Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 139: 139 After he found out.

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The war between the Nerferia Empire and the Demons ended in a roughly unthinkable manner: the Demons would withdraw before the meeting in the meadows.

It would have been an undesirable fortune for a human being to have been able to avoid a duel with a demonic tribe that suffered many human losses there. But what was lost at that price was the lives of thousands of soldiers who had been kept on the front lines.

No, it wouldn't be right to say the price. Indeed, the soldiers split their necks and torso between the mountains behind them by the "Space Liberty Act (Cross Dimension)", a magic trick that corrupted Lishabalm into a demon and caused ten people to fall. But that massacre was unnecessary to them and was just a pastime brought on by Lishabalm's provocative whims. It's nothing more than a guess to keep retreating from being considered a defeat.

Together, Mizuminos, who were not subject to Lishabalm's spatial freedom method (cross dimension) or phase cutting (dime panishment), were then busily killed at the end of the day after all the demons had left. Despite the small number of people left behind, the beginning and end of the demonic body and the condolences of the deceased soldiers are not only piles of things to do, such as summoning reinforcements and perimeter vigilance. The Mizumins, too, were chased by the response and now it was just beginning to settle down.

While the soldiers were still rushing to work around, temporarily freed Mizumi and Trinity were on a break behind the tent -

"-Ma, I don't know. What I'm trying to say."

"Uh, what Trinity wants to say is"

A situation where one speaks shoulder-to-shoulder with the tent on his back, whilst one mouths like he is preaching, and the other is sweating disgustingly. It is self-evident that the former is in Trinity II and the latter is watery.

All of this was due to Shuiming's hiding from him that he was a magician and his confrontation with Lishabalm in the other day's battle.

Does Trinity also have a certain understanding of the fact that she hid herself from being a magician, not becoming emotional and maintaining a calm attitude,

"I'm sorry I decided to fight the Demons without consulting Mitsumi."

"Yeah, yeah. Right. That was terrible. I'm going into Worst 3 out of all the trouble you've brought me."

Flipping from the bad look earlier, Shuiming folds like he took a ghost's neck. Trinity II, on the other hand, was Trinity II, and they cared about it,

"Ugh... so I thought it was bad too..."

"But no."

"So, but! I think it's just a little terrible to keep quiet so far!

"What? Yes, no, do it, so there's a situation here too..."

"Then I think it would have been just fine for you to talk to me when Rui Shu came along. Don't you think?

"Well... I thought we'd have to talk about it by then! I'm not lying! Ask everyone and you'll see!

Shuiming begins to involve others to prove that there was a will. But it was an anachronism that the world says, falls to speak.

It's too late when I realize... A blamed half-eye is turned from Trinity II.

"... hey, that means - everyone knew except me and Mizuki, right? Tia, too, to Mr. Graziella."

"............... I'm sorry about that. I'm so sorry."

Exactly. Mizumi apologized for this. There was nothing else. Trinity was right, Io Kuzami showed up and it was best to talk to him properly when he saw Sacramento.

The mistimed fallout is definitely on him.

"... I know you broke up because I'm gonna find a way home. I think it was meant for us because it was about Shui Ming. But then, isn't that what you're telling me?

"I have no words to give back... my heart was inert about it"

Being slapped on the verdict, Shuiming squeezes small and small as he repeatedly speaks of his apology. Trinity, on the other hand, sighs to make a distinction between whether her drinks have dropped somewhat to her friend's lack of such standing. And

"I'm sorry, too. Let's call it zero deduction."

That said, to Trinity II, who tries to settle the story, but Shuiming turns around and takes a counter-argument stance.

"No, what are you trying to do? You're still acting more negative, aren't you?

"Yes!? This is a stream that's going to end in water! If Mizumi's gonna steam back, I'm gonna say it's me!

"Oh, I've been putting up with what I've been trying to say!

With that said, they talk about the past mutual fallout before they came to the other world. Trinity was abandoned when she was surrounded by girls and having a rough time in the training yard. However, Shuiming was having a rough time being annoyed by girls who liked Trinity at Mizumi. However, the stories I would give you were just lame...... that way.

The two said each other as much as they could, roughly raising and lowering their shoulders.

"Ha-ha-ha... hey, why don't we stop talking about this?

"Ugh... well, you do. Sure sounds stupid."

