Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 149: 149 Yes, Kakariki.

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- Fulfilled, what the hell happened to Io Kuzami, who had exhaled pneumonia earlier? Trinity was confused, and when she woke up, too, she woke up. She was confused because of the iron fire, and Shuiming was still stunned.

"Mizuki, what a time to go back... hey, maybe this is what I just said in return! You're too evil in nature, that mysterious spirit!

Shuiming screams, but the voice does not reach the vanished Io Kuzami. But the confusion between Shuiming and Trinity sounds right to Mizuki,

"Hey, what have you both been doing since just now!? What do you mean, back?!? Or why the hell is Mizuki here!? Besides, a suit... oh, some kind of black suit that feels like that coat might be a little cool..."

After all, does the black suit and coat have a middle and second heart that tickles? A little glimpse of Mizuki turned to something huge nearby.

Huge stuff. Whatever it is, it's nothing more than a golem.

"Huh? Huh...?

Sounding, dumb voice. Understanding doesn't follow the immense presence in front of her, and she gets temporarily stiff, but if she finds out anything soon enough.

"Huh? Ko, this, this is, golem huh? What do you mean? Huh? What!? What is this?!? Sumiaki-kun, explain!?

"We'll talk later! Now shut up and be a big man! Get back in the way of my cousin!

"I said back off..."

"Oh, already!

He's having a bad blood run because of his sudden comeback. Without moving late, Shuiming raised her frustrating voice against Rui Tree, who went under her in a fluttering motion using magic, and held her body up.

"Wow, Mizumin-kun was pretty powerful -"

"Keep your mouth shut. I'll bite your tongue."

That's what I said, jumping backwards a lot - keep it up, exercising magic.

"Trinity, back off!

It issues a warning to Trinity II, who still moves around the Golem, and takes on a good magic chant.

"- Fiamma est lego.Vis wizard.Hex agon aestua sursum.Impedimentum mors"

(- Fire, gather. Like the sorcerer's screaming resentment. The demon burns in form and form, and the fate of death that should be feared by those who hinder us)

At the end of the spell it folded well and Trinity jumped big. Follow the fire magic formations floating around the golem. The garden of the Hadrias mansion instantly becomes as bright as midday with the light of magical light.


- Fiamma o Ashurbanipal!

- Then shine! It's the dazzling stone of Ashur Banipal!

Immediately after Shuiming unleashes the key word, a flame of curse arrives in the Golem. When it lands, the flame bounces around like a magma spraying up inside a fire escape. The golem was instantly engulfed in red lotus, threatening the night sky red because of its giant - but the golem was alive and well as if the flames had gone out and nothing had happened.

No matter how much Ashur Vanipal's magic is against creatures,

"Damn it! That doesn't work at all. Is that for real? It's not dirty."

"Wow! Wow, wow! Mizumin-kun used some amazing magic right now! Mizumin-kun, when did you get to do that!? Hey! Hey! Tell me too..."

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Yeah, yeah! I'm so busy right now, I'm telling you to stay a little grown up!!

"Because but but!!

"'Cause I don't!!

Yelling at Mizuki, who makes her look like an unusual sneeze in her arms, but of course, there's no way she's going to grow up. Instead of saying that it has nothing to do with anything like that, this time he starts grinning at his mouth with a thoughtful grin.

"Heh heh heh... Mizumin-kun! Triju-kun! Golem's weakness, let me tell you!!

It was Trinity who reacted as quickly as possible to that word.

"Does Mizuki know that weakness!?

"It's obvious! The weakness of the Golem is an initial step in the knowledge of magic, isn't it?

Shh, shh, shh. Mizuki waves her fingers at all the detectives explaining to her assistant doctor,

"Okay? The forehead of the golem is marked with a talisman that says' emeth ',' eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee '! If you take the letter' e (e) 'from its acronym, the written word will change from' truth 'to' death 'and the Golem won't be able to keep it! It looks like a forehead, doesn't it? There's a talisman on it, too."

Zubishi! Rui Tree fingers so forcefully that she is likely to hear such a phonetic sound. Surely there was something like a bill stuck on Golem's forehead, as she put it. Soon after, Trinity realized that.

"Well... if you kill that forehead talisman successfully..."

"No, I can't. Take a good look at that."


Trinity raised a bewildered voice to the denial of the watering that was just put in.

