Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 118: 118 Invitation to Darkness

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Elliot Austin now had the Kingdom of Astel arriving in Western territory, in the city of Krant.

Combined with the consolation requested by the Salvation Church, the North is on its way to Tria, the Kingdom of Astel. There was now a hall in front of him like that.

The time is night. I drop another eye on the letter that it arrived to me during the day under an outdoor light that emits magical light.

- Oh, boy, we're here. - Yeah, what's an invitation?

I exhaled softly against the busyness of the brave. Early on arrival, the writ had been delivered as if it had been foreseen, and it was the person who sent the writ who was the lord of the hall in front of him.

The name of the lord of the hall is Lucas de Hadrias. As lord of the city of Klant here, he is also a great nobleman of great power in Astel.

The Salvation Church's greeting to its set lord is tomorrow. But before that, he arranged a meeting. Elliot can't say no, but he puts Krista in the church quarters and is visiting here like this.

When I told the guard guarding the gate what was going on and showed him the brief, he was immediately put through the back.

Knocking through the door of the private room that Hadrias is there, the room is dim, and only the light of the moon is what is the source of light. On the other hand, the person who called was on the executive desk, and even Graziella was releasing blinding martial arts that overwhelmed him.

Elliot turned away from it, but tried not to put it on the table and stood forward.

Wu Wei is certainly directed at Elliot. But Hadrias pretended not to know that about such a fact and called out to Elliot.

"Lord Elliot, the brave man of El Mayde. I would like to thank you for having responded to my sudden call. By the way, how are you feeling?

"Until now, it was normal, but I came here and I got knocked down to the bottom."

"I guess."

To Elliot's dislike, Hadrias answers with a snort. I think I'm keeping such a man alert in front of me.

(Again, this man, I know...)

Unlike Emperor Nerferia, who is always putting together a sense of intimidation, Hadrias' martial arts had the approximate orientation of 'towards whom'. You were going to try it, or in any case if you tried it, it doesn't make you feel good.

While Elliot has doubts about him, he still asks as usual on the surface.

"Don't you turn on the light?

"I thought it was wind currents under the moonlight. If you'll excuse me, I'd like you to leave me alone."

Even as Hadrias tilts his inner neck in his strange timidity, Elliot gives a nod of acknowledgement.

"So, what can I do for you today?

"As a lord, I thought I had to say hello."

"If it was a greeting, I would have had plans at a later date. Besides, this is a very good greeting."

"I also remember telling Brave Reggie about it"

That's what I say, Hadrias, who laughs thinly. To him like that, Elliot tells his inner grump only slightly exposed.

"If that's all you have to do, I'll let you go home"

"Well wait. I have another thing for you. I called you today because you and I wanted to talk."

"Kisa -.... what is it?

Hadrias reassembled his hand on the concierge when he bit to death a complaint about a "rude thing" that was about to come out of his mouth.

I just wanted to ask you how sorry I am today.

What are you going to do when you hear what I think? Because you think I'm gonna do this country any harm?

"No, I don't think so. I was just wondering why you wanted to save the world."

Nobleman-specific, play. It's a joke, but Elliot answers honestly.

"I don't want to save this world. Just say that it helps people in search of salvation and hence that it leads to saving the world. It's not that much of a thought."


"Don't you mind?

Was Hadrias a bad answer? Think that way, but for some reason Hadrias shook his head.

"You made a mistake asking. Why did you want to defeat the Demons?

…… As I said, to help those who seek salvation. "

"Right. That's a noble idea."

"You still think I don't like something?

"Oh, that's crazy"

Elliot seeps a little irritation into her voice in a series of euphemistic responses to her hatred.

"I think standing up for someone is a natural thing to do as a person?

"But it's none of your business, right? For you, a man of another world, such as the crisis of this world."

"That's true..."

Sure, but Elliot also has a crush. Elliot and I are famous warriors in our own world. The adhesions and values that have accumulated there are by no means exclusive to profit. Sure, it won't matter, but the edge you could, you can't do it without it.

But the idea is clear, too.

"Then why does that mean we're going to fight the Demons? Can we help the people of this world without having to fight the Demons?

"I fight demons because that's what they asked me to do. And I have the power to fight. So I did."

"Right. You're just like the others."


In response to the sincerity of Hadrias' puzzling narrative, Elliot said he was struggling to come up with an answer.

"... you have more understanding than that man. against the way things are called the world."


"Based on your earlier answers, how did you know the will to defeat the Demons came out of you? Didn't you wonder that you had no doubt about saving a world you didn't even know existed and the people who lived there?

"No wonder, no wonder, it wasn't my intention to fight."

Yes, it was up to me to decide to fight the Demons. Sure, I've wondered why motivation doesn't go to the bottom.

"You're not. No, you're being manipulated."

"Manipulated? To whom?"