The argument, so incandescent as to breathe on his shoulders, was accommodated at the same time as he realized his lack of productivity. We both put an end to the barren feud and sigh half the regret. With a slightly sluggish look on his face all the way down, Fukuriji sits back on the spot and looks up to heaven.

"There's been a lot going on, but is this the first time you're gonna end up talking to me with a crack in the belly?

"... oh. Right. Now you and I have nothing to hide."

Mizumi also imitates Trinity and answers with her hips down somewhere. He was right, it also seemed like his heart cleared up with no more burden on what he was faking. And in it, what a depth of emotion, I think, was born. In a state of confusion between the two of them such loneliness and sunshine, they had their eyes on an unnatural square that Trinity had been able to position.

Yes, that's where the miserable sights spread the other day.

"A lot of people died out there."

"Right............... is it hard after all?

"Not really, I don't know..."

As difficult as it is to say, Trinity mumbles. What is it that is obsessed in its breasts? I had an idea of that indigestible thought he had, but Mizumi did.

"- Actually, it doesn't boil, does it?

"... yeah. I know it's careless, but I thought it was all bad dreams when people died so much. I helped mourn everyone, too, but why would I think that?

Is it the troubles of Trinity II that make me sad about the death of so many people? Are you just confused? Or are you anxious, whether right or not, not having the emotions that human beings will have correctly? Can't emotions be chased away because of the sudden death of so many people?

I guess I still have that thought because I've never seen many people die before. And one more thing if you can think about it.

"Maybe that's because this is a different world than the one we live in..."

"Because it's a different world?

"That's right. This world is an extreme story, not a reality we know. What we see, what we hear, even our common sense of the world, is a place that doesn't work. So think that what happened here has nothing to do with what happened in our own world. Somewhere in my heart. So, don't you think it's like a dream?

Yes, Shuiming correctly described the identity of the obsession that nested within Trinity's chest. But it was only because they correctly said it that Trinity noticed the fudge as well.

"Maybe so does Mizumi?

"Oh. Just a little bit, I feel that way"

"Oh well. The same goes for the oculus stained water."

"That's how shocking it is to be a different world. It's not just me or you. Even in the other magic neighborhood, the existence of different worlds, parallel worlds, possible worlds, can be overwhelmed."

The existence of another world is a reality apart. It's not like we're talking about another life form or anything on another star. It's just a dream story, starting with a fantasy and ending in a fantasy.

"Dreams, huh?"

"If that's the case this time, I'm sure it will always be. Just..."


Mizuming did not answer the question back. Because when you wake up from that dream, you have nothing else to do when you lose someone important. That's like Mizumi herself did. Like when his dream father was mourned forever.

From the look on Shuiming's face, which turned lonely, Trinity also perceived something, and took a certain trinket out of her pocket that she had to change the subject.

"Is Shuiming, an occult... a mystery? You know all about this, don't you?

"Well, there it is."

"... Is this, after all, amazing?


Shuiming sees what has been removed from her pocket and spills her exhale. Sacramento. It was a substitute for Shuiming's determination to confess hidden things.

Trinity asked if it was amazing. If you ask me how much I can do to wake you up, I have decided to answer.

"I think he's basically so nasty he can't get his hands on it, huh? I think you know that better than I do..."

"Is that right? Sure, I still think it's amazing, but somehow, I don't think it's just what I'm thinking."

That would be exactly what Trinity had in mind. I still feel like there's something I don't know. You probably only recognize that in Trinity II right now, if you use it, your senses and physical abilities will leap. But there are other bones of this weapon called Sacramento.

"I know very little about it, but the power I have is tattooed."

"For example?"

"... more or less four years ago, the first time in the world that Sacramento was used in the military. At that time, the army seemed to have swept away lightly on a divisional scale with the use of one Sacramento unit. In units of five or ten."

"Ten divisions, yeah..."

"Uh, I wonder what it was. I asked that guy the same question before. No. The formation went on and a division said 10,000 to 20,000 or something. You have at least 100,000."

To Shuiming's answer, Trinity shows a slight face.

"Jiu, a hundred thousand... anything in a single battle like that..."

Triju, hearing what happened, apparently couldn't spare the clichés. Swallow the sawdust and spit. Ten battles conveniently lost 10,000 units of life. It would be because I knew that too much overwhelming power was in my own hands.

"I got the hang of it, but you better recognize that what's in your hand is about that much yabe. Probably a monster who can do the same."

