Isekai #2309523, Variant 2: Op Undying Skill

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Survival situation

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It was hard to tell exactly when it became morning due to, well, being in a cave where the only way out was mostly just a hole into the mist that was pretty dark during the day anyway. Speaking of dark anyway, Catnip realized they could see perfectly fine in this totally dark cave, they guessed it was just another perk of their species. They hadn’t really noted it before but the rest of the group had been able to see due to Flora casting a simple light spell. It was the simplest spell after all, so regardless of your magical focus or lack of magical skills most could float a small light like that easily. 


Regardless of whether or not it was morning or not, Catnip needed to get up as they noticed that Frank and Mia were beginning to stir, the 3 unconscious people from the attacking crew still totally unconscious. It was probably due to the pain from their rather significant wounds that Frank and Mia were stirring early, that or they were just early risers. Catnip didn’t know how Frank would react to suddenly being blind so they should probably be there to explain things when he awoke, keeping him from panicking. 


Setting aside the warm bundle of joy known as Flora, trying their best to make her comfy on the stone floor, Catnip crossed over and sat down next to Frank as he stirred. They put a hand on his shoulder so he knew he wasn’t entirely alone when he awoke. 


“Where are we…. It’s a bit dark,” he eventually said. “Fucking mess that whole thing was”

“Uhh… I don’t want to concern you too much but you’re probably going to be blind for the rest of your life,” Catnip said, dropping the bombshell without much cushioning.


Fortunately Frank was the kind of guy who was competent and rolled with things so he just sighed and said “Fuck. Ow”


“Are you alright, or should I go check on Mia? We’re in a small cave at the bottom deep into the valley by the way, kind of stuck here with a few others.” They paused for a second. “To be honest we were really hoping you would know what to do in this sort of situation.”


“Haaaah… fucking shit. You go check on Mia I guess, I’ll try to figure something out while considering the fact that I’m never going to see again,” Frank said tiredly. “Hopefully my classes and skills will evolve to compensate for my new disability, they’re known to do that sometimes.” He seemed to start concentrating on something.


“K, good luck with that.”


Mia was not awake but shivering a little when Catnip got to their side. They picked her up and leaned her up against themself a little to provide warmth, waking them up. They started to breathe a little faster, looking down and seeing the lack of one of their arms. Neither Frank or Mia should be in that much pain despite their injuries, the minor healing provided to them sort of scarring over their wounds, but it probably was still pretty bad. They hugged Mia close as she started hyperventilating, much less suited to dealing with horrible circumstances than Frank was. 


“Shhhh… It’s okay Mia, we’re gonna get through this.” they whispered to her. 


“... Okay,” she eventually said, reaching over with her remaining arm to touch the leftover stump. “... Can you sit with me for a bit? I would like it.”


“Sure,” they said and rubbed her back. “Can you still fight well enough with only one arm by the way? I think we’re gonna need your skills.”


“I guess, though I’ll be a bit worse at fighting for a bit. Not being able to dual wield is a bit of a setback.” She rubbed her shoulder with her remaining arm. “I’ll have to rely more on my magic, I think.”


They sat there for a time while the rest of the room woke up. Sorjorn stirred and started attempting to wake his comrades, having some difficulty but eventually succeeding and seemingly whispering to them about the situation. Fresia woke up decently soon but seemed to let her Lady sleep in, looking at her fondly in her arms. Flora woke up due to the warmth of their body being missing, and soon joined them and Mia in a bit of a cuddle pile. Frank continued to focus on nothing in an almost meditative way, perhaps trying to find some way to use his skills to perceive the world around him. 


They still heard the faint pulsing sound outside in the misty forest, and it continued to be rather unnerving. How exactly did they plan to get out of here, far below the road and stuck in the middle of the wilderness?


Eventually everyone woke up and they gathered in a circle once again, or more like a triangle with each Dacre and Fresia as one point, their party gathered at the other, and Sorjorn with his comrades at the last. He had begrudgingly introduced them as Rose, Myra, and Zack, each of them hired mercenaries he didn’t know at all before this job. 


Rose was a small unassuming woman with a fierce look about her, her crimson hair reflecting the fire of her drive to survive and thrive. She apparently had joined only for the money and had known little about the job, feeling somewhat bad about the whole affair but also believing she just did what she needed to survive, having fought her way out of the slums after escaping slavery. She needed to put food on her table and gain strength to survive, it was that simple. It wasn’t like either country had done any favors for her, both of them allowing slavery and preventing her from doing much of anything in society due to her status as a former slave.


