Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 97: 97 Visits under the month

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In the middle of the night, where the stars glow lightly, a painted basin-like circle floats with blurry, thin blue light on the edge.

- On New Moon nights, never argue with a swordsman.

I think of such advice from my father, who made me a sorcerer and also had an edge of contention with the swordsman, telling me to remember Yume. Knives and swords often bounce back moonlight. Therefore, on the evening of the moon and night, you can see the slashed line with your eyes without folding, because it glows to reflect the intent of slaughter. But it's not even the night of the new moon. Even though there are lights, the light of the machine does not show until it is intended to kill, and the light produced by the mystery will be summoned to death because of the way it is.

Regardless, there are none of them in this other world with little light at night, let alone what happens if it is a crescent moon. Guess it's called guessing.

Standing with Hatsumi in the wrong place, and not wanting that to happen, Shuiming looks up to the deep heavens of the night and worries.

Miazen's capital is under the crescent moon. Tonight, Shuiming was alone, making another intrusion into a palace in the land.

Sneaking back down the high fence where he stood, fluttering and gently standing in the bush. Again, the palace is a vast area. The main building, three other gardens besides the annex, besides the guard's quarters, the chapel across the woods, and if we were to go around, we would eat quite a bit of time.

If the place to go is fixed like the other day, but not tonight. And I also had concerns today about whether or not she would be alone. I increased my vigilance in one of the other cases and may not be alone, but I don't want to check on this myself.

"At night, I'm going to the water field by myself, and..."

This information brought to you by Liliana. If that's right, there's nothing hard about it.

But it seems that the palace is provided with about two water plants, which force me to explore two places. And the first of them was where he came down now.

Whatever, hide your body in the shade and peek in. It makes no sense because it is difficult to understand by magic, but is it because of the fact that the body behaves in accordance with the atmosphere?

There is a glimpse of a guard soldier around the well, and now a housemaid is drawing water. Apparently, there are many uses here.

As a result, this water field was excluded early from the possibility. Being alone is hard to think of first coming to the popular watershed.


"Waterfield hey...... what are you doing in there?

The most likely thing to think about is drinking water, but if you are called as a brave man and treated politely, go get water and other downwork is a housemaid's job, as I saw earlier.

So, if there's anything else I can think of...

"A sword workout with water......?

I don't know what the sword makes sense, but it's not strange to have a workout that needs water. Because it is also possible to use water resistance to train. Besides, if you think you have to hide the skill of the sword, you can also nod to be alone. Perhaps the answer is for sure to that.

But then, yes.

"If you suck, you're going to get slashed, mon... but this is your chance to be alone in the corner..."

Shuiming flies to the roof, leaking words that are likely to be taken sufficiently as another meaning. Landing quietly on the roof while applying the magic of flight, moving out of hiding from the gaze pointing from the bottom.

Stay away from the main building of the palace and head near the chapel used only by the royal family.

They have tall wooden stands around them and are hiding from other places. The atmosphere is lonely. This one doesn't patrol much and is perfect for being alone.

And then there's the water field around here.

"Whoa, are you coming over here for once?"

I saw one female guard coming around this way. As he jumps off the roof, he rushes to hide himself. I also tried to get him to sleep, but I concluded that it was not even that far because he was going around quite a range by himself, and I dropped him off using magic.

But near where I got off, there's nothing that's likely to be in the water field.

"Does that mean the back of the chapel?

Alone, turning around behind the guards' gaze, there was a stone wall of different quality than the chapel building. Does it act as a collision, but because the sides are liberated, it is often said that they are built to be separated.

From across the collision, I hear louder water than I thought. It sounds like it's sprinkling a lot of water. Bashan,... Bashan and I are not exactly spaced apart, but there is no doubt that someone is using it for something.

Shuiming entered the other side of the collision to slip in, making sure there was no one around.

Behind the stone walls are paved with cobblestones thinking about drainage, a few wells that are considered or installed for simultaneous use by several people, on which beams are passed, lined with hardware to hang wooden barrels.

And there you are.

"... Huh?


It was Hatsumi Decayed Leaf, looking like a piece of shit.

