Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 203: 203 Chapter 13-11 Wedding Day

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"Well, shall we begin?"

On my signal, the curtain of the full pavilion, which serves as the venue for the wedding, was pulled simultaneously, and the venue darkened. In the meantime, me and Primera moved to the moderator's seat. When the move was over, Grandpa used the magic of 'Light' to illuminate me and Primera.

"From now on, Adventurer Henri, Adventurer Alliance employee Serna's wedding will take place"

I heard a small laugh from the guest seat about how I spoke differently than usual, but as Primera tried to open her mouth, it quickly quieted down.

"First, it's a special guest introduction."

From Primera, introductions were made to Albert, Cain and Lion. Normally, guests are not introduced in this way, but the atmosphere of the attendees changed when the next principals of the Duke, Marquis, and Uncle Borderline were introduced. Seems nervous, but now I hope you recognize this wedding as something special.

"So here's the entrance to the lead role of the day"

When I said that, the door was opened by Primera's men who were holding back near the entrance. At the same time as the door was opened, the magic was extinguished, and the ceremony only became the light to be given from behind Mr. Serna and Henri, bringing the two shadows to life.

As the door closed and the venue darkened again, Grandpa's magic quickly lit up the two people who walked out. Walking in the light, Henri looked more manly than usual, thanks to the atmosphere of the venue. And Mr. Serna was brilliant, very mysterious and fascinating whenever the Gol and Jill threads used in the dress walked. The appearance was such that men, as well as female attendees, breathed a breath of admiration.

I expected the two of them to move forward before moving on.

"Wonder, this Tenma Ootri, on behalf of all of you, would like to question the vows of the couple"

I wondered if I could play this role, but it's not particularly strange because even at aristocratic weddings, they sometimes ask clerics, people of higher stature or superiors than themselves, or acquaintances or friends to be ordinary people.

"The groom Henri. Do you swear to love, honor and mercy the bride Serna as your wife, when she is healthy, when she is sick, when she is rich or poor?

"Yes, I swear!

"Bride Serna. Do you swear to love, honor and mercy the groom Henri as his wife, when he is healthy or sick, when he is rich or poor?

"Yes, I swear"

Henri had gone pretty loud from nervousness, but answered more forcefully than during practice, and Ms. Serna replied quietly in tears.

"Next, please replace the ring"

When I looked at it, Primera lined up next to me with a small box containing the ring's, and she snuck Henri out to put the ring on Serna's finger... I don't know, Henri took the ring for herself. At that moment, from felt to Henri, who was watching in the guest seat, the pressure was also directed close to killing. Because of this, Primera's men, Nicholas and the Lion's escort knights who were in there to help, and the adventurers reacted and moved, but immediately noticed the reason and watched with alarm. It was going to be pretty rough, but thanks to Felt, Henri quickly realized the mistake and switched it to the ring for Serna, who put it on Serna's finger.

And as for Serna, although her hands were shaking a little, she had finished replacing the ring as practiced without as much trouble as Henri.

"Now, give me a kiss on the oath"

In a previous life, the flash of the camera would illuminate the two of us like it was raining, but there is no such thing in this world, so instead I illuminated the two of us with my grandfather's magic.

"With my immediate vows, I recognize these two as husband and wife. Witnesses are everyone here and you two should live a shameless life to the people who watched your vows here"

"" Yes!

When the two replied, a great deal of applause and cheer was raised by the attendees. Well, you were excited inside, a few adventurers tore Henri up and were about to go throw him away somewhere... but the female adventurers got mad at me and ended up trying.

"Now, for those of you who eat… Primera, you look like a customer"

When it was time to start the meal, Slalin, who was keeping an eye on the outside, was raising the red flag. Primera also confirmed Slalin's flag and gave signals to his men, who had refrained near the door. And

"Don't take it personally!

As Slalin waved the flag down, the door opened rampantly and Henri's father appeared...... but before he could say it all out, several Primera's men had swords pointed at him and buttocks on him.

"What are you doing all of a sudden! We're inside Henri!

Farman protested on behalf of his father, who was wearing a buttcake. Apparently his father remembered the purpose for which he came here,

"You guys! You know who we are and you're doing it!

His father was screaming about that while conscious of Viscount Avis, but the then Viscount ignored his father and knelt on the spot.