"Goddess. Everything you decide to fight in this world involves the thoughts of a goddess."


To Hadrias' assertion, Elliot thinks temporarily. What the hell is the intent of this question? It begins with its own reason to fight, come here and let the goddess out. I can't see the end of the story as if it were on an extension of wordplay that doesn't make sense, but why can't it be accompanied by a smile because?

"How about that? Since we brave men receive protection from the goddess, it is only natural that there should be intervention. Besides, I don't think it sounds like a bad thing other than to help people?

"You're right. But what if it's not for people? What would you say if the presence of a brave man was for the Goddess's own personal gain?

"I mean something different. Because of the magnitude of existence, divinity does not possess the fine will of men. There's no such thing as greed in divinity."

I assured you. But the words were spoken, and the sweat crept. Yes, because the truth you don't want to realize is looming that far.

But that which seeks the truth, there is no forgiveness,

"If you know so much about the nature of God, I will know it with you. Surely God has no greed. But what is God after all? What the hell are they doing?

Elliot swallows rice and spit. What is God? What does it do? Reminds me of a question I had with Swimey Yakagi before. This story looks a lot like the one I had with him back then. I asked him what he thought of God, then. In the end, Swimey Yakagi was cloudy, and I mistook him for someone in this world, so I didn't pursue him, but if I kept going, maybe I would have gotten to this story.

Lord Elliot.

"… a powerful being in order to enhance its own power"

"Do you think such a presence would set free both those who have given them their own powers? Do you also know that at the bottom of your heart, you are danced by a goddess?

Yeah. Maybe it's not just my own will. It is also possible that I thought I had to do it because something implying was working.


"... is that what you shouldn't do?


"Surely it may not just be your own will. Maybe our battle is the result of the goddess' arbitrariness. But as a result, people are saved. Then it shouldn't be such a bad story. I can say I have no choice."

"With no choice, people are deprived of their possibilities. Being managed by a goddess crushes and always trumps the means to save a weak life. Are you telling me you don't have a choice?

"What do you mean?

When asked, Hadrias returns the question.

"Let me hear it first. What's your world like? A world where people move forward to make their daily lives richer, and it's being fulfilled?

"What are you talking about? Naturally..."

Yes, it's natural to go up there. Developments are extremely commonplace in people's lives. But in Hadrias' words, he's questioning the way it is.

There, I realize. It will be ahead of this question, to the mechanisms of the world.

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"... no way this world is"

As soon as I tried to ask the core, the office door was opened, from which several soldiers appeared.

I glanced at them aligning without precipitation and asked Hadrias.

"What are you going to do?

"I'm done talking to you for now. Let me try you."

"If it's a violent thing, let me appeal to the Salvation Church?

"That would be if we could get out of here, wouldn't it?

"You think they can stop me?

They are invincible and arrogant, but they are just soldiers. I just bundled up, and I'm no match for myself to be protected by a goddess.

With that in mind, why would Hadrias leave his desk?

"I'm your opponent."

"Dear Duke, isn't it a problem to get hurt?

"Try typing it in first"

Ignoring Elliot's dislike, Hadrias provokes. The dispute is unsavory in the Lords' Hall, but he decides that things will not go ahead if he does not respond, and he pulls out his sword and is slashed.

But at some point Elliot's sword was stopped by the sword that had been pulled out.


"Well... it still doesn't seem to fly like the rest"

"You stopped my sword with one hand... because?

I didn't mean to hit it. I was going to end it with an inch stop. But the speed of the sword did not make it as fast as a normal human being could see out. It was therefore a great surprise to receive the feather.

"Brave man. Not to that extent anymore? Even when you fought His Royal Highness the Third Princess of the Empire, you were adding and subtracting?

"... why did you do that?

"There's a way to know."

Elliott puts his strength into the overlapping sword and jumps off himself by rebellion. And I put my sword in my sheath once.

... This man, I don't know what he's good at. Whatever you're thinking. As it is, it won't be strange what happens. Yes, it's not an impossible story to get caught or killed.

Elliot, who decided so, determines his belly. What we need to do now is cut through here at all costs. Roll the sleeves of your right arm in the condition of a hand fist. Then a gauntlet of silver appeared on Elliot's arm.

And the final notice.

"... if I'm serious, the museum won't just be there, will it?

"It's a story if you can't help it."

"Fine. My power, I'll show you."

Electric shock clung. A private room conditioner is struck and broken by a lightning strike. better still keep this down, but Hadrias seems to even spot it,

"It's a big force. I see you can't use this in the heart of the city."

"Naturally. The power of Yingjie Summoning is also added to the strength. Use this all over the city and it will annoy a lot of unrelated people"

After the words, when I tried to punch into Hadrias,

"That's enough power."


"It's about protection. If you're that familiar with your body, you'll be filled with what you need."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but let's just stop it."

