Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 54: 54 The night the full moon disappears.

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Night. The Tall Shadow - Liliana Zandaik, one of the perpetrators of the coma in Imperial Capital this day - was on his way to tailoring what he called a "nobleman who would harm the Rogue" based on information brought from the tall shadow.

Are you accustomed to jumping at night while still warming up the realm of darkness and the magical power of exercising the darkness of confusion, while preparing to build that surgical formula? Pretend not to see the restless sensation take root somewhere deep in your mind, no sound, and land in your own shadow that the full moon makes.

This is the time. What I think from time to time. that you are landing on a shadow, that the shadow is landing on you, or that. Sometimes when you use powerful magic, you can't figure it out. I wondered which one of you is who you really are, the dark human form you stepped on or your own illuminated by the moon.

When I leaned down, the shadows seemed distorted by the irregularities on the roof. The shadow is somewhere, as if smiling evilly. I know that's just an illusion, but that's probably why my mind is restless right now.

There is no tall shadow yet that preaches purpose, sometimes whispers, and reminds me of myself. I guess he needs help too, moving alone today. The two of us are generally moving, but we didn't do much of our purpose by ourselves, as we did on this day. I don't have the support of a tall shadow, but I don't have any anxiety because I also have several experiences of participating in Imperial military operations. Rather, thinking about it, it's an easy enough job to say that there is no other love. Because they're the ones who don't talk about it.

At any rate, neither the gendarmerie nor the brave can find themselves.

But there's also a little anxiety, because if Swimey Yakagi comes out like before, it won't be a glimmer.


Liliana remembers the day and stops on the roof. During the day, when he came into contact with Swimey Yakagi with Rogue's life, he was carelessly seen in the arms. It's under the gloves. That's the hands and arms that pervert and ugly have changed with every use of dark magic.

Look at this, what did he think? Do you still think he, too, is a monster?

Think of it, it would have been the first time anybody but Rogue would talk to me without being scared. Maybe this was the first time I've talked to someone else so much.

Get off the roof, remove your eyelids, and look at the glass window reflecting the moon. What I saw was my face and my left eye, and another. The right eye as if it were on the face of a dragon species, which humans can't possibly have. The eye lid is covered in black and fine scales, and the pupils are elongated lengthwise. All the parts that should have white eyes are golden. Everyone who saw this hated themselves. With monsters.

That is no exception to my own fruitful parents.

Even if I look at this, will he treat me the way he has been? People who are different from the people around them. Someone who is gentle, not flushed by the loud voices he hears. Swimey Yakagi. At first I got the impression of a twist, but with a barbecue, I make a soft grin.

The next time we see each other, I hope so. That way, we can maintain our current relationship forever. So I hope you don't look for the killer. I don't want you looking for yourself anymore. Maybe you can't give up on the people you care about, but the point is they can't win or lose if they don't even get themselves caught.

- So if that's what you want, here today, that he won't show up.



He returns to me because of the chilling sound of the shower. There was a cat again. He looks at me on the wall and sits with his tail wrapped around his body. It's something I've seen a lot before. Has your voice now called about yourself? In the midst of such an imagination on my mind,

"Huh -?"

That's when I realized. To have a lot of eyes around. Yes, to be surrounded by the golden eye of a cat. Looking around. Cat. Cat. From above the fence, from behind the building, from above the roof, from above the branches, from above the brick laying, from all places, the cat is watching this one.

When, where do you come from and see yourself hiding in such a secluded darkness, etc. What the hell is wrong with this? Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Those creepy squeals of cats and their many glances floating in the dark oppress the darkness around them.

Eventually the chirping stopped perfectly.

Then the first cat I found opened his mouth again. The way you open your mouth that sounds "Mia," but you don't have a voice. It's like a yawn. On that strange trick, I felt like I could hear the occasional voiceless sound of a cat.

"- No way!"

That's where I recall. And all I can think about. The day Suimei Yakagi showed up. That I did see a few cats that day. After I saw him, Swimey Yakagi showed up.

Today, Swimey Yakagi had a cat. Let the Cat of the Empire, whom people do not miss very much, obey all that. Is that the answer? I never thought about what to use it for.

... I don't know what kind of tube you're using to keep your cat on your side. I don't even know if I'm letting you cooperate. But Swimey Yakagi uses magic he doesn't know, an unusual coincidence. Incredible, naturally. Because,

- That's the guys here. Wherever you go, you deny the mystery in front of you.