Rui Shu, on the other hand, listens to Shuiming and turns again to Golem's forehead.

"I can't, yeah..."

"Is that it? Not what Rui Shu said? The letters..."

"That's right. The characters described become" El Mez ". It wasn't originally created as an end to the truth."

"Huh? Huh? Because a golem..."

"... I think you're mistaken for a lot of things, but what you're talking about is the English notation 'emeth'. Indeed, if you change the Hebrew notation from" emes "to" female, "it loses its power - but is there someone in the world who uses that kind of fossil-like golem?"

The art of creating a golem and moving it. In witchcraft, it is classified as profound and requires advanced technology to be exercised freely. On the other hand, the more Mizuki knows, the better known and has the aspect of being out in the city well widely.

But the magicians do their best to make golems, automans, and dolls so that they don't stop easily.

Independent behavior (standalone) is basically inflexible like the surgeon. Consequently, the majority of them can only act as determined by an order (command) and are not comfortable using it against magicians. For this reason, it is common for attacks to have all kinds of protective walls.

And this golem includes:

"Bye, Mizumin-kun! What does that say!?

"As I said earlier on in that one word is added between the words' God 'and' Dead ', presumably' God is dead '. There's no point in even deciding to die with fewer letters on the forehead than it wasn't originally named as truth"

Did you make sense of what you said to her? Mizuki resents himself in Mizuki's arms because of what he has done differently than his knowledge.

"Hey, are you that ant!? Come on, come on, come on!

Shut up! It's not sloppy or sloppy for magic!

In the meantime, Trinity says with a look that looks serious.

"Bye, Mizumi. You can't take that down even if you do what Ruiki says, can you? Then what do I do..."

"More than that, oh, that, it's coming this way!

Moving his gaze toward the one facing Rui Tree, Golem was moving slowly, but approaching the Mizumins with a sure foothold. Trinity sticks around it to flirt with the golem again, but it still doesn't work if you give it a sword strike.

"Goddamn it, it's a hell of a monster out there... or 'God is dead'? What the fuck? Tsaratustra? Nietzsche? Don't do that. Is that Superman?

Shuiming leaks from her mouth what she thought like stupidity, keeping an eye on Trinity and the Golem, thinking.

(Previously on Ars Combinatoria, now Golem mimicking Superman? Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

A golem-setting operator, perhaps a mirage man who showed up in the coalition, whereas Mitsumi originally put a hit on 'A Person'. But if that represents Superman, the possibility also arises that it is the work of a different person.

But there's still more to that name than the use of Ars Combinatoria, which draws on the great art of Lurus.

"No, well. If it influenced Nietzsche, can the way he thinks also come to the person of the future...... so he's incorporating and using it?

As Shuiming speaks to herself, Mizuki raises her voice in fear of the current unaltered situation.

"Su, Sumi-kun, Sumi-kun! What about Trijukun?

"No, there's nothing you can do about covering for me right now - hey, Trinity! Get away from him for once!

Shouting out loud at Trinity II, who still struggles to deal with the Golem, he also quickly leaves the Golem in between. I guess he also got an idea that an attack by the shining Orecalcos sword would not work, making it pointless not to take action even if he did any more attacks.

This one also took a distance from the golem with Rui Tree in his arms, and when he could pull his body into the shadows, eventually there, Trinity, who had left, also jumped in.

Shrink yourself in the shadows and lean in, keep it to yourself.

"Duke of Hadrias, what a way to get me out..."

"No, it wasn't him who did it. Maybe there's another operator somewhere, and he did it."

"Another? That means..."

"Oh, I knew you'd be connected to that bastard, the Universal Apostle (Unibelcitus). Besides, I'm not the same guy who made it in this world."

As I have just said, the golem is also in this world, but the golem that is now moving in the garden is completely separate from it and entirely ours. The presence of the talisman described in Hebrew was proof of this, and the fold in which the Golem appeared, another sign of magic faintly felt than what those here possessed. Probably watched Trinity and Hadrias trends nearby originally, saw Hadrias turn to a disadvantage, and rolled out the golem.

"Shuiming. That's a golem, as Rui Shu shouted, isn't it?


"It's a fluke! That looks like a complete golem! All I can think about is the golem!

