Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 14: 14 Chapter 1-12 Sealia Thoughts

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After about two hours aboard the king's carriage, Tenma and the others arrived at Kukri village.

As I heard in the carriage, I found out, this king was a hell of a man.

Q, why are you going to Kukri Village?

A, (Jianmae) Recently, rumors spread to Wang Du that there was something wrong with the Great Forest. Since there will often be a decade-long inspection to the Borderland of Haust, so that the people will know that the king thinks of the country so much that the king himself will go and inspect it.

(Really) Because the minister has been loud lately and has been under a lot of stress, it is to change my mood.

Q. Wasn't it a good idea to report via Uncle Haust's border?

A, (Jianmae) It puts a considerable burden on the border uncle even if the king only inspects the border uncle territory. Then it would be better not to worry about a small number of people on the way back after the inspection.

(Really) It smells so bad that Uncle Borderline's men follow him to change his mood.

Q, isn't that going to be a problem later?

A, (Pre-Construction) In order to be able to respond quickly, the King himself needs to be sure immediately.

(Really) The ministers do the trouble.

Q, is that okay with the king?

A, because there are so many good people around, they can also do the rest as kings.

(Really) It's okay because you're a king!

Above, some excerpts from Q&A

Coups don't happen a lot.

The most surprising thing is:



Gassi, the old man and old man cuddling with... moreover, father and king.

They had a time when they were young, with their mother and Mr. Cliff, who had not come this time but was currently captain of the King's Kingsguard, when they had a party of five and were adventurers.

He said it was a pretty famous party in his active life, and he had exorcised dragons. By the way, Grandpa said he had exorcised by himself.

When royalty is young in this world, it seems not uncommon to become an adventurer with the meaning of social studies as well.

By the way, it seems there were times when the king was a mentor to his grandfather.

"He was smart, he had no magic, but sometimes he did stupid things, so he didn't get bored watching."

That's what happened.

Meanwhile, when I say,

"Tenma, I told you not to do anything dangerous."

It was detonating the Sealia volcano again.

"Seelia, Tenma helped us. Forgive me."


"It's nothing."

Yes, the king is useless!

Rather than that, Mother, who are you!

"Dear Siria... is a friend of Queen Maria von Blumeil Crustine's" Magic School Elementary ", who is the king's rightful wife, and whom the queen calls her one of a kind best friend."

Mr. Cliff tells me from behind.


And the king is weak on Maria.

"Are you laid on your ass?

"Master Left. Dear Siria and Maria, we still exchange letters very often."

He said he'd be in trouble if he could get the hang of this place.

"It would be more interesting for me to do that, privately."

This butler has a good personality.

"Tenma, what are you talking about!

"Hey, Mr. Cliff... no!

When was that butler,

"Tenma, you didn't get it yet."

Shit! The Sealia volcano is helping, no god... no, I've seen him...

"Seelia, it's time for you to forgive me. If you can't win, but you intervened in the battle, then you must praise your courage if you have a chance."


Mother getting angry at her grandfather's words.

Oh, Grandpa, you're my God!

"It's been a while. Lord Merlin."

The king greets him.

"Um, it's been a while."

Grandpa snorts at Eagle Deep Friends, not the other way around.

"His Majesty respects Merlin as much as his father."

Here we go again, Clive, ignore it. Ignore it.

"His Majesty was quite an evil kid in small places, and even with tutoring, he quit more often without keeping up with His Majesty's pranks, etc., but he was impressed with Merlin's class, and gradually grew to be an adult."

Heh, Grandpa, that's great.

"How to Suffer People Efficiently How to Suffer Classes Efficiently, etc."

"I'm not busy."

"Seems like it was fun and I miss it because it tells me things other people won't tell me."

Well, I don't care. No, I don't. Let me convince you that there are many unusual people around me.

"Master Tenma has changed."

Don't read your mind, freak Deacon, I don't want you to say another word!

The Kings will see how Kukri Village and the Great Forest are doing one day tomorrow and will be returning to the King's Capital the day after tomorrow, he said. The King and Mr. Cliff stayed at our house, and the remaining four were to stay at Grandpa's house.

I decided to go to bed early because it seems to be loud late today. Good night.