Such words thrown away by the sorcerers of the Wizard Alliance revolt around my head. Yes, he's right. The phrase "there's no way I can do it" is just enough for a wizard.

Then, as before, if the cat had told him their place without a voice. And if you're still telling him where you are today...

When they realized it, the cats turned their heels and left. Instead, on a loose gradient at the tip of the turn, out of its darkness, I could see the contour of the human form peeling off. The darkness that surrounds us is dark, drifting like dark purple remnants remained in our eyes. That's something deeper than the black you're dealing with. I can only sum up those who have acquired the wisdom that precedes their knowledge...

"See you again."

The person who appeared - Swimey Yakagi opens her mouth so quietly. Instead of a cheerful greeting like the one you've just had, carry your voice and eyes somewhere with a mixture of pity.

Oh - and I don't know, my breath leaks. After all, he didn't give up. Turn around, I told you. Yes, when we met during the day today, I said that it was dangerous to engage myself, and that I was not injured next time.

"I'm sorry. End the corner advice in vain."


Advice. I feel like I've been read ahead of my own thoughts in those words, and my heart bounces.

"Hey, you, Liliana, right?

Soon after he calmed down the shock of being slapped through the heart, he was told the question.

How did you know? You shouldn't have hit badly enough to be found out who you are. But those eyes are full of certainty. That's the kind of eye I have for sure with this answer. So it's no use cutting the shira? But...

"- How did you know?"


too frank to get lost. As it is, Swimey Yakagi releases the question.

"Why are you doing this? No matter how much information you handle in a special department, it's not because it's the military's job to make a case like this, is it?

"I don't need to tell you that. The reason you do this, the thing about me, it's none of your business. I really want to ask, if that's the case."

With that mouth, Liliana reveals the magic she was warming. Instantly impacted by the intense magic that occupied the surrounding area, the walls and brick laying eroded and bubbles appeared as if chemicals had been hung. It's a war scene. He seems to have figured out what that means, too.

"Listen to me with strength,"

With that answer in mind, Swimey Yakagi spins another question without responding to magic.

And I have something to say to you.

"Caught by adults, is it? Or is what I'm doing wrong, is it?

"No, I don't know much about what you're doing. I don't know if it's your fault, or if it's your fault, because if you don't tell me, I won't, and it won't be a reason to stop you."

"Bye -"

"Still, there's something I can't admit. It's your magic."

"The magic of darkness...?

"That's right, Liliana. Stop using that magic. It's something people shouldn't touch in order to be people."

"Based on what"

"There's a reason. If you want to hear it, I'll answer it."

"I don't have the muscles to tell you that. I do what I have to do, just do it. So..."

Yes, so - do I argue with him here? Make excuses for him to protect himself. Do you do dark magic? Even though they are not my enemies, nobles.


Thinking of it that way, the movement of the mouth trying to chant loses its smoothness. I was wondering if this was really okay. Doubts circle around my head. But there's nothing more we can do than run out. Until you run off that path or someone stops you, there is no end. Therefore,

"- Darkness. The purple blue twist that colours this shore of yours. The glamour changes without bewildering the calamity, picking up all the buds of fate. Orgo, Lucula, Lagua, Secunto, Rabbieral, Bay Baron......"

After the chant, mumble the barbarian name and utter the key word.

"- Hope equally results in disappointment"

(-Trangent Hope)

Shortly afterwards, the darkness and shadows of the night present around them gather to form a bubbly spherical shape and swell. Numerous abscesses that rose around them continued to increase the streets, the stars, until they concealed all the light, all following irregular orbits, but without any error, to the Swimei Goatee.

The man who seemed in between blurs just calmed down without being driven by any agony, opened his mouth,

"- (Aski-Kataski-Haix-Tetrax-Dammnameneus-Aision…"

(- Darkness retreats too much into the light, and the earth fallen into disbelief regains its truth by the sun...)

The moonlight was buried in the darkness.

... Are you done? This is a particularly powerful spell in the dark magic you can have. To him, who could never prevent the magic he had previously unleashed, would never be the fulfilment of his defense. After the bubbles of darkness are scattered, there are countless wounds on the recipient, and the blackness of his whole body that cannot be taken forever, and he will eventually be breathless with a dusty tremor. Yes, without any exceptions.