As I expected, Mizuki has a big chest. I know those childish attitudes are kinda cute, but leave her alone for a second -

"Yes, that's an authentic golem. An invincible giant created by a mentor (rabbi), coming out of the Old Testament"



To the two words you ask me back, I nod and show them. On the other hand, turn your gaze towards the Golem, but there is no sign that the Golem will move. Are we seeing things because we are not there? It seems that the other side is not going to actively get their hands on this one because, as Hadrias said, they are aligned - that is, they are testing their power. It's a business venture, but it can only be offensive.

In the meantime, Mizuki asks Trinity.

"Trijukun, how was it when you slashed him with a sword?

"Ah, oh. I can't help hitting my sword with all my strength. I don't even feel like I hit something hard..."

"I guess."


"I told you right now, it's invincible. Affordable - which means that if there is a reaction, there will be an impact. That's what I mean when it doesn't work. It's a centimeter and a millimeter in front of him, and it's like they're stopping him or emptying him."

"Bye, Mizumi!? Doesn't matter what you do to that one!?

"No, I'm not saying that much. But if you attack as you are, you won't accept anything of that. If you want to do something about it, you have to give that invincible a shake and try to accept this attack."

"To accept..."

"That's all special."

Yes, it's special. If it was a regular golem, I could still afford it. But if that is a golem close to the real thing, and it mimics a superman, it means that it will never be done in a human being. "Let man fall for the superman," he said by Nietzsche, and therefore man must bow before that golem.

There is no immortality or eternity in this world because eternity is denied by end-of-life events. One day everything is bound to perish. Therefore, even if there is no perfect invincibility...

"It's a pain in the ass to be near invincible... basically, like I said, you're going to disable everything we do."

Then, Mizuki anxiously clouds his expression.

"Then how do you give it a sway? If they deactivate our attack, that's it..."

"No, if it's something that can give you sway, you can make it come into contact. They don't deactivate it because it's something that can affect you."

"Oh well... that doesn't mean you don't have the means to defeat it..."

Mizuki gives a relieved look at the slightest reduction in fear.

In the meantime, Trinity turns her gaze. A calm and strong gaze that is powerful, straight, capable of captivating anyone's heart. He's been turning that gaze, no matter one.

"Shuiming, we don't know what to do. I want you to teach me how to defeat it."

Yeah, I know.

Don't worry. When you smile back thinly, Mizuki grins,

"I don't know, it's Mizuki's job to set up an operation."

"Yes, yes. Is this the usual three people?"

"... that means that's all we're getting into. We are. Weigh yourself up a little, please..."

For the two laughing together, Mizumi on the other hand creates a look full of fright and fatigue.

Either way, it's only natural to think about it. It takes me to get back on my mind and unravel the moves I took on the golem.

picking up a nearby twig, turning it around like a finger stick,

"- There's more to it than a parchment with Hebrew written on the forehead of that golem. I'm pretty sure that's the golem of our world first. And moving without the name of truth means relying on the breath (louaha) for the majority of it."


"It, Holy Spirit! You mean the Holy Spirit, right?!?

Trinity doesn't know and asks back, while Mizuki, who hears the familiar word, comes stuffed with excitement.


"No. No. Mizuki, that's what the Bible says about Luaha Kadosh."

"Huh? No, you're not?

"The breath I say here (Louaha) does also appear in the Old Testament... this is about the Hebrew, principled Louaha. A mud doll imitated as a golem is given a life activity called breathing by blowing the intelligent breath of a mentor (rabbi) out of his nose, and he's moving."

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Breath, Louaha. It's like a magician's power. Strictly classified, they are supposedly ordered to breathe by magic, including surgical ceremonies and dizziness.

The Golem is said to have been moved by parchment that says Truth, but when it moves alone, it must breathe in and be given intelligence along with life activities in order to turn it into a less intelligent doll that does not accept orders.

"Hey, Mizumin-kun, Mizumin-kun. It's amazing..."


"How do you know that?

To a really further question, Shuiming can't stop sighing.

"... I'll explain that later"

"Yeah, I'll explain later."

"Huh, two of us, terrible..."

Rejected by Mizumi and Trinity, Mizuki groans in tears.

Meanwhile, Trinity II seems to be figuring out how to defeat the Golem in Trinity II,

"In order to make the robot immobile, I say we do something about the leg, we say no... I think it's Theory who does something about the energy source."