Myra in contrast was battle scarred and rough looking, her brunette hair cut short. She had lived a life of fighting for some purpose for another, and found that it was all she knew when it was over, becoming a mercenary for the money and fights. Myra didn’t even know the purpose of the entire mission, she had just focused on the money and possibility of a good fight. She admitted feeling a little bad about having helped start a war when the reason for their job came up, but also thought that war between Verdon and Alvaria was inevitable. Their countries had never had particularly good relations, and this whole debacle with political hostages was the latest in the long line of sorta sketchy attempts to keep the peace between the countries. 


Zack didn’t want to talk about himself. He was very generic looking, short brown hair and an incredibly forgettable face, apparently it was something he used in his work to go unnoticed. As opposed to Myra and Rose who were more typical footsoldier fighters, he was a bit like a scout, or a spy, or an assassin. With his reluctance to discuss his past it wasn’t clear. 


Frank and Mia also introduced themselves, Dacre skipped on doing so because it was below her. 


With that out of the way, they finally got to the point of their triangular meeting: Figuring out what the fuck to do. Of course, despite being blind now, Frank somehow ended up starting the discussion. Apparently during his concentration time he figured out a way of willing a warrior sense skill he had to be several feet larger, allowing him to ‘see’ at least what was very close to him, enough to let him have no trouble walking and such. 


“So,” Frank started. “Our food is quite limited, as almost all of our rations were in the carriage. Fortunately I always have some rations in my backpack, but even that is really squashed. We’ll have to find a source of food soon. On the water front, does anybody know water magic?” He asked.


Dacre raised her hand. “My family has always been a line of water mages traditionally so I was trained from a young age to use water magic. I can provide enough water for us to drink, I suppose. With all this mist I can save mana by using moisture from the air rather than just magically making water.” 


“Thank you, I appreciate it,” he said and gave a thumbs up. “We have a couple of options here. We need some sort of food, and some monsters are edible once killed. We’re also in a region with totally unknown enemies, presumably with the majority of them stronger than us. We could try to gradually fight against monsters in the area to level up to the point where it wouldn’t be so bad, but it would take ages and would be incredibly dangerous.” He shook his head, “Or we can have someone scout ahead and look for the best route, focusing on stealth and avoidance. Probably Catnip due to the whole undying thing.” 


“I’ve never been the stealthy sort,” Sorjorn grunted, “And there’s nothing wrong with taking a chance to get stronger.” 


“I really hate living in these conditions, but I admit I don’t think we can simply escape her fast,” Dacre added. “If I remember correctly we were about a day away by carriage from the cheesery on Verbon’s side that I really wanted to visit.” She sighed, “And we can’t move anywhere near as fast as a carriage, there’s 10 times more obstacles in the way, we’ll be stuck here for a long while either way. Unless we can find a way to scale the entire cliff we fell off of.”


“What’s a bit of roughing it in the wilds anyway,” Rose commented. “I’ve had worse.” Myra nodded in agreement. Zack didn’t comment.


“I can’t honestly see a way we can scale that cliff in a reasonable manner, plus we’d be sitting ducks while climbing something that steep. We’re currently benefiting from the shelter we have at the bottom of the valley hidden by mists and woods, but we’d be out in the open up there.” Flora added, “So I think I’m also voting to try to sorta set up a bit of a base and level off some monsters. I’ve always wanted to explore uncharted mysterious lands anyway!”


“This is all rather pointless if all the enemies are too strong for us though,” Mia said nervously. “There had to be a reason why no one tried building the road through these lower areas of the range after all, and why it remains very unexplored.”


“You all have good points,” Frank acknowledged. “Now that we sort of know what we’re aiming for, what are our short term goals? This cave can serve as temporary shelter for now, but if we’re going to try the leveling route we still have to find the few monsters in this area we’re actually strong enough to defeat in the first place, while avoiding the worse ones. Regardless of what we do in the long term, we need somebody to do some form of scouting and at least find something we can deal with, whether it’s enemies we can afford to face or a safer route out of the mountains.”


“Uhh, maybe I can be that scout?” Catnip volunteered. “I mean, I know nothing about scouting, but I’m in no true danger unlike you guys.”


“Hmm…” Frank hummed, nodding. “From a perspective of who’s best for the job, Mia and Zack would probably be the best for actually scouting out and finding things, but you’re right. Maybe a scouting group with you leading?” 


“But… that would put both Mia and Zack into a lot of danger, even if I was there to take the first blow. Do we really want to risk that?” they questioned. 


“Girlie, life’s full of danger no matter what ya do. Sometimes risks have to be taken, and we’re already in plenty of danger with this shoddy excuse of a shelter,” Sorjorn interjected. “Plus, dangerous situations are where levels and skills grow the most. Try seeing it as an opportunity for them.” 