"I don't mind. Anyway, I'm not the one who stops it."

Shortly after Hadrias uttered a reminiscent word like that, the shock ran under Elliot's nose.


The raised voice is the voice of doubt. With an unintentional blow, he asks his senses with all his might, as he begins to blur consciousness. There shouldn't have been any movement of the soldiers in the back.


"- That's right, the Hall of Loneliness. I didn't know the brave man wouldn't even take it personally. The alias given isn't Dade."

What my ears heard was a familiar call. When I was in the Empire, from time to time the soldiers were afraid of the man by saying he was a shadow. The guy, yes, the guy with the gray-mixed brunette all back. An assassin by making himself the most powerful swordsman in the empire, like burying his colored eyes in his stern face and assimilating him to the Shadow Master without issuing any signs.

"Ro, Rogue Zandaik...... where the hell did it come from"

"From the beginning. It's nice to have been paying attention to the soldiers who came in later, but it's just the brave guys who didn't think about if anyone else was lurking."


My body stops supporting me and I poke my knee with tremors. Eventually Elliot's consciousness was swallowed by muddy darkness as he heeded Rogue's advice.

Confirmed unconscious, Rogue holds Elliot and puts him to sleep on the couch.

And I asked Hadrias.

"... wouldn't it have been nice if I hadn't put my hands down?

"Lonely Hall is more certain than I am. The power of the brave cannot be insulted."

"I tried to take that power directly from the front, and I wondered which mouth it was."

Rogue to give back on a lean note. His attitude is unsatisfactory, but he doesn't dislike whether he's convinced by both sides about the way he talks, and the modest soldiers don't say anything.

In the meantime, Hadrias asks Rogue about the pretense.

"But are you glad? Be messengers of the key to universality, just like us."

"It's a stupid question. I left my sword with Lord Gottfried. Is that what you think it is?


"... what do you mean?

"My sword, you have already given it to me. I won't lie about it. Of course, I've never forgotten my respect for him."

Who do you think Hadrias thinks he is? Rogue felt like he could see the person he had visioned at the end of his gaze.

"... Lord Hadrias. There is one thing I must tell you."

"Let's hear it."

"The Demons moved. We have already swallowed trias and are on our way to the empire"

"Right. Does it still work as expected?"

to sighing Hadrias, Rogue hits the question he always thought,

"Are you sure? I guess it's a little different than the original plan, huh? Demonic invasion of Astel and then to Lord Reggie's Autonomous Prefecture. Failure to recapture the brave men of the Union. Unlike the original plans, there is a discrepancy that cannot be ignored"

"There is no problem because the repair is made each time about it. And. I was supposed to pull all the brave men in here first, but that's going to change a little bit."

"What do you mean? Then the Empire will have to stand up to the Demons without brave men, huh?

"No, it won't."

"... Mm. So you want the brave men of the Union to be empires? Or does the Demon Crusade still mean that this brave man (Elliot) will do as he originally planned?

Rogue looks sideways at Elliot, but Hadrias shakes his neck sideways.

"No, the role will be entrusted to Brave Reggie"

"But isn't Lord Reggie not strong enough yet? Loads will be heavy on the Devil's army opponents. Empire and the measures of that time reduced the number of leading aristocrats. I don't think we can make contact without Lord Elliot."

"It doesn't matter when it comes to power. He said he would turn his hand so that he could win successfully. Besides, Brave Reggie is more famous now. We're supposed to have defeated 10,000 demons in Astel, so fame is higher than Elliot the Brave"

"But the brave men of the Union are defeating the demon generals, too?

"The Alliance's brave Hatsumi is a pain split in this battle against the Demon Nation. I couldn't even contain the noise in Mearsen. That only scratches fame. Meanwhile, Brave Reggie inherited old brave warfare in the Autonomous Prefecture and drove away the demonic generals that had attacked him. Besides, the next time we push the demons against the Empire, we get rid of them."

"Don't let Lord Reggie know you're the strongest brave man."

At present, Trinity's achievements as a brave man have something approaching Elliot. It would be too little compared to strength, but that has nothing to do with a folk who blindly believe in brave men such as that.

Hadrias glances at Elliot when he sees how convinced he is.

"What matters is the faith of the people. Sure, it's important to have power to get rid of the Demons, but it's second to none on that. Because the brave men of the Union are now stronger in their original power, or the patronage of the goddess is less fragrant. But if the brave Reggie, who is steadily showing up at the head, the goddess will look at that man. Let the other brave men use it."

So separated, Hadrias turns his gaze to the moonlight outside the window.

"- Let me give that brave Reggie a name at best. Most graced by the goddess, as a rare brave man."

To be celebrated, hard work comes with it. If it is not accompanied by strength, it grows and returns to the person.

Rogue groaned at Trinity a little bit.

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