"But you can't break your legs any more than you are invincible, and even if you attack Louaha directly, it will still be deactivated. Of course I can't physically seal the movement by putting heavy objects on it or tying the torso. What's wrong? The first thing you do is you have to give life to it."

"Wait, wait, Mizumi-kun! We have the talisman itself, so how about we do something about that? What do you say?"

"That's no good either"


"Easy. That's what anyone can think of right now."


"What do you mean?

"'Cause you do, don't you? Doing something about the Talisman (Fuda) is, as I said right now, an easy way for anyone to come up with it. You don't think there's anything you can do about it? If you're a magician, it's the first thing you have to do to make sure you don't peel it off easily, and of course your defense against it thickens. And then... right. Some movies, maybe treat them the same as a microwave or an enemy corpse."

"Booby trap......"

"That's the thing. The moment I put my hand on that one, Dokan! …. I suppose that's why I make it '' so that it's easy to see..."

Shuiming stuck the twig she picked up on her forehead and let go of the pong to create an explosion. Then, once there, separate the conversation and immerse yourself. Accelerate your thinking.

"... think, Mizumi. I already have all the tips. Then it shouldn't be that hard to defeat. The target of the attack is not the Golem. Nor is it the power to move the golem. That's the idea that's making that thing exist and moving." God is dead ". If that is Nietzsche's word and that embodies a superman who scorns the existence of God, the point is that that is the totalization of a series of doctrinal ideas that marked God's denial. There is no truth or good or evil in this world, and it is by living complacently that Superman is created. Living clean and right according to God's teachings is not absolutely right. Drive down the rich. Step on the poor and crush them. Scratch even to be happy. What is that counter of ideas? Are you an old man who invites you to sleep? Or the dwarf who set the hole bear in? Are you a gravity-manipulating demon? It's different, isn't it? The simplest thing that can relate to that..."

- Lusanchiman.

Yes, it's Luthanchmann. It is a curse on the common people to make it a theory that gives false happiness to the poor, created by Christianity to affirm both the existence of rich and poor and the existence of God, to survive vested interests. That's what Nietzsche called a 'toothpick of willingness from helplessness' and cursed the world. And the 'inequality' that tormented him to death, the resentment. That should be the most threatening threat to the existence of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

I got the answer. But it's weak to use the elements of the other world in this world. There is no more power involved in this world than simply poking this out.

But there is magic in this world to hit and put on. Yes, using the aggressive filth of the world's resentment and jealousy. Um...

"Liliana... I'll borrow your magic"

I mean, it's... dark magic. The magic of synchronizing with a bunch of resentments (left-handed) that Liliana and the wizards of this world were mistaken for one of the elements. Before I told her not to use it as a mentor, I'm no better than to use this magic, but it's an exception in this setting.

You murmured to yourself and you must have been surprised that you kept your mouth shut. Trinity asks me to peek in.


"... my thoughts have come together. Trinity, I will prepare the art of shaking the invincibility of the Golem. You need to step forward and make sure you're in time to hit that one. If it moves in a turbulent mood - can we go?

Shuiming pointing to the twig and corresponding to the stick and pointing towards Trinity II in Pisces. Trinity nodded to him like that,

"Yeah, I move better, so it's not that hard to get in time for the golem and see when."

"All right. I'll shoot the magic in to make you think this one's in pain for once. It's gonna be a mess there, too."

When I come up with a proposal for a big mess like that, it makes a scene like Mizuki ate a bubble.

"Hey, wait a minute! What kind of operation is that? I'll get the surgery ready so I can make it... and Mizuki didn't tell you what to do, did she?

"That's enough, isn't it? If it works, it won't be invincible."

"Yes, yes. And if you can't, you just have to think of different hands again."

"That may be, but..."

Shuiming opens her mouth to teach Rui Shu, who eats down.

"You know, Mizuki, what am I supposed to do with my mouth to Trinity's methods of warfare? This is how I have to instruct this guy to slash the other guy?

"I wonder if that's hard to move... I hope you're free to do that there"

"... that's right, Triju-kun and Mizuki are always like that"

Did Mizuki remind you of something when you heard the exchange? In the end, I exhale a sigh of awkwardness and convince myself. But it won't be enough. When something happened when I was over there, it probably felt 'loose' like this.

Stop, that's enough, and Shuiming looks out of the shadows and peeks at Hadrias.

"If you're the Duke, I guess you're not going to move."

