Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 207: 207 Chapter 14-3 Responsibilities

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Currently, we (...) were pissed off after Maria made us sit in the front seat.

I usually just watched the King or Master Lyle or Luna get mad from the side, but when I had to put myself in that position, I knew exactly why those three (the four people who occasionally let Ernesto in) were shrinking themselves. And I said, 'Beauty is scared when she gets angry,' but I found out it was true.

Seeing us angry at Maria like that, in addition to the six of us, including Maria, who was in her room earlier when she finished Rich's report, and Grandpa and Jeanne, who came with me, there's also a Duke of Sanga in Mr. Cliff. Among them, the men looked at me in a frightened or sympathetic way, but Isabella was completely as angry as Maria, and Jeanne seemed to think of Maria as she listened.

(How did this happen...)

To explain the current situation, we have to go back to the point where Maria made a report that she really wanted to hear.

"So, Tenma means that when we were friends at the wedding, she chose Primera from the Duke of Sanga's house as her partner, but why?

When I heard Maria's question, the woman was concerned about the wedding story... to the extent that she thought about it and she was willing to chill out about what she did with Primera... to the extent that she thought about it. So be as concise as you can,

"Because Albert told me. It would be a bad idea for a man to do something about the bride, and I asked Primera for a woman who had no problems with her identity and who could give her permission in person immediately."

I answered...... no, I answered.

To this answer, Grandpa and Jeanne, who knew why, did not change their expressions, but Maria and Isabella became faceless, the king and Ernesto opened their mouths and were surprised, Caesar and Zain had a difficult face, and Mr. Cliff looked at the unfortunate creature.

"You! Call the Duke of Sanga and Albert immediately!

"Ugh, um! Clive, please make arrangements!


To the anger of Maria, the king was surprised to give instructions to Mr. Cliff.

"Tenma...... you sit there"


I'm already sitting in a chair... or something, and Maria pointed to the floor,

"Sit here (...)"

And now I said, pointing to the floor. Honestly, I didn't know what that meant, so I saw the king sitting next to Maria, but he was distracted the moment his eyes met. The same goes for Caesar and Zain. And Master Isabella said, looking at me with a sharp eye,

"Sit there, as your mother-in-law said."

In an angry voice, I said the same thing as Maria.

"Wow, I see..."

I didn't know why, but I understood that Maria and Isabella were so angry that I had never seen them before that I sat on the floor around Maria's finger as instructed.

"So, Tenma. I understand why I'm angry... but I don't think I can."

Was it on her face that she really didn't understand, Maria stopped asking questions halfway through the words.

"Bye, Tenma. What do you mean," buddy "?

In response to Maria's question, "I mean someone who mediates in marriage," Maria nodded.

"Well, that makes sense. However, an inherent companion is what a married person (...) receives."

"No, I said to Primera that it was like a buddy (...), because she was convinced of it too"

"That's not what I'm talking about."

My excuse was slashed and thrown away.

"If that were a small... really small wedding, like the only one I would attend inside, that excuse would have worked too. But Tenma and Primera were involved in a wedding that brought participants from outside and even nobles to the scale that the whole city knew. Besides, Tenma hosted... that excuse doesn't work."

"If so, what the hell is going to be the problem?

I had an emotional objection about why I had to be angry, but Maria sighed as she looked at me,

"Tenma is an adventurer and a man, so I wouldn't say there's no problem. Even if it did, it wouldn't be a big deal. In contrast, Primera is a nobleman and a woman. I don't know how to say this, but I think I'm gonna lose my reputation as a woman."

That's it. Why? Thinking that

"Though it may be difficult to understand, noble women require Jeong-sook. That's because in aristocratic society, women are expected to have their partner's child reliably."

I understand what Master Isabella is saying. Assuming you have a child other than the one you married, it's because in the worst case scenario, your husband's blood muscles may break.

"I know why. But I didn't actually have a physical relationship with Primera just because I did something like that."

