Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 209: 209 Chapter 14-5 Ultra Short-Term Finals

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"Well, then, check the rules. The general on your team is Teeda, and if Teeda is judged incapable of continuing the fight, I win. If any one of your students can hit me effectively, you win. I don't use attack magic and weapons. You can use your magic and your weapons if you like."

"Are you sure that's okay with that rule? And Tenma's gear..."

This rule would suck for one Tida injury, so it would be more convenient for me or as a royal family. That, in itself, convinces Tida, but apart from that, it's my gear that worries me.

As the rules say, the students are armed with their own weapons and are about to dive into the dungeon, but I'm unarmed against them, and I'm not wearing any more protective gear.

"Something wrong?

"No, well... is that clothing okay?

"Oh, should I just take off my jacket or so? Well, you won't be eating offense, but when it gets dirty in the dirt, it's a hassle to clean it by the party."

When I took off my jacket and gave it to Mr. Jean (referee), both Tida and Mr. Jean looked frightened. Behind Tida, Amy is laughing bitterly and the other students look like they were there.

"Tenma, the more the provocation...... then, stay away from both sides! Begin!"

Jean signaled the start, but I was stretching my flexion and Achilles tendons without moving from the spot.

"I'll give you the lead, whenever you want."

Did the provocation work, the students, with the exception of Tida and Amy, have unleashed magic at the same time. Plus, you're willing to make up your mind here, each one of you in a row as much as you want.

For a while, Mr. Jean suddenly said that the magic of the students continued,

"There's a battle! Winner, Tenma!

He told me I won.

"Yes, good luck"

The students, who were suddenly confused even if they were just considered losers, were even more surprised by my voice heard from behind them (...).

I'm surprised by the students. I mean, I'm turning my arms around Amy and Tida's shoulders and grabbing two more necks gently.

"Attacking the opponent with maximum firepower is not a bad operation against the opponent who is showing room... this time, you were bad. Your winning condition is to put a blow in whatever Tenma wants, and your losing condition is that Dear Tida will not be hit. My first thought was to consolidate Tida's protection."

Jean, who saw the whole thing as a referee, is wasting his time on the students. The students were also listening seriously because Jean was a Kingsguard......

"Mr. Tenma, how long should I stay in this state?

"Well, until we finish talking about Mr. Jean? If the students are not convinced of the loss, it is possible that the battle will continue. Yeah, you just need to have the target Teeda, so Amy can go talk to her. Jean's used to coaching newcomers and stuff, so you can hear what's best for her."


When Amy replied well, she rushed to listen to Mr. Jean.

"Amy was the only one who could handle Tenma's movements in this game. Between Tida and Tenma, I was glad to interrupt, but I couldn't resist, and eventually we were all powerless together. Still, given the difference in power, we can just make it to the surprise of the Tenma."

Jean also praises Amy for her good move. Sure, it would also have something to do with being able to read some of the action, thanks to my long relationship, but it was a good move to subtract it.

"Compared to that, you guys are in a lot of a hurry. If you unleash all that magic, you'll lose sight of your target in the smoke, and the sound will make it hard to work together. Tenma used it to target Tida in a low-altitude flight while erasing the signs. I would have been able to resist a little more if at least I had centered Dear Tida and put at least three people on guard around it. I can understand that if I can get a blow into the tenma, I can brag around... because the tenma is pretty bad in character. Knowing that, I kept provoking you."

I did do what Jean said and thought if I provoked all that, it would work just as I assumed it would... but I don't want you to say anything too bad about people.

"Well, just because it was on the palm of Tenma's hand doesn't bother me that much. Anyway, that's what Tenma did, because at the same time I taught him there were ways to fight like that, I fought about you as equal opponents. And, Tenma. Isn't it time to unravel the magic?


The students don't seem to notice the magic I used right after the game started. Teeda didn't seem to notice either and has turned a surprised face at close range.

"Though we're in the game, maybe we should also pay attention to the changes around us"

When I solved the magic, I heard cheers from the audience as soon as I could. I mean, the magic I used was wind magic to keep the audience from hearing the students. By doing this, they kept me from being heard from the audience circling the students. In addition, wind magic is also used to distract students from their magic and spread earthsmoke extensively.

Thanks to knowing the magic I used and further Jean's follow-up, the students' eyes were superseded by something respectful from seeing enemies before the game.

"I'll tell you what, by the way, because Tida was the worst person I could do this time. I couldn't give them proper instructions, and I couldn't even attack them, so I was powerless."

Teeda was about to cry a little when she whispered enough to only hear her. But you could have fought a little more decently if you had set up a proper operation before the game started and thoroughly let the students do that, or calmed them down by speaking out when they were on the provocation. Even without it, the students' generals are Tida, so the blame for the team's worn out loss is on Tida, the generals.