"He said he was going to try me, so I don't think he's going to do any harm. Now that we have a new meter called the Golem, I'm sure it won't move until we defeat the Golem."

After Trinity's words, Shuiming snapped the twigs with one hand,

"All right, let's take it down and punch him properly. lumpy."

"Okay. Let's go with that plan."

"So End of Operation Conference"

"Well, I'm going first, so Mizumi is the magic of the example. If it doesn't work, I'll get you something later."

"Oh, I'll take care of it."

When Shuiming replied, Trinity jumped out of the shadows in momentum to get in between the golems as per the operation.

As Shuiming looks at it, he activates the glow art ceremony and shoots it into the golem.

After the decision, there is no turning around, no speaking.

That's because there's a definite trust between us that we've built up so far.

- If it's watery, ironically or withholding, once you decide, push as far as you can until the end. So, he'll be sure to give you whatever cover you want. He will, he said.

- If you're in Trinity II, you'll believe everything you believe until the end. Because it doesn't bend, it doesn't break, it has a single muscle through it. So I don't turn around. I don't even raise my voice. I just believe in this way of getting out and pushing.

Two trusts. Events responded by virtue of a good turn to that faith, which was firmly bound together.

The golem is flirted with by Trinity's movements, which are blunted by the magic of Mizumi. Hadrias doesn't move. The man in the mirage who's supposed to be out there is also stuck. Do you think this way out is distressing? The golem moves slowly and everything rolls towards the better.

Mizumi and Trinity, on the other hand, do not create any gaps at all that are supposed to arise in stray because there is no doubt whatsoever about each other's movements. Each and every one of the actions combines as though it were calculated and moves towards just one result.

Regardless, there is no way to stop it. It's only between us, unless we turn down one of them.

"... golem. Originally an artificial human being created by a mentor (rabbi). It is the result of a man's endless desire to faithfully listen to his orders, to produce man, one of the depths of Kabbalah. To make you appear as perfect as you can make it happen - no, I used Nietzsche's ideas to put our power and knowledge to the test."

That's how I begin to unravel it, to ask the question. As if to reinforce the event in order to lead what we are about to do to success.

"God is dead," is a famous word. Until today, this word has been treated under all interpretations, affirming people's freedom and denying people their sins. The big book was a constraint on swollen vested interests and a definite step towards showing people a new path. And what emerged was Christianity's theory of braving the weak, what the weak hold toward the strong - yes, resentment. "

Yes, this is what Christianity has been imprinting on the common people. He brought up God and affirmed the dissatisfaction of the weak due to the difference between rich and poor. As the saying goes, "It's harder for a rich man to go to heaven than a camel to go through a needle hole," the strong man goes to hell, and the weak man goes to heaven, saying that it is right to be pure poor by daring to affirm the difference between rich and poor - that is, that Christian teaching that preaches it right is absolute.

That sounds good when it comes to words to brave the weak, but that kind of thing is only a convenience to seal a glimmer on vested interests. You may resent the rich. But he told me to penetrate clean poverty. That's how you go to heaven after death, and you tell me to mock what went to hell.

The poor remain poor, telling them to pierce their misfortunes until they die.

Therefore Nietzsche despaired of such a world. Because as long as I was in this world, I found that I was never allowed to and had to suffer until I died. That's why I said God is dead to break that built value. That pure poverty never makes the poor happy. The unacknowledged will remain unacknowledged and buried for the rest of their lives unless they strive to be recognized. That is how he denied the way the European world was created by Christian values.

Then the existence of such resentment (Luthanchmann) can be a counter to ideas, and resentment, jealousy, hatred The magic of darkness composed of them can be a counter magic to this golem.

If the magical book of darkness is responsible for negative emotions, then there is always the jealousy of the weak for the strong (Luthanchmann).

"-Come, come, follow me.the guide is my blasphemy voice.Everyone hates swirling intention..."

(- Come, come, come. Make my despised, rotten voice a servant on its way. All the people of this world should spit on you, you wimpy willies...)

Hurry After laying a magic formation of external protection at the foot of Mizuki, release the magic again to increase the magical potency and tentatively raise your rank. Drawing a star reversed with a knife mark, the colour of despair, devoured by the malice aroused by the magic full of surroundings and still more pitch-black than the darkness of night, creates many blurs in the sky where the dark screen is laid.

