Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 155: 155 Chapter 9-14 Black Souvenirs

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"Tenma, over there"

On my way home from hiding, at a time when the sun was about to go down, Amur, who was sleeping on the roof of the carriage, noticed something and informed me that he was sitting in your seat.

"Were you even a demon?

"It's a demon, but it doesn't look wild"

When I heard that word and looked at the one Amur pointed at, I saw a big bird flying over the far away sky. Besides, it looks like people hang on that bird's feet.

"That's... that's Ted"

After researching it in Exploration and Appraisal, it was Thunderbird, Ted and his family. I may be on my way home from work, but it's weird that I don't hear from you when I see someone I know here, so I decided to let them know we're here.

"Amur, keep your eyes closed... never open them. Damn!"

I threw a magically created ball of light over the sky with a hanging voice. The ball of light could be bounced up to about fifty meters above. The balls illuminated the area with intense light the moment they could play. This is an improvement on the 'lights' I used for Ash at the Wang Du militant tournament before, magic like a soundless stun grenade. There are several magics similar to this, but the magic used this time can be used at the same time as the magic of other attributes to produce various colors of light. For example, if it's just light magic, mixing the magic of white light and fire attributes makes it red light. However, if you mix the magic power of other attributes, the magic difficulty jumps exceptionally, so it's more convenient to keep the white light if you're going to use it instead of a flare like this one, and it's easy to see from the target.

"Oh, my God!

My grandfathers, surprised by the sudden light, rushed out and looked around, but when it came to something unusual nearby, it was just Amur rolling around the ground. Amur held his eyes and said, "My eyes, my eyes!" and shouted like a colonel everywhere.

"Sorry, I saw Ted in the distance, so I used magic to let him know."

"You were. I'm surprised even the enemy showed up... by the way, what's that kid doing?

Hannah, who gave a reassuring look, looked wonderfully at Amur, who was still rolling around.

"Hi. I think I've seen the light in person now. I stabbed him in the nail, but I think he's losing his curiosity."

Where the sun began to fall and my eyes began to correspond to darkness, I think I was temporarily deprived of my vision because I saw intense light. I don't think I'll go blind, but if I leave you alone like this, you could lose your eyesight, so I put restorative magic on both eyes of Amur.

"Ooh, Tenma."

Ted, who noticed the light, approached him as he waved with his shoulders grabbed by Thunderbird and suspended.

"Is this the 'haulier' job to this point?

When I introduced Mr. Hannah to Ted, who had stepped down near the carriage, and then asked him why he had come to the south, Ted took two letters out of a magic bag on his shoulder and gave them to me.

"Sure, it's work, but they're tense. The sender is Jeanne and the queen."

When I heard the sender, I wondered if something had happened, and I tried to take half of it away from Ted, and I received the letter and read the contents...

"What the..."

It was a letter of content that unexpectedly came up with the word, etc.

"What did it say? Hmm... Sure, 'what the hell'."

When I gave Grandpa the letter, Grandpa who read inside felt the same way about me. However, Hannah and Blanca, who heard what the letter was about, said it must be natural. What is the content of that letter…

"The neighbor of our mansion burned down the house in a fire. I don't think there's any commotion going on around the site."

It was good until the neighbor of Wang Du's mansion (almost no relationship) burned the house down due to a fire caused by negligence and had to let go of the land, and the buyers on the site gathered immediately, but it seems that dozens of people named themselves as buyers because of our neighbor. So a greedy neighbor hoisted the price of the land, and eventually it went up to more than ten times its normal, and he said the king waited.

By the way, dozens of buyers also showed up next to the mansion where my grandfather and I live, so it seems that they were just noblemen and shopkeepers with some thoughts, and what the king put me on hold was that this fire was negligent, and some damage was done to us (flying fire, etc., that the walls that separated us from our neighbors were broken, or trees and lawns near them burned. There was no damage to the mansion, etc.), so it was treated as a case, so they stopped buying and selling the land until the size of the crime was determined.

Besides, it seems likely that your neighbor's land will be deposited with the state if it stays this way.

"Well, burnt trees and lawns are a waste, but trees should be planted in the woods, and the walls can be magically fixed immediately, so it's not a big deal."