He makes a loose voice in between and often stops moving as if he could be seen.

The golden hair, separated from the Japanese by isolation genetics, was wet with water and accounted for the vast majority of the viewed was her healthy skin, which leaves so many droplets. The body makes a line of curves that are so fascinating that they are too poisonous for the eyes, with a strong and impressive feminine puffiness.

With her eyes in place, she looked like she had been taken aback and flushed the water drawn into the barrel from her shoulder.

- Think again. So is that. This is the back of the chapel, so I had to keep in mind that it's a scale-away facility to cleanse my body.

In different worlds, bath culture permeates only some areas. As a result, when washing my body, I usually wipe it clean. But since humans familiar with baths like ours do not feel like they washed their bodies, it could be enough to think about bathing in this way.

"Um, this is the..."

Shuiming tries to excuse herself, even as she wanders off. No, I didn't mean to peek, etc. Not in that case either, but that ended up being noticed when Hatsumi tried to scream.

"- This weird..."

"Hey, stay a minute -!

Screaming, Mizumi rushes out towards Hatsumi, unable to resist being called upon to do so. And he paid for the barrel she was about to throw, and he eventually assembled it on her.


"Hey, just be quiet for a second! Please!"

Shuiming turns cleverly behind her, holding her down to cuddle from behind, blocking her mouth with her right hand so that she can't speak. The sudden upset the balance, the two of us poked each other in the butt, but that didn't bother me. More than anything else, there are still patrol guards nearby, so I didn't mind being given a woman's resounding A run.

If they scream here, the guard soldiers will fly in. Other soldiers will be gathered. That would be the last two dances. Then we will wave our chances to the stick. I wanted to avoid it at all costs.

Hatsumi resisted. As he tries to escape the commandment of his arm, Mitsumi tightens his left arm, turning it from behind, to strengthen the restraint. The sorcery spent above all on the making of the junction, so it had to be assembled and held down.

"Mmm! Hmm!"

"That's why I can't get into trouble. Please..."

- Gyum!

"Huh! Himmm......"

"Damn! Just a little more..."

Use magic while being pinched back and forth in a hurry. It was inadvertent not to set it up beforehand. I can't help but regret it now, but it was now necessary to form Phantom Road as soon as possible.

... spent most of his consciousness on the production of the junction, and by the time it was eventually completed, Hatsumi had also settled somewhat or lost her temper to rumble. When the junction to isolate ourselves from our surroundings was completed, Shuiming let go of her hand, which held Hatsumi's mouth with a relieved breath.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way..."

"What's the only way to do this! Pervert!"

Hatsumi, still embraced by Shuiming, stripped her teeth with all the momentum of biting.

"Oh, I said that, I can't believe I'm doing this..."

"Just get off me! How long are you gonna be grabbing my chest, you idiot!!


I'm grabbing my chest. In those words, Mizumi finally realized what she was doing. Cuddling restraint was in the consciousness, but with his left hand, he hadn't noticed her breast grabbing the eagle at all.

A few seconds when they say it. Organize it in your head for a few seconds. Much later I thought, Shuiming turned bright red and let go of his hand, jumping away.

Speaking of which, I remember gripping the soft one so hard earlier when I made the restraint stronger.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sorry!

"That's not bad, pervert! Before this, I'm gonna go into people's rooms on my own. Now I'm gonna come in where I'm taking a bath. Besides, I'm gonna rub people's breasts! It's not totally a pervert's place!

"Hih!! Or I don't have any words to give back..."

Shuiming, who replied with a barbaric voice, sometime becomes strange and sits at the front. Hatsumi, on the other hand, is having difficulty reconciling vigilance with concealing her skin, or her body, which cannot be concealed by her arms and hands alone. I'm spinning my arm, but I don't even notice one of the peach tips peeking from the top of my arm.

Watching Hatsumi blush and stare at me with shame, I finally realized that Shuiming was

"... well, take this, please"

In awe of saying so, I take her clothes, which were hung, and give them away. His head lowered firmly, and despite the fact that he could only see the ground with his eyes open, Shuiming was so thoughtful of his eyes that his face would sneeze.