".................. I'm an idiot"

Did you say that to him, or to yourself? A missing little curse disappears into the darkness. As a result of this, it is not meant to be. But there was no more. If they also have thoughts they can't give way to, they have to defeat them and take away from them the rights they never give way to. But still, what was in my heart was a grasp of my chest that would happen after regret.

Maybe we could have made friends for the first time. The thought eventually disappeared into a black foam.

"Fool...... it is......"

Eventually, magic comes to an end. The foaming and swelling darkness stops its growth perfectly, gradually to its original darkness. But the darkness crumbled like the waters of a wave. There, however, was no swimey goatee who was supposed to have sunk and fallen on a brick laying.


- What I saw at the beginning was, yes, the magic formation that emitted white light, its brilliance. Drawing unfamiliar prints and letters, the beautiful circled formations (circles); whether it protected its master, who was supposed to crumble with the darkness, or just above it a space lit by moonlight without a trace, the remnants of the dark foam (yawning) drifting through the sky flushed to the left as if it had been driven by a blast of tyranny.

Eventually, the surrounding sound returns, as if you have regained the time you forgot. Trees that shrug to be frightened of something. Rubble rolling down the ground laughing out of a mess. Red brick walls, hedges, and black iron sneaks and ends even silver gates lose their color flavors, all turning into unsavory picturesque grays.

The neighborhood was full of night-time tempers that seemed like autumn and night, and the reddish moon peered into her face.

And at the heart of it...

- That magic won't work for me anymore, will it? Dark Wizard (Left Hand Sorcerer) "

The wizard was there, looking strongly at this one with crimson eyes.

There were two things in Shuiming that came to the heart of the case this evening, and the sincerity that held him in his chest.

... The night encounter with the perpetrator of the incident is now convenient for the third time. But what's different from before is that you know who the confronting killer is. And besides yourself and her, there's nobody there.

There are no two people here right now: Fermenia and Refile. To convince Liliana, I asked her to refrain this time. Because if others are present, vigilance can stand first and get away with it.

So I'm alone today. I came to her alone, forgetting about the trust for a moment.

To question why you're doing this. And to make you stop exercising dark magic.

"Oh no, how..."

I can hear the confusion of a young voice, either because it was perfectly prevented from powerful dark magic.

The enchantment exercised is the enchantment of defense. An exorcism spell that was engraved on Deanna's belt in Ephesus, the goddess of the moon. God, the existence that makes up his body with elements approximating Astral, Aetheric, etc., the curse to defend himself (seriously). Therefore, this has an effect on attacks against Astral Body.

Aski kataski hikes tetrakus damnameneus ision. By that word, which means darkness, light, earth, sun and truth, malice in the high dimension is prevented from its power. Normally, they are not used enough to say that none of them are used in a battle between legitimate sorcerers, magic.

This magic works well, especially on the evening out of the moon.

And the dark magic that is undermined by this magic is

"An element of darkness is something I used to say. I'm sure whoever created this magic system didn't know what the power was until the end, not sure where it came from."

Yes. Liliana frowns in the wind that she doesn't have a point when Shuiming mouths her sigh to leak.

"What are you talking about? The Dark Element is me, the Goddess, and one of the powers of the Wizard."

"No, that's not what you guys call it. He seems to be mistaken all the time. That's why, like now, I had a way to prevent it."

"- Darkness. You're as sharp as a lightning bolt running through the sky!

"- Don't look at me, but look at me, darkness! Sick!

(- Thrust of Darkness!)

Liliana unleashes magic. linear, but with an emphasis on speed. But in this situation, dark magic is the stone that multiplies darkness to obscure vision. Under the moonlight, the magic of the wizard who neglected it doesn't hit the water. Keep it up, relaxed wide walks, flirting with her.

Ringing Liliana's fingers forward as she tried to step in, bursting the brick laying in front of her, she glanced at the bar, surprised as if she had been betrayed by the prediction.

"- When I first ate it, I had a general idea what it was like. There are not many elements that directly affect the Astral Body. The mystery of using the power of evil God by pagan divine labor (Goetia). Special Attack on Correct Faith by Devil Worshipers (Day Monomists). True spell. Curse. A monstrous attack. Among them, the art of hitting the target directly with thoughts of hating, resenting, or jealousy is considered the oldest technique. I just think that there's no such thing as a surgical ceremony, but it's powerful for that matter and is often found in indigenous old beliefs, etc."