"I can't say that I will never be on the battlefield leading the Knights in the future. You might want to talk to the king, Caesar, and Lyle about this."

The King and Master Caesar as students might have thought about taking command on the battlefield, and Master Lyle would have actually taken command, so you could hear a story that would serve as a reference for Tida.

As he freed himself, Tida's head was shamelessly handed to her as she squeezed her hair into a mess.

"Dear Tida, Tenma! If you don't come over here, I can't tighten it!

Soon it seemed that Mr. Jean's story was over, and he was waiting for me and Teeda.

Rushing across, he received the declaration of victory again, shaking hands with the students and returning to the holding room reserved for me, he was greeted by Maria and Caesar, who looked satisfied in front of the holding room. Apparently, he's satisfied with finishing the battle without hurting the students. And I was to be thanked for a different reason than that.

"The party, but we were to delay the start time a little. You won't be tired, but you should kill your time in this room. Back now, we might be surrounded by students and their associates."

"Right. Anyway, if it's just the people who were in that room, maybe the students and officials in the other room will come and check it out. Merlin's opponent is doing it, so I hope he's safe to evacuate."

If he doesn't think there's a king, he says it's because he's dealing with Grandpa. Looks like Grandpa wanted to come this way too, but when Grandpa moved, he said someone was going to follow him, and he's reluctantly leaving a message. The reason the king is dealing with his grandfather is that his grandfather seems to shy away from Maria and Caesar somewhere, but sometimes if he's dealing with the king, he used to be a tutor, and he can take it easy. But that seems to be the same for Maria and Caesar.

For those reasons, he left the king as a bug and the two of us came this way. And they're headed to Tida's after this. He came to me first because he said he couldn't and made me play the game, so he came to apologize and thank me as the next king...

This game was proposed by the reformist nobility, but the fact that Caesar would bow his head to me, who was supposed to have just asked, meant that the reformers would have made a loan to Caesar. At the very least, nobles other than the reformists who said royalty or neutrality should think so. Perhaps some reformist nobles will also come out to think so.

"If we get hit, we have to do it again."

"You're so lukewarm with double returns. On this occasion, we need to sharpen the forces of the reformists a little more... hey?

Master Caesar and Maria look bad. After all, Master Caesar looks like Maria, not the king.

"Well, that's our area, so I hope Tenma is resting without worrying. When party time is approaching, let's go get someone from the Kingsguard."

With that said, Caesar and Maria went back to the holding room where they were.

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"Even if they tell you to rest... you're free because you have nothing to do..."

It was better than being surrounded or made into a spectacle by the students, but it felt like I was somewhat more free. I regretted that if this were to happen, I would even bring some spare time tools. By the way, the slurrins are leaving messages at the mansion, and Ryden doesn't seem to like to sit still in the dimension bag, causing him to suspend his activity. There's only a carriage in the magic bag I'm bringing this time, and there might be something in the carriage, but there's no room in this room to get the carriage out. There are some bracelet shaped magic bags (not usually visible, but properly worn on the arms) that the gods gave me, but there are only weapons and food inside, so I don't have anything I can spare.

"If some kind of applause finds out you're just carrying a weapon, Caesars could be annoying..."

There's also "exploration," so it won't be so easy to get a peek inside the room, but it's definitely better not to have any risks.

From all that, it won't be much free time, but when I started prepping for a treat or something, I noticed someone approaching me. At first I wondered if someone from the Kingsguard had even come to call me, but from killing the signs and keeping my footsteps up, I decided it was not the Kingsguard. Well, I figured out who that was in the 'exploration' I used the moment I made my decision... I decided to kill the signs near the door and wait for the visitors because I was going to be out of time.

"Maybe it's supposed to be this room...... that?



When she quietly opened the door and surprised Luna (...) who came inside from behind, Luna was more surprised and louder than she thought.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ~... already! Don't be surprised!

Luna took a seat after complaining to me and discovered the sweets she was preparing for.

"Can Luna stay here?

"It's okay! Because I was forced to fit in with your mother's work before your brother's game!

I was curious about Isabella's work, so when I asked her what it was about, she greeted me. He said that in royal and friendly aristocracy, public discourse, exchange of information, and hostile aristocracy were associated with something like that. He said the game was temporarily interrupted because the game started along the way, and he made it look like he was running away when he returned to his classroom before he finished and resumed.

"Still, you used to bring in sweets and juice."

"Well, it's not something you can't do if you want to hide it. But Luna's an accomplice."

You liked the word accomplice because it felt like you were doing something a little bad, and Luna was reaching for a new treat as she nodded pleasantly. It won't matter if you find out, but it could be interesting to snack with a little thrill in this way once in a while.

"Speaking of which, Amy, you seem to be (...) very popular with stupid boys. You can study, you're good at magic, you're my brother's apprentice, but you're a civilian, and you're after me in my grade."

