Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 116: 116 Clygalotoroni Phantom Sword

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"Mr. Refile. Your sword is marked by anger and haste."

Clarissa, on the triangular roof, turned her back on the sunlight already leaning towards the cedar color, and said so like a commandment as she looked down at Refile.

Time has passed since the battle began, and it is approaching the earliest evening. Refile asks back to her words as she narrows her eyes to a dazzling sunset.

"What does that mean?"

"It means as it is. There is impatience seeping into the sword muscle. I'm not saying it's cloudy, but it's not balanced."

Refill belies Clarissa's pointing words with a sniffle.

"I've fought with people who use that kind of manifold. It's a soothing hand that plays and shakes to grasp the thread of victory because of the antagonism between you and your opponent."

"This is advice. Mr. Refile is called a victory, but there is no such thing as a victory that I would like to win in this battle. If you know what we're doing, you know what we're doing. Besides, will you be aware? You're in a hurry to win at a time when you're talking about winning a battle like that."

"... I'd like you to keep your windy mouth shut that you know"

"Nothing hurts my ears more than advice that I can be showered from above. Me, too, I remember. It is more painful than ever to be behaved in the position of the strong, aside from the mediation that does not require advice."

That was definitely a worn story. The warnings in the midst of battle make me angry above all. You know that and you talk about it, so you get extra irritation.

I want you to take a sword attack and shut him up. I think so, but it hurts again that it can't be that easy. Where Clarissa is is is not out of reach for Lefir. But even if we wave our swords here and expose Azuma to the sword strike waves involved, we'll never hit Clarissa.

Therefore, Lephile can only listen to Clarissa's mouth as she knows it.

"Mr. Refile. It is only through that advice that people will be strong. It's what I want that everyone gets strength that can't beat anything. No, it's what we want."

Yes, let's say a priest of the Salvation Church at all, who speaks highly of what he hasn't even heard.

But I have something to say to Lephire, too.

"... Sister, let me also advise you. Spitting an exaggeration on a fighting opponent is what you do after you win. Rub the opponent to the ground and beat him to the point where there is no sound. Know that you have every right to glorify yourself."

"Sure. Let's do as I say. Advice, it hurts."

"- Tz."

Listen. I'll be thankful. To severely broken Refile, Clarissa bowed her head respectfully on the roof.

A woman who still shows such an attitude in this situation strokes Refill's heart back.


Clarissa foreshadows that, humming her nose. And...

"If you're just as obsessed with useless retention as that shit, you're going to defile yourself with a defeated head forever. For a dog to die like that garbage scum, fine dust is not worth it."

What she showed was crude language, attitude, and killer than she could imagine at all from her ever bewildering attitude.

You're making a mistake. I feel like I've been told otherwise that way, and my spine hits cold.

But then Clarissa finishes the conversation or flies like she was bounced off the roof and comes straight to the line.

The beastly velocity is superior, and its velocity is no longer noticeable. The movement itself is just a slash. Just as she passes by the side, she is mutilated by an attack that is uncertain whether it is nails or fangs.


The only thing that now looks like a refill is a remnant line that pulls its tail off after something passes through. I can punch a sword into that. But because you can't capture the target, the slaughter is a dark cloud. Of the sword you don't even know where you're slashing your opponent, where is your special attack coming from? A sword, etc. wielded like a wish to hit, can't even hit the target.


Predict the passage of the slashed line and wave down the sword with Akkun.

But no matter how many voices you raise and slash, the sword just slashes the sky.

Hence the rush scorches my back. As it is, if I lose.

Refill shook his head in his heart at such a prediction that came to his head. We must not accept defeat or anything else. He said he should never lose again.

"Then blah...!

If you don't hit it, just make sure you hit it. That's what makes them cut meat and break bones. If you ignore the rest of it from the edge, and hang everything just then, which extends to slaughter, then a special thought should pass. Under that solution, Lefir stood in front of the slashing line, extending to the slashing of his whole body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


"It's sweet."

