Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 107: 107 [せんせい]/(n, vs, adj-no) fierce struggle/(P)/

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- While I can be seated at the center of the story, the story is proceeding on its own, instead of myself.

In such an irrational circumstance, Hatsumi Hatsumi, with anger and much impatience, lay the cutting-edge of the sword on a new enemy now in front of her.

The enemy is a young man from Dragonut who calls himself Inru. I hope you follow me, but I don't talk about it, and now I'm on the verge of battle.

Meanwhile, the Eight Keys, standing on the arrow surface of the martial arts he unleashes, are sweating cold from his forehead, much like when Inru appears. The face it conveys is as rugged as if you've met even the ones you most didn't want to meet. There was no superficial fright, but the fears that were not there when relative to the demonic general Vishudda seemed to dominate his mind.

Eight keys are now rubbing their middle and index fingers together in a restless manner, keeping an eye on Inloo for a moment.

I spoke to him like that, from behind.

"Eight keys. I'll come forward."

If the battle is unavoidable, the tactics are the same as they were earlier. Leave him to cover in the rear guard and offer the avant-garde. A common tactic if you're a swordsman and a wizard.

But Eight Keys emits a harsh voice without even trying to turn around.

"No. You stay back. Not this time."

"What are you talking about? Why don't you two fight together? You have that look because you're a shitty opponent, don't you?



"... oh, yeah. He's a lousy opponent. So much so that the worst trauma is coming back."

I noticed it in the trembling voice of the eight keys, which was so irritating. The fingertips that are still rubbed together are shivering with fear, not that the movement comes from restlessness.

"... are you that scared?

"Scary. Even then, they were dragons."

"Is that the father of the eight keys?

"That's right. At that time I won, so I thought I'd already gotten over it, but that was sweet. Also, I'm shaking when I wonder if I'm losing something."

That sweat, engulfed with fear, is not only because it preceded the mighty. Waiting ahead of the defeat, he is afraid that the loser may receive it again for what he should redeem.

If you're afraid of defeat, shouldn't we both hit it all the more? Yes, suing silently,

"No, that's okay. I'll take care of this. He's not like the demon tribe he was before. A creature of another dimension. If you're in a state of memory, you still can't pull Decaying Leaf moves, Tourani, and the experience you've had out of the depths of your brain, he's just too tough."

"That's why"

"I was just a bunch of demons earlier, but you're in a streak. You've been fighting since you went to rescue the fort. You think you're okay, but you're out of focus."

"That's not true."

No, I tried to deny that voice, but Eight Keys blocked it.

"That's my dialogue. You're taking your eyes off him right now."

That's what they say, and I realize hah. I did tend to only care about conversations, as Eight Keys said, if you think about it. If Inru had moved him now, he would have slowed down his reaction and received his first blow.

What was not right and vigilant was evidence of a lack of concentration. I was relieved and breathed in such a divergence of myself.

Eight keys on the other hand say nothing more and step forward. His back spread out in front of him so as to shelter himself from an unfathomable opponent.


Mouth it, but couldn't go on with the words any further. Because his own mouth, which emitted the call, was silenced by his unconsciousness. It was still his back that took away his own words. His wide back, put out to block from the battle, overlaps one day's dream. The back I dreamed about was smaller, but now his back in front of me looks bigger than his actual back length and shoulder width.

Maybe that's all in his own eyes, his back is pictured as reliable?


Yes, then. That dream. It's just like the past I remember in my sleep myself. It hasn't changed. That figure offering her back to protect herself from the imminent threat in front of her. The side of a boy that just makes you feel like you only want to. That tender look that smiles when you don't worry. Tiny but above all honorable courage in the face of the wild dog in front of you.

Therefore, that thought of coming away.

- Didn't you get stronger because you don't like being just protected?

"Ugh, guh..."

The pain that accidentally struck my brain breaks my knee. What I hear late in the thunder that rang in my head for a moment is the sound of my knees reaching the ground. Did the sudden regression of memory overload your head? But the pain and inquiry like electric shock quickly disappears somewhere.

The voice of the eight keys that follow me down.

"Hatsumi? What's up? Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah. Nothing."