"This is so..."


and highlight the ambiguity with the last of the precepts that pushed the precautions, but in the end that will probably be denied in the future as well. If it is equivalent to a supernatural weapon known by Mizumi, it is only then that it should reach God. And having got it, Trinity II would be the one to settle for this battle.

Trinity, on the other hand, keeps his gaze on Sacramento.

And with a slightly trembling laugh, I mouth a feeling somewhere out of place.

"If it's that amazing, it seems obvious to the public, but you're not."

"In our world, anything that involves mystery is unconditional and secret. Just knowing people breaks down permanent, universal principles and events become unstable, making things difficult. Besides, Sacramento is supposedly low in absolute numbers and unable to create the status quo."

"It is."

"I hear there's a place to study it, but they say there's no reproduction at all. They can't even make something similar. We're talking about turning the world's energy situation upside down if we can reproduce it completely."


"It's accompanied by a pale gem - a shattered blue blue blue blue (Lapis Eudyx). I think we already know it's the source of Sacramento's power... but it's the root - it's supposedly connected to where the energy consumed so far goes"

"Where the energy consumed gets to? What is it? If energy is consumed, it will disappear..."

"That's what they thought, but they don't."

Listening to Shuiming's words, Trinity is leaning her neck to the right and to the left. I guess I don't understand what you're talking about. Because it is a cause that cannot be scientifically explained, it can be said that there is no alternative.

Seeing Trinity begin to roar as she tries to guide her through the answers, Shuiming goes on to summarise.

"Set aside the story of whether the energy used will or will not go away. In short, it says that we can take out all the thermal energy that has been used since the world was born."

"Hey, wait a minute! That's not terrible! He said he could use the energy used! I'm not talking about the enormous amount of energy that's ever been used in the world!

"That's why you're telling me. He said," Oh, shit. "

He understood how dangerous what he had was, 'something that would involve his surroundings', and breathes with a tired look somewhere.

"... I'm getting a headache"

"We even have to use it the wrong way, you're gonna be okay, right?

"I know, but..."

Can the anxiety be dispelled? But I also think that Mizumi would never use it the wrong way. Trinity is a straight man who can act for someone, just as she has accepted the Demonic Crusade. Besides...

"I have to use it right now. I'm sure it's for one purpose."

"You mean the Demons."

"Oh. The battle should be tougher from now on. I don't know why he's here. So maybe that's just about it"

The power of Sacramento would be useful in dealing with a massive flock of demons. With its power, it is a substitution that is not an exaggeration when it comes to a substantial strategic weapon, said to put an area under control. It seems like a great way to deal with a large group.

But what Trinity reacted to was another part of Shuiming's unconscious mouth,

"He was talking to Shuiming about the demon clan?

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Kudrak... No, you said Lishabalm or something here"

"Yeah, that's what I called it. You did say something like being knocked down by Shuiming, didn't you? Really?"

To Trinity's inquiry, Mizuming meditates to try to remember one day after the passing, and eventually opens his mouth with a strange look.

"- That's right. I destroyed him. Both the stock of life and the hit points were reduced, and the end of the world (shimmering) was poked and the eternal existence denied. The connection to the world has also disappeared. Yet he's alive. I don't care what you look like."

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"You look like that... you mean you were originally human"

"Big books. I became a sorcerer from a human being, and then I became rich, and somehow it was such a bad taste."

"Strong...... right? I didn't feel the power or the chi, but I did it flat out."

That would mean that Lishabalm would have skipped the neck of every mountain behind the soldiers by means of phase amputation (Dime Punishment). Perhaps that spirit of being able to carry out all that work as if it were exhaling is causing Tripoli to have an unbroken fear right now.

"He was as much of a guy as they said he couldn't even get his hands on in the other world. I worked with the rest of the crew to take them down."

"To the Demon King, to a large group of demons, to a mighty man-eater demon, an undead magician..."

"Ugh, don't feel like throwing everything out and going home when I ask you again"


When Shuiming says that with a fed up face, Trinity suddenly changes her expression into something anxious. Are you anxious? Shuiming gave him a smile by tapping on his shoulder as he changed his complexion.

"Don't look like that. I'm kidding. Just kidding. I'll fight for you. You can't let someone else wipe your ass about him."

"Really? Really, right?