That night.

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"Hang on, Alex. It's not gonna change."

Ricardo talks smugly about reuniting for the first time in more than a decade.

"That's how it's changed! No matter how old I am, I'm me!

"It's the same as not growing up, it's just bad that we got power."

"Mr. Cliff's poisonous tongue remains the same."

Followed by Alex with Cliff and Sealia.

"Power is for use!

The King of this Country "Top" in grandeur.

"That's what got the temper involved."

"I'll be sure to tell Maria."

Ricardo was laughing, but Sealia's eyes weren't laughing.

"Please, Dear Sealia,"

"That's all you have to stop! Clive, you're my butler!

"I'm also Maria's butler."

"Oh, my God."

I also missed this kind of mix-up.

"And by the way, when did you have a child? You could have written to me and sent me."

Alex, aware of his disadvantages, changes the subject.

"Did you let Maria know? And then when Tenma's over fifteen, she says she's going to go play once."

I'm not listening.

For Alex, it was water in his sleeping ear.

"Perhaps if the king found out, he thought he'd throw away his affairs but go play?

"Well, maybe Alex would. He's here now."

"Yes, it's Alex."

Three people convinced of Clife's words. Alex had no allies.

"Well, put that down. Isn't Tenma quite something, if it's a one-on-one battle, no one can win even in Wang Du?

"I guess, if there's no magic, I thought Jean would manage to eat up some of the things I brought in this time. If they use magic, even Din will lose."

Kleife to say it out.Din is a swordsman and senior magician who was a party member of the Ricardos, captain of King Alex's Kingsguard and said to be the strongest in the Royal Army.

"Well, that's all you got to say."

Clife is the scourge of an adventurous party, so much so that the eye that discerns the power of his opponent was said to be the Kingdom One.

"You want to be my son or my grandson's bodyguard."

"... if that girl wants..."

Alex and the others didn't miss the shadow on Sealia's face.

"Is there something about Tenma?

To Alex, who became his face as king, Shelia spoke with a bump.

that the Heavenly Horse is a discarder,

I was wondering if it had something to do with nobility because it had a family name called Ootri.

If we find out we're not real parents, we're going to leave this house, you know, anxiety, etc.

Listening to Seelia, Ricardo as well as Alex and Cliff were surprised.

"Seelia, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were so worried"

There would have been a difference between male and female parents, but Ricardo thought the last ten years of ties to Tenma were thicker than blood.

If Heavenly Horse's real parents show up now, we can say that Heavenly Horse is optimistic that they will choose who they are.

Sealia was different,

Unlike a man, he struggles to raise a child in his stomach and endures pain, sometimes risking his life as a woman giving birth to a child.

Maybe Tenma chooses a birth mother who showed up more sneaky than herself?

Maybe I'll give up a step to my real mother?

That's what Sealia had in mind.

Therefore, there was over-protection against Tenma.

To protect you from the woman who gave birth to Heavenly Horse.

Of course it was unconsciously done, but Shelia herself thinks so.

The men could not say anything to the woes of their female parents.

It was Merlin who opened the door and came in that broke the silence in the heavy air.

Merlin gently placed her hand on Sealia's shoulder,

"Silly, you are undoubtedly Tenma's mother. If you look at the tenma, you'll see."

Merlin says that in a kind voice, go on.

"I call you Mother Mother, and if you are angry, you make me look sad, and if you are praised, you laugh happily. I do have some problems these days without hearing what I have to say. But isn't that something you're not reluctant to do, because you think you're a mother?"

Take a moment to tell you. And...

"Trust Tenma more. And trust him. Because you're Tenma's mother."

I said.

to that word. Shelia wept. And

"... Yes"

I just shrugged.

Ricardo embraces Sealia and holds her hair.

Alex thought a little,

"I've never heard of a family name called Ootri, but I'll keep it in mind. I'll let you know if I find anything."

Cliff, too,

"You've certainly never heard of it, pronounced" The Audrey Family, "but it's a Royal Edge house... so it's hard to think about saying that."

He said.

After this, it was opened up because it was no longer an atmosphere to continue the conversation and because of the intense colour of the fatigue of the sealer.

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