Isekai Crafting System

Chapter 5: The NEET Question…

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I smiled brightly as I continued to stare at my house. It was finally built. Though it wasn't much with the lack of furniture and being relatively small for a house. Only being about the size of my room.

Creating my house by far has to be the thing that I have ever done in my short life of 16 years! Even better than the time I helped my classmate get the uber-rare gacha character in Fate!

Creating my house by far has to be the thing that I have ever done in my short life of 16 years! Even better than the time I helped my classmate get the uber-rare gacha character in Fate!

"It's so good to finally have a roof over my head again!"

I said with a booming voice. I shivered. I felt like everyone in the world had heard that...

'Oops. I really shouldn't have said that so loudly. Better yet, I shouldn't even say it...'

I blushed slightly with embarrassment, before turning my head towards the berry bush.

The bush has some more berries for me to harvest.

'Let's see... 13 berries. Wow! That's a lot!'

I thought to myself as I felt shock jolting through me before beginning to pluck all 13 blue berries from the foilage of the bush.

'The last time I checked, these blue berries weren't here. Meaning that these berries grow really fast, or that I am blind and didn't check well. Hopefully it's the first option, because I don't want to be blind.'

I blinked, and before I knew it there was a blue bubble on the bush. It had suddenly appeared, and seemed to be boiling violent.

"Are you going to explode on me!?"

I began to sweat intensely as the berry boiled.

It oddly came to a calm. I hadn't expected such a thing to happen.

'Phew, looks like you aren't going to explode on me!'

I thought as I began to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

I glanced slightly away from the scene as I began to brush my forehead, but from the corner of my eye, I could notice a brilliant blue light building up in the berry. Out of the dark blue exterior, which appeared to have some rubber like texture, there had been a blue berry.

Out of the dark blue exterior, which appeared to have some rubber like texture, there had been a blue berry


I dropped my jaw for the fourth time this day. I began to drool as I did so.

'Blueberries in this world are super weird! I thought it would be normal. With it growing off the stem of a bush, rather than growing on its hedge...'

I shook my head profusely, shaking the thoughts of my head. I reached out for the berry and held it in my hand.

'Hopefully, you will be like the rest of the berries I have eaten.'

I thought to myself as I continued to stare at it.

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"Just don't kill me or anything ridiculous!"

I gulped before throwing it into my mouth. I gulped once more.

I was blasted with a paradise of sweet flavors.

"These plants in this world must be magical or something! It's just crazy thinking that berries like this could magically pop onto a bush! And to think that these berries would taste so good! It's seriously unbelievable thinking that these miracle plants would be a thing in this world!'

I pondered about the biology of this world's plants for a few minutes, before glancing up into the sky.

It was still morning, but ever since my first moment in this world, the winds have died down a lot. I'm pretty sure this trend of calmer weather began half an hour ago, when I was beginning to build my house.

"Now that I am thinking about it... It really looks like the perfect weather to begin an adventure!"

I said happily with a large grin on my face.

I turned back to my house and waved at it.

"Goodbye house, I'm going to be leaving you for a while. Hopefully, I manage to find my way back to you."

I said, then remembering my axe.

'I doubt that I would need my axe, but it's probably for the best if I bring it with me. After all, I have no clue of what I will encounter when I go into this forest.'

I thought to myself.


I placed my axe into my inventory.

I began to walk into the forest.

The reason why I decided to go on this adventure was because I was living a radically different life. It wasn't like an ordinary day in my life where I would be forced to stay at home due to the presence of stupidly difficult homework, parental overbearing. And even if I had the day off, like on a weekend or a holiday I would probably just spend my time reading manga or playing video games. But considering the fact that I don't have any of that in this world, I'm left with the only interest left in the world. Touching grass!

'But if I find something interesting to do, like something that would keep me preoccupied. I think I could become a NEET...'

Believe or not, but if I had magic powers, I would just fortify myself into my room to practice magic. After all, what kind of idiot wouldn't appreciate magic!? I definitely wasn't that idiot! I know how to appreciate good things.

After all, what kind of idiot wouldn't appreciate magic!? I definitely wasn't that idiot! I know how to appreciate good things

I pondered the NEET question as I continued to walk into the forest...

End of chapter


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