Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 93: 93 The day you decided to fight.

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- The brunette boy, who suddenly broke into his room, fled the clouds from the palace grounds with a companion figure after defeating a large number of soldiers, as well as Gaius and Selfi.

After that, there's nothing I can do, and now I'm alone, back in my room.

The palace grounds, which can be seen from the window of the room, are lit with magic lights and fireworks, with the appearance of soldiers and officials of the guards who move busily, as if they were in a strict state of precaution. No, rather, is it weirder not to? It was an unprecedented situation where more than half of the guard soldiers were defeated by intruders and then let them escape. There is tremendous shaking up and down, and I still hear anger coming from the outside.

I'm guessing we'll be doing a thorough night of replenishing guards, tracking intruders, and searching.

After that, Gaius and Selfi quickly regained consciousness, were magically handled and not taken care of. But they both had hearts - rather than minds - the damage they took to their self-esteem was considerable, and as soon as Gaius healed, he jumped out and said it was a workout, despite midnight, and Selfi seemed to have lost a lot of confidence in the discrepancy between the insistence he originally had and the actual result, with a long expression of disappointment.

And Weitzer, who was safe, then reported to King Miazen exactly what had happened. The king is famous as a warm man, but just as he also seems to have had quite a sense of crisis in this noise, he severely reprimanded the head of security, and ordered greater reinforcement on patrol and security.

It's been another hour since then. However, there have been no reports of intruder discoveries.

But can't you do that either? If you break into a tightly guarded palace and take that selfi and say that the dimensions are too different, you won't find it if you run away, and even if you do, it won't be possible to catch you first.

To listen to Weitzer, the boy described the chosen guard soldier as just a human being. If we don't at least move ourselves, we shouldn't even be fighting.


"Are you from the same world..."

He did say that. He said that he was a familiar child.

Human beings in the same world. It is about those beyond distant memories. Wherefore it is now a people that I will never remember. Is he really a part of it, too? It's suspicious, but he knew his name, as well as swordsmanship. I don't even know my name right now. Words like teachings and harsh eyes.

And they were all told from his tone of nostalgia somewhere.

But there's no way to make sure of that.


Keep yourself in bed so you can jump in backwards. I honestly don't remember much about when I was summoned. When I realized, I was being put to sleep on the bed like I was now falling asleep, in this unknown room surrounded by furniture like I had never seen.

In a strange place that day, with an indelible and blurred head, the door of the room opened and Selfi came in. At that time, she explained immediately to me that she was the one who summoned herself and that she was a human being summoned from a world different from the one in which she was now.

But when I heard that much, it was not clear what was in my head. I couldn't even respond to such simple questions about who I was and what kind of person I was, and the only person I could finally remember was my name.

Sometimes I can't remember who I am, other than my name, and at that time I was greatly disturbed.

There was also Weitzer with Selfi, but I remember him changing his quiet expression slightly worryingly and showing himself.

And then, I've never been particularly impressed. I heard that I couldn't go back, and I was in my room all the time except for dinner with the king and his wife and when I talked to Selfi.

Then it was a while ago. The demons attacked us when they entered the palace.

Looking up at the ceiling, I remember what happened that day.

Since that morning, Weitzer had been visiting the room. Every day he comes to greet his room. He doesn't have time to decide because he has plans, too, but he showed his face that morning and talked about no other love.

... I remember exactly what Weitzer asked me after I finished talking about that.

"- Lord Brave, are there any deficiencies in your life?

He answers Weitzer, who sits on the chair and cares so much, smiling himself.

"It's okay. Everyone in the housemaid makes it better, so I'm not crippled or anything"

"Really? But if you need anything, please tell me right away. Lord Brave is a national guest. No need to hesitate."

"Then don't call me Lord Brave."


I guess I didn't even think as much as dew would ask of me first. Weitzer gives a distracted look.

"That's... that..."

Perhaps for him, "Hall of Valor" is a nickname, including his name. Being royal, you can call most of your opponents away, but you can't scorn the brave. That's why he's a brave man.

