Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 21: 21 Chapter 1-18 SIDE East Gate & South Gate

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- - - - East Gate SIDE - - -

This went badly. The zombies are acting too fast. I was supposed to hit the zombies with range magic and then have Tenma move as a play... the worst part is that their bosses are intelligent enough to think of tactics.

"Dear Merlin, the zombies are on the move again. It's about 3,000 years old with just as much survival."

There's more, it's troublesome. It would be better to save magic if you still came all at once.

"I fire three shots of firestorm, then ignore the dying individual and release an arrow at the less damaging zombie."

Saying so, he unleashes the firestorm on a herd of zombies. But I've only been able to kill about a thousand bodies.

(This isn't good, even though we say we still have more than six hours till sunrise)

In front of me, I lost about a thousand bodies, the zombies attacking me as if I didn't care much,

With more zombies reaching the walls, we can still afford magic, but we're going to run out of strength first.

"Smoke is making your sight worse, so watch where you shoot!

Now give instructions while firing about ten rounds of air brit in a row. The magic of the wizards left here could be at stake.

"The wizards rest their hands for a little while and drink the magic potion!

He releases a few rounds of windcutters where other magic stops. Smoke is scattered with winds that wind up, but the number of zombies that showed up didn't seem to change much.

"Don't leave small zombies to the golem! Focus your arrows on medium and large zombies for damage!

Small zombies quickly come to the fence because of their large numbers and relatively fast movements, but die easily from the aftermath of magic attacks and the blow of the golem. I didn't fall for not doing some direct damage to my head when I was over medium.

"There are a lot more zombies than medium-sized."

As Merlin put it, in the beginning, it was enough to occasionally see a medium in a small size, but now it feels like a small size 6 has more than a medium size of 4, etc.

It feels like the number has not increased or decreased since earlier, and there is always about 3000 coming towards this side slowly.

At that time, a large fire column rose at the north gate and lit up near the fort.

"Enemy attack."

"What the hell is that!

"Is the North Gate safe!

One voice after another comes up from around the corner. Some of them made noise that they were new to the enemy.

"Calm down! That firepillar must be Tenma's magic attack!

and explained to the surroundings, but the noise didn't quite subside.

"Dear Merlin, no matter how much Tenma says you can use advanced magic, I've never heard such magic!

One wizard speaks in such an upbeat voice.

"That's definitely tense. Tenma's magic has already crossed the sealia. If only I had talent, I'd be the enemy. Besides, I've already completed some original magic that year. That's one of them."

explained. Everyone was half-hearted by the word, but by decree, the zombies, roughly 4000, who were magically gathered at the North Gate, headed to the West Gate. I was ecstatic about the news.

- - - - South Gate SIDE- - -

There are about 7,000 zombies at the south gate about 4 to 500 meters away.

"What's going on with these zombies!

To Ricardo's inquiry, Shelia stares at the zombies crawling out of the woods.

"No noticeable movement so far, creepy."

and answered with a difficult face.

"It's natural for you to be creepy because you're a zombie"

and Ricardo deliberately speaks in mild condition, but Sealia has a serious face,

"No, it's not creepy, it's suspicious behavior. It's like waiting for something."

and returned a reply. It does look like the zombies are deliberately distancing themselves from this one, even though quite a few of them are coming out of the woods.

"What do you think it is?

"I don't know, but I don't think this is a good idea."

I saw a series of magical sounds and lights from the East Gate when I was talking to

"Simultaneous invasion with the East Gate!

and Ricardo set up, but the zombies didn't move, it was a clapping Ricardo, but soon,

"Sure this is creepy"

and agree with Sealia's hunch.

"Seelia, is the magic okay?

"Yeah, I drank potion earlier, so it's almost full."

The zombies slowly started moving forward as we talked.

"At all, what's going on with the zombie thought circuit?

"Well, I wonder why they don't call at the same time as the East Gate. Well, that's why it's creepy."

and some inexplicable parts, but the two begin to act.