"Still, yeah. Normally, you might think of yourself as a light woman who would easily do what a married person has to do with a man who is not her lover. And even if you know it's not true, there might be people out there who purposefully tail and rumor to discredit Primera's, Duke of Sanga's house."

Knowing that what I had asked for with a light thought might have lowered the reputation of Primera and the Duke of Sanga family, I had an unpleasant sweat on my back. At that time,

"Dear Maria, I have guided the Dukes of Sanga and Albert"

"Oh? That was fast, wasn't it?

Faster than expected, Mr. Cliff brought in the Duke of Sanga and Albert. A moment of rude thought shook my mind to see if you were in a hurry to see where I was pissed off...

"At the gate, we saw the carriage of the Duke of Sanga's house coming towards the Royal Castle, so we took you there"

"Yes, you worried the Duke the same way. Duke of Sanga, come here. Albert sit beside the temple."

Master Maria ordered the Duke of Sanga to proceed to his side (opposite Master Isabella) and Albert to sit directly beside me. The duke of Sanga, with a sinister face, sat silently in Mr. Cliff's prepared chair. In the meantime, he didn't seem to have seen me. And beside me, Albert, with the blue face, sat at the front, but because his body was trembling, he was lazing forward as he sat down.

"Hmm...... Well, Albert. Do you want to discredit the Duke of Sanga? Or is it also an ambition that you want to achieve at the expense of Primera?

Master Maria turned her gaze to the Duke of Sanga once before questioning Albert. The voice was quieter than when you were blaming me, but the other way around I was scared because my eyes weren't laughing at all.

"I told Tenma, but because I let Primera do her buddy, she'll have a lower rating for Primera in the future, right? As an Ass Light Woman."

It is poorer expressed than earlier, but it seems to be more effective for Albert now, and his complexion was even worse.

"Albert... you allowed Primera to keep company as a duke of Sanga's family, didn't you? That too, in such a way that I let Tenma ask for it. Isn't that cowardly? It was Tenma who nominated him, and Primera who received him. Albert just gave permission, and it's Tenma and Primera who discredit him. Well, Tenma's not noble, so it wouldn't be a big deal, would it, Primera, a woman and nobleman?

Albert apparently began to panic, apparently understanding at once what it meant where he could not understand without me explaining it to him.

"Um, that's because he said he had no desire to marry, and the..."

"It's not the same as not having any aspirations. Even if not now, marriage aspirations can suddenly arise. And because of what Albert did this time, the edges would have diminished. Or it'll be cheaper."

Like me, Albert was completely disputed by Maria. The Duke of Sanga looks sharply at Albert like that, but as soon as he meets me, he drifts away and coughs. In the meantime, the men, starting with Grandpa, had completely turned into air. Instead, it also looks like it's moving on and getting air. Jeanne felt like there was something to think about when she listened to Maria, or that she couldn't help but be angry.

(How did this happen...)

No, well, I have the culprit myself, but accepting Albert's advice is one of the causes, so bad that I thought I'd go back to that time and hit me and Albert but want to stop... etc.

"Tenma? You don't seem to have enough reflection, do you?

"No! Um... reflection, I do"

"As we reflect, what are we going to do about responsibility?


When it comes to responsibility for women in these cases, there was only one thing floating around. In other words:

"I'm asking if you're willing to marry Primera."

It was. Indeed, given the reputation for Primera and the Sanga Duke's house, there would be no easier way to take responsibility.

"While it is true that Primera is highly aristocratic in that she is out of the Duke's house, and although she is not very much an adventurer but not a proportionate one, fortunately, Ricardo and Sealia, the adoptive mothers of Tenma, are out of the aristocracy, and given Tenma's own previous achievements, it would not be strange. So, what do we do?

Conditions are fine. I guess the Duke of Sanga is also in favour of this proposal, saying that the Duke of Sanga will not pinch his mouth on Maria's proposal. That would mean that it would depend on my reply... but if I left it to the flow to proceed, it would mean that I had not learned anything.