Yes, it is. As for the trees, when you go to the woods, you can magically dig up the sawdust and carry it with a magic bag or something, and the walls have made similar things with a dungeon or something many times. I mean, except for the burnt grass, you can fix it.

"The question is whose land will be there (...)"

Even though there was no financial damage (although we're just special), there could be trouble in the future depending on who gets that land next. Even if the country manages it, it shouldn't just let them play with the land in the Wang capital, so some kind of facility or something will be built. In that case, it can also be thought that it will be noisier than before. There are other people who want to get together as buyers, even if the country sells the land, and in the worst case, people who want to use us can buy it. Direct damage wouldn't be, but it could be a stressful life.

"At the very least, I hope royalty officials and people like the Duke of Sanga and the Marquis of Sammons buy it... it's hard"

"Right. No matter how much the King's Capital, if royalty or senior nobility used power to buy it, I'm sure it would be condemned by some. Besides, if you're bad, you want to get the land, but some idiot might show up to make it look like an accident and start a fire."

Most people will not believe such rumors, but those with ideas close to reformists can also think of using them as offensive material. Even though we have no great interest in ourselves (if we are royalty or associates of the Duke of Sanga and the Marquis of Sammons, we don't really have to bother to secure the land next door), we wouldn't want to bother making them make offensive material. Even though they say it's a hey (...) relationship...

"Inevitably, do we not need to rush home that far more than the kings are holding back the land? I'll write you a letter for once."

In conclusion, I decided to hire Ted to take the letter home with me. However, since it will be dark soon, it is impossible to fly Thunderbird at night, and Ted decided to have it headed to the Wang Capital early tomorrow morning. He said Ted intended to do that himself in the first place, and he took the inn as soon as he got to Nanao. So he said that I should give him a letter tomorrow as Ted leaves.

"Do you want to go back to Nanao then? Ted's going for a ride, right? It's time for Thunderbird to start working."

That said, Ted said he was grateful and went into the carriage. Thunderbird says he'll put it in Ted's dimension bag. However, Ted's Thunderbird didn't seem to really like getting inside the dimension bag. He was quite reluctant, but Ted pissed me off. No, he went in.

"Because bird-shaped demons often hate spaces like dimension bags... unless they're as big as the one Tenma has, but they're not that big of mine, so they're extra"

Anything bird-shaped demons don't seem to like spaces where they can't fly freely, and large demons like Thunderbird are particularly inclined to do so. When I heard that, Amy's Yishi-chan bothered me, but if I let her get used to the narrow space from the time of Hina like those two, she said that she often grows up but grows up and doesn't need to think deeply about it so far.

"Well unlike ours, Rockbird wouldn't have much of a problem leaving it out there. Most of all, we need to be careful not to be mistaken for prey."

If someone intentionally hurts or kills someone else's family, they will be severely punished, but if they do not know clearly that they are family members, they can also be acquitted if they are bad. And the bad news is that some people use it to kill other people's relatives and try to get material, so they have to be careful.

It seems that Ted often consulted Amy on how to grow two birds, precautions, etc. in the absence of me, in relation to each other who was taming the same bird-shaped demon, and she gave various advice. And thanks to a lot of face-to-face, I hear you're close to Ted's Thunderbird, too. From others, they say it's a problem to look like a predator and prey altogether...

I've never had a chance to talk to Ted in a long time, and I've been able to get interesting stories besides about Amy. Ted has visited various places as a 'haulier', so in a way he was more knowledgeable than Grandpa. Grandpa knows more about various lands than Ted, but the freshness of the information varied because it was a visit a long time ago.

"Mm-hmm... I hadn't traveled away for a while before I met Tenma. This was Nanao's first time."

I hear Grandpa used to come to the south, but he turned back a lot in front of Nanao, and he hasn't set foot in the south since.

"That's a shame. If Merlin had met our grandfather at that time, he would have absolutely loved it."

When Hannah said that, Blanca was nodding too. If Grandpa Kay was who I expected him to be, he certainly would feel comfortable, but Blanca said afterwards, "Grandpa Kay was an extravagant man, but the roots were serious and painstaking. Lord Merlin used to have a lot of hard time too, so maybe there's a lot to empathize with" and I'm starting to feel that it doesn't suit the image of the person I expected... Most of all, it's unclear if he was really who he was because the person I expected is based on stories and stories that have been passed down to future generations.