Exactly. I wonder if this is going to be mean, and I'll take that topic down.

"Okay. Think about it."


Weitzer bows her head gently as she disables the story from here. It's still a respectable attitude rather than a bad one. Because I don't know who I am, I don't feel comfortable getting these attitudes unconditionally because I'm a brave man.

Therefore, I asked him.

"Hey. I'm the brave one, is that true?

It doesn't make sense. But still, he says, letting his confidence seep into his calm expression.

"Yes, under the supervision of the Salvation Church, the Valiant Hall was summoned by the ritual of summoning Yingjie, who carried out on the palace grounds. Definitely."

"Even if they say so."

Even if you're called a brave man, it's too abstract. It is true that he was summoned to defeat the Demon Clan, and his purpose is clear, but it is not something he can nod where he is told to be.

Weitzer then said,

"I hear that the brave men summoned in Yingjie's summons will be given protection by the Goddess"

"Even if they say shelter. Specifically?

"According to the legend, you want to gain unknown power? There's probably some exaggerated part, but there's got to be some change in the body."


"Don't you?

"Because I can't compare it to my previous self. But..."

"Again, is there something?

"I guess, but I feel I can move better than the others. And I think you're strong."

That's what I say, I give Weitzer my hand and ask him to shake it. In response to that behavior, he shook his hand back, anticipating Weitzer holding his hand.

"... this is"

Weitzer expresses his surprise on the face, whereas he was unexpectedly gripped back with strong force. I guess I was still surprised because it's a grip I can't put out on a normal girl. But I immediately got a convincing look because I was sure that I was a brave man?

"Perhaps this power is the gift of the goddess' protection."

"Monster Daughter Is Honestly Complicated"

"It's a pleasure for us."

I guess that's because you're a brave man. I know it's like a saint sent from heaven to them, but this one's in a subtle mood.

If he thinks so, Weitzer gives him the look of saying he has somewhere to think.

"- I personally just don't feel comfortable putting someone like you on the battlefield."

"... yeah"

I guess he senses the look on his face and cares about him quite a bit. I couldn't get a quick reply after all.

In the meantime, Weitzer's expression tightens. This is his face before he went on official business.

"Hall of the Brave. I'm sorry to bother you today, but I need you to go and inspect the soldiers' training grounds."

"We had a conversation yesterday."

"Yes, our army's proud generals want to show you how to train, Lord Brave."

Of course, I don't just want to show you my training. So is the soldier's encouragement, but I guess showing it also means aiming to inspire the brave. It seems the king is not on board, but Serfi tells me that he was stuck around for this inspection.


(... I don't know how to tell a girl to look like that)

If you're a man brave, it's still hard to assume that a woman will be inspired to see it. Because of the unwillingness to fight, I can also think of a bitter meat measure, but I can only say that my thoughts are uneven.

Maybe I'm just in the mood to show you something cool.

"What about Selfi?

"She needs something else, so I will accompany her as she crosses the border."

It was surprising. Serfi usually accompanies me, but I didn't know it was him today.

"Can you tell me about me? You're a prince, don't you have something else to do?

Is official business good? When asked so, Weitzer shook his head.

"This is what I'm supposed to be. It's an extra honor to be able to escort Lord Brave, not just because it's a responsibility."

I guess he cares. Even though he is not responsible, it is a disciplined thing.

"Thank you Weitzer"

"I can't thank you enough. Anything of this magnitude. I wouldn't spare my life for Lord Brave."

"That's too much."

"No, I don't think so."

You can hear the folds he's about to make, the outside of the room, the busy footsteps from the hallway.

The footsteps were approaching step by step and stopped perfectly in front of the room.

"I wonder what's wrong?

"... unless it's so urgent in the palace. Running is a doozy. That means"

"That's it. Was it enough?

Weitzer, who made his eyes rough, nodded and headed in front of the door. Then the door to the room was just knocked.

Then there was a voice from his escort waiting outside the room.

