Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 8: Chapter 8. This game can still eat!

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[ Active Substance Extractor Instruction Manual:]

[ 1. Active substances are the main raw materials for the synthesis of clones, including but not limited to the minerals needed to form the human body, 20 common amino acids, and 2 rare amino acids, etc. ]

[ 2. The active substance extractor uses animal carcasses as the raw material. Among them, the chordate phylum mammalian primate is the best, with an extraction efficiency as high as 90%, followed by non-primate order, and the invertebrate phylum has the lowest extraction efficiency, which is less than 10%. ]

[ 3. The extraction efficiency is also related to the degree of spoilage. ]

With the completion of the task of recruiting players, rewards and instructions will arrive together.

Inside Shelter No.404.

While looking at the instruction manual projected by the system on his retina, Lucius looked at the iron lump that looked like a coffin beside the conveyor belt. According to the introduction in the manual, this thing is a device used to produce 'Raw materials for synthetic cloning'—that is, 'Active Substances'.

In simple terms, the function is similar to corpse recovery. But judging from the description in the instruction manual, it seems that the corpses of the alien species are also within the scope of recovery.

Having roughly understood the usage of this thing, Lucius dragged it to the elevator with the cart he picked up from outside, and returned to the surface with the elevator. He didn't want to put the body in the shelter.

As for electricity. There is always a way.

The elevator rose slowly, stopped, and opened the door.

Just as he came out of the elevator dragging the cart, Popo's voice came from upstairs almost at the same time.


"What's wrong?"

"There seems to be a situation with your players... a big black bird is attacking them! On the north side of the nursing home!"

Big black bird?

Lucius was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed immediately. He immediately dropped the cart in his hand and rushed towards the direction outside the nursing home.


"Damn it? Brother Walker, you're awesome."

"There's something wrong with that forward roll and dodge just now!"

"Get out, I'm so scared! Don't just stand there, come and help me!"

The woods north of the sanatorium.

A black bird stood on a tree branch ten meters high, its sharp eyes fixed on the players on the ground. The bird's legs are slightly bent, and the kite's large wings are folded back, ready to launch at any time.

After hearing the movement from Walker's side, the other three players immediately put down their work and rushed towards this side with an axe.

It may be that seeing the crowds on the ground, the black bird did not immediately launch the second round of dives, but stopped at a place out of everyone's reach and waited for an opportunity.

Gale bent down, picked up a black feather on the ground, and stared at it twice.

"Kind of like a crow."

"Then why is this crow so big and powerful?!" Glancing at the scratches on the wood next to him, Walker said with lingering fear while backing away.

"This thing should be a heterogeneous species... Mutants produced by gamma rays or other things, I read the settings on the official website." Tomorrow stared at him cautiously, not daring to relax for a moment.

Night Walker: "The official website has settings?! Isn't it just a reservation page?"

Tomorrow Seeker: "That was a few days ago... The official website was updated with new features yesterday, didn't you read it?"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, what should we do now? Just waste it like this?" Walker took another step back and said nervously.

Now the closest player to the bird is Gale.

Four people and one bird fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, a "Whoosh" pierced through the top of the four people's heads and smashed straight toward the big bird.


Although the stone missed the hit, it startled the big bird, fluttered into the air, and jumped onto another branch. When it fluttered its wings and finally stabilized its body on the branch, it saw that the person on the ground picked up another stone and threw it towards itself.

Big Bird was furious. It was the first time it saw a guy who dared to be so arrogant to him in this territory that belonged to him. The bent legs exerted force suddenly, and it leaped from the branch of the tree like a fired cannonball, and it plunged towards Lucius.

The sharp claws stretched forward like open hook locks. However, a beast is a beast after all, even if it grows another head, it is impossible for it to understand the trace of sarcasm that curled up at the corner of its mouth.

Throwing away the stone in his hand, Lucius skillfully grabbed the steel pipe inserted into the ground and stabbed the sharp end hard. In the blink of an eye, there was no time to dodge. Although the big bird fluttered its wings in shock and wanted to distance itself the moment it saw Lucius pick up the guy it hadn't seen, but it was basically impossible to make it in time under the action of inertia. The water pipe was like a javelin, and it pierced hard into its chest.


The shrill cry echoed in the forest. Bloody feathers flew in all directions. Seeing the big bird struggling to fly away, Lucius stepped forward silently and picked up the bloody water pipe from the ground.

"That's not a crow. Its scientific name is Falcon...about two hundred years ago."

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The four players stared at him dumbfounded, stunned by this set of smooth movements.


So strong!!!