"Then back off.... please"

Quietly begging his voice had a definite weight. When I realized it wasn't coming from persuasion, but from a heartfelt plea, my will to devour any more had vanished.

I nod quietly when I get it, leaving Eight Keys. Between retreats, I saw a way for him to relieve himself in a smaller way.

When he takes some distance himself, the eight keys emit provocative words toward Inru.

"You waited politely for me."

"Wouldn't it be funny to hit a surprise in a corner fight? If you enjoy the fight, the beginning should be grand."

"I don't know. The world. You have a job to do, and I'm gonna put it away."

"Whatever battle a warrior is in, it's something he has to bring his own flux to the battle, isn't it? No matter what you bet it is. Aren't you?

When Inru speaks of his complacency, Eight Keys still answers the provocation.

"The Battle of the Sorcerer is an attack on the opponent's void. If we're gonna try each other, we're not gonna be square enough to kill each other."

"Poke at the opponent's void, but a fluent? It certainly doesn't seem like a wizard who can't fight from the front. But is that something I can reveal first?

"That's where you think. Doubt everything at best."

As soon as the eight keys have stripped the octagonal teeth from the look of crisis, the area begins to sway unnaturally.

Testimony left that the stability of the physical laws of the field has dropped extremely, or a lightning bolt as pale as a bee and a stray current has dashed around him. Changes in the electromagnetic field cause dust and coal to rise and disappear mediated by lightning. What a foretaste. Pointing his hand to the ground and experiencing a severe earthquake that narrowed his body, Hachi Shuiming opened his mouth quietly at the heart of such an incredible phenomenon.

"- Archiatius overload"

(- Magic furnace, load activated)

A strange sounding spell (a phrase) that is not undone by the roaring sound of shaking. Immediately afterwards, everything was blown away by the magic that exploded from the body of the Eight Keys and the ether wind it produces, by such intense shockwaves as would occur immediately after the bombardment.

I saw eight keys fly up into the sky between the thin open eye lids as I stuck the cutting edge of the knife to the ground and supported it. He said he was using the magic of flying in the sky, or he could take control freely even in the hollow, and after repeated several flipping orbits, he stopped within sight.

Inru, on the other hand, sees it and raises his voice of inspiration. You also think the grin mixed with your expression is using funny moves. Even if they take control of the airspace, it seems to be spare for him.

Normally, it's quite unfavourable, but I guess this common sense doesn't work because they're in another dimension, as Eight Keys said.

"Good magic. My heart has been pounding ever since I did it."

After Inru smiled so thinly, the words were released, as if they had shown each other.


"Tzu -"

At the same time that Inru and Eight Keys' voices overlapped, the curtain of battle fell.

- But what I saw at the beginning was an unexpected overmove on the Eight Keys.

The way the wizard fights, which he himself has seen here, is that he always makes safe time away from his enemies and unleashes magic from a distance. That's safer and easier to fight.

The reason is the same as the way the other world fought, which began in ancient times with stone throwing and then with bows and arrows and spear lengths, iron cannons, artillery and missiles, which transitioned so that they could attack from further afield. That's no different no matter where it is.

But that's not how the Eight Keys are fought right now. If you fly up into the sky, you're flying around Inloo while unleashing magic, even though you can keep unleashing magic over the sky beyond your reach. You're throwing away your interests. Even though I have more experience fighting than I have, I don't know what it means to dare.

Such a man, hi-chan, wonders if he has flown around the sky, occasionally lands kneeling in and jumps up again and again. Flip softly when changing directions, and the gap is small. And somewhere, it moves as if to confuse the other person.

Inru, who intercepts it on the other hand, is also standing around well, let's say. The place for him to strike is all the heaven in the hemisphere. The attack could come from all directions as far as I can think of.

But even if the Eight Keys turn to blind spots, they respond immediately and dodge. Besides, does the less powerful sorcery put out to restraint not work, or does it look as if it's cool even if it's decent to take it?

And it's his attack. Short range of magic matches the eight keys close to shooting and jumps for landing. It's like a raptor hitting a prey, but fast and sharp. A colored thunderbolt. A green thunderstorm, falling up, falling down. When you reach the front of the eight keys, you immediately regain the shape of a person and attack. Such is the god of thunder.

