Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 205: 205 Chapter 14-1: A Tale of Privacy

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"No, no, no! We're gonna eat! We're gonna drink!

"Bake it, bake it, bake it!

Gin and Galat are putting Wyburn's meat on the net as they raise their voices. He lost and started putting meat on the face of Lion and Tamer's Guild.

"They don't know anything about shyness..."

"Well, I guess it's a permissible situation."

Whimpering as I saw them eating each other to take the roasted meat, the agriturism that had been eating away came frightening...... but the agriturism also secured the roasted Wyburn meat firmly on my plate with a grand feast.

Why is there a BBQ competition going on? When I arrived in Seigen, I greeted someone I knew first, and the first thing I thought was to go to Karina and talk a little bit, and there came the Jins "Dawn Sword". When he suspected that the timing was too good, he heard us coming on the way to the guild and came looking for us. You want to talk to me about everything?

Then we moved the place to talk, and we rented a private room in the guild, and the face of Tamers Guild was in full swing in the guild. Before Jin and the others consulted, saying hello to the faces of Tamers Guild, there was talk of Wyburn crusade among them, and if there was a large amount, they told me to eat meat, and Jin and the others who said there was a consultation said that meat was first, so there was going to be a BBQ competition outside Seigen.

"Wyburn meat is a luxury product..."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Yeah, I'm eating with gratitude"

Menace and Leena were the ones who returned the words to my whining following Agri. They both build a pile of BBQ on their plates, just like Agri.

"Well, it's true that I appreciate it, 'cause it's not payback, but I'll keep you updated on the dungeon, so give me a break."

"I don't even know the guild, it's an update."

"Speaking of which, you got to the bottom. But can I give you information on my own that I haven't even informed my guild?

"The information an adventurer gets alone is the property of that adventurer. Highly urgent information could be a problem, but even if the guild doesn't know about the dungeon, it won't be a big problem"

"If the Alliance wants us to sell it, we don't have to worry about it more than just saying nothing."

It would be a fair amount of money to sell, but doing so could cause other adventurers to attack the dungeon before The Sword of Dawn. Most of all, the adventurer diving next to "Dawn Sword" is already retired, and then again, he's old enough to be said to be retired current, so he doesn't seem too worried...

"I'm fine, too, diving deep... is that okay?

Right now, I'm diving around 60 floors, so depending on the information, I could catch up with Jin and the others at once. By the way, the place where the Jins are appeared to be ninety-eight hierarchies, near the lowest level in the Alliance, but was talked about when the attack speed was too fast.

"Well, you're not gonna lie there, but you're not gonna tell me everything. Besides, even if we catch up, our personality isn't bad enough to run through us struggling... is it?

"Right... right?

"How much was the market for Wyburn meat?

That said, they immediately said, "I'm on track!" or so he bowed his head... but no matter how much Wyburn's meat is a luxury item, it should be easy to pay as long as it reaches the level of "Dawn Sword". Therefore, there is no reflection. Well, I'm kidding too, so I'm not your son.

"Well, that's it for the joke... I'm certainly not going to do that, but I don't think I can complain if they do"

"It's okay because we're looking at them there!

"For those who can't be trusted, it can be a lifesaver."

That's why I decided not to hesitate to receive information. Well, basically I didn't ask about the road to the bottom floor or anything like what demons were on which floor, what minerals were there or what the atmosphere was, so this would make me laugh when I caught up.

"So, here's the real deal... well, before you do, Jin! Garratt! Come on, come here! You forgot what we were looking for!

Jin and Garat, pissed off by Menace, came to us after interrupting a big eating competition with Amur.

"Sorry...... Wyburn was too good and obsessed"

Jin and Garratt turned to me after apologizing to Menace and Leena.

"Actually... we were looking for Tenma because we wanted to talk to her."

Jin says so with a serious face,

"Yeah, I know... when it was in front of the apartment, Jin said it first, right?

"... you did"

The Garrats were desperately laughing at Jin's serious mess, but as soon as I called Grandpa, he was changing his mind.

"So why don't you talk to us?

"Consultation is about the boss at the bottom."

According to Jin's story, the demon that seems to have been the boss at the bottom is Hydra, and although he has tried several times, he can't find a breakthrough and is repeating his early retreat. Besides, the trouble is, because Hydra's resilience is too high, Hydra is recovering more fully before the damage to Jin and the others is removed?

"Hydra... I miss you. So, how many of those hydra necks are there?