"... that's awesome because what does that have to do with my power to handle it!

"Ready? There is no such thing as a dark element. As the phrase" hatred and resentment in a person is a curse and it actually affects a person, "it is a curse of hatred that has been overflowing from this world and has disappeared, solidifying in the outer shell world."

The oldest form of curse. That is, a mass of hate, such as people, objects, animals, etc. Thoughts wherever they go. Therefore, as long as there is an object to hit them, they can attack regardless of whether there is a defense or not. That's why the walls of the Golden Fortress were breached. The walls are walls. It is not a wall that protects itself from thoughts. Weak magic will defend the embedded surgical formula, and the curse can be prevented by resistance as a magician, but if the curse is powerful enough to outweigh the resistance, there is no way to prevent the idea of a permeable curse. Not if it's something powerful. The difference between the powers of the Demon Nation and those of the Demon Nation is there.

Shuiming once again defends the magic unleashed by exasperation. And go on again,

"But that's not usually something anyone can use. At one end, apart from the story, hatred and resentment are what lead man to ruin, because they are what man essentially dislikes. But there is only one person who can use it freely. It is a human being whose heart can be in tune with resentment and hatred. I'm talking about you now."

"Are you saying I have something like that"

"I guess. From what I've said and done, and from the fact that you can use such magic. Maybe you don't have the consciousness."

"That's not true."

"That's not true, is it? But the evidence is under your gloves. That's because it's synchronized with solidified resentment and hatred, and because of its use of power, the ends of the body and erosion-prone places are degenerating. It's what wakes you up. Probably behind those eyelids, too, huh? The effect of continuing to immerse oneself in negative forces diverges us from the way we should be."

Liliana aggressively suppresses her eyelid-hung eyes.

"That's right. The technique you're using is a curse that humans shouldn't use. That doesn't have to be me telling you, you know better than I do using it, right?

"But I, without this magic, I..."

"Stop. The magic destroys itself. It's not too late now. Stop using dark magic and focus on healing your body. If you don't, one day you're not gonna be you, something! So."


At that time when the alleged Liliana was about to be sensed, behind her, the malice in tune with her swayed like a pneumonia. So she opens her eyes as she returned to me.

"- So what! I know that! So much so that if I use this magic, one day I'll be taken in by darkness! But it won't matter to you about me or anything! Why are you so obsessed with me?

"Because as a magician, I can't admit how to be such a magician"

Yes, magic to which dark magic applies. It is called the Left Way in Concealment. The Latin word 'sinister', or 'left', denotes' ominous' in English, and as the left is a word given to a sorcerer on a ruinous path manipulating evil or evil spirits, the way in which it is found is not to be right, even in the world of sorcery. So it was unforgivable for Shuiming to be such a runaway (left-hand sorcerer) to her ruin.


"And then we'll take care of things."


When Shuiming smiles like she's in trouble, Liliana makes a look like she's been taken aback. such a question to her, as to its true meaning. Shuiming also

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"Hey. You're such a life, and that's it?

"Huh -?"

"There's not a single good thing about living like that to destroy yourself, is there? So maybe you won't regret it, but if you use dark magic, you'll never be happy, will you?

Liliana shakes her neck hard and sideways so that she shakes off all the words she hears.

"But if you do that, I can't fight! You can't fight me, this country doesn't need me! Even the Colonel doesn't need it! Ever since your mother and father dumped me, I've been alone! The Colonel picked me up, came to the Empire, and for the first time, he had my place! I don't care what they say about human weapons! I don't care if anyone hates me! Without Dark Magic, I will...!

"Is that okay ⁉"

"You wouldn't be! Is what you wanted really just that hard!

Yes, to Liliana. There's got to be something I wanted. There must be something you want from the bottom of your heart. That's definitely not just a hard place to be. If you have an innocent smile that I showed you at the time I met you during the day, then what she asks for is yes, definitely not unhappiness, etc.

"What I wanted, what..."

"That's right. Whatever you wanted..."

Shuiming again. I wake up and complain. But Liliana...

"Shut up! If no one needs me only by fighting, I can stay like this forever!

The strongest emotional rejection I've ever had was screaming so that I could roar.