Weitzer, responding to the words, opens the door and whispers with the escort.

... Weitzer, who eventually finished talking, lowered his escort and poked his knee in front of himself.

"Hall of the Brave. Sorry for the rush, but I'm going to take my seat off a little bit."

Ask him to sit in the middle with a calm expression.

"Is something wrong?

"No, it's not like Lord Brave cares"

"... yes"

I replied, but it would be certain that something had happened in this way. It bothers me, but I can't even pry. Drop Weitzer off as you go. But I was somewhat concerned that there was danger in the face of the escort, and I went after him late.

We follow in his footsteps as we ask the housemaids where Weitzer is on the way. And the way we got there - it was between a glance.

A gentle greeting to the guard guard guarding the door, he inadvertently heard a yell from inside.

... Someone seems to be calling, but I don't hear it clearly because of the door. But even if they keep one door apart, they're so noisy inside.

Ask the guard.

"What's this?

"Well, from our mouth..."

A guard soldier who shows his troubled face. Get out in front of them because you don't get the guidelines. And

"Could you open it?

"So, what now?!?


When I asked for it, the guard opened both doors to me like I had no choice. Exactly. If it's a courageous request, I guess we can't defy it.

Apologize and thank the two men who guard the door for not being able to do so, and go in between your eyes.

There, a man of black colour and muscle was desperately complaining about something towards King Miazen.

"- While we're at it, Ralseam is under attack!

"I know. But there's no way you can say yes, even if you suddenly ask me to send out an army."

"That's why I'm keeping my head down!

The man is just the momentum of the jump. So much so, I guess there's some kind of persecuted circumstance. It is not a disgusting gesture against the king of one country, but does no one on the ground say anything because they perceive the circumstances? The king also seeps through the troubles, but answers them with a king-like harsh attitude.

"Lord Fauburne. I am aware of your feelings. But it'll calm you down a little bit."


The man seems to want something, but the king doesn't snort. Still, the man wants something from the king without backing down.

I could see Selfi holding him aside with ministers and generals. Quietly head to her.

"Hatsumi!? How did you get here!?

"I was curious because Weitzer left the room in a nasty way"

Explain the obviousness and ask Selfie, who remains surprised.

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"So, Selfie, what's wrong?

"... Apparently, the Demons are attacking Ralseam territory."

"The demons..."

Going north on the territory of the Union, there is a demonic territory, across a blank zone that is neither demonic nor human. Supposedly they attacked the northern Ralseam from there, but the Demons shouldn't have shown any movement since they attacked Nosius.

"We made it look like we were getting bigger, and it looks like we were advancing the army to the Coalition,"

"So, what about that guy?

"I'm one of Larseam's generals. The soldiers of Ralseam and nearby countries did not make it, but went so far for reinforcements."

"But it seems the king hasn't responded well."

To that point, Selfi nodded. It also seems like the king is trying to get into smoke when he tells the man to settle down. But don't you have to send out reinforcements?

"This Sardias Union made a statement that the countries of the North would work together, so to speak, in a community. Don't you have to go and help in times like this?

"Exactly. When other countries are in crisis, we have to go and help them, as Hatsumi said. But the army isn't ready to move."

"Oh well..."

I guess Miasen didn't tell anyone else, either. Because what moves is a large organization called the military, movement tends to be blunt.

... but the man is still shouting and complaining to the king. Weitzer went in between. Weitzer's calm voice pokes at the roaring voice.

I said help me, give me a hand. The man is covered in scratches. The bandage is wrapped around the clothes. I guess he fought until just before he got here, too.


In the meantime, kings and heavy towns looked at this one. Being directed at himself, a brave man, seemed like a glimpse, but his gaze was immediately removed. You know the circumstances, so I guess you concluded you couldn't rely on it.

The man is still suing. The soldiers of the surrounding guards go into a stop, but they are physically different from the big, muscular men and cannot be pulled back.


Flying anger shakes my head. As if the inner self were in his place and standing in his head. Sounds heavy, voices echoing in huge fishing bells.