“Alright,” Frank said, and clapped. “Are we all in agreement? Zack, Mia, and Catnip scout out the area for sources of food, shelter, or monsters we can actually take? If we’re lucky there might be a few dungeons somewhere around here, they tend to scale levels and ranks a bit nicer than the wilds.” 


“Wait, dungeons are real?” Catnip muttered. “Oh wait, of course they are, this is an isekai world.”


“Yes they are!” Dacre said with a sudden energy. “I’ve been taught all about them by my tutors, they’re an incredibly important part of our world’s economy! I’ve been in a few, admittedly just to be power leveled by my family while in no real danger, but still!” She had a smug smile on her face, as if she was enjoying showing off her knowledge. “Did you know? Some dungeons grow like they’re alive, and have cores, but others just seem to form naturally out of old ruins and the like! Either way, they’re a wonder to explore! I used to want to be a dungeon researcher growing up, you know! Some dungeon cores or masters even communicate with us and make deals!” 


“Damn Dacre that’s a lot of enthusiasm ya got about this,” Flora commented with a small chuckle. “Good for you, it’s always the best to have something you're passionate about in life! Not that I’ve quite figured out exactly what I’m passionate about yet.” 


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“Anyway, right, Mia, Zach, and Catnip scout, the rest of us try to conserve energy and maybe get to know each other a bit more, you know, so we can work well as a team,” Frank eventually said. “Are we all good with that? Especially Mia, Catnip and Zack? I wouldn’t want to put you on the spot.”


“Ye I’m good with that,” Catnip “Mia you?”


“Kinda terrified but I agree it’s the right choice. I’m glad you’ll be there with me,” she replied after a moment of consideration. “Zack?”


“I am good,” he said firmly.


“Uh, okay. Well that’s good then,” Mia muttered back. 


“Side note, is Fresia ever going to get over the whole status thing and contribute to the conversation ever?” Catnip asked. “Just wondering.”


“For the most part, I have. I did not see a need to contribute. Milady would know better anyway.” she replied after a moment of consideration. 


“Alright then,” Catnip said. “So uh, Mia, Zack? Should we just like, go now or something?” 


“Uh, I guess. Give me a minute.”


“I am always prepared,” Zack said flatly.


“Okay. Good,” Catnip replied, watching the rest of the group go off to do their own things in the corners of the cave, whether it be cycling mana or Frank working on his perception skill.


“Guess, I’ll uh, get ready too,” they eventually said awkwardly and walked off to do that.



Twenty or so minutes later, the three were ready to go on their scouting mission. Flora saw them off, giving both Mia and Catnip big hugs and wishing them to come back safe, while Zack just stood there looking at them blankly. After that, they were off, exiting through the crevice and back into the twisting mists, pulse and all. Despite it likely being morning at this point, there wasn’t all that much light around. They agreed to first try scouting out along the edges of the forest, keeping close to the slope behind them, partially so they wouldn’t get lost and partially because the forest seemed scary as fuck. Zack was apparently really good at remembering the layout as places as a scout and Mia had a skill for it, in addition to the detection she was able to do with her wind magic, so they could probably find their way back from deep in the undergrowth but it was better not to risk it for now. 


Leading, Catnip walked while staring off into the mist, ready to jump at a moment's notice if their instincts flared. The rocky slopes behind them had a few other crevices and cracks that may contain something, but they didn’t explore it for now. Other than the pulse, occasional rustle and the sound of their own footsteps, it was incredibly silent.


At some point as they walked, Catnip began to feel as if they were being watched from the mist by something unseen. Zack and Mia were similarly alert, feeling unsettled but detecting nothing around them. The shadows in the crevices and cracks seemed to lengthen, and the forest seemed to loom over them, gradually closing in closer and closer to the thin gap between the rocks and forest they traveled in. Still, after an hour of walking, nothing. 


Suddenly, one of the pairs of footsteps behind them stopped. Catnip looked back, as did Mia, finding Zack staring blankly into a specific part of the mist. He always looked pretty blank admittedly, but this was even more so. He turned towards that spot, and started walking forward in a trance, as if pulled by some unknown force. They tried to signal to him, but he didn’t reply. 


Whatever this creepy shit was Catnip decided they probably wouldn’t from it while Zack might, so after a moment's hesitation they dashed forward and started pulling him back, turning to the spot he was looking at themself. To their distress, Mia followed them. 


Catnip forced mana through their blood magic skill, once again activating a crude form of blood sight, yet they saw nothing in the mist. At least nothing with blood. Though they got the feeling that if they walked to specifically 5 steps that way and stood still things would work out. So they did exactly that. 


Mia tried to call them back or something but they didn’t understand why. Catnip had judged this was the right course of action, they knew it was. It just was. Someone was sounding distressed in the background but it didn’t matter. 