After several staggers, Rapid Thunder captured the figure of the eight keys.


With tongue-beating, the eight keys ring their fingers with the pussy. The air in front of the thunderstorm burst after him, but the thunderstorm caught him as though there was no resistance or obstacle.

Don't you have time to spin your words on the onslaught of too fast Inru? Dragonman's Palm Bottom is attacked by eight keys that cannot be defended by magic in time.

But its power was immense. Those eight keys are struck by trees that are not covered by dragon asthma (dragon lower), as if they were pinballs played by plungers.

... the sight took my breath unknowingly. I hear the sound of swallowing loud. If you don't land well, it's deadly.

But that's not the only attack Inru apparently had. Eight keys hit the trees or the ground, and for some reason the trunks, roots, and soil of the black steel tree (Black Wood), which was there, were grinded to pieces.


The sight that happened in front of me was unbelievable. I was wondering if that reliable man would be defeated so easily. Strongly gaze at those who have been struck by a stubborn refusal to despair, but even if the earth smoke clears, there are only traces of crushing -

"Eight keys!!

"... don't speak like that. Alive."

"Huh -?"

I thought I was caught up in it. I scream similar to screaming, and I hear that from somewhere else. Turning to his voice, he held down his stomach and gently leaned forward, and there were eight keys standing.

Are you treating me with witchcraft, a pale emerald light floats at hand that sweats but still holds my stomach down.

- I thought I caught you.

"I knew I could use Dracomai..."

"It's still this dialogue. I didn't know you knew that, and yet you were moving around to get out of my sight. But it's a long way from healing wounds, isn't it?

Yes, Inru, who is difficult to give you the untouched end of the eight keys and advises you invincibly. But Eight Keys didn't think he'd been poked in the gap.

"How about that?


Inru groaned suspiciously for some reason as Eight Keys hoisted the edge of his mouth and smiled coldly.

Immediately after, Inru flutters slightly, and shakes his head to shake off something.

What happened. I feel like I just woke up feeling dizzy or dizzy.

In the meantime, I noticed something.

"An eyeball painting?

On the ground, just next to the eight keys, there was another simple painting imitating his eyes, as when he defeated Vishuda earlier. If you look closely, there are a number of similar paintings on the ground around you, etc.

"The painting of the exorcism (Nazar Bonjou). Visual mutilation (your intent), which has a close proximity to the origin of evil and ideology, is diverted by this. I wasn't just fighting in the dark, was I?

"Oh, my God, I'm surprised you have the means to prevent this. Did this hit a shitty enemy?

Back to back with words like that, Inru laughs joyfully. On the other hand, it is expected that it is a joke, or the eight keys look abominable.

"Shut up. You have to get this far. You can't fight straight or cheat. Seriously."

"Right. Most people can't fill the difference, but no, they know the moves that humans shouldn't know."

"People in this world, right?

"Right! Are you a resident of another world? The magic used on the street is not the same as this one. Is that why you're close to a brave man?"

"That's the thing. I can't take Hatsumi with me."

"If so, that would be natural. But there's a reason why I have to take you too."

And Inru separates the words, then slowly takes the stand.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me. You know better than to be resented."

"I know about that. I'm not going to complain about the mess now even though it's starting. Let me tell you something, I don't like it."

Are you saying that there is nothing to talk about when you decide to push? He is still sweating in fear that he will not escape, even as his tongue sticks out and creates invincibility.

In such eight-key things, Inru makes a grin.

"Fine. Most people cry that what you're doing is wrong."

"Dear Hate, I don't like appealing to their feelings."

"It's something I used to say with a mouthful that seems to be good at reducing my mouth."

"You can't do that."

That being said, Eight Keys Shuiming rings his fingers with his pussy. The explosion of air was a violent artillery, announcing the opening of the second act of the battle of increasing intensity.

- After this hand was sealed, it should still be said that the Wizard's attack in front of us became even more intense.

As Suimei Yakagi said earlier, it would be because he was freed from the hassle of foresight. It remains unchanged that it is still running through the sky and travelling between the night sky and the earth, but the magic of shooting out is stronger, doubling its speed of exercise and frequency of exercise. As long as this is the case, it is within conceivable limits, but the issues raised are not there.