And with that word, the darkness she was putting together runs wild.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

Darkness sprayed up like smoke is a curse. No, malice. A grudging elaborate one in the outer shell world relays Liliana's body to the present world with terrible momentum. Regardless, that's because Liliana's heart is in tune. All emotions were turned upside down with the hatred for the laws of the world that was only put into earlier shouts as the starting point.

Don't accept the darkness from yourself.

Liliana is about to be taken into it, causing enormous malice to erupt from her feet. In an attempt to help her like that, Shuiming attaches herself without regard.

"Gu, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God."

Liliana opens her eyes to see if she has regained me to the exclamation of Shuiming's anguish.

"Hey, what, you..."

"Be taken in, don't... No. That path is not for you to walk..."

"No, you can't. Get close, and you'll be in the dark!

Darkness curses malice, but it stains the body of Mizumi. It is a force so strongly concentrated that it cannot be compared to the dark magic unleashed by Liliana. If you're not keeping your mind strong enough, you're going to be adventured to the spirit. But things compete for a moment. There is no respite to speak of the Guardian of the Moon and then move on to action.

The words of guidance got to her ears, but still, Mizuming chants as she is trying to help her out.

"Luce sacra, ad utrorumque ergo corrigendum...... gu"

(Its holy glow, full of it, seeks what remains to be done…)

Keep your eyes meditating on the wording that can jump the curse. The cold sweat that erupted from my forehead flowed down my cheeks through my nose beam, and I can feel that feeling quickly and clearly because of the increased rush. The momentum of the immense curse does not diminish. The darkness swirling around me ventures into the watery body trying to pull Liliana out.

"Gu, ah... ah... this -!!"

Strength squeezed in temper. The hand of the arrived Mizumi grabs Liliana. And he pulled her out of the swirl of the curse, as he forged to swing and throw.

Liliana being thrown out and Shuiming rolling in recoil and falling in. Liliana, who noticed his condition, stood up flashly and walked over to Shuiming.

"Swimey Yakagi......?

"An idiot...... Whatever it was, it almost died..."

Because ah, the breath is constant, but Shui Ming smiles. Seeing his condition like that, Liliana, knowing her own stupidity, broke her knee to collapse.

"I'm sorry... come on..."

"Totally... be nice to me, please..."

That said, Shuiming takes care of the airy grin on her blue face to feel safe already. Liliana, who pulled out, is relieved by this. I think so, I wake myself up quietly.

But things didn't seem to fit easily.


"Huh -?"

The world is shaken by. It's a big swing like the vertical and horizontal swings that go hand in hand, but even if you run your gaze around you, there's just a swing and nothing's moving. The trees, the fallen debris, are quiet. It's not an earthquake. Another phenomenon, it's...

- Mystical force field swing (manafield vibration).

"Chi... did you accumulate too much malice"

Looking around the unshakable world, Shuiming makes a bad habit. Incarnation, the phenomenon that often occurs when an unusual and unlikely phenomenon occurs in the present world, or when too much excessive force is revealed, was shaking the city of this other world. The malice that had overflowed Liliana into the relay swelled too far beyond the limits of a single space. Coming this far, perhaps, elaborate malice takes direction, takes shape.

Eventually, as Shuiming predicted, things converged that way, both visually and audibly. The darkness, which followed man's resentment, gradually began to reflect a purple blue, separate from the black of night, and panned into the air. The still unclear contours conceive of the grief of the golden cuts and the jealousy of the heavily lowly voices, planting in the hearers' brains the discomfort that they will never forget, popping their spines.

"Oh, that..."

"Limits, I will. Stay back..."

Is it a common precursor for lightning to run around the space before the current world? Between them, malice takes shape and embodies.

And it was a miserable appearance that came down. The body, with only uneven, overly smooth, bright black contours, is lowered with unconstrained hands and feet like the removal of the skeleton, bringing the biological stuffing together on its surface, and where it is seen as the head, there is one red light, like blood mimicking the eyeballs, buried on the right. Such a shaping, as if it had ugly deformed a human being, was naive as it was painted, but it was also thought to be of such an outstanding design that if it were to hustle and bustle with the human being's original being, it could be said that it was no better.

Sinful looks make a scene. The sound of deafening golden cuts, the low, wild voices, the voices of toddlers who knew all the dark parts of the world, the voices of old men who were just foolish, and the voices of the disgusting charms in their ears overlapped and interwoven, is still accompanied by resentment.