The sword swung empty, and words of such pointers were thrown along with a feeling of being nostalgic.


Then he is blown away by the impact that struck him. What I saw was a twitch. Only the steeple was removed from the steeplechase, but the force applied was properly received.

Keep it up, roll the ground. What you hear is the screaming voices of the Fermenians and the yelling voices of Gilberto. The consciousness fades for a moment, but we mustn't lose our mind here. We forcefully hand in our consciousness and use the rolling momentum to rise.

"That's the godson of the Spirit."


Clarissa pays her nails as if she were going to even wiggle her blood and walks in slowly. There was plenty of room to look at from the move, and Lephile felt like he had been poked again at the earlier point in contrast to himself.

In the meantime, a magic formation is suddenly drawn on the ground. In sights like the one we saw earlier, Lefir and Fermenia bite their teeth.

Eventually, however, what emerged from it was Shui Ming, who had fallen into the magic formation earlier.

"I don't know where you are. You must have come..."

With one knee poked, Shuiming represents that quiet rage in a seemingly evil state. The clothes have turned into black suits, but apparently there are no particular injuries.

To him like that, Lephire speaks up.

"Suimei, you're safe..."

"Oh... hey! Refi, are you okay!?

"I don't know."

folding a smile toward Shuiming like Refill had been forced to,

"- But you can say the battle with me is a defeat."

Clarissa flushes sideways through the wind and dust that danced with rubbing on her soles of her feet, approaching the present of Refill. That over-translated narrative hung with remorse and frustration.

I perceive that Refill can't move, and Shuiming goes into shelter. Then Clarissa seemed to have a sense of crisis in the fight against him, jumping back big enough to distance herself.

In the meantime, Shuiming sends confirmation words to the Fermenians.

"Fermenia, what about you!?

"Hey, what a..."


"This one's full of hands over here!


Fermenia is deploying a magic of defense against Gilberto's giant machined axe spear. Wherever it comes from, the barrier is deployed all around an extinct attack known only to a small Dwarf woman. With four eyes with Liliana, who assists behind her, she is rotten in discerning the point of landing.

I can defend, but on the other hand, I can defend.

Hatsumi, waving her sword near it, was nailed to the battle with the white girl.

- One by one, do we have to do something about it?

Gilberto shouted as Shuiming gave such an answer to the current situation and boosted his magic all at once.

"Hey, Clara!

"I know!

Clarissa responds to the call and takes the distance. One or Jilberto also pulled the tip of the axe spear back into the pattern and stood next to Clarissa.

"Jill, don't be alarmed. Lady Swimey discussed Loomion and made that Inru admit it."

"Why did you think he was like this, but I see he's not a 'normal guy'. You're a complete impostor."

Zilberto spits out all the time, witnessing the power of the water. They too, martial arts are intense. I won't take any pull with that Inru. To the manifestation of its power, Shuiming also returns evil.

"Imagination. I don't know how you can talk about people."

"Yes, it is."

Yes. When Gilberto admits it, neighbor Clarissa mouths another suggestion.

"Dear Swimey. Why don't you take Mr. Refille and the others and pull it off?

"That's a dialogue over here, Sister. I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'd like you to think of something else. Can you do anything about it?

"I wish I could..."

It was then that Gilberto answered that the flow changed.

"- Clarissa, Gilberto. It's good now, back off."

From the sky, suddenly the voice of our low man descends. Shuiming looked up at the cedar sky and turned his gaze to those who spoke, he saw a shadow on the flat triangular cut wife roof.

"Chi, there's been another increase. - Ah?

As soon as it poisons me, Shuiming realizes something's wrong. Soon the sun will tilt, and after a while it will be somewhere called sunset, but if it still stands on a roof with no shield, its appearance should be revealed.

But the person who supposedly gave Clarissa and the others a life of retreat was somehow unclear about the statue, as if it were caught in a mirage.