This man, Suimei Yakagi, deserves a surprise because he knows how to fight the Dragon Man better than we do. Getting close is never so close to fisting, on the contrary, it takes a lot more distance and fights than a measurable time in sight.

Normally, if you wield your fists, you will disappear without imagining the aftermath of power, as the demons did earlier, but this man is moving as if he is even seeing out the aftermath of that power.

And then there's the roaring wave we used as soon as we met. Suimei Yakagi shouted another name for Dragon Asthma (Dragon Lower), but the fact was that Suimei Yakagi clearly understood the nature of the Roaring Wave. If you are just a human being who doesn't know the dragonman's moves, you sensed them as soon as possible in the preliminary stage of operation and took defensive hands, even though it is common for them to evaporate in a daze.

The same would be true of dragon eye moves when it came to known. I decided from the beginning (Hannah) that I had that move that crushed the seers from place to place, and I flew around and stayed out of sight for a long time. And I also prepared a brilliant move to break it.

They are all special in one blow, hard to understand regardless of what you just hear with your ear, and most of them are just dying moves, even if you know it with your head. That's how this man keeps fighting himself now.

"Heh, heh..."

A laugh that leaks from the edge of your mouth unknowingly. What you see is the figure of a man who exercises constant magic.

A number of magic formations with different designs appear behind them and on the ground when Swimey Yakagi shows a finger waving motion or tapping behavior on the ground. Are those magic formations that are born without interruption replaced with chants? It creates magic from within a circle shape, and different attributes, unknown types of attacks, strike all the time filling your sight.

That's how this prediction has been betrayed since the beginning of the war. The speed and frequency of exercise are good. But what cannot be solved is the continuous exercise of the magic of Swimei Yakagi. I am not surprised because I know that I can go fast about the speed of exercising magic, but I didn't see my breath go up at all.

If you exercise magic constantly and continuously, that's all you have to dissipate magic outward from your body, which is why body heat rises in the body conduction of magic, and if you lack air, your body makes a mistake and runs out of breath. Normally, because of the speed of chanting there, I rarely see a wizard placed in that state, etc., but then the wizard has to temporarily interrupt the use of magic.

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But the man in front of you is not. Despite the fact that the indulgence of the soul is the human body, we do not hear from the mouth a small repetition of intake and exhalation.

Instead, he occasionally spits a large, bland vapor of magic out of his mouth. If so, it was presumed that there was a strange organ in the body.

Continuous exercise is a threat, but in some ways it can also be said that this constant attack is the defensive hand of Swimei Goatee.

It shoots the magic of flames, thunder, and light into the rain and seems to be attacking it at first sight, but it can also be accepted that it is constantly attacking with restraint to keep it from attacking this one. The evidence suggests that Swimey Yakagi hasn't unleashed his special magic yet.

"If you're attacking, we'll go this way."

As you step into the ground with words, the earth masses blow up as if beneath the surface had exploded. With that step he wielded the magic, reaching directly in front of him, and the throat of Swimey Goatee trembled into swallowing.

"Damn, you're moving too fast!

It was the crying screams that rose in awe. Again, he's in a hurry. Is it also a bad memory that this man has a fear of himself, no, a dragon man?

But that's not what I found out. Target under the jaw and release the kick. Swimey Yakagi throws her body out to evade a blow from just below. I wondered if I had thrown away the landing, but since I could fly freely through the sky, I would have no posture or anything. A blow in pursuit with a back fist to a swimey goatee who moves unnaturally like he was pulled by something he can't see.

I expected a painful hand in the aftermath. That could have caught up with Swimey Yakagi. A wave of directed force inside my leg. You can hear it at the same time, the sound of a broken bone. Immediately after the expression of anguish appeared on his face, a green circle with letter numbers was formed on the broken part.

It's the magic of recovery. Whenever he inflicts pain, Swimey Yakagi magically repairs the damage he has suffered that way.

- What can't be attacked is the same here?

Such self-derision rises in my head, and at the same time the magic of flames is unleashed.


"Take whatever you want!