Watching Shuiming snort firmly, Trinity's expression becomes visible and bright.


"Oh, yeah, no, if Mizumi can help you, think it's a hundred manpower."

"Blah! What are you talking about... that's too optimistic, huh?

What was pointed at me from Trinity II was a smile that people loved. It's so unyielding and dazzling. Plus, Mizumi gets upset, but she immediately turns her expression back and puts her attention.

But the person in question is natural, gives a strange look,


"That's right! Otherwise, some people are called the Universal Apostles, right?

"Those people were the ones who helped me back then."

"Yes... what the hell are they thinking too"

Last time I was hostile, this time I turned to my side, and there was no consistency in standing around. Inru offered to cooperate when defeating the Demon General, and Gilberto was ambushed by the Demon tribe to rescue Trinity. Sister Clarissa helped Refill and, after that, she brought me to the position.

And when it was over, it was over. So, without exchanging any words, they all disappeared like smoke.

"In the end, I heard so much about Elliot."

"It's not like the Duke of Hadrias is still connected to the Universal Apostle."

"Right. You already know that, right?

We're going to go to the city of Kranto to help him. Eventually, it will turn out whether or not it responds. Stay together, the next thing you have to do is decide. Just move towards it. I confirmed once again that the guiding principles had already been decided. Such a fold, Trinity suddenly gave me a serious look.

"Well, we're not going anytime soon."

"What? Why?

"He said he had to triumph over the Empire in a victory. Why did His Highness Lennart ask you... and in this situation, you'll need it."

"Oh, I won by force in the end. Are you going to do it? I know you don't want to report a loss..."

"It's just like Mizuming said before the battle started. Celebrities are used for propaganda."

I know you knew that, but is Trinity in a complicated mood this time? There will be no resistance about being used, but I guess you are afraid of the fact that you have to fake it in this situation, which is also difficult to say that you have won the battle.

"... I think Shuiming can go back first, but I want you to wait a little while to go help Elliot. Tia wants me to wait. It's about the nobility of my country, so I guess I can't help it if I don't finish it right myself."

"He's serious."

Shuiming has a prolonged tone and speaks of such a feeling. Sure, if it's her personality, she wouldn't mind if she didn't go on her own. Because of its seriousness, Mizumi was temporarily badly hit.

"I have Fermenia for once, but it seems like it's going to be difficult to solve it without me."

"You're a pretty tall guy. From a standpoint, Menia would be weak, and it would be best if the best people had to go."

"... I think he's going to do something about it."

"Wow I'm scared. That princess, isn't it the momentum to pull out a sword as soon as you meet the Duke? Whatever it takes, it's too arbitrary, right?

"Ha... but I think that's a good thing about Tia too, huh?

"That's a good place..."

Shuiming closes her mouth in Trinity II, where she unconsciously follows. As always, he was my best friend who was making people good.

Even then, as we packed the story of the two of us going to help Elliot, I realized that the entrance to the position had become more noisy.

The first to raise the voice of doubt was Shui Ming.


"Sounds like people are getting together. Additional reinforcements, I guess?

"At this time? Are we done with this already?

"But it's like that, isn't it? It feels like there are more people."

"What's the feeling..."

A dialogue that is verbally uncertain but somewhere credible when Trinity says it. Mizumi puts a frivolous feeling on her face in such rhetoric.

I've finally shown Trinity a single scale that's starting to enter an unusual realm - but that's anyway.

Shuiming and Trinity start moving to the entrance of the position to make sure it depends.

Through the sides of the soldiers, who were busy working, they eventually found themselves in Fermenia as supplies passed the place where they gathered like a pyramid.

"Hey, Fermenir. What's all this fuss?

"Oh, Lord Swimey. Reinforcements. And it's full. Full."

Fermenia's smile as she looked back and replied is bright. Being a battlefield for once, it would seem pleasant to see reinforcements coming.

In the meantime, I realize that there is Trinity II who was looking out for reinforcements.

"They're not soldiers of the Empire."

"Hmm? No, you're right. I mean, I look familiar in that outfit..."

Shuiming feels a sense of sight for the soldiers who came to reinforce him. Empire soldiers have a lot of wizards and basically take bulwark tactics without clumping together, so most of the troops are occupied by light-hearted people, but apparently the army that came to reinforce them was disappointingly armored or sword-wrapped, with an extremely small percentage of wizards.