Hatsumi receives clothes from Mitsumi, even though she is alert.

Eventually Shuiming regained her gaze, anticipating that the sound of the clothes rubbing had subsided. It's the worst part of being slashed, but apparently he doesn't have a knife on hand. The bath may have been fortunate in a way.

Then did she notice anything? I look around suddenly with a strange look.

"I've shouted a lot, but people don't come...?

"I'm isolated by magic around here. No matter what you do, no one will come because the sound won't leak outside."

"So I got caught by you?

Hatsumi turns her gaze as sharp as a blade. Quite a swordswallowing voice too to ask. To her like that, Shuiming shows that there is no harm in raising both hands.

"Uh, uh, you know. I'm not gonna hurt you, am I?

"... I think I've added quite a bit now."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forgive me. It was totally force majeure."

Shuiming flat out and apologizing for flat out again and again. Hatsumi was detoxified or sighed loudly at his atmosphere, which was completely different from the last time he broke in.

"... so? What are you doing here today?

"So, as I said before, you're here to talk."

"The one who's familiar with example?

Asked Hatsumi, Mizumi nodded with a stubborn face when she said, "Yes." But she pointed out before that she put forward a previous exchange to engage the

"So I think you denied that before? How can a childhood friend come to see another world?

"Because I was called to this world, too. If there's any other possibility, there's nothing else, right?

"What odds... you mean you're a brave man too?

"No, I'm from Trinity... I got caught up in a friend summons and I'm framed for coming over here. Didn't you hear there was an accident during the summons in the Kingdom of Astel?

"Speaking of which, I remember hearing..."

"That's why I'm here now."

Shuiming tells me like she's sick of the oddity of star circling.

But Hatsumi still had her suspicious eyes on him.

To her like that, Mizumi is the only one who gets to face it.

"Then what can I tell you and you'll believe me? Your family names, stunts, hobbies, whatever you like...... and then yes, even in the embarrassing past you can't tell people secrets?

"What are you ashamed of!? Embarrassing!? How do you even know a secret that people can't tell you?!?

"Well, we've been dating since we were kids. You're my cousin who lives next door to my house, right?

"Huh? What cousin... Oh, really?

Mitsumi agrees with Mitsumi, who is surprised to hear about her body.

On the other hand, she confessed in Shuiming's sincere mouth and body that the suspicious face, which was stubborn, was somewhat disintegrating, but still had an uneasy color on her expression.

"I knew you couldn't believe it?

"... ho ho ho. You think I'm in a position to believe anything?

"Well, I guess so..."

She is now a brave amnesiac. Natural vigilance becomes stronger because of the danger, of course, is easily targeted or used by various forces. There's no way it's that easy to believe by telling me to believe it. I struggle with her because I lack the material to judge others.

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Shuiming drops her shoulders and scratches her head like she's in trouble. If you can't talk to me, I didn't have any more help to prove it. Except for the story if it's any physical evidence, but all we have to do is pray that her memory returns.

Hatsumi looks seriously at Mizumi, who is roaring in arms with that in mind.

Eventually, with a voice somewhere like I thought,

"- Okay. I'll believe you. If you were going to fall for me, you wouldn't be doing this roundabout."

"Are you sure?

"It doesn't look like you're going to do me any harm, and you knew I was the only one who knew or I didn't. And then... right. Will you call me by my full name?

"Hatsumi Decayed Leaves"

"What's your name?

"Eight keys, Mizumi?

"Eight keys, Shuiming..."

"What the hell's going on?

When Shuiming looks strange, she gives the look of having to admit, like she said after all, that she was whining about the bump and the name.

"... it sticks"


"It sticks when you say it. Pronunciation is as solid as people in this world are used to saying it more than my name, and I'm prone to calling your name too. More importantly, words and utter nagging that make your mouth move audible. Besides, it's the same race, and it's historic. On second thought, there were more overwhelming elements to believe."

She so separates, goes on.

"I'm sure the only reason I suspected this before was because you knew too much and couldn't accept it right away. And I was surprised by your trespass."