... dark foam. An aggressive curse of dark magic that manifests the malice that drifts through the darkness and clearly floats its existence as a bubble. As soon as it appears, resentment swirls around.

Is that the gold cut of a woman shouting resentment? Or the servile voice of an old man caught in jealousy? Or the torso of a man who keeps vomiting his grudges forever. Or the crying child's kanshiki voice?

A runoff that threatens your ears and pierces your brain marrow becomes a big big twist, sounding, clinging, and turning the garden of the Hadrias mansion into an alley of nasal screaming.

Trinity, who was dropped into the vortex, shouted persecuted.

"Su, Shuiming! Whatever it takes. This is a little tough!!

"Patience! If we don't do this, it won't work! You have the blessing and blessing of a goddess, so you'll be fine!

"Mm, it's lame! No more saying that being defeated by an ally before being defeated by an enemy won't be a sprinkle!!

Exactly. Is he afraid of this, too? In the midst of listening to Trinity's cry,

"- Darkness. Thou shalt colour this shore with purple blue. The glamour changes without bewildering the calamity, picking up all the buds of fate. Eva, Zurdick, Rozeia, Deivikusd, Reianima…"

But the key word to be spoken is too desperate a ground song.

- | Hope equally results in disappointment (Transient Hope).

It was Liliana's dark magic that set her free during the Invincible Collapse. Plus an enhanced version with mystical rhetoric techniques (retrics) and barbaric names (nomina barbara).

A dark foam that floats enough to fill the perimeter abruptly becomes a sharp angle of darkness, killing it to the Golem. Numerous sharp wedges created by the dark foam pierced the body of the golem just as Shuiming had planned.

The golem flutters abruptly, as if his feet were no longer bound. Shuiming, who saw it, cut it frontally with the golem towards the relative Trinity,

"It's shaky! Trinity!"


Trinity's ambitious and reliable reply passes. And...


Sounds all around, the mood of the Ripple of Trinity. He lays down his sword as if he were going to sit back and shoot a gun, and he can roar loudly. It's as if it unleashes martial arts, as if it boosts magic, as if it inspires war.

A huge roar rang around, and when it was over, Trinity turned the shining sword of Oleicalcos to the Golem in a quiet act.

"- Huh!!

With a voice that is not a voice, a roar only in his heart, Trinity is slashed into an invincible broken golem. Slash a bitterly stretched giant arm with a knife and quickly enter its oversized nostrils. He set his aim in the center of the golem and protruded the gleaming sword of Orecalcos.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Again, Trinity exudes temper. Push the protruding sword deeper into the Golem. Golem to the unstoppable attack of Trinity II. The remaining arm will not threaten Trinity, but Trinity will only incline consciousness to the extinction of the Golem and will not go through with it.

"Su, Mizumin-kun, eh, why don't you give me some cover...?

"No. Shooting magic now puts Trinity in danger. Besides, only Trinity can stab that one."

"Just Trijukun...?

"That's right. What Nietzsche wanted to deny still comes down to an idol called God. In the end, because Nietzsche was also captured by God. And because he's the one with that blessing, he can chop up the golem."

Yes, Trinity has the protection of the goddess Arshna. His strength is strengthened by that blessing, and if the blessing is familiar with his body and magic, it can also be a counter to the Golem. Yes, this world too, because God has ordained man's misfortune and blessings.

Therefore, if the power of the goddess can infuse the familiar magic...

"Trinity! Penetrate! Get in there and smash Gatsun and Magic!

As if to respond to that cry, Trinity concentrates her heightened magic and pours it into the Golem via her sword.

In the meantime, the gleaming Orecalcos sword broke from the part stabbed in the golem.

"Tz!? The sword!!


When a spark is in the midst of a lightning strike, pull off Trinity 2, who is in it, using magic.

The Golem, however, woke up a crumbling body,

"... Ku, no. One more push, one push is enough...!

"Shit, I'm gonna make... Wait, I'm gonna make a sword right now"

That mingiri tried to take the test tube out of the suit's pocket again and create a mercury knife.



He sees no danger and steps forward. What is the act? Is it a step backed by a winning opportunity, or is it the savage courage of those who do it when they take it astray?

But the answer comes from the mouth of Trinity II.

"Give me strength... my Sacramento, answer my request again!!

When Trinity grabbed Sacramento and shouted, his body was wrapped in pale polar light emanating from the shattered blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue light

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