A man's voice passes towards Clarissa and the others again.

"Let's go."

"Are you sure?

"The time has slipped. If you're late, you'll get caught up in something you don't want."

"I didn't know you'd get involved."

When Clarissa returns such a question to the man in the mirage, she hears the sound of a flutter of sayonakidori from nowhere. Shortly afterwards, a shaky world. It was an incredible shake of space unlike an earthquake, and eventually the sayonakidori (not even) ridge turned into a sound that was emitted when the giant iron broke.

"... at this time, you say it's a mystical force field shake (Manafield Vibration)?

It is Shuiming who raised such a voice of perplexity. This oscillation is a close phenomenon for him, the sorcerer, but it seemed as if he had no idea of the kind of factors that would happen in the present situation. Besides, the shaking that is happening now has always been more uncomfortable than the shaking that occurs when using magic.

On the other hand, it was Gilberto who raised his surprise at this unusual phenomenon.

"Hey, what's this!?

She seems to encounter this phenomenon for the first time and is baffled by a different tremor than an earthquake. Clarissa next door seemed to have the same thing, watching out for the Mizumins with Gilberto but looking around without alarm.

"Relax, Gilberto, Clarissa"

"But Dear Gottfried!

"There's no problem. This is also within our expectations. Shaking fits right in as long as you keep it adult."

As the voice taught, the shake eventually subsided.

Verify the sedation, and Fermenia will ask.

"Lord Swimey! What's this?"

"No, to me too..."

We all had no idea what the cause of the outbreak was or what this sway was foreshadowing. The causes of mystical force field oscillations (manafield vibrations) occur as precursors to the manifestation of high-ranking beings and the exercise of great magic.

However, neither of them applies to the conditions under which it occurs in this situation.

But in fact, it's happening and it's informing us of some kind of change.

Then why did it happen? When Shuiming thought about it, he realized what time it was.

"Right, at dusk!

Yes, at dusk, an obscure time between day and night. At this time, there is a possibility that beings, called "monsters," "end-of-life kettles," and so on, will be present in the world.

opposite direction of the setting of the sun, as if that flicker were affirmed to be the right answer. A black dot was worn on the realm where the night book was closed and the blue waves slowly crawled through the sunlit ground.

From there, suddenly a black beast floods out.

"Hey, what's that!?

A black beast - an amazing first beauty to see the monsters erupt one after the other from the dark hole. On the other hand, Lefir observes as to whether he is somewhat calmer than she is and who he is.

"Dog...... no, wolf?

"Something's creepy, sir."

I guess that black figure made Liliana think of sinners and scoundrels. She pulled behind Refill to see the suspicion or not.

But the figure of the beast is obscure, both like a dog and a wolf, as Lefir groaned, and the black that dyes his body reminds him of the shadows of darkness that he sees at dusk. The pupil-like part was red and greasy like blood, causing shadowy bands to dance around him.

Fermenia turns her eyes round to that look she looks familiar somewhere.

"Lord Swimey, is this...?

"This is a monstrosity. A monster in our world... no, it's worse in nature than a monster."

The dogs and wolves that are currently between the eyes are classified as a type of end-of-life event (Twilight Syndrome) among magicians, Class C weirdness.

Because the French region was the first to observe this phenomenon, it was said that the first phenomenon to emerge was "Entre chien et loup".

It would be an unparalleled irony that this word, which was affixed with the meaning of the peril that appeared in peace, gave shape to the phenomenon.

There is no regularity in the movements of the overflowing suspicions, or lurking in the shadows and glowing red eyes, or roaring low in areas beyond the reach of the sun, setting a goal for those raw who are now.

That wasn't just the Watermings, and Jilberto and Clarissa were no exception.

Gilberto strikes his tongue at the suspicion that tells him where he is unconscious and attacking him.

"Chi, these guys, over here too"

"Throw it away, Gilberto. That's something you can't defeat without a swordsman or a magician. It's useless just to annoy your hands. You don't have to."