With that in mind, the carriage had arrived in Nanao at some point and had just stopped in front of the Viscount's house. Hannah asked me if I wanted to have dinner with her, but there was something about the letter, so I turned it down and decided to finish it with something I could do in my magic bag in the room. By the way, Ted was also invited by Mr. Hannah, but he said he also had Thunderbird to take care of him and refused because he was going to have trouble staying without me.

Early the next morning, I had Ted leave with two letters I wrote late at night and the price. For once, I plan to arrive in about two weeks to Seigen, as I have no particular place to stop back home. I would like to leave as soon as possible, but since the souvenirs I am ordering from Sana are scheduled to be available at a later date, it will be basic free time until then. In the meantime, I checked the carriage to see if I had forgotten to buy anything else, and then decided to get the extra potatoes (mainly soy sauce, miso, etc.) that I had bought. When that is done, later around greeting people we know, but only about the Viscount people and the Lewsaiken people at best (the superiors of the south are already back in their villages and towns), so there is no problem if we greet the Lewsaiken people on the day of their departure and the Viscount people at the time of their departure and at the time of the banquet that opens the night before that. I dare you, for today, let's say we start by inspecting the carriage.

At the banquet on the eve of the departure, which was welcomed in that way, Amur was sometimes sent out, which was enjoyed by all the Viscount officials (with some exceptions in the extreme).

"Speaking of which, Tenma uses a knife as a weapon, right? Where did you find out?

When the banquet started and the chills and drunks started coming out, Hannah asked me about my knife, as I recall.

"Look, in the south, anywhere else, the knife is minor, and you're faster looking for something good with the sword than looking for it."

Grandpa and Blanca, who heard Hannah's question, seemed to be interested too, and they were staring at me.

"Simply put, the knife was easier to use. Kukuri Village had all the swords for adults, it was hard for me to use as a child, when I went to the woods I took all the big knives, not the swords, but while I was doing so I got used to the blades of a single blade... so my father had told me about the existence and characteristics of the knife, so I started using it because I felt like I could use alchemy and make my own..."

"You got something?

"Actually, what I'm using isn't a real knife."

Everyone looked strange at my words at the same time.

"Does Hannah know how to make a knife?

Hannah nodded and answered my question, but she looked at what was wrong with it.

"You can't reproduce such a complicated process because of how much magic you can use. I use a sword in the form of a sword."

I know how to make a rough knife in a relationship where I was learning Japanese martial arts in my previous life, but I barely know the key part. So my knife feels like a "slender sword with a single blade" that taps on the heated metal and forcefully forms a knife... well, I call it a knife because it's so annoying.

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"That's certainly not the way to make a knife you've had for a long time. But these days, more craftsmen are making the same kind of swords as tenma, so there's not much wrong with calling them knives."

Anything, metals like orihalcon and hihi-irokane, even skilled blacksmiths have long been hard to make, so they make shapes out of casting, beat them up, and forge them, because they're too hard to fold them back properly, and when they're forced to fold them back, they lose strength over the original metal chunks. Others, some craftsmen who make mass-produced swords, grind and sell what they just cast.

"Some old temperament craftsmen hate craftsmen who only cast, but in the end they only cast because there is demand"

Casting is cheaper than forged knives, and if reinforced magic can be used, it can be used longer than forged knives. Is that why they are so popular with practicing and running adventurers?

"Besides, there is some ambiguity in the original definition of" knife, "so it's a little impossible to say that only the forged one is a" knife ". I'm pretty sure forging is easier to make a high-quality knife..."

Anything, in the south, where the knife is real, it seems that there has long been a 'call the knife what you made out of forge' faction and a 'call it the knife by shape' faction, and occasionally there is an incandescent argument between the craftsmen.

"If you want to learn proper technology, I'll introduce you to a craftsman I know?" Hannah asked me, "but I refused because I'm not going to get enough time to learn properly.

The banquet will continue until late afterwards, and returning to the inn will be enough time to change the day. The next day he said he was going to stand Nanao, but the fever of the Viscount ministers who had spared him his farewell from Amur didn't cool off, only a little bit more because it went on and on.