"I'll do anything I can, but when I get married, Primera's feelings are the most important thing. I'm not talking about doing it without that primera, and I don't think we should."

"When it comes to aristocratic marriage, the will of the Lord is more important than the will of the person. If the Duke of Sanga tells Primera," Get married, "that's all it takes, right?

"That's the same thing Albert did."

"Are you dissatisfied with Primera?

"No, I think Primera's character and personality is preferable if you think of her as a married person, but apart from that story and this one"

After a thorough thought, I answered clearly. Never thought about it before, but when it comes to getting married, Primera would be a pretty good opponent.

"I mean, what do you do as a Duke's house?

When Maria turned to the Duke of Sanga for his opinion, he looked more sinister than earlier......

"Buh! But I can't stand it anymore!

Suddenly I started laughing. It's a good way to laugh when it comes to laughing. To that appearance, me and Albert looked at each other like we said we didn't know what had happened, but Maria and the others started laughing at that appearance. If you look closely, Master Caesar is also grinning as Master Zain holds his mouth.

The only four people in this room who haven't kept up with the changes in the atmosphere were me and Albert, Grandpa and Jeanne.

"No, no, I'm sorry. Actually, I got a letter from Primera beforehand. In it, it also says that Tenma and I were friends at the wedding together, and the feeling of the wedding, and that Albert is up to something, but Tenma has nothing to do with that. I'm proud of you, Tenma. I want you to report this to Maria."

As a result of the report to Maria, it appears that this disturbance has taken place. Knowing that, me and Albert lost our minds.

"Just Albert. I'm very angry with you. Anyway, instead of using the Duke's name on his own and using a primera, he implicated you."

"Well, you can't have it there. I would have sent out a circular from the royal family to nobility saying, 'Don't use the tenma'... because that means you broke it."

It looks like Primera had no anger at me for what she had explained in a letter beforehand, but that doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to Albert.

The Duke of Sanga was handing Albert a letter at a time when Maria's story was over. Perhaps that's the letter that Primera sent me.

"Well, as far as that story goes back to the mansion... I could hear a good story today!

Like the joy of the Duke of Sanga, think back often to what I said today...

"Sure, it's a pleasure to talk to you as far as I'm concerned that Tenma thinks of Primera 'preferably enough to be married'. It's not a long story to hold Tenma's child!

You are reading story Isekai Tensei no Boukensha at

I also feel a little legged, but it was roughly like that.

(It's so embarrassing!

Especially the sight of the Kings men was embarrassing. As much as I wanted to point my gaze at you like that, I wanted to tell you to mess with me. Well, if they mess with me, they mess with me and I'm ashamed...

"Oops, Dear Maria. I'm first in order to hold the Primera child!

"Then it's my turn."

The Duke of Sanga is squeaking while stabbing Maria with a nail. And that's where Grandpa joined him. A lot tougher now...

I saw the Kings to ask for help, but the King and Ernest saw the timing mixed in with the three stories, and Caesar, Isabella and Lyle, the three of us, talk back in time. And Jeanne was being helped by Mr. Cliff to prepare his tea.

Therefore, only Albert would be left… that Albert had solidified after reading Primera's letter.

(Primera, you wrote many letters)

There are five to six pieces lightly, even if you just count them lightly from the side. From that amount, I don't think it's all about wedding reports, thoughts, or Albert's plans, so maybe a few of them are Albert's bad words or letters of censure. If so, I also feel like reading a little bit.

"Oh? Tenma, you can sit in the chair now."

Maria seemed to finally remember me, interrupting her chat with the Dukes of Sanga and giving me permission to sit in the chair. And at the same time as me, Albert stood up cursorily, without taking his eyes off the letter.

"Albert, you still have to sit down."

I stopped heading to the chair in the words of the Duke of Sanga, such as, cursorily, and sat back where I came from.

"Tenma, tea!

"Oh, thank you?