"Long time no see, Master Albert, Master Primera"

Viscount Abyss' behavior made his father look like he didn't know what to do, but Falman fell on his knees just as Viscount Abyss did, even though he felt rushed.

"Long time no see, Viscount Avis. So, on this eye-catching day, what the hell are you doing?

Hearing the requirements in such a tone that Albert blamed Viscount Abyss, Viscount Abyss answered with his head bowed. In the meantime, his father was forced to kneel by Farman and was silent when he was asked who Albert was.

"I'm sorry to rush you, but could you get us seats, too?

Viscount Abyss asked me for permission to attend the wedding after a little talk with Albert.

"If you have a relationship with the two of them and you're sincerely looking to celebrate, it's fine. However, I think the seat for one Viscount can be reserved for the one in front, but the others will be behind."

Viscount Abyss nodded at my words, but his father seemed less convinced.

"Don't be ridiculous! Why would I have to sit back there! I wish I could put adventurers around there behind me!

His father's words were beautified by the adventurers he had grown up with until then, and his hips were floating. the father, unaware of it, went on,

"What is your attitude in the first place! What are you going to do, tell me to go back there for the civilians!

and so forth. Hearing these words, the adventurers, who were nearing beauty, sat back in their chairs.

"I say civilians, are you noble? If you don't have aristocracy, you're a civilian too, right? Besides, he says he's a father, but his parents and kids are out of touch more than you've ever forgiven Henri, right? Why should we have special seats available for civilians who have been intruding on other people's weddings? Though at the back of the line, just have your seats ready to thank you"

to my provocation. My father turned his face bright red, and the atmosphere seemed to explode even now,

"Don't bother! If you've been listening to me for a long time, just say what you want!

"Viscount Avis, why did you bring this man here? Is it because of this guy that the wedding is ruined?"

"Though I forgive you, I never thought I would do this kind of imitation at my son's wedding... anyway, I'm pretty sure I was taking a light-hearted look at these things that wouldn't have happened if I had. I'm so sorry."

His father, yelled at by Viscount Abyss, had solidified his surprise. And he was staring at Albert and Viscount Avis, who apologized to the attendees, bluishing his face. And finally,

"Earlier you were fooling around with civilians, Lord Tenma Ootri, known as The Dragon Killer. It is now common sense for the nobility of this country that the Ootri family must be more attentive than the bad nobles, although they are civilians."

The moment I found out who I was, my father fell unconscious.

"I can't believe I'm losing my mind with this... you've wasted a lot of time thinking about it"

Farman was groaning at such a thing as he looked down at his lost father and apologized to the attendees at the venue. Suddenly I saw Farman with a different attitude and most of the attendees were suspicious, but when Albert said I was cooperating in an operation to crush my father, he was turning around and applauding me enormously.

"Now that we've reached a paragraph, I'd like to make it mealtime...... alcohol will also be available, but enjoy 'Don't be drunk or drunk' in the motto"

The drinkers cheered when they heard there was going to be booze, but it became quiet when they skipped the kill lightly at the end. If you did this much, you wouldn't make the kind of foolish noise you would do in a tavern.

When he tried to start the meal, Farman tried to bring his father home, but Henri and Serna held him back, putting his father to bed behind him (and letting him go) to eat in the front seat.

"Let's start with an appetizer"

Start by continuing lighter things like soup with your uncle's special chicken ham, horned rabbit, and marinated Tyrant salmon.

"It's a grilled corner rabbit stew and salmon."

I put out something a little chunky. The attendees seemed to think it was a very regular stew and salt grill, but they were all surprised by the unexpected dish because what actually came out was "Pie Wrapped Grill of Stew", which was covered and grilled with pie, and "Salt Cauldron Grill of Tyrant Salmon", which was stiffened and grilled with salt around them.

"If you are baking salt, I will cut it here, please wait a moment"

I handed out the stew first, and the salt kettle grill had my uncle crack the salt kettle in front of everyone before cutting it apart. I suppose it would be right to serve one dish at a time, but since it also made sense to show Henri's father this time, I decided to serve two at the same time. Well, the father is passed out, so there's no longer any point in giving it away at the same time... but you won't mind because we're all happy.

I checked on the attendees when I served the mouth rest sorbet, but they all seemed to still be able to afford it. With this look, the main thing is going to be enjoyed.

"This is the next dish. The next dish is an assortment of Wyburn meats."