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"I know that..."

"Dear Gottfried..."

Isn't it bad as it is? Yes, Clarissa sues with her eyes, but the man in the mirage standing on the roof was still negative.

"No. It does not extend to our defeat. Even if you keep quiet, the man will do something about it. You can't possibly. You can't even not do it. Wouldn't you?

So separated, the mirage man said,

"- A disciple of Nesteheim the Sorcerer, a modern magician (Superior Wizard)"

Mizumi turns to the roof in a hurry to say that she knows its qualities.

"You know!?

Scream, but the man in the mirage does not answer. It's as if you're whispering about Mizumi. But in Shuiming, a faint grin appeared on the face of the statue unclear.

"Guys, we're pulling up."

That's what the mirage man says and urges Clarissa, Gilberto and the churchmen in white to retreat.

"Wait! To my question."

"I don't have the in-laws to answer, but right, let me just tell you one thing. Remember that we are the Messengers of the Universe.


When Mirage has a bewildered look on his face, the mirage man casts a spell either to prevent tracking.

"-Code pragmatic.Flame resist kenon. To become one, it turned into mud"

(- shows an image. Flame and resistance, Kennon with mass. those concepts become one by our word, clustered in mud)

Exercise of mystery. At the moment of such conjecture, shapes and symbols are drawn by magical light in the space between Mizuminos and Clarissa. The flames randomly jumped out of there, I wondered, and shortly after they burned around, they all turned into the red mud that produced the pneumonia.

Red mud still begins to grow as if the flame were to prolong, creating flames around it as well, and stands as a wall to looming suspicions. The suspicions also try to chase Clarissa and the others, but in the end they were unable to break through the area where that mud existed.

On the other hand, it was Shuiming who was surprised to see the exercise of the technique.

"The current technique..."

I don't recognize the symbols and shapes that the magic light brought to life, but the current technique was not magic using the elements of this world. I mean, magic. Besides, it was a technique with verses that came to mind in Shuiming.

"Suimei! I don't know what you're surprised about, but we don't have time to be hardened!

"Oh, oh! Right!

Pointed out by Refile, Shuiming focuses his consciousness on the weirdo coming towards us. Now, that's not the time. The night book had already reached nearby if you noticed, and the monsters were approaching right there.

"- Take the wind as its conveyance. Bring that flame to you, which appears to be swaying. My voice. Deliver, you white stained eye sim. My voice, deliver, shake off all your calamities, Isim."

Fermenia unleashes the magic of the White Flame Octopus towards the monstrosity. The incandescent rays sweep away the suspicion, but the suspicion was there flat as if nothing had happened.

"Lord Swimey, what can I do with this!? Shooting magic doesn't do much good..."

"Back off! These guys can't be defeated by shooting normal sorcery! Fermenia, take Liliana behind you!

"Wow, I get it!

Fermenia follows Water Ming's instructions and takes Liliana, who was behind Refill, down to the impending rear of the still darkness. Among other things, Shuiming turned to Lefir,

"Back off, too, Refi! They're special..."

"Wait. I'll try."

So he said, and Lefir put the red wind together at the tip of his sword without backing down and slammed it toward the monster that had popped out of the shadows.

Does the red wind, which is part of the power of the Spirit, also work against the monster, the monster was taken in by the turbulence of the panned red wind, which erupted and collapsed from the wound with black blood.

"I can go. I'll take care of this one."

"Awesome...... oh ok. And then... Hatsumi?

Fu Shuiming notices that there is no childhood familiarity nearby, and runs his gaze looking for that figure. Where are you? Immediately find the figure, but she was already surrounded by a suspicion.


How can you be so far apart when you were definitely there until just now? In the realm of unconscious darkness, Hatsumi is slamming a sword attack against a constantly swarming suspicion. But slaughter doesn't work as if it were a monster. I broke down and played, but I couldn't help but wear one of the scratches.