Jeanne served me tea when I sat in the chair, but for some reason I seemed in a bad mood, and it was abusive to put down just a few cups.

"Well, I know how you feel, so keep your mouth shut with Aina"

Mr. Cliff looked at Jeanne, who had placed the cup abusively, and said that.

"Nevertheless, Tenma. This time, thanks to Primera's follow-up, but we're supposed to get married soon and have to show our sincerity."


"Dear Maria, around there. As for this one, Tenma, I just found out that you have a crush on Primera, but there was a harvest... but Tenma. Please don't take these things as non-primera women anymore. Even though Primera understood, she wouldn't feel comfortable doing the same thing elsewhere, and as a father, she wouldn't necessarily feel calm..."


The Duke of Sanga today had the same or more scare as Maria when she was angry. Unlike force, I felt like I was new to the fear of nobility. By the way, it's like appealing to Maria's instinct that her fears should not be defied. Note that I have never felt scared from a king. Because I remember nothing but jokes, pity, or sloppiness, and I only feel like an old relative rather than a king. That's what I can tell Ernest and Lyle, and in the Royal Priority Rankings that I have in me, Maria is at the top and those three are at the bottom.

"Dear Maria, why don't we call on those who are right behind the door?

"Right. Sometimes we have to be a little careful."

"... besides the style, is there anyone else?

Maria replied with a slight laugh to Mr. Cliff's suggestion. The Duke of Sanga seems to have decided from the two stories that he was a different person, although he seemed to have first thought you meant the style of escort.

"Chris, come in. Maria is here for you."

Mr. Cliff approached without making any footsteps and told him to come in at the same time as he opened the door. When I opened the door, I heard the sound and screaming of hitting something, but Mr. Cliff came back to Maria as if nothing had happened.

Mr. Chris pressed his head and moved on to Maria with some bad-looking face. And

"Chris, I put you on so this doesn't happen?

"Um... if you're free, feel like helping Tenma..."


"I'm sorry!

I was pissed off beside Albert.

The sermon to Mr. Chris seemed to last awhile, so I snuck away by Maria's side. Albert left it as a matter of course, but the shock of the letter still didn't seem to come out.

"Tenma, you seem very tired"

"I can't help that one. I'm sorry about Tenma."

"Well, I don't know if I would apply the aristocracy thing to adventurers..."

"Still! Imitation that puts a woman to shame is not acceptable whether she is a nobleman or an adventurer!

"Now let me go home"

Isabella is disputing Caesar's follow up. Looking sideways at those two, Master Zain left the room with a shitty look.

"Zain's the same."

"Couples are happy to be sister-in-law"

Master Caesar was a little frightened, but Isabella seemed to have a perception of what was preferable, and she was smiling.

"Dear Caesar, I'm sorry, but it's time for us to be free. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by Albert. I'm sorry, Mr. Tenma."

When the Duke of Sanga greeted Caesar and me, he also greeted Maria and the King and retrieved Albert. Albert moved his legs so hard to get out of the room whether he was numb in his long front seat or wanted to get out of here quickly, although it was a very cursory move.

"Speaking of which, I need to talk to you about Amy."

"Did Tida do something?

The moment I gave Amy's name after I dropped off the Duke and Albert, Master Caesar was alert to the eating mood. When Teeda said it had nothing to do with it, she was relieved of her guard with a relieved face, but Master Isabella was laughing out loud about how strange that was.

"Isabella, what's wrong?

"Sounds like fun."

Ernesto and Grandpa came to us when they heard Master Isabella laugh. With this number of people and whether to stand talkin 'or not, I moved to a table away from the Marias in sermon, but it seemed that Mr. Chris turned a blind eye to us away, and Marias was scolding me. The king next to Maria seemed incapable of leaving Mr. Chris angry because of his position, and he looked at us jealously that seemed to be having fun.

"So, what's a consultation?

"Next time, I hear there's a party at school, but Amy's family can't come for work, and I'm going to have that representation..."