And that's exactly when I saw that vigeon.


I saw footage of a black sandstorm wrapping around the gray background, thinking that my vision was shaking like it did when I had a stand-up tease.

When is the front, back, left, and right of the body gone, and all I see is that in front of me. Eventually the TV sandstorm stopped and the statue came back to life in front of me.

What you see is not between anger flying glances. Probably how the funeral was performed somewhere else.

I can't move. However, it seems that only the eyeballs are flying to another location and watching the event.

Everyone who participates is on the spot, dressed in black clothes, quenched, and in a strange manner. The format of the funeral is Western. Many people, Japanese and foreigners alike, came there and many spared their goodbyes from the person. I don't know who died right now.

But one thing I still knew for sure was that I was reading condolences in front of a lot of people who often dreamed of a boy growing up who was supposed to be the hardest person to break up with. From his mouth reading his condolences, I heard him say Father. And even with just one family. Then how much grief is it? The spiciness of losing a flesh parent at that age would be unspeakable in a word.

But still, the man was looking forward. I'm going to walk alone, but therefore, without leaning down, the way I read my condolences, there is no follow interrupted by the whimpering of sorrow.

It was for gray cloudy weather, yes, with resolute black eyes.

It's just that at the end of the day, after it's all over, in the living room of a house somewhere, there's a word that the person uttered in his wanderings.

- I have to move on. To make sure you find the dream your father told me. If it stops, that's where it ends. That's why I have to go and help.

So even in that place of mourning for sorrow, you did not show any weakness? Were you looking forward and walking resolutely? When I asked him, he was resting quietly.

I guess I got tired of a series of things around funerals, farewell ceremonies, greetings to those who came to spare the deceased a farewell. There was a muscle, a grain of tears, telling the tranquil face that peered in.

... and that flashback was the memory I was supposed to have? After another sandstorm vigeon, eventually all the sound returns.

The man's anger that he's from Larseam and Weitzer's appearance to crack and enter.

Same as before, during the glance.


"Are you okay, Hatsumi? What's the matter, sir?

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah...... okay"

Because I lost sight of it for a moment or so, the voice of care can be hung from Selfi, who was next door. But Weitzer's interaction with the man, from behind the words, showed that the world that had been interrupted by video was all less than a second's recollection.

In an exchange that was just less than that second, my belly was determined.

Escape gently from Selfie's hand and step forward. and walked to Weitzer and the man,

- I'll go.

"Ah? Who, you?

The man has a strange look on his face at the woman who has suddenly interrupted the story. And I didn't have to name myself, and Weitzer, with his surprise voice, spoke of who I was.

"Lord Brave!?

"Ah? You say you're a brave man?

"Yep. My name is Hatsumi Akiba. He said he was a brave man called in the coalition."

With that said, the man makes his face look rude and makes his nose squeal like an insult.

"Hmm? Wasn't the brave guy who was definitely called a coward who hasn't even tried to move at all since he was called?

"My lord, what a way to speak to the valiant!

"Ha! That's true, isn't it? Otherwise, why are you here at this difficult time?

"Well, Lord Brave has a situation…"

To the man's point, Weitzer's tone is weakened halfway.


Sure, this guy's right. Even if I were to be put in an irrational situation, I should have done something, but I didn't do anything. I was in a safe place and just trying to wait until everything I didn't like was over. That guy was different. I stood up to you.

Then I'm sure that guy, if he sees himself like this, will say a word of inertia.

Turning his gaze on the man returns a frustrating narrative.

"Hmm? Are you even complaining?

"Yeah, sure. So do you want to see if I can fight now?


"Lord Brave!?


Selfi and Weitzer raise their surprises, while a man stripped his teeth. He's pretty excited about coming straight here from the battlefield or eating at the king.

The man shakes off the guard soldier with force. They were easily bounced off, not enough to take it originally.

He himself walks out to eagle fry towards such a man - and pulls out the sword Weitzer was raising on his hips.