The majority of what Luna calls stupid boys are emerging nobles or poor nobles below the Baron, and they seem to think that if they turn Amy into a sideroom or concubine, they can get along with me and the Alberts.

"I'm going for a one-shot reversal, but not my real wife is indicative of my lack of future -... and it's a topic of discussion among girls! Plus, Futurity can be" sincerity "or" metrics "or" charm "!

I'm saying amongst the girls, the girl would feel like Luna's known girl or a school-grade girl, but you can still consider her reputation pretty bad.

"You're scared of girls."

"Some people talk to me for money, so I have to be careful."

So they share that kind of information with students who are somewhat close to each other.

"Then how do we know about reputable boy students?

"Uh-huh... that sounds like a better friend to tell you or gather your own"

Luna doesn't seem very interested in information about reputable people, and she says it's good enough to know she's not a bad student. He just told me that he had never collected it himself but he knew how to collect it, and that there were two main ways to do it.

"The first is' how to spend money '... I mean give money to someone who's going to sell me information, or hire someone who's going to collect it? The second is" How to Use Your Feet "… you're a stalker"

"Right. The second thing is, if it works, I think I'll get the kind of information that I only know... but it's like I find out on the way to collecting it and it's a lot of problems."

The first one is that if you use a professional or trustworthy person, you may be able to cut a mark even if you find out, but the stalker is a crime or something close to it. If the person in favor even finds out, it would be a fatal failure.

"Speaking of which, you've been stalked by the Lions before..."

A nostalgic memory, it was somewhat of a whining word, but it seemed enough to interest Luna, and I started talking about that time. Well, since Lion's heckle was the cause of the stalking, it's basically a joke, so there won't be any problem. If there is, it would be enough that the image of Lion would be just a little negative...... it seems that some school students are famous for Lion's Heterae episodes, so on the contrary, it could be a plus if it's interesting. At least, it doesn't feel bad because Luna is laughing when she listens but not in the way she made a fool of herself.

"I think it's about time someone came... Luna came here worried about me, didn't she?

"Hmm? Well, that's the best way to get away from your mother."

I don't know about telling the truth with the person in front of me, but I guess that's all I know about my mind. But all this time, I clapped to Luna in my heart, wishing I'd snorted even in lies... Because,

"Ku...... ku fu!

Because there was someone outside watching the room. That's multiple, too. It was the person at the center of it who couldn't give up the laugh...... the king. When the king opened the door of the room, a member appeared who was peeking across the door, and Luna was amazed and hardened.

The king is grinning slightly, but Master Isabella beside him looks at Luna with no expression, and the Jeans behind the two, several close guards, looked in the direction of the day after tomorrow, feeling like I was not involved.

"Ahhhh! Brother, I made a mistake! The other way around! I just came because I was worried about your brother and it just turned out to be like running away from your mother!

Luna panicked and told us earlier that she had just made a mistake, but that excuse was just painful and I didn't believe who I was alone. Well, at the end of the day, Master Isabella seems to have given up because Luna is so desperate to keep making excuses. It was just a condition that they put out something called, 'Worry about me, go see what's going on, I'll tell the people around me somehow'. By doing so, he stressed that the royal family felt guilty even though it was what the reformists proposed, and that they would manipulate the information. In fact, it seems that I don't care enough to say at all, but the operation of sidestepping the people by making the reformists the bad guys. I am used as the nucleus of that operation, but when it comes to rewarding me for it, they say to other nobles, 'If you can't do it to me, you might lose your royal reputation and reputation from the people'... and so on with threats (something you can't even say).

"No - that's the kind of move you can do because the public is so popular with tenma!

"Right! Uncle, maybe this isn't how it works!

The king was laughing at Luna's words, but he was somewhat hurt, even though he was joking, and he was stroking Luna's head around quite abusively.

"Your Majesty, time is approaching, so I thought it might be time to return to the holding room."

In Mr. Jean's words the Kings seemed to recall their purpose in this room and decided to rush back to the holding room a little bit. Upon returning, Master Isabella pulled Luna's arm, and the king secured some sweets on the way once and for all, eating them on the move.

"Oh, Tenma. That was a little late."

"Excuse me, Maria. He seemed more distracted than I thought, and he and Luna were distracted by public discourse."

Luna has nodded to my words many times. Maria, who saw it, seemed to realize the real reason Luna was at my place, but she didn't dare touch it, and instead,

"Yes, Luna had a tough time, too. Well, among the royals, Luna is very close to Tenma, so she's a good talker."

That's right. He praised Luna with a voice that sounded like a reformist in the holding room. Others were attacking the reformists with a twist, saying that it was the responsibility of the subtle reformists, but apologizing for not turning them down. Among other things,

"Ladies and gentlemen, the party is ready. Come to the venue in turn"

It was time for the party.

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