Wyburn's meat dishes were prepared in small pieces. Roasted Wyburn, hamburger, skewer grilled from cutlets to fried meat, it's like a dish that collects all the confident pieces. In fact, there was also the rarity of the material, which showed the most exuberance ever from the attendees.

"After the salad, here comes today's eye-catching dish"

From among the attendees who seemed to think Wyburn's meat was the best, I could hear surprises such as whether more dishes would be served.

Turning off the lights to react to that voice, three hands were carried from the dining room: Amur, Jeanne, Aura, Mr. Leni and Princess Bobcat, a five-step wedding cake about one metre high.

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"I ask you to do your first joint work by the bride and groom in front of you"

where the cake was placed on the table in the center of the venue. I called the two of them,

"Well, please"

On Primera's signal, the two breathed together and put a knife in the cake. At that moment, when Albert and the others applauded as the meeting had taken place, the attendees, who were just looking at the two, also applauded as Albert and the others did.

The cake was removed by my uncle on the spot, with the bottom four steps cut but not at the top, and transported to the front of Mr. Serna and Henri.

"First, to the bride and groom, you will eat. Go ahead."

Seeing that the cut cake lived by everyone, I decided to have the first two protagonists mouth it. This was a pre-meeting, but Henri was nervous enough to try to get to her mouth where she had to feed each other. But when Serna took the cake right in front of Henri's mouth, she noticed it was close to putting it in her mouth and managed to take the cake to Serna's mouth.

"Now, everyone, eat up."

When I saw the two of them ate, I signaled the attendees...... split nicely into two ways to eat. One is how to feed each other as a couple as Mr. Serna and the others did, and how to eat alone while watching it, the former epitome being Mr. Flute and Guild Chief, the latter epitome being Lion.

Farman told me that he would take his father home when the meal was over and most of his plans were over, and then he would just relax until the end time. Whatever, it's been a long time since I lost my mind, so I don't know when I'm going to wake up, and it was because it's easier for the two of us to go ahead with the plan than it is for me to just wake up on this occasion.

"I get that... but don't kill me if I'm wrong. Say he's out of touch, because his father was killed and the killer is only negative for the groom's brother or both of us."

Pushing hard, Farman laughed and nodded, confirming that "I would never do that". Farman carried his father to the carriage so that Mr. Serna and Henri would not notice him, leaving the full pavilion behind.

"Mr. Tenma! Thank you so, so much -!


The moment I dropped off Farman and turned around to get back to my seat, I was hugged by Mr. Marx, who was crying.

"Such a wonderful wedding! Look how happy Serna is! I wanted to show it to my sister too!

"Hey, Mr. Marx. Once you're away."

Mr. Marx seemed pretty drunk and he wasn't listening to me. The only thing I could hear clearly was the first thank you, and then all the fragments. Most of that was all about Mr. Serna's murdered mother and father, so I took him to the corner of the venue so the other attendees wouldn't ask me, but Mr. Marx's voice was loud and it didn't make much sense. Most of the attendees knew about Serna's situation, so they deliberately pretended not to hear it out loud or talked to distract guests who didn't know what was going on.

"Tenma, I'll take your place."

Grandpa came and took my place as I managed to close the conversation with Mr. Marx. For a moment, Mr. Marx wanted me to talk to him, so I thought maybe I should listen to him like this, but since I'm not going to be able to talk properly like this, I decided to leave it up to Grandpa to do his year's work.

I tried to stay away from them for a while, but my judgment didn't seem to be wrong, and after a while, Mr. Marx seemed to have largely settled down, listening to his grandfather.

"Congratulations, Serna"

"Thank you, Mr. Tenma. Such a fine wedding... I don't know what to say..."

Serna thanked me in tears and was being stroked on the back by Primera (...). If you think the role belongs to Henri, the groom, then Henri was surrounded by adventurers' seniors and companions and unable to move.

To Serna and Henri, friends and colleagues were gathering one after the other to give way to the place and try to go see how Daniel was doing...... Daniel seemed drunk and stuck at the table.

"Lord Ootri, I really appreciate you allowing me to attend your wedding"

Viscount Abyss came all the way to thank me.

"Tell that to Mr. Serna and Henri"

"No, if it's like this one, it's basically the organizers who decide to participate. Although I knew Henri, I had no knowledge of Lord Ootri, and I had troublemakers with me. It's not weird if they say no."