Reaching the ideal location for the plan, whatever their plan was, they stood there and waited. Yes, this was right. A little to the left maybe. They turned, stepping forward, when the oddest thing happened. Feline Instincts seemed to say something was dangerous, but it was clearly wrong, because this was the best spot, the good spot. Their foot suddenly seemed to vanish though when they stepped there, which was odd, but fascinating really. Catnip should really step directly into the space their foot vanished from, they reasoned. 


Suddenly a flurry of blades of wind shot from behind them and hit… nothing, no something, something that was now making a horrific high pitched screeching noise, causing them to grab at their ears and face, to their horror finding blood. 


OH FUCK, Catnip realized at this point, snapping out of the strange state they were in. Invisible mind fuckery! They pulled with magic the blood dripping from their eyes, ears, and nose, the horrific sound seeming to have temporarily put Mia out of commission so she couldn’t continue her attack. Catnip formed the blood into another sickle and lashed out with it, then pulled more from their orifices, and did so again, and again, and again, and again until - 


You defeated Lost soul of the Mist![??][Rank 1] 

Congratulations, you unlocked the General Skill Mind Magic Resistance[Rank 0]

Congratulations, you unlocked the General Skill Mist Magic Resistance[Rank 0]

Level up and damage messages suppressed until later at the unconscious request of the user


Catnip pulled back, still bleeding from their orifices, the entire calf of one of their legs just gone. They were bleeding like crazy, but somehow their health was apparently okay. A normal person might bleed to death at this point but their regeneration and greater blood production prevented it. It was awfully hard to balance on one leg though at this point, so they kind of fell backwards. 


Onto Mia, who they turned to look at only to find her shaking erratically on the floor, her orifices bleeding just like theirs. Zack looked similar a few meters away, but the spark of intelligence was back in his eyes, no longer enthralled by the being. 


Crawling, Catnip pulled Mia to themself and tried to use their minor healing ability of blood magic, at least getting her orifices to stop bleeding, the shaking slowly stopping as Catnip dragged them both towards Zack, healing him similarly, before dragging them both towards the rocky slope, finding the nearest small crack in the rocks and dragging them all into the small, cramped space. Mia finally looked all there, as did Zack, but none of them said anything yet, huddled into the small crawl close to each other, trying to comfort themselves with the warmth of each other's bodies. That whole situation was kinda fucked. Catnip hugged Mia to themself as much as possible, who seemed grounded by the hug, and felt a bit better themself.


“Well that was something,” Catnip eventually said in a whisper. “At the very least, we can defeat one of those, so like, we can level here right?”


Mia stared at them like they were mad. “And risk being all pulled into the mist under its thrall? Catnip, if I hadn’t attacked it you both would have simply wandered directly into whatever it was, literally having parts of your body vanish out of existence mind you, and it was plenty likely I myself would end up enthralled too soon enough.”


“I see the logic,” Zack said simply. “Works for me. I just hope the next one we kill doesn’t scream that much.”


“What?” Mia angrily whispered. “Did neither of you hear what I said?”


“It’s okay,” Catnip whispered back, “Now that we know what we’re dealing with, we’ll at least be able to recognize the signs of someone being enthralled and respond fairly quickly. And they lead their victims directly to their location, which also exposes them to attack,” Catnip thought for a second, “And I don’t think it’s vanishing parts of our body with void magic or something. I got mist magic resistance, I think it just gets you to put part of yourself into its ‘body’ of mist and sort of like, instantly eats it. Now that I’m all there, I remember feeling a sharp pain that felt like my leg was eaten into and through in a second, so it didn’t really just disappear.”


“I don’t really think the mist eating you in half a second if you step into it is much better then just straight up vanishing Catnip,” Mia whispered, sighing. “But you’re both right. We don’t have the luxury to attack monsters we want to, if we can kill these things and we think they hang out around the mist near the edges of the forest, we have a chance. Though there’s no way we can get any edible monster parts out of this, seeing their lack of an actual body.”


“Yeah, I didn’t even get to identify it because there was nothing left and I was too busy being controlled to identify it earlier. Kinda sucks,” Catnip mumbled. “So uh, what do you say? Grind session on horrifying mind controlling mist creatures that cause you to bleed from your orifices to level up a bit then head back?”


“Sounds good,” Zack confirmed. 


“What? You know what, fuck it. Sure,” Mia exclaimed, quietly of course. 


As much as Catnip had hoped something like these creatures simply weren’t the kind of horrific thing that really existed in this world, they sure did hope they were right and there were more out there to kill in the mist, else it wouldn’t be much of a grind session. Finally, the LITrpg battles Catnip was desiring as soon as they fell into this world!

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