Sure it is. It would be difficult to tell him to believe the stranger who came in on his own.

But when he was finally able to get here, Shuiming exhaled in relief. Now I can move on to what I should have done right away.

But Hatsumi, once again, turns a stern gaze.

- But I didn't forgive you.


"Of course, right?

"Ha... ha!? You believe that much, don't you?!? Why not!?

"Of course, right? You and I know each other, and even if you're kind to me, you don't know if I trusted you or not?

Are you sure? Even if it's someone she knows, friends, cousins, it's still unclear to her if they're trustworthy. Is it impossible not to be alert?

Then she asks in a slightly reprehensible tone.

"So? First of all, why have you broken into the palace? There's got to be some other way to come visit me, right?

"Or so. Thank you. They're making it harder for the brave guys to see each other. I'm taking care of an Adventurer Guild Master named Xiao Dark Pavilion, and even with that handout, it seems impossible."


"Oh. They say the royal family won't catch anything."

Hatsumi frowns suspiciously when she sees Mizumi flaunting her shoulders saying she's in trouble.

"............... the Kings all do well though"

"I don't know about that. But..."

With that mouth, Shuiming mumbles with his imaginary face. I was wondering if I could say something about the future. The story ahead is that there is a verse in which the royal family uses her. Because it's not definitive, and I think it's important to protect her, I hesitated to tell her right now.

"Neither do I. I feel somewhat used."

Hatsumi, who reads from the facial expressions or speaks instead of the dangers held by Shuiming.

"But if you say it, the summons of the brave is its ultimate thing. I don't know what to say."

"Right. That's why I had to use these hands."

Fu Hatsumi asks after Mizumi briefly explains the reason for this history.

"... you care about me?

To ask that question, Mizumi looked like she was asking what she deserved.

"Naturally, though. We're family."


As far as blood ties are concerned, they are between cousins. Distance will vary from household to household, but still, for Shuiming, who has no family, most of the relatives who lived close to him and dated him from an early age were alike to his family. When I'm in Japan, Hatsumi's parents worry about my diet and invite me to dinner, and Hatsumi sometimes behaves like a cook. It was not something that Mitsumi could do in the end, such as leave such a human being alone or something cold.

Hatsumi is blinking her eyes with surprise because she even runs out of words about her family.

"What the fuck?

"Beh, nothing! Nothing!

When Mizumi asked, Hatsumi turned to her in embarrassment. And then, after some reflection, he asks me like I said I was scared somewhere.

"... I don't care what you say about family or anything, do I have any other family?

"Oh, to my father, Master Mirror Shiro, I have my mother, Mr. Snow Ooh, and my brother Cheeto. Suddenly he's gone, and we're all worried."

"... yes, you do"

When you hear that you have a family, is there just something you can enjoy? I guess she's distracted by the fact that those who wait to return are unnecessarily worried because they don't know what's going on.

To her like that, Shuiming reached out.

Hatsumi, come with me.

"With you?

"That's right. Now I'm looking for a way back into our world. That's why I came to Meerzen... if you stay with us, you can return to the other world as soon as you find me. So."

So come with me. That's what I said. But Hatsumi didn't nod at the invitation. She turns away uncomfortably, as she did when she turned her back generously.

"But I have to fight the Demons..."

"Nothing, you have no reason to have to fight, do you? I just called it in on my own, and they told me to fight, and I don't have that kind of in-laws."


Yes, it's not just Hatsumi, this is something I can tell all the brave men called into this world, but I don't have a stepfather to fight the Demons in the first place. In the case of Hatsumi, who is losing his memory, it can be said that the battle against the Demons was well established and likely to happen. As for Shuiming, I didn't think there was an intervention of her will there.

But the fact that you can't even snort in a half-enforced situation means

"Maybe because we're going to betray the people we've been fighting with so far?

"There's that too... but not only that, because this fight started with me too, you can't throw it on the way"

"Did you start with yourself? What's this all about?

"You're right, I don't remember, and I have no reason to have to fight. That's what I said in the beginning, and I've been pulling it into my room. But when I heard the demons attacked me, people wanted me to help them, so I thought I had to."