That being the case, Viscount Avis did his gaze on the four flags decorated on the wall. Those four flags contain the family crests of the Ootri, Sanga, Summons, and Houst Borderline Uncle families.

"I guess that was going to use me to show Henri and Mr. Serna the power... to be honest, it helped me leave before that tried to take charge of me. It's only a joke, such as letting's fight it in just one Viscount house in these four houses. Whether he was in charge or refused to participate, he would have just been ashamed either way"

So before his father gave Viscount Abyss his name, he was thankful to have been granted permission to participate in the form of a jump in.

"It's time for me to go too"

Viscount Abyss is going to help Farman after this. He was planning to leave the venue before those two, but he stayed to talk to me, which was critical in time.

"I don't know if I can be as helpful as the Alberts, but if you need anything, I'll give you a hand. And Primera, please."

"Thank you...... what?

I tried to ask what it meant, but Viscount Avis left the full pavilion early enough.

"I wonder why you want to get away with it..."

"I hope so"

As I sighed at Viscount Abyss's mistake, Mr. Flute spoke from behind.

"Well, leave that alone... it was an amazing wedding. Is the boulder meant to be" dragon killer "?

Mr. Flute was laughing teasingly. There was no guild leader beside it, and Mr. Flute, who noticed my gaze, told me where he was with his fingers. Where is the guild leader...

"If that's the guy, I went to tease Henri the most"

In the innermost part of the circle surrounding Henri... or next to Henri, there was the guild leader. The guild chief was drunk or insistently tangled with Henri.

"That, can I leave you alone?

"I will preach after I return. Not yet. It just makes the place white."

You're laying it firmly on your ass... and you think

"More than that, Mr. Tenma, can I leave her alone? Looks like he's in trouble."

When Mr. Flute told me to turn my gaze, Primera was intoxicated... by a drunk by the name of Chris...

"I'm gonna go for a second"

I put a no in Mr. Flute and when I went to Primera and Chris, Chris was literally involved in Primera.

"Mr. Chris, I'm having trouble with Primera. So get away, get away."

"Eh, hey."

As soon as I pulled away Mr. Chris, who was tangled up in the primera, and let him sit in his chair, Mr. Leni came and took Mr. Chris somewhere.


"That was a disaster. Oh, Chris, I don't know... but you're getting more drunk. It's time to open it up for a second meeting."

As it stands, Henri and the attendees are likely to find Serna wearing a wedding dress anyway, so I decided to re-order it once.

When I told everyone that, Serna clearly looked relieved and went upstairs to get dressed. However, Henri still didn't let go, so he decided to let the guild leaders deal with him as he did.

"Now we're just finishing up the main guest colour change...... we're going into a second meeting! We have a variety of dishes and drinks to prepare, so enjoy them until you feel comfortable! However, please do so in the context of common sense. Otherwise... I'll be angry."

The attendees boiled a lot at "Cooking and Drinking," but became quiet as soon as I added at the end, "I will be angry". Well, the moment the food was actually brought in, it got noisy again... unless a complaint came that I couldn't care less what I thought, I wouldn't have any choice but to take my wings off somewhat. Incidentally, I tried to make the food I was transported into a buffet way to eat for each one of them, with bread and other things that I could easily make in excess of what I served on the course. Most importantly, that should also show up the idiot who takes every plate, so he handed out one plate per person, and made the rule that all he could take at once was what he could put on the plate, and that he couldn't replace it until he ate it up.

Did that rule work? Serna's colleagues' guild staff were also able to cook properly even when they met the adventurers... Most of the men missed out on the treats they had served in anticipation of when the food ran out because the women had consigned to secure most of the treats and shared them with each other.

"Should we have made rules for sweets too..."

"No, I expected this... you were able to"

"Right. You see, there, you push security to your colleagues, and Primera's men (female knights) participate."

"Well, it's about the tenma, so you're securing a spare treat, aren't you? Give me that."

Lyon said something extra as he talked to Albert and the other women eating sweets looking at them. Because of this, my gaze was naturally focused on me, and some of them were strong enough to hear the voice "If you have one..."

I couldn't get them to believe me no matter how much I said "I don't have" because I was too obsessed with sweets.

"The obsession with sweets is too awesome and scary..."

It was me that was about to be lightly traumatized. It should be noted that the secondary meeting was then successfully concluded, and the venue was filled with intoxicated attendees after several 0th meetings, entering the tertiary meeting just to drink and make noise as it was.

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