"Oh, oh..."

"Don't listen to your voice. They'll draw you in."

Liliana is trembling because of the disgust caused by her overwhelming voice. He who arouses, but is therefore susceptible to sensation. To notice, as Shuiming placed her hand on its shoulder, her body stopped trying to move across her consciousness.

Sinful figure moves. A brick lay stepped on like a leg of support, blackened. As we approach, the air is maliciously polluted. Just take one step and the impact of the array is immeasurable.

Liliana, who saw it, complains about the distress.

"To, run, I have to... that's... no..."

It's fear that stirs her up. If you're a normal person, you give up living if you put something like that in front of you. I'm inclined to witchcraft, so I guess you know what you have to do to get it.

"Run, what do we do? You can't leave that alone."

"But I can't...... How do you feel about such a thing? And not in such a body..."

"When they say no, they want to do it."

When Shuiming spoke so invincibly, a scream was emitted in time as if he were unraveling the humanities.


Various voices echoing in residential areas strike themselves as shockwaves. The sound of it will not leak around when it is inhibited by a wall of malice, but the anomaly will one day be understood by someone. If the voice and appearance that drives a living person crazy is a leisurely expanse, the everlasting world will instantly turn to hell. That's all we have to avoid.

Sinful appearance jumped. Both human bipedal leaps use limbs to fly beasts. Such, just reacting to a strange leap like after being slammed to the ground, Shuiming makes Liliana flutter and rise in magic, even to the hedge.

Fits the way you jump, jumps away. It's not good to hit. Wherever you touch it, it is clear that it will be a landed brick laying or a dance of two received walls. At the same time as landing, the shadows flesh as they grow up. It is the magic of the missile that releases it there. One, two, three, and convenience. Shuiming escapes to fly laterally, looking frightened after four finger snaps.

Against expectations, there was no pursuit of sinful appearance. Originally based on the notion of fighting, it's not getting attacked. I just want to get busted. I just want to stick around. I just want to increase similar misfortunes. No matter how far you go, it's only malice. Instead, the figure wields a black, giant rubbery arm uncrafted. The tip of a torso so that can't even be called a tip conceived the wind, and the two arms smash the walls and brick layers in a storm to tell the story as powerful as it is.

Shuiming, who turned his arms to head protection, withstood shock and debris as he gazed at the situation from that gap. The figure in front of him then delivers an attack using his arm, while releasing a blue lightning bolt from his fingertips imitating a knife mark. "Abreq ad Habra" So small-mouthed, the blue tip of witchcraft is scattered when it hits a sinful figure. caused a once-only cramp.

Improvisation makes it ineffective. The guilty figure recovers quickly, but remains with his limbs moving apart.

"... look. Sure, I am. All kinds of malice are mixed together, and it's what we can do. But it's not certain what you want to do more than a mixture of various malicious feelings. So there is an unusual unevenness in the movement. Never feel more terrified than you need to be."

"Ugh... but..."

"Don't be weak, if you're attracted to that, that's the end of it."

Capture that sinful figure ahead of your gaze. its appearance to stir up the potential fears of man.

… yes, this is the end of sin and smudge that never clears people's minds. Dirty things that always aim through the gaps in everyone's mind and make anyone want to block their ears. It's just ahead of us. This must never happen in this world, it's vicious.

The sinful figure is still calling in a deaf voice. Liliana blocks her ears so she can hold her head, and she's shaking her neck sideways desperately trying to distract her voice. No, no. The figure belongs to a girl of her age. Never be such as to be corroded and taken into malice.

So no matter what state you're in...

You can't back off.

Start moving, sinful figure. Raise an international high scream like scratching the metal with a sharp one, and run down the gradient and scatter it. It's like a superpenetration of a meteor. The time of everything that lies ahead stops, moves out of the things behind it that have passed, and blows away.

If it hits that one, it won't do, and Mizumi tries to focus on avoiding it from the beginning, which she captures with the magician's eyes.

"Gu, uhh..."

I ran painlessly to my body. A maliciously eroded body screamed in between the worst when it saved Liliana from the rampage. The pain causes the timing of Shuiming's evasion to be lost. A few seconds blew out of my consciousness. When I regain my identity, things are imminent to the point where they don't -

"Then you just have to stay out of it..."

