution points per hour, which is 9 silver and 60 contribution points!

Except for the slightly lower contribution of the night shift, the six-hour money gain almost caught up with the salted fish's income during the day!

Almost at the moment when Lucius's voice fell, twenty-nine hands were raised in the resident hall without any suspense, which looked like a collective surrender.

I really blame Lucius for not making it clear that raising two hands is the same as raising one hand. However, such trivial matters are not important at all.

Lucius asked Popo to register the eight players who raised their hands first, then went to the locker in the buffer room, took out the weapons locked in the locker and distributed them to them.

Eight people shared four 7mm revolver rifles and divided into four groups of two. Each team is in charge of one wall of the base, one with a gun and the other with bullets.

In addition, each person also carried an additional wooden bow, nine arrows, a Molotov cocktail, and an earthen grenade made of black powder and cans.

Lucius especially told them that if any alien species approached, they could shoot or drive them away with bows and arrows. Do not fire guns or throw incendiary or explosives unless you are close to the fence.

If there are unidentified survivors, they will be chased away with bows and arrows thirty meters away. If the opponent does not know what is good or bad and continues to approach, or even behaves hostilely, it is allowed to open fire freely.

If it's a mutant, don't hesitate to fire directly.

They're bound to do it anyway...


Under the envious eyes of other players, the eight guards stood on the elevator with their heads held high, and the first batch returned to the surface.

As the four groups arrived at the wall and took their positions, the rest of the players were led by Lucius to the ground.

Outside the nursing home, the galaxy is as bright as fire. Having never seen such a clear night sky, the players opened their eyes wide, trying to imprint the scene in front of them forever in their minds.

"So beautiful……"

"Is this really wasteland?"

"It turns out that you can really see clouds at night!"

"Do you take the special effects of the game seriously?"

"It would be great if I could live in this world forever."

"Hehe, brag about it, if you really travel to this ghost place, can you survive two days?"

"Uh, forget it then."


The ban on open fire facilities such as cement kilns and blast furnaces at night was lifted.

With the expansion of the player's scope of activities, it has lost its meaning to conceal others, and it is nothing more than self-deception. Besides, the dozens of guns in the base are not decorations.

Lucius needs all these production facilities to move, preferably 24 hours a day, to maximize production capacity and produce weapons, protective gear, tools, parts and building materials for the outpost base.

Besides, these liver emperors finally got the chance to go online at night, so we can't let them come up and play in the mud, right?

For them, not having work is much more difficult than working!

Three meter high concrete fence.

[ Richest Elf King ] and [ Irena ] are in charge of guarding the southern section of the wall. According to the distribution of forces around the refuge, the south and west should be the safest, one is near the settlement of scavengers, and the other is near the lake, so there is no need to be too nervous.

Even if aliens, mutants, or predators attack, they must come from the east and north. Unless they are tactically back. But is that really necessary?

The two players stood behind the bunker made of old car doors, looking at the dark forest twenty meters away, chatting to pass the time.

Irena: "It would be great if this game could have a built-in browser. At least I can watch some episodes. It's outrageous that people who hang up the task have to watch the game!"

Richest Elf King: "Built-in browser? Hehe, I'm satisfied with a built-in visual attribute panel before the closed beta! But having said that mole guy has successfully predicted this wave again, and the alpha0.4 version has moved out the concept of defense, I just don’t know when those green-skinned muscular guys will attack.”

Irena: "How do you know it wasn't planned by the dog to change it temporarily after seeing the post?."

Richest Elf King: "Why is this changed temporarily? Do you have any idea about making games? Do you think that such a big project costing tens of billions can be changed by rubbing it on paper with an eraser? Didn’t you hear what the planner said, just to solve a currency system, they held a meeting for three days and three nights!”

Irena: "Of course I know, they sacrificed a programmer to get us online at night. But you're so serious, it seems stupid."

"Hush!" Richest Elf King suddenly became alert, and made a silent gesture, "Shut up...there is movement outside."

"F*ck... So quick?!"

The two players leaned nervously on the bunker to hide themselves, while carefully observing the outside, their hands had already firmly grasped the bowstring, and the arrow had already rested on the string.

Is it a person? Or heterogeneous?

A creepy feeling lingered in their heart. But it was pitch black outside, and nothing could be seen.

Richest Elf King's eyeballs were almost suffocated, and [ Thermal Vision ] was swimming along the edge of the forest. However, it was the first time he used this skill that needs to be triggered actively, and he was not proficient at all, and he couldn't find anything.

Irena couldn't help urging.

"Did you see it, brother?"

"I can see a ghost! Do you think my eyes are telescopes?" Richest Elf King cursed, thinking that it would be great if he had a perception department. Unfortunately, he is not.

This talent is useless. Irena comforted herself in her heart, at least with these scrap metals as cover, the other party could not see them.

In fact, she judged correctly.

The other party really couldn't see them, so they didn't act rashly. In the forest, a pair of sharp pupils stared at the wall, moving along the outline of the wall, as if weighing the pros and cons of something.

The sound of forging metal and the voices of people can be faintly heard inside the wall.

"Ten people? No, at least a settlement of twenty or even thirty people."

"The conversation on the wall stopped abruptly, probably because they found him. It shows that the people guarding here are quite vigilant!"

There was a trace of fear in his pupils, and he quietly sank into the darkness behind him, ending this round of temptation...

"My task is to escort the tribute back, so I don't want to cause any troubles."

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