He shouted and screamed at the attack, but it wasn't what he expected. Was the magic of the flames that greatly deprived me of my sight a cover-up, or a small magic formation appeared one inch ahead of me.


The location is most recent. Your brain decides on its own that if you hit it, it won't do it, or your body reflexively takes evasive action. But when he leaves the Little Magic Formation, another Little Magic Formation is formed between the Little Magic Formation and himself, and he comes after himself. Whether it moves faster, snakes, or jumps up, the little magic formations don't come together and stay in line. When I felt out of place that it was like a snakebelly toy, it finally stripped my fangs against me.

- Chain explode. Along with its keywords, successive explosions. I was instantly captured in the face.

"Gu, ah..."

Turn away, but the shock wave didn't cut off because of the recent situation. Power is Gilberto's monstrous blow. I just don't feel comfortable leaning back. But there's no obstacle to the fight. Shaking his head gently, in the night sky is the shadow of a flock of blue stars.

- Did you get into the offense first?

Soon after I get a sense of crisis about that feeling, Swimey Yakagi runs his mouth.

"- Ad centum transcription.Augoeides randomizer trigger"

(- Optical luminosity abbreviated operation. Randomly deploy the best to the hundredth, strategic bombing)

Shortly afterwards, the blink of a star shaking with the rain. The magic of light descending from the sky evoked the light of the stars in the empire, but apparently this is a different kind of technique.

Overflowing with magic and taking a defensive stance because you missed the opportunity to avoid it. Not so much, the magic ended,

"That's not the end of it."

As expected, the next magic was withheld.

Soon he flew backwards and backwards, Swimey Yakagi spins his words as he lands.

"- Fiamma est lego.Vis Wizard.Hex agon aestua sursum.Impedimentum mors"

(- Fire, gather. Like the sorcerer's screaming resentment. The exorcism burns in form, and the fate of death to be feared by those who hold back before me)

A large number of red magic formations are painted in the surrounding space and the Great Magic Formation unfolds at the foot of Swimei Yakagi. As the double outer circumferential circles surrounding the letter shapes of the Great Magic Formation each rotated at high speeds in opposition, the surrounding ground was engulfed in flames.

The red of the plain is pictured in the eyes of Swimey Goatee. The glow of red fever is a hot will. moments blinded by the sight,

"- Fiamma o asshurbanipal!

(- Then shine. It's the dazzling stone of Ashur Banipal!

The light of the bamboo that is gripped in your right hand. At the same time as the jewels were scattered, the flames of wildfire burst forth from the great magic formation, and the earth was heated red and boiled everywhere.

A common sense comes to mind that flames don't work on dragon men, but at the same time a bad feeling strikes me in the back. I set aside my favor for that feeling over common sense, which is useless on the battlefield, and before the boiled earth took my feet, before the snake's whilst stretching flames tangled, I focussed all my efforts on escape and fled away.

The scratching was achieved, but the heat that propagated the air sears itself. What I feel on my skin is twitching pain I've never felt before in my life.

After all, they weren't just flames. Perhaps there is another curse besides generating a flame. If you're not sure you want to get this right, the heartbeat sounds like an alarm from the back of your head.

Ahead of slipping through the flames, a swimey goatee poking in. I learned a little confusion about the wizard approaching herself, but the moment I went in or out of time, it became smoke in front of me and disappeared.

It also leaks a grin.

Signs behind you before you can see where the smoke is going broken up on all sides. Hurry and look back, in front of you is the figure of Swimei Yakagi with a small magic formation in the palm of his erected palm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!


The mood of the cracks that synchronize. A clashing roar. Layer a dragonman's fist on a small magic formation protruded with his palm. Each force that collided shortly afterwards was converted into a burst and shock wave, jumping the body.

When I got in shape and looked over there, there was a swimey goatee who was just as jumped if he had suffered the aftermath of the collision as well.

- Oh, what a heartbeat fight. Was there such a good battle? The battle I have not sought before is about to be fought.

That's right. When I raise a drink in my heart, the face of Swimey Yakagi gets worse. And let go, accusing you of talking.

"What's funny?

"Hmm? Were you laughing? Oh, no, this is so much fighting. What if I'm not happy?

"No, that's what he was..."