Grandpa was surprised by the answer of nine. Eight of the best Hydras my grandfather ever knocked down in the past are said to be the best of the confirmed individuals.

"Nine or... even the eight necks I knocked down had a hard time."

"So I was wondering if you could tell me something to hint at Merlin, who has defeated eight heads, and Tenma, who has a reputation for insane ways of fighting."

In Gin's story, I protested because there was something unconvincing about it, but even Gin and his grandfather looked strange.

"Well, put that story aside... in my case, I won by relying on magical force pushes and magic props... because I was lucky. When I think back now about magic hitting a good spot or working more than I thought it would be, I think it was a good win..."

"The magic prop that I used at that time..."

"I hardly see it now. Besides, the magic item was fought by Tenma in the tournament before… I forgot what his name was, but it was more powerful than the" Exploding Knife "he used. Even that was a rare magic trick, but anything more powerful than a knife is rare. And I used it because it was modified and now it's forbidden."

To Grandpa's words, Jin and the others were dropping their shoulders disappointingly. The 'exploding knife' Grandpa said would be the one Kaios used to blow his own arm off. Depending on the situation and how you use it, I know it's a pretty handy tool, but even if you hit ten or twenty bottles with that much power, it would be hard to say it's effective against Hydra with nine necks.

In my grandfather's story, I learned to hook up to a place called 'Now Banned', so I asked him, and he said that there are two reasons for this, because it's powerful for its size, so it's more likely to be used for assassinating dignitaries, and because it's suddenly threatening to explode even in small shocks if you can force it to do so with modifications, etc. He said he was lucky in his grandfather's case and that he was safe because he almost had it in his magic bag, and when he found out about it, he couldn't stop sweating cold.

"Conversely, if left in a magic bag, the risk of explosion is extremely low."

"Then don't make it!

I squealed what I thought, and Grandpa stabbed me in the nail with a strong tone.

"I get it. So, if you can't use magic props, how about a quantity operation by the Golem?

"I'll pay you quite a bit, but I'll get you the number you need." I suggested... but they refused because they couldn't say they attacked us on their own.

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"Well, sure..."

"I appreciate it, but if we do that, we'll be around... or I don't think we're convinced."

Galat and the others snorted at Jin's words. If we're not convinced, adventurers have no point in doing it. When I said something extra, I thought of other ways to reflect in my mind.

"We're talking about being highly resilient, but how much?

"For example, it feels like an hour or so of hard wounds blocked."

"That's no trouble, I'm sure."

Even if you work hard for an hour, if you get blocked as long as you work hard, it will certainly be hard to knock you down. Hydra and her health and resilience will be capped, but having the same or more resilience as Jin and the others is no different than having pseudo-infinite health and resilience. However,

"Then why don't we just do some damage on an ongoing basis? If you can continue to damage Hydra while Jin and the others are resting, you will die as many as nine necks of Hydra."

"If I could do that, I wouldn't have a hard time!

Jin yelled beautifully at me for thinking I was kidding,

"Jin, wait a minute! Maybe Tenma came up with something to joke about! Whatever, insanity has a reputation!

"That's right! As much as you're kidding me at a time like this, Tenma shouldn't be a livestock!

"That's right! That's it, Mr. Tenma, it's not rotten!

"You guys are the ones, wait a minute!

When they yelled at each other like not to listen, the three noticed their own rudeness and panicked tremendously.

"Tenma! You can match any eye you want after all this stuff is over, so let me know if you come up with anything!

Jin grabbed my shoulders and rocked them violently without following the three of them.

"All right, so calm down... all I could think of was punching a bunch of things like that in Hydra's body. I wonder if it's possible to continue to damage Hydra while you can't get through the punch?

For example, even a person may have small spines stabbed at their fingertips and eat into the meat, causing them to experience constant pain. In that way, I wondered if it would be possible to inflict continuous damage on Hydra if it were done intentionally with a thick, deadly weapon.

"Sure, that's the logic, and it can cause ongoing damage."

"Perhaps the healing process will allow you to escape, but depending on your ingenuity, you'll be able to keep it in your body, rather than do anything."

"You sure do. I was attacking you originally. If you can't try, then you just have to figure out a different way."

We have fought several times before and have succeeded in escaping each time. It wouldn't be a bad idea to give it a try the way I thought.

"If you do, you can't pull it out after the stab, or you have a way to make sure only the tip stays."

"You can use a bow and arrow if you're going to stab me, not just a bow. It's better to attack from afar."