And one day I saw an army flag. That was the feather we often saw before we came back to the Empire.

"Yes, they've come all the way to the empire's secluded areas..."

As Fermenia stretches its rich breasts a great deal and says rude things about what she cares about, a certain figure appears cracking the soldiers' hedges.

What I saw was long, beautiful blonde hair and a woman's uniform. Long knife and red armor.

It was someone he knew well who stood in front of Mizumi.

It was made familiar to Mizumi's childhood, and she was also the girl and swordsman of the same gate, Hatsumi Akiba, who was called to this world with the ritual of summoning Hideyoshi.

"Mizumi, how are you?

Hatsumi speaks out brightly with a softness that seems yet unrelated to the rough events as the soldiers around her exhale in a sobering breath. To her like that, Shuiming, who didn't expect to come here, is taken by surprise at first sight.

"Oh, Hatsumi!? Why are you here?"

"You must have come to reinforcements, right?... I don't think that's necessary."

That's what I said, Hatsumi looking around. You've come all the way to reinforcements from the coalition, but you probably didn't even think the Imperial side of the day was already in the retreat. He shrugs his shoulders like he clapped out.

"I mean, are you, are you better off in the Union? There's a demon tribe sitting in the north of the Union, right?

"That's what made them suddenly turn back. What are you really thinking? But that's how I got here."

"So are your people, too?

"Weitzer and Gaius leave a message. Me and Selfie are the only ones here."

When Hatsumi said so, the half-elf sister, who was holding back behind her, smiled with her face out of the hood.

Mizumi, who is less tolerant of a woman's smile, is left alone in the beautiful smile for a moment. Didn't you miss Fermenia and Hatsumi there? Shuiming got caught in the eye being smashed by each of them.

It was the first time that Hatsumi and Trinity were there.

"Are you the shade? You've never seen him like this. It's Hatsumi Hatsumi, a childhood friend of Mizumi's."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Mizumi."

When Trinity returned it in a flamboyant manner, Hatsumi gave her a slightly pranky look,

"I heard a lot about you, too, didn't I? He said it was amazing because no other country would send reinforcements."

- If you don't send backup or reinforcements, I'm not going to help you. It is recalled here that one day I made a statement.

He was also in a hurry for that, and named the real killer in a rubbed voice.

"Oh, that's a water light..."

Trinity sends her gaze to Shuiming in a frivolous motion. Then, Hatsumi gave the expression that she was very good at it, and she sighed even more in disgust.

"I thought...... Think about such a bad personality. It's only as bright as water."

"Hey, what do you think I am?"

"Looks harmless to humans and animals, and the contents are super badass, right?

"Oh, yeah. Indeed."

Has Trinity accidentally spoken? I agree with Hatsumi's words with the speed of light. Then Serfi, who had refrained behind Hatsumi, and Fermenia, who was next door, blew out in disgrace.

When the laughter settles, Serfi, who seems to have come to assist Hatsumi, greets Trinity.


"I was actually planning to arrive sooner, but I got in a little way on the road"

"Out of the way."

"Yep. Initially I was staring at the devil's hand..."

Selfie with a rugged face. I guess I won't be good at it because the Demons have already withdrawn. They came here because the demons of the United North withdrew in the first place, and if the demons want to stop the first beauties, they shouldn't let them withdraw or anything.

Is there anything? With that in mind, Hatsumi opens her mouth towards Selfi.

"I was wasting my legs, what do you want me to do?

"Right. If you don't have any particular requests, it would be a good idea to sell your favors to the Empire or have him admit his fallacy before turning back. Hehe."

A belly-black half-elf who breathes in political strategic advice with a spooky grin. In the meantime, Mizumi slaps Hatsumi on the shoulder.

"If you have nothing to do, I need a favor from you."

"What? If it's evil, you don't want it?

"Chi. It's a decent help."


Hatsumi gives a blatant look of confusion to the words of Shuiming. To her like that, Mizumi frowns.

"What the hell is this time?

"'Cause it's a little fresh to say from your mouth that Mizumi helps people."

When Hatsumi says so, Trinity also joins him there.

"That's true, isn't it? I'm the kind of guy who sticks his neck in saying things he doesn't like all the time, and he's a tundra."

"... you guys really"

Yeah, nodding. Watching Trinity, Shuiming drops her shoulder like she's tired.

This day was a lot of scattered water.

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