"I have no problem with that. Beyond the fact that the Ootri family has become guardians in the King's capital in the first place, even if your parents participate, you should receive a separate invitation to Tenma."

The invitation had not arrived because, in the case of the guardians of remote areas and the guardians of the Wang Capital, the person in charge of issuing the invitation would be different. Depending on the distance, it seems that the invitation to the remote area will be sent out more than a month earlier than the invitation to the Wang capital.

"And what the Alberts predict is that Amy will have students applying for an engagement?

"That's a story that could be enough. Having said that Tenma is behind us, it's not strange to have students who think that if we go somewhat forcefully, we won't be able to turn down civilian Amy. I don't want you to make a scene as a royal family, but I can't help Amy if she decides otherwise than she's not Tida's lover. Tida was worried about it and she was a little hypersensitive..."

Because of those circumstances, Master Caesar thought that Tida had done something when Amy's name came out of my mouth.

"Besides, looking at Teeda these days, there are times when she looks like her father and wears it..."

"That's worrying."

Everyone on the spot nodded at my words.

"Well, there's no other way to go a little crazy with sex. Because it was crazy all year round, like Alex the same year or so."

"Well... how many times have you slapped him in the ass..."

Grandpa has said something quite rude (but didn't deny it as one of them) and Master Ernest was whining as he looked at his palm.

"Well, if you're weird enough to hook me up, you'd better be obsessed with Amy... considering when she flirted... hey"

I also understand Isabella's concern. I hope they stick together like this, but if they don't, I'm worried that Tida won't run wild.

"Amy doesn't seem to hate Teeda, so if she's not in a hurry, I think she'll have a chance."

"I hope so. Even if we go out with him, his identity as a civilian might be a problem... but at that time, will Tenma help us too?

"Yeah, Amy is an important apprentice to me (...), so I'm going to do what I can"

In the word godson, I used the word disciple because I thought he was weak to protect me from fools, but Master Caesar nodded satisfactorily at the way he said it.

"When that's the time, let me rely on Tenma. Well, there are a lot of conditions before that... given your age, we won't be talking about such a distant future"

In the meantime, it would feel like Teeda moved and we had a system of cooperation when Amy accepted it. When I thought so, I was worried about Maria-sama.

"Dear Caesar, Maria said, 'Marriage of nobility is more important than the intention of the Lord in person', but then what happens to Mr. Chris?

Ms. Chris said she ran away from home because she didn't like debt repayment and a matrimony for property, but she felt there was a discrepancy between the royal actions that helped Ms. Chris like that and Maria's earlier words. So when I asked Caesar a question, he looked like he didn't just look like Caesar, but even Isabella and Ernesto.

"I'm talking about that... even your mother thought it was pathetic to have a twelve-year-old girl marry a man past forty in Bat Three. Besides, he's been a problem for a long time."

"Problem is, the first wife was about the same age, but the second was freshly grown up, fifteen years old, and to the third, she was about the same girl as Chris at the time in front of adulthood."

Master Caesar seems to have tried to blur it, but Master Isabella exposed it. In addition,

"When you were married to your first wife, you were having an affair with your second wife. That's what I found out, got divorced, and then I remarried right after... the same reason I did when I was a third person. Hi, my first wife was married to disguise her sexuality, and I think she really liked girls (...), not women (...). And the second and third, they split up because they grew up out of their taste."

After the first wife found out about her sexuality, she stopped trying to hide anything, and when the second and third wives felt more like throwing it away than divorce.

"I told Tenma oh, but my mother is not ghost enough to let a man like that marry a girl"

The way you put it, Caesar seems to think Maria is close to a ghost, if not so much... let's just say Aya of the Word. Well, if this is Master Lyle, don't hesitate to go in there.

"Is that what happened? So Chris' lack of luck with men started when he was born."

"There's that, too, but Chris is too high an ideal. You must have a strong desire not to compromise because you struggled with your father as a child."

We snorted at Isabella's words and saw Chris being angry with Maria.

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