However, they don't know that for the vast majority of survivors who can walk alone in the wasteland, this level of skill is nothing more than basic skills. In the past five months, Lucius has learned nothing else, but he has mastered the ability to throw the javelin, pointing and stabbing within ten meters. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the chance to stand here and pretend to be aggressive.

"Falcon?! Is it that big?" Gale asked in surprise, which overturned his understanding of birds.

Tomorrow swallowed and asked, "Because of gamma rays?"

"It's not just gamma rays. Viruses, bacteria, genetic weapons... All kinds of factors have combined to cause everything we see today. Of course, xenomorphs are only one of the threats we face. In some cases, people will be more powerful and dangerous than them."

Lucius looked up at the pine tree in front of the four players and continued, "The falcon just now should have made a nest in this tree. No wonder even after seeing so many of you it didn't leave."

Generally speaking, birds rarely provoke ground creatures that are bigger than themselves. Their diet is mainly mutated cockroaches, mice, and squirrels. Although the beast flew away, it didn't fly very far, and it was probably waiting to die on a nearby tree. Although the penetrating power of this kind of pointed water pipe is not strong, the hollow inside is a natural bloodletting tank. As long as a hole is pierced in the body, it is almost certain to die. Let alone a bird, even if a person touches it, it will be difficult to suture the wound.

Walker lowered his head in shame.

"Sorry... I was too busy chopping wood and didn't notice."

"Don't be sorry," Lucius looked up and said, "Bird eggs are a good thing."

I will have a good time in a while.


Lucius's judgment was quickly verified. Under a crooked-neck tree, he found the dead black bird's eggs.

He bled it with a dagger and stripped its feathers. Lucius threw it into an iron pot and put it on a stove made of bricks. He stuffed dry branches and dead leaves under the stove. The match was lit.

Cooking smoke rose.

Before the water boiled, Lucius took the blanched bird out of the pot, put it on a string, and roasted it directly on the fire. There are also those few bird eggs baked together. No salt and no spices. But even so, it was much better than half-cooked green wheat mush.

"This stuff... can we eat it?"

Looking at the "mutant" on the iron frame, Walker instinctively felt repulsed, but he swallowed reluctantly as the fragrance kept teasing him.

You can actually eat in the game! This is definitely a surprise for foodies. And this also made him instantly feel that all the hard work this morning was worth it.

"You can eat it when it's cooked, and I'll tell you what you can't eat." Lucius slowly turned the grill so that every side of the food was fully heated.

There are not many opportunities to eat wild game in the wasteland. Even if you can occasionally catch edible prey like this, it will quickly spoil due to lack of preservation methods. Here, salt is a more scarce commodity than electricity. Especially for survivors living in inland cities like Spring City, it is unrealistic to use a lot of salt to preserve food. As for the refrigerator, Lucius heard that there is one in the mayor's castle, but he has only heard of it, and has never really seen it.

Of course, the survivors are not completely helpless.

For example, Mr. Brown's farm, the survivor's stronghold next door, will produce a tobacco leaf rich in aromatic compounds such as tar and aldol ketones. Even if smoked without salt, it can extend the shelf life of food for several months.

"My lord, may I ask how much wood we need?"

Waiting for food to cook is a torment. In order to divert attention from the food, Tomorrow took the initiative to open the chatterbox.

Hearing this question, Lucius replied casually.

"Cut as many as you can."

The players looked at each other in blank dismay, not showing much enthusiasm. Lucius didn't pay much attention to it at first, but at this moment, then he suddenly thought of something.

They are 'Players', they are, 'Outsiders'. Unlike him who has already traveled here, they can leave here at any time, and there is no urgency to survive. Even if you tell them the importance of stockpiling timber, they will never really understand what this sentence means. The identity of the player determines that their perspective on thinking about problems is different from their own. Even if they don't mind working, but it's still hard to keep giving for something that doesn't pay off.

There are tasks. Naturally, there must be rewards.

"Let me think..."

Lucius, who touched his chin, fell into deep thought. Suddenly, he thought of an idea.

"At four o'clock in the afternoon, let's count today's results. For a tree with a thick arm, 1 point for each meter of length. For a tree with a thick thigh, for each meter, 2 points for contribution—"

However, what Lucius didn't expect was that just after his words fell, the four salted fish with bowls stood up with a bang.

"My lord, I suddenly don't feel very hungry."

"Me too."

"Anyway, there's still a while before dinner, I'm going to pick up two more trees!"

"I suddenly want to chop something!"

Lucius: "...?"

He hasn't said what the contribution points can be used for...

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