The next day… or a few hours later, we came to Nanao's entrance thanking the people of Lewsyken. Hannah and the others were already waiting there, and for some reason we also saw the superiors of the South. When I heard the story, they all came to Nanao when they turned people around and let them talk as soon as they decided to leave me. Some of them returned to Nanao dressed as they were without unloading because the messengers arrived almost simultaneously when they arrived in their villages.

"Thank you for taking the time to drop me off"

"Well, it's not like it's a souvenir, but I need you to pick it up. Hang on, Guff!

The moment one of the superiors peeked into his dimension bag, a black mass popped out of the bag. The chunk fled the scene in a quick move after teasing the bag owner to hit him. And as I followed after that black chunk, another black chunk came out of the bag, but the movement was duller than the one that came out earlier, and for some reason he proceeded toward me and tried to pass between his crotches.

"What is this... a black sheep?

I grabbed and lifted a black chunk that was caught between my crotches and I couldn't move, and its identity was a black lamb. After my lifting, the lamb looked like he didn't know what was going on for a little while, but suddenly rumbled when he realized his body was being lifted in the air. Most of all, the movement is too slow even when it comes to rumbling, so I guess he is desperate, but from the side, he just seems to be moving cutely.


When the lamb lifted by me got tired and laid back (I think the amount of time it was rampaging was about a minute), the black lump that escaped first...... another lamb thrust toward me with an angry voice. Is that movement the same creature as the lamb in my arm? and he had quite a bit of speed with such a agile move that he wanted to suspect. If you get hit with the momentum as it stands, it'll be powerful enough that you're going to be lightly flown.


"Meh! Meh ~ ~ ~"

It's just that the moment the lamb hit me, I hit the sillowmall that had interrupted me in the moment, and they bounced it off me the other way around. But the lamb, which was surprisingly flown, landed from his back the moment he was slapped on the ground, bouncing like a bow and landing beautifully from his feet.


"Meh! Meh! Meh!"

Even more surprisingly, the lamb is roughing up his voice without being frightened by Silowmar's intimidation. If Shiloumal is serious, in seconds of something, the lamb should be a life-scatter, but the lamb doesn't seem willing to pull it off.

"Shiloumal, back off. Are you worried about this guy? Sora."

I checked the back of the lamb before lowering the one I was lifting to the ground. Then the lamb of those who had threatened until earlier said, "Come quickly!" But he rang out, calling the lamb that came running over (because it's so confusing, I would call the one who was intimidating me lamb i, and the one who was holding me lamb ii).


"Meh!... meh!

Lamb II was rushing towards Lamb I with tears, but surprisingly Lamb I teased Lamb II with a head poke. And after a single beep, he tried to escape with Lamb II... but the slurrin, which was sneaking behind it, captured them both in capacity.

"So, what are these guys?

"Um, wool is a specialty in my village. Lambs are born every year. It's just that our sheep are 'white' and black is not for sale. So I sell the black lamb to other villages for meat, but these two are so ferocious if you were intimidating me earlier, I kept them locked up in our sheep cabin, but if it stays like this, it's likely to negatively affect the other lambs, so I brought them to food on the way to Tenma's journey."

"I mean, a troublemaker named Souvenir."

"Say yes"

The superior, who slapped the head of the lamb, said such things without evil. Then I thought I should bring what I killed, but in his village the lamb is supposedly in the best blood dripping condition, so he dared to bring it alive.

Even the superior is a thug who burns his hands, but he seemed to think I would be able to judge him fine, but he's not bothered enough to kill a lamb on a boulder to eat it. With that in mind,

"Meh... meh ~"

Lamb i started ringing in a different voice than before. Kind of sounds like you're selling me a charm.

"Don't you dare, take me home..."

Pretty bruised by sheep habits, but when I got this far, I felt some guilt, so I decided not to dare take him to the Mansion of the King's Capital. There are also Juubeye and others there, so there won't be any problems with as many lambs as there are two more... If there are, it's just that Lamb I and Tama won't fight. Lamb II seems to have a pretty laid back personality and won't cause any problems. Whatever, I don't know if Slalin captured me and gave up, or if I'm just tired, because I'm so calm looking asleep next to Lamb I selling the festivities.