Cut with a knife mark on the right is the six-mang star (Telema hexagram). The sweat that conveys your cheeks makes you fall to the ground. And he peeled off his octagonal teeth, as opposed to the anguish that he would not do now. Liliana is shouting something from a remote location, but I'm not listening right now. I can't hear you. My stomach is set. We must destroy it with this staggering. Therefore, keep the magic steady at your fingertips. It's night. You can't use a BLESS BLADE cleansed in the sky. It is not allowed to use the name slaughter. Sorcery selection is required. Among other things, when there is impending silence. Eventually, the noise is removed, and it becomes just two of us, ourselves and our opponents, who are in the extended time,

The wind stroked my cheek.

- Don't do that.

Let's get back to the sound. What remained after that word, which I did not know, was the sinful figure that ran behind me and the knife mark on the right, protruded to pierce what the Six Lights meant. The sinful figure rolled down the brick layers without stepping on the brakes, crushing them and spreading them into the darkness of the sky.

The winner of this one-haired staggered victory is Eight Keys Shuiming.

... the sinful appearance vanished also obliterated the bitter air that was sweeping around. As soon as the battle fatigue and maliciously eroded bodily pain strike Shuiming. With that state pressed, he approached Liliana and sat down.

"It's over."

Can't you believe what just happened to Liliana? With his eyes closed to surprise, he alternates his gaze with that of Shuiming and the place where his sinful figure disappears.

"Tell me what's going on... why are you doing this...?

"Well, that's... because the nobles are trying to harm the colonel, and that's why he held me up..."

"That guy? He was with you, the other guy...?

Leaving the influence of malice intact, it was that mingle that Shuiming spun out the words. I can hear the whistle of the gendarmerie from afar. The neighborhood had become alien in the present world of sinful appearance, so it would not have heard the current noise. So, why...

Surprised by the approaching footsteps and fury, Liliana's shoulders bounce.

Eventually, on the spot, with Elliot at the forefront, Krista and a group of gendarmes appeared.

"Over here!

Sounds, Elliot's neutral beauty. Looking around as soon as he arrived, he finds the fallen Mizumi and Liliana and gives them a facetious look.

"Swimey Yakagi and you sure..."

"You're the ones. How could you--"

Are you here? Shuiming noticed trying to ask. That Liliana is trembling in small pieces with agitation. Unexpectedly, Liliana, a few steps behind. Elliot's appearance and the hustle and bustle of the gendarmes. Her mind had already reached its limits to more than acceptable events overlapping herself that were about to be taken into malice.

"Damn, what a bad time between..."

Shuiming moans at the bitterness that spread through his mouth. Now the extra people will be busy and unable to calm down and talk to Liliana.

Mitsumi still wakes herself up in a situation that gradually gets worse.

"Fair enough, it's going to be a bit of a hassle, but let's go. Liliana."


Mizumi reached out to Liliana, who is at the extreme of confusion, that was the time.

- Can we keep this up? If we stop here, your purpose won't be achieved, will it?


Liliana's body trembles in the voice that came down to her ears. If I looked up, there was a tall shadow figure on the roof.

"You are - ⁉"

Shuiming raises her voice, but the tall shadow does not pass by will, but also turns to Liliana,

"What do we do? Do you mind if I do? Isn't that true for you?


"No! Don't listen to me!

- Go.

Tall shadows point in the opposite direction. Are you telling Liliana to head that way?

At the same time, a gust of smokescreen rushes around. Elliot and Krista quickly show a calm response, but the gendarmes were upset and disoriented by the abrupt.

"Damn - Gu ⁉"

Shuiming couldn't move. My body rejects it, trying to step out of my running leg. It was because of the malice received during Liliana's rescue and the damage suffered when she staggered with her sinful appearance. After overlapping impossibilities, you can't build up impossibilities anymore.

Liliana, on the other hand, doesn't know what to do with the glaring situation? Shivering in confusion, and...


Screaming to turn away from everything that had happened, she jumped one person into the darkness ahead of the gradient, if the tall shadow had shown.

"Gu... Ri, Liliana... Don't go..."

Hold her chest and exhale in agony, Shuiming reaches out to Liliana's vanished tip. And on the gradient, blocked forward to stand was the tall shadow.


The tall shadow, its mouth seemed distorted by mockery, to the groaning evil of the sweaty water.

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