- Humans can take action against the phenomenon that strikes, pay for it or defend themselves. But so that the phenomenon itself cannot be lost from the world, it cannot be erased by a mere sword attack to a 'phenomenon' called an end-of-life event.

"These guys are getting more and more......!

While striking a knife at the suspicion, Hatsumi finds herself in agony at the expression.

"Hatsumi! No! Back off! I can handle these guys..."

"I told you that, not like this, until these guys get over there!

In those words, Shuiming realizes once more. Where Hatsumi is now, in front of the bridge. And beyond that, there are a lot of people. We'll figure it out because we're here, but if we let even one of you go, we'll be in trouble.

Range attack is active because it is a monstrosity that strikes by number.

"Damn, it'll only take a little longer..."

The sky is still bright and not ready for the night. Even if I wanted to use starry sky magic, I couldn't use it.

I'm afraid I can't defeat them all at once. Even though Mizumi thought so, when she tried to rush under Hatsumi, who was left alone, using witchcraft and handling the whole suspicion.

"... Yikes!

Hatsumi receives a body hit by a suspicion where she is out of balance and is jumped. And before she was thrown out, a monster in a dog appearance attacked me all at once.


What leaked out of her mouth was a mixed breath of despair. But what's the matter, instead of running away, she doesn't move as if she were in gold bondage. He was shivering a clattering hand holding the knife pattern with his weirdly frightened gaze pointed at him.

"Damn! Hatsumi, no, no!"

Before she couldn't move, Shuiming popped out, no matter how mundane.

- I was thrust by a monster. Until I thought so, I think my mind was still firm. But when he struck his body on the ground ahead of him, suddenly his body was ruled by unrecognizable fear.

With that fang of a strange nature, with its nails, when he thought so when he was killed, his hands trembled, his heart trembled, and suddenly his body stopped moving.

Even when you're up against the Demons, this should have happened more than once, but you can't move as if you've been tied to gold for some reason. Scary. There's something scary ahead. When words like that came to mind, they sounded cancer, and I couldn't do anything.

There, I realize. I was wondering if this wasn't what he was falling into then. Yes, trauma. Isn't that what's in front of me? They made me realize that, but I couldn't move right now.

When I perceive the subtlety of the strangeness jumping, I meditate my eyes. Terrible.

But the pain that was supposed to greet me was never to wait and visit.

When I opened my eyes with wonder, there was a boy in a black suit.

Eight keys, Shuiming. Now he is carrying a silver knife and breathing roughly. You were wounded when you went into shelter, or your suit had a cleft shoulder.


What I see is a back offered towards me a while ago, like when I was relative to a dragon man. One day I dreamed about it, and it should have been in a past I can't remember right now, this back.

How many times? This is how he came to help me with myself. Apart from one person in the woods, when he wandered or when the dragon man showed up, there are probably times, though I don't remember.

This is incompetent. I thought so then too, how can I always be so spoiled on his back?

You should have gotten stronger. You should be able to remember the sword, keep waving it, and fight it. And yet, I'm trembling like this right now.

Is it the way you want to be?


Yes. I didn't like being protected, so I thought I'd be strong. Because I didn't think such a woman could be with him. Because next to him who goes on to protect someone, we can't walk together.


- I'm not right now.

Yes, that's why I wanted to be strong so he wouldn't leave me.

Yeah, so...

"I tried to be strong with my sword..."

Yes, right after I utter a word that came to mind as nature, everything I forgot comes back like rage. Who I am and where I was. Who you were with and what you were doing. Some past, some thoughts I had. All remaining regresses.

Dazzled by the memory that flows like a cloud, when he regains his grip on the sword and stands up, Mizumi calls out worryingly.

"Are you all right?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, a lot of worries."


I return it to him in return with a strange look on his face, not to worry again.

"It's okay now."

"You Hatsumi, no way"

In those words, he noticed. Get out in front of the surprised Mizumi and set your aim for the monster that jumped out of the side.