Swimey Yakagi said annoyingly small after she spoke, muttering, "Battlejunkie..." etc. That's probably a word referring to an arrangement like your own. But the words bitterly spouted from the mouth of the enemy are an indisputable praise. I can admit to myself that it was only because the strong thought it was hard on me that I had a point in my previous build-up.

Therefore, this battle had significance. Because there is a frontier here that I will not seek, and it is here.

It's just a matter of spare time, why the patrol with this man is so good. I'm so lucky to make it to battles like this in places I can't think of. But given that I can't fight as much as I want because of the middle of the mission, I can't help but seem unhappy as soon as possible.

"- Oh, I can't stay."

Did the voices spilled unknowingly arrive? The wrinkles on the forehead of the swimey goatee increase visibly because the trance-colored voice and what the word means are the opposite.

But for some reason, they don't shoot magic at me. Even though I was shooting at this earlier, even though I didn't seem to have shortness of breath, is it a small pause?

It is also possible that he is refraining from making moves, but this place stops where he steps in and strikes out.

This one hits, it's a serial strike. But is the wizard in front of you accustomed to melee, which is also the battle of the distance between beatings? I judge beautifully and skillfully. Even a deadly distance for a wizard is a tongue-wrapping thing to deal with.

But still, they're not compatible with the deal of getting a beating. Neither can human arm strength or strength withstand the power of a dragon man. The reciprocating arm immediately rubs off and shows the red meat, and the arm instantly becomes like a twinge.

"Gu, uh..."

SWIMEY YAKAGI who groans but takes a quick break. Without striking such a man in one breath, his suspicious gaze was turned.

I was wondering why you didn't cut the offense.

That's the other thing I didn't have a feeling I could attack and knock it out.

It's a good thing it's hard to fight.


"Don't you? If the opponent is a difficult opponent, he can fight that long and try the moves he's cultivated."

"... There is certainly something fun about the charm and reward of moves. I wish this wasn't the case."

"I agree. No, I don't think it feels right."

"No, my moan and yours are different things. Definitely."

"That's the end of the story."

"... you. That's it, right? That does everything you're not interested in. Personality, right? You have a good personality, really."


While I'm interested in the conversation between battles, Swimey Yakagi now flushes her fat sweat like a waterfall from her forehead. But it is also true that the fright is fading somewhat. Perhaps because this man, too, has as one of his aims to be strong. He says it's different with his mouth, but because the wavelengths have matched in previous conversations, it may be somewhat soothing.

The place to go is different, the same as what you're looking for. A height no one has been able to reach and a dream to poke and move it. This man has it. I do dream about it.

"That's hard. Truly. You have a different glow than that one."


Just as the light in the darkness is dazzling above all, so is the man in front of him, also dazzling in the darkness. Let's just say the analogy that the Dwarf woman spoke of was certainly firing a target.

"Nevertheless, don't talk too much."

"Not at all. That's surprising to me. Even though it's only the pinnacle of stupidity, such as boosting your mouth in battle. - Oh, yeah, this is that one. It'll make you want to talk too much."

Neither wasted hands nor conversations have ever been sandwiched in battle before. But I guess the reason why I can't stop doing that is because it's difficult. The hard stuff is important. Because I don't want to break it by touching it too much, I may be adding my palms without knowing it myself. Even though we fight to break it, this is a lot of contradiction.

Did Suimei Yakagi have a short pause? Behind me I wonder if I magically pruned the trees in the distance, snatching them and flying them. A bunch of giant trees that push over the air, roar and attack. Black steel wood (black wood) has thick trunks and is sturdy. A human would just be sorry if he hit it. - If you're human.

"It's not gonna be too late for me."

As the saying goes, what I saw in between were the shadows of Swimey Yakagi hiding behind giant trees and walking side by side. When I fist smash the trunk of a black steel tree, I poke that gap and it approaches my eyes.

A magician with a silver knife cut ahead of him and poked at him. But...

"Come through..."

The cutting tip pokes the chest, but the blade only goes through the kimono. There's no way you can get through the dragon man's skin to the extent of a man's blade.

Then who should undertake the gap?

I got that arm.