And this is what I was asked to do.

I just finished talking about me and my superiors, and I came out with a cloth wrapped in the shawl that Mr. Sana was asking for. I checked inside, but nothing seems to be wrong.

"Thank you"

As I was receiving a shawl from Sana and putting it in my bag, it even came to a point where Slalin held (took in) two lambs. When I told Slalin to let the lambs go on the spot, he showed a bare gesture that the liberated lamb i would escape for a moment, but he seemed to give up when he saw the lamb ii sleeping next door.

"I don't know if you understand the word, but unless you run away, you don't do harm. It's just that even if you run away and live in the wild, you guys just feed on demons. Most likely, it will be meat on the spot before it feeds on the wild."

When Lamb I showed the bare gesture of escaping, the superiors who brought these two were about to pull out the knife and fly, so they would not have been able to escape for sure. As a southern superior to boulders, he wants to avoid such dishonorable titles that he can escape the food he brings as a souvenir.


I didn't think the words made sense, but Lamb I apparently realized something when he saw the superior who had his hands on the knife pattern, and replied with a temperamental squeal. And Lamb II, who heard Lamb I squeal, had his eyes open thin, but soon fell asleep again... Lamb I, who tried to counter Shiloumal, may also be a big one, but also the out-of-the-box Lamb II, may be a big one.

These two (especially Lamb I) were likely to escape at some point if left in the carriage, so I decided to keep them in a dimension bag with the Shiloumals in it until I got to the mansion. Lamb I resisted quite a bit when I put it in the bag, but when I put Lamb II inside first (Lamb II went in honestly without any doubt), it went into the bag like I gave up. Before closing the mouth of the bag, I heard the sound of Lamb I scratching Lamb II, so I guess there is a clear upward and downward relationship between these two.

"You mean you can't go up there... you're with some sisters"

"Sisters? Those two aren't connected to blood. Besides, if you were wearing a female, if you were wearing a female, you were a male."

"Are you laying on your ass now..."

When dealing with Lamb II in the future, it was the moment when I decided to be a little gentle with him.

"Tenma, it's time to leave."

Grandpa says so in your seat, so me and Amur said goodbye to everyone before boarding the carriage. At that time, Slalin went inside with us, but Shiloumar and Solomon said they were following the carriage with a little exercise, and they stayed outside waiting.

"I took care of you. Next time you come to King's Landing, you should come to my mansion. There's someone here even when we're not here, so I'll tell you so you can use it."

At the same time as the word ends, Grandpa gives instructions to Ryden to move the carriage forward.

The people who came to see me off have waved and voiced thoughtfully, but among them, Viscount Robo Emeritus was in a state of semi-crying, waving his arms as much as a thousand cuts.

"You can come back whenever you want! I mean, I'm coming to see you!"

"You don't have to come. I'll show you when I have a baby."


He answered concisely as he rode himself out of the Amur window to the words of Viscount Robo Emeritus, and spoke of his aspirations that were not organized into my plans. The Viscount of Robo Emeritus heard the words and exclaimed, kneeling down and expressing a sense of despair in her body.

The appointment is still pending, and I didn't write that on my schedule in the first place, so I pretended I couldn't hear myself sticking my face in to see how the two lambs were in the bag.

In the bag I stuck in to pretend I couldn't hear, it seemed that Lamb I threaded a little bit on Gol and Jill, which was wrapped around in thread and rolled. And Gol and Jill have such a mysterious ritual of walking around lamb i with weird dancing. Maybe they mistakenly assume that two were put in the bag as their own bait.

"Gol, Jill, you're my new buddy, so you can't eat it. You can eat this instead."

Two of them who looked a little disappointed in my words received a fine slice of my offered spear elk and were eating it before releasing Lamb I. Unfortunately, now the lambs can no longer be eaten, but even if they were certified as bait, Lamb II, who kept sleeping, was convinced that they would certainly not be able to live in the wild.

"Meh, meh, meh"

Later, Lamb I, which had been wrapped around in spider yarn, was rescued by Slalin, who noticed the anomaly. After being rescued, it seems that Lamb I understood that only Lamb II was weaker than myself in this, making it relatively adult.

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