"This is a trickle-breaking technique for the illusion of my sword and body. Throw yourself more than a rock, and the life you throw away is immovable..."

Clygalotoroni Phantom Sword. Quietly recite the words conveyed with this sword move.

It is not a spell used by Shuiming, but once it is spoken, it calms the mind and the consciousness is concentrated on the sword.

The weirdness cannot be defeated by a sword, nor can it do damage. But you can take the attack away, blow it off with your sword, and push it away.

Skip the monster with a sword attack trying to protrude a black fang. Soon the other suspicions would push from all directions, but he did not panic and returned the knife to his sheath. And

"-Clarigaro Torani Phantom Sword, Zen Top, Nirvana Silence's Knife..."

Squeeze Torrani to the mouth and pull out the knife. Twenty-four every time I wave my sword in the time I cut the moment further apart. I slapped all of that against the monster.

To the surrounding human eye, the silver slashed line would only have seemed flashing around itself. All the suspicions that have jumped, are bounced off by sword strikes and rise.

I couldn't hold my hair there for a while, and when Shuiming punched in the magic of glow, the suspicion quickly collapsed.

"Hatsumi, you... you're back in memory"

With the magical aftermath scattering remnants of magical light all around her, Mizumi looks like something unexpectedly delightful happened when it was good. That's what I tell him in return.

"Shuiming. You have a lot of complaints to complain about, but I'll just say thank you first. Thanks."

I twisted it a little, but I meant my utmost gratitude. But for some reason, he gives a grumpy look.

"Oh, brother, I hope you don't mind throwing, I can't believe it"

"... well put. Really. How long have you been my brother?

"'Cause I used to."

"Once upon a time, now!... but"

That said, I remember when he came to help me back in the day. Yes, sir.

"Even then, you were a dog."

…… - Oh, speaking of which, that happened... hey, whatever. "

He shook his head at Shui Ming, who looked back.

"I don't like it. I don't want to run away."


"I'll make sure you don't go over there, please knock me down"

He wants to fight himself. When he said that he wanted to fight next door, Shuiming exhaled a sigh of giving up. And he smiled niggardly and invincible,

I'll take care of it.

Such a reliable word returns. And now I get to work on what I need to do.

Playing off a monster trying to get to the other side of the bridge by means of a sword attack. Not a single one, never let it pass.

As he slammed the will on his chest and lay down his suspicions, Shuiming raised his hand toward the darkened sky.

Are you ready for something? Eventually he unleashes his magic and opens his mouth.

"― Velam nox lacrima potestas.Olympus quod terra misceo misucui mixtum.Infestant militia.Dezzmoror pluviaincessanter.Vitia evellere. Bonitate fateor.Lux de caelo stella nocte"

(- In the book. The power of tears at night. It falls blindingly into the irrationality that spreads to the present, in awe of the signs of heaven and earth. His mourning is evil. His obsession is goodness. Everything comes more than the blink on the other side ahead of that disturbance, blinking star light)

A myriad of magic formations, large and small, floating in the night sky. They move as if they were pointing at the cannon opening. And the moment Shuiming said, "Starry heaven, fall -" there was light all around.

... after that light had subsided, there was no suspicion left to disappear. Likewise, the pompous, empty black hole had disappeared as if nothing had happened.

A quiet night city, restored to its original appearance. Was everything that happened earlier a daydream? The more it seemed that way, the calmer the area was.

"You're done."


Give a smile back to Shui Ming. That alone made me feel like everything that mattered was back to normal.

I look to see what happened to the Fermenians. Then, for some reason, they were loud and noisy and disturbed.

Is something wrong? When I tried to rush for so much fear, it caught my eye that Fumi Ming was staring at Clarissa and the others leaving with one rugged look.

When Hatsumi tried to speak to Mizumi first,

"Ars Magna Reimundi... No, that magic is -"

Such a luminous grunt echoed into the darkened sky.

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