A knife severs the right arm of Swimey Yakagi. Loss of leverage would be the price (tsuke) I brought myself into an unfavourable melee. The tip of his right arm jumped and blood erupted from the incision.

Brave screams heard from afar. And the face of a man distorted in agony. But Swimey Yakagi won't back down. Instead, I just step in to say that I've got a gap after I cut my right hand off.

But it's still within our expectations. Not to mention that the technique of letting them strike first and capture this gap at the expense of their own flesh and bones is common, but it can be a hand. But it went against expectations and was the arm of someone who was cut off in a circle for some reason.

It doesn't arrive. It's not long enough. Did you miss the sight? No, I guess it was just a misery because I put out my right arm.

Swimey Yakagi's mouth moves when he brackets the limits of man and tries to make the attack take precedence over thought.

"Are you sure? So."

- The right arm dancing through the universe suddenly changed its orbit and jumped towards itself. I get stuck with that move.

"- Ha. Is that coming?"

Was the word colored with joy because the moves had long surpassed expectations? But the unexpected didn't stay just that, and the incision of the jumping right arm fitted in such a way that the incision protruded by Swimei Yakagi could be pushed.


Immediately afterwards, a magic formation of circular rings occurs on the combined wounds, glowing and rotating in emerald colour. Synchronized and intense stepping under your feet. Air to be squeezed and scattered ether winds. Crushing earth. When it is safe as it is and a punch of uncolored fists is knocked in.


What the fist captured was the face.

I never thought about getting a man such a fist of power.

The ground at your feet alone cannot escape the power, and you are forced to scrape the soil with your feet attached to the ground, pushing it back heavily.

Cut off all the force, fold it stopped, put your hand on your jaw, cockroach to make sure you're feeling well, and clatter your neck.

Swimey Yakagi, who was flying up into the sky without time, gave a bitter voice.

"It's hardly working..."

"Hate and this one is a strong creature."

"You're being man-made, and you're not even damaging your brain. That's why they call it a scam."

Such a cry is comforting, as is the pain I have received. Press your neck with your arms, then turn, and make sure you feel it again. The man who inflicted the out-of-the-box pain has already moved to point to his next hand, but I wanted to give myself up now for this long-time comfort.

He kicked the ground and swept up dirt smoke against Swimey Yakagi, who tried to shoot magic.

"Shh! You're imitating people!

"No, no, no, no, no. I didn't throw it away."

The front was instantly covered with earthen smoke. I can't see it, but now I can't see that one either.

Abandon the unwanted sensation and focus solely on reading the signs. The opponent is a wizard of immense power. If you follow magic, you can know exactly where you are and more than you can see with your eyes.

- Yes, that's a story if you don't have more people in person.

"Split? No, more?

"First replicant, don't let me use it -"

It wasn't just more signs of magic. Exactly the same signs increased in unfavourable sight. Yes, it's as if Swimey Yakagi showed up many times on this occasion.

Shortly after I heard my voice, the ground accidentally collapsed.


They take my leg. Has something been done? I follow my memory looking for magical causes, but I don't have any behavior that comes to mind. The ground boiled down by the magic of the flames earlier is at the feet of Swimey Yakagi, and the ground here is not as loose as it collapses in stepping.

As he glanced directly beneath him, he saw the glow of magical light. When did you set up the magic team?

When I look up, the look on Swimei Yakagi's face is in a sense of crisis and he has a grin.

(Right, the optics earlier -)

All I can think of is the magic that rained the light. You didn't just shoot in, did you make sure the scars on the earth became a magic formation?

- Before he started fighting, Swimey Yakagi said, 'Mages are what poke at their opponents' voids. I see. Sure, this serial strike was unexpected, and let's call it a brilliant tactic. Even if the ground collapses, there won't be a scratch on this one, but in this state, the stomping won't work and I can't move fully. That's why I forgive the next blow to Swimei Yakagi.

The surrounding dirt and sand rise. Winding a vortex and stretching it up into the sky like a whirlpool, it flies toward us. You know the other side knows that a mass-demanding (that kind of) attack doesn't work on itself - but no, I guess there's something else about this if it is.

"- Ground seal"

(- Ground sealing technique)

Looking up, directly above is a falling avalanche of earth. Not so much, they were all covered in themselves.

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