Slowly put it in front of you and cut it to the other person's eye. Standing of the front eye. That's all, the way the sword is shaken, the way it's used, comes back to life in my head.

"Nah -!? My sword..."

And late for that, I hear Weitzer's amazement. Did you realize that the cuttoe was cut off by the light of the magic lamp and finally the sword was stolen? It was within the slow steps, quietly, and quickly pulled out the sword, and I guess the servant could not notice either.

Not while he stops. The man, too, is now in a moment of events, full of confusion. I jump into my nostalgia with one leg if I'm not going to let a man like that take a stand or something.

The man opened his eyes as the time clogged in an instant.

But the blade that shook off at the crossbow didn't capture the man, just slashed the sky. My own foot jumped into the man's pocket, then slipped through the right side and stepped further ahead.

"Is this okay?

When asked, the man bites his teeth for failing to see through a series of motions.

"So now you're saying I was dead? That's a brave man."

Did you even try to complain? The fold the man was about to say, don, and the heavy noise echoes behind him.

In the rear, the stone columns erected to decorate the flag, which was near the entrance between the sights, had fallen in two pieces.

And the name of the moves that come back into your head.

"-Clarigarodorani Phantom Sword, Blade Blade Tasers"

All those who lagged behind and turned to the audio source were out of tune. Since the stone pillars far from the time were made into two pieces without touching themselves, it would come as a surprise.

"Ha, the pillars!

"No way, just wave it......!?

I hear breathtaking voices from around. I asked them what a misguided surprise they were.

"That's the monster I have to take down, isn't it?

As soon as possible, the noise of throbbing and creeping echoes during the sight.

Again in that direction - a gaze gathered at the location of the stone pillar, and possibly there, was a mutilated alien figure.

It was a creature, with an ugly form that mimicked the demons and ghosts that appeared in the story. With wings, the skin is red, but so is the blood that sprays. Peel off your white eyes, you're desperate.

"He said he was a demon!?

"Didn't they tail you this far..."

Weitzer's surprising voice and the voice of a man who seeps bitterness into his own unconsciousness.

Eventually, when Weitzer,

"Were you noticed?

"I pulled out my sword and I found out. Even Weitzer's senses get sharper when he has a sword, right?

"That's right..."

Was it a little extreme by analogy? Ask the man, butting him for answering the confusion.

"Still got a problem with my arm?

"... no. That's brave Sama. I'm afraid so. I withdraw my words completely."

The man sighs and fogs the hostility he's been infiltrating from his body. On the other hand, he turned to Weitzer, who was still relieved, the pattern of the sword he pulled out.

And give him a bad look,

"I'm sorry I took the liberty of pulling it out"

"No, Lord Brave! Brilliant moves, no divine moves! I'm impressed!

"That's too much of a trick."

"That's not true! It won't be the last thing you can do without magic and slashing that big pillar in one swing without any philosophy."

Open your mouth to Weitzer, who is unusual and slightly excited, no matter what.

"What are you talking about? I can't believe a swordsman can only kill things in time..."


"Huh? Ah...!

If I noticed, I would have left my mouth to move. "Second class is a good place," if you mouth someone's cliche any more, you probably feel a lot worse.

Weitzer wonders how she is herself, who stopped to say it.

"What's wrong?

"Ugh, yeah. Nothing. than that."

And there he stops his words, and now he pinches his constant reticence.

Is that okay? Can I step into this fight myself? Do you have any regrets? Think of those words and ask yourself.

And now I think back and say his words once in my dreams.

"- So, where are the people who have to go to help?

Yes, that day, such words #####;###########;##

… that was the beginning of the battle in the other world of my - Hatsumi Decayed Leaf - who lost his past.

I started walking because I remembered his, those words that came out of my dreams. When I see him again, don't be ashamed.

We have to move on. Like he said.

And so I came to a certain fact.

"... well. Words."

What I remember is that boy who broke into the room yesterday.

Yes, I somehow felt nostalgic for his tone because the way he spoke and spoke looked just like his in my dreams.

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