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"The wizards will lay in line and let go of the fireball as I signal, the warriors are waiting."

and give instructions. When the zombie approached about 200 m,

"Let go!

Ricardo's signal came out. Along with that, the wizards unleash their magic.

"We're going on, now aim ahead of you. Let go!"

That's what I say. Give the signal five times. thereby succeeding in killing nearly 2,000 zombies.

"I hope you'll just keep it simple and finish the job."

And Ricardo shrugged. Heard that, Sealia,

"I hope so. First of all, I don't think you can."

And truncated. In the meantime, the zombies also step over the corpses of their companions and come towards them.

"We're going in the same way we did earlier, let go!

The zombies are still in a dense formation, coming towards the gate.

Unleash magic, burn and slaughter zombies, and sip potions sometimes with a breath. When we repeatedly kill over 10,000 zombies and begin to work half way through this, a decree arrives at Ricardo.

"What, he said it was a bunch of zombies north and west!

Suddenly an ambush struck me where my senses were mahi with the repetition of the same thing.

Ordinary zombies couldn't possibly take such a tactic of war, the confusion around them was huge just for what was supposed to be.

"Tell him to send out a wizard and warrior waiting for him right north and west!

and immediately tried to give instructions, but Merlin's instructions were asked to send a message to the west that the wizard in waiting was due north of the decree, so he immediately changed his instructions.

"To the north, just turn to the warriors! All the wizards on standby are going west!

At Ricardo's behest, the queue immediately moves.

"Seelia, is this wizard going to let you turn around?

I asked, but from Sealia,

"I can't, it looks like the zombies were after this. They're coming up fast."

and returned. Until earlier, the zombies were in a dense formation and are now heading this way.

"Was the attack an act earlier"

"I hate to believe it, but you did. I can't believe you were deliberately hit and allowed a siege operation to proceed in the back. Isn't this the first time in history that this has happened?

and I'm joking about it, but I can't afford it on my face,

"I'm glad to see how far Tenma can go..."

and Ricardo to get. But Shelia's voice sounds like she's not so worried,

"I think that's all right. Because that kid has more magic than I do, and he seems to have knitted some original attack magic."

I said, Ricardo seemed strange,

"How do you know that?

I've been asking.

"He seemed to be hiding it, but occasionally he used magic with inexplicable power. So was Britt, but it looks like that kid was good at ideas and improvements that we couldn't think of."

In fact, the magic of the Brit system was what Heavenly Horse taught the Sealias by imagining and knitting a pistol out of the memory of a previous life. Besides that, because of the magical application of previous life's knowledge, Seelia mistook it for an original.

But only Tenma herself and the gods knew about it, so it was no exaggeration to say it was original.

"I'm just worried because I'm sure you don't have a lot of experience."

Ricardo, on the other hand, was a little jealous of Sealia, who knew something he didn't know about Heavenly Horse.

"Then why don't we just wipe out all the zombies here and go back to support Tenma!

"Well, let's make that our goal."

and a large firepillar rose at the north gate as Seelia responded as she unleashed a firestorm.

"Hey, Seelia. Could that be Tenma's magic?

Suddenly, for a moment, those who were on the defense of the South Gate and the zombies stopped moving.

"Maybe not..."

Sealia answers with a slightly pulled face.

"Hmm, Shelia! The zombies are stopping moving. It's a magic attack within the moment!

Sealia releases five firestorms to the word as it continues to stand. The other wizards continue to unleash ball-based magic in a row.

I don't know why, but the zombies who were stopping the movement magically fall one after the other late in responding. That number was more than 3,000 momentum.

"All right, you've had quite a blow!

Most of the zombies that were stopping near the gate died and seemed to have a pocky blank zone. At the same time, the fire column rises at the West Gate. Magic of that magnitude would be quite a blow.

Ricardo and the others were beginning to wonder if we could survive if we kept going like this.

From the back of the forest at the next moment, until a thin black light is emitted...

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