Shuiming shuts her mouth to Hatsumi, who gives a gruesome reason. The reason she speaks was that there was a part that leads somewhere to what Trinity was saying.

"After that, I fought with the people of the Union and Selfie to get rid of the Demons. Everyone was happy. Not because I fought, but because a lot of people and their families were helped. So."

- I can't throw it out now. Isn't it a good story to throw out when you hear you can go home, even though you started fighting for yourself?

Yes, she threw it out slowly, as if it were the first time she would expose herself in her mind.

But isn't that something you have to do after all? Weren't you feathered fighting because you were attached to your conscience and needed to be impatient? Then that battle is not my battle. I also think I just got caught up in people's fights.

Hatsumi inadvertently opens her mouth when Mizumi tries to tell her so.

"... hey? I don't know one day, but there wasn't a funeral? That you did the mourning and someone important died."

"I did... three years ago, I did my father's funeral. The mourner said Master Mirror Shiro would take his place, but I did because my closest blood is me."

Did you get any guesses? I sigh similar to giving up, as I found something I shouldn't have found.

"I knew..."

"How do you know that? You have amnesia, don't you?

"I flashed it back. I still don't know the faces of the people in that memory. The footage just came through my head."

Is that the case? She thinks that's what Mizumi thinks,

"So, after that funeral, you said... I have to move on. I have to go and help..."


I asked back unexpectedly. In retrospect, I don't remember that.

"Don't know?... Yes. Probably when I was tired and hanging around, so I don't think I remember. The context was strange. But at that time, you felt like you had to do something. So I'm sure that's not just a dream."

Back then, it was time for a lot of things to happen. When my father died and then was chased at the end of the day, and I did decide to go down the road as a magician if I still didn't keep what my father promised me at the end of the day.

When you're weak, even if you were leaking that out of your mind, it's not strange.

"When Gaius came into the palace to give me reinforcements, the memory came back to me. That's why I started fighting. Because that man in my memory, he moved on without rotting. That's why I said I shouldn't stand still."

- I know it's you, too, but I'm a little angry.

She added so shyly at the end. I didn't care about that though.

But still, I hold on to my forehead and worry about my gushing thoughts. I didn't know you had your own words at the end of the reason. What shall I say without referring to this as a cause and effect? Because I couldn't take the hand that I just offered because I didn't let that one slip into my mouth.

Huh, Hatsumi noticed why Mizumi holds her head,

"Nothing. This isn't your fault..."

"... right. Even if you're not amnesic, it's possible you were fighting. I can't say it's anyone's fault."

Though I said it vegan like that, I can't wipe my guilt. Hatsumi before she lost her memory, there's a good chance she went into battle with the Demons. Because the fashion of the genre she mends is nothing more than a technique to conquer demons.

Shuiming asks her that quietly.

"... you fight here?

"Yeah. I started it, so I can't throw it out on the way"


The words were spinning with a narrowed voice, probably because the guiding mind was strong. Fighting the Demons is not a lifetime thing, and we are going to have a lot of hard times. The same is true of people's smugness with people. If you're in a position to say brave, sometimes you can't stay. And because we're going to stand by and lose our memories, we still have a mind to show you around.



That's what I say, Shuiming gets up. I couldn't disdain her determination because I was worried. Besides, even if you forced her here, it's just a worrying push. To comfort her own heart, I couldn't let her give up what she wanted. And I, too, can't give up what I have to do. Therefore,

"I want to stay with you, too, but I have to look for the art of getting back into the original world. If I find it, I'll come and tell you then."


"I'm in the dormitory of this city's night pavilion for the time being, so don't hesitate to ask me if you need me. You may not feel comfortable seeing me."

Speak so tenderly and slap your hands as I recall.

"And yes!


"Tell me when you see the great guy. If you even know you're a friend of the brave, but you tell me you're going to get your hands on me, this time the purpose will be different. Ten thousand, but twenty thousand, but come ready to be wiped out."

Mizumi jokingly said so, and came after Hatsumi.

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