In addition, it also taught the existence of "chock-jaws" used in vegetarian diving fishing and so on. This is a mechanism that when stabbed, the tip comes off and becomes a great payback. This trick is to avoid letting the stabbed prey escape by connecting the tip to the body with a string, but it is easier to retrieve it even after throwing if the tip is loosened to the body string and another long string is attached to the body. After that, if you wear a spare tip, you can attack as many times as you want.

"Yikes! First you procure weapons!


Jin and Garat tried to go looking for a weapon in an excited mood... (d) He was deprived of his body's freedom by the smell of BBQ as he advanced three steps, and turned around and rushed out to the first place he was eating BBQ on the right.

"Well, shall we go back?"

"Right. It's rare to eat as much Wyburn meat as you want."

Menace and Leena also went back to their original place in search of Wyburn's meat.

"Tenma, if we don't get back soon, they're gonna eat meat!

"No, I still have Wyburn..."

That said, the dining landscape is so vast that I don't think I can abandon that when I finished eating what I'm serving now, I decided to serve oak meat next.

Speaking of which, I need to meet with the Kings as soon as I get back to King's Capital.

"Yes, I am."

As a matter of fact, Jin and the others weren't the only ones who had been consulting. That was Mr. Karina and Mr. Ariel, and the content was about Amy. Anything was said to be a recent party at Wangdu's school with a class visit. The invitation came to Karina and the others, but when she joined, she had to be away for nearly half a month, including travel time, which was quite difficult. Other than that, he said he could draw attention to going to places full of nobles, so he talked about what to do.

So when I spoke to Chris, a graduate of the school, and the three idiots, he said that since Amy's guardian in the king's capital has become an Ootri family, it would be fine to attend instead... or she would have to leave.

Ordinary parties don't have to come out, but this one is for the whole middle section, of which third-year students seem to be the stars. Some third-year students leave school without going up to higher education, or fall into higher education entrance exams, so there is a graduation party aspect. Well, it's basically civilian students who leave or fall, so noble students don't have much sense of graduation or anything like that. But instead, do some aristocratic students think about finding a fiancée at this party?

"Even in my day, there was such an aspect... it was too long ago, I don't think it would be helpful"

That kind of grandfather, even though he received the acclaim of excellence as a student, was not hot at all because he was the Viscount's three sons and unlikely to inherit, and he had been acclaimed a freak since that time. By the way, apparently the hottest of the same year was Master Ernest.

"Oh, he also said he was a freak, but he was royal even if he rotted, because he kept the money."

Even now that I remember it, I was rather upset that Master Ernesto didn't care that he was hot.

"Well, put that aside... Chris and the three idiots predicted that Amy would be the biggest highlight for the aristocratic students this time around... but given our relationship with the three idiots, even if it's a civilian, it's a tasty opponent."

If we can drop Amy, we'll soon be able to get along with the three idiots in the Ootri family. I don't know if you could get along with us, Royal... or have a bad relationship with Teeda... but Teeda wouldn't be able to get her hands on Amy's opponent because she got flabbergasted, and if you do that in the first place, she could lose her current position.

"When this happens, Amy might as well stick with Teeda, which helps a lot..."

"If Tenma said it, she'd be stuck in from different places, like she said elsewhere."

"Anyway, some students will try to get close to Amy, even if they can't, so I need to talk to Maria around there."

Talking about it any further, the damage was likely to come to me, so I decided to cut this story off, although it was somewhat forceful.

"Well then... I need to talk to Amy's family first. That's not what it's all about, and most importantly, it's not as if Amy's family is trying to turn her around."

As my grandfather was right, it's not a good story to go ahead and ignore the Karina and the others, so I decided to go talk to them right away... Before I went to talk to them, Jin and the others asked me to replace the meat, so I served the oak meat as originally planned... there was a booming storm rolling in. Well, I honestly baked the oak meat when I threatened, "If you're going to complain, I'm going to charge you for what you serve and what you eat," so I saw how it went before heading to the apartment.

And in the apartment, Karina and the others were quite surprised by my story, but more than that, I was more surprised by the words of Karina and Ariel, who said, "I heard Amy was close to the royal family, but at the end of the day I thought she was going to marry Tenma".

Anything, it's not uncommon for a well-earned adventurer to marry more than one woman, and most importantly, you thought I was more likely than royalty, in my capacity?

When I told Amy that I had never had such an idea, she said, "There are a lot of beautiful people close to me." … It was the moment I could talk about something that should not be known to everyone.

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