Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 235: 235 Chapter 16-13 The Bottom Layer, Reaching

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"So, if I worked hard, I could get here in a month...?

"To be precise, 'in a month or ten days'...."

"It's not that different!

"Nevertheless, if we were to be attacked in about a month where it took us years, it would feel... like this. That."


"Isn't that pathetic?

"That's how it feels. Well, I was prepared for it, and it seemed to prove once again that the tempura was a monster, so maybe there's nothing I can do about it."

"Well, there was a map of Galat. Had it not been for that, it would have taken me years to attack."

It seems that the male side and the female side feel different, but when I mentioned the map, Galat felt much better.

After a month of diving in the dungeon, I was able to reach the bottom. Then, I encountered the Sword of Dawn, which was gathering materials near the lowest level, and it became a conversation like this. Well, Galrats stunned me during the conversation, and Jin got a little depressed.

"Absolutely, you knew Tenma would catch up in a few months. Well, I was a little surprised it was a little faster than I expected, but that's the difference."

"That's right. It's sad that you lost your advantage for a long time, but you can't help regretting what you knew. Rather, you should go back to the ground and write to Primera-chan."

"Besides, maybe we should talk to Merlin and the others. Every time I see you upstairs, I say," You haven't seen Tenma yet? Don't be asked. Well, I was ready to dive when I saw you a few days ago, so I might be in the dungeon right now. "

Leaving the stubborn jin alone, I bought some ground information here recently, and once I got back to ground, I wrote to Primera before I set out to join my grandpa.

That's how I got to the guild.

"What should I write in the first place?

I have never sent a letter to a woman since I was born (including the previous life), so it is the result of trouble.

"Normally, 'I successfully attacked the dungeon. I am not injured at all. I'm looking forward to seeing you again"... okay? "

"No, I don't think it's very good...."

As she murmured her thoughtful sentence, she heard Lina's stupid voice coming from behind.

"As Lena was worried about, this is just a status report. Well, maybe you should try your best for the last sentence, but it's too short in the first place."

Menus also expressed a negative opinion as to whether he disliked the contents of the letter.

"Even if they say so, I don't know what to write. For now, why don't we just split up and be safe?

Well, if you like the temper, that's fine.

Well, it's Mr. Tenma, and I can't help it.

Even if the contents of the letter were to leak out, it would be possible to deceive a lot of people... but perhaps even if they said that, they wouldn't be convinced. But...

"It seems like they're both convincing sentences, so let's get this out. Oh, Ted! Please take this to the Mansion of King's Landing. This is the price."

It sounded like a positive word to me, so if they say anything, they'll both take responsibility.

"Yes. I'll tell you something."

Ted, who seemed to be listening, quickly approached and grabbed the gold coin for the fee and ran out.

"If anything happens to that letter, it's the three of us."

"You trail! Ted, wait!

"If I hadn't been in the city, I'd have shot him down!

There was no mention in the letter that the three of us had thought about it, so Menus and Lena would not be teased, but they went after Ted and left the guild unaware of it. Well, Ted seemed to realize I was teasing both of you, and he'd be flying off the guild right away in Thunderbird, so he wouldn't catch up with me.

"Well... let's dive back into the dungeon and look for Grandpa before they come back."

I'd like to take a break, but I can do that in the dungeon, so I decided to run away from the two of you now.

"Come back in a few days at best. If I see Merlin, I'll be back in a few days, so I'll tell him to wait on the ground."

That's what Galat says, so if we don't see each other in a few days, he says he'll come back to earth, and he decides to pay for some of the liquor. Garrat was delighted to place the gold, but the gin was already ready and he didn't notice the gold.

"Don't play cat because Jin didn't notice.

"That's right, I won't. If they find out, Jin will chase you."

I thought I'd have to find out, but I've seen other adventurers leave their gold coins, so I'm sure someone will leak the information.

"And use this when the menus come back."

When he handed over another coin, Garrat smiled bitterly and received it.

"I wish I hadn't made fun of you from the beginning."

"Hey, I can't defy the story."

Two gold coins (20,000 G) may be too expensive for treats and moods, but this is by no means expensive to think of as part of the return of dungeon information. Well, I don't put it in my mouth because it's a little illuminated.

"Then I can't help it. I'll make sure it's a treat for the tempura when I've eaten it properly. That way, you won't have to mess around after you accept the bribe... maybe. Oh, and I'm gonna eat something with Jin, but don't complain.

Galat also seemed to know it was a thank you for the information and replied in a light tone.

Then don't ask me about Menus and Lena.

I made sure they weren't around and then headed for the dungeon. I thought maybe he was ambushed in front of the dungeon, but there was no such thing, and I was able to move to the sixtieth floor of the dungeon without any problems.

Well, let's start looking for it here.

The point of arrival when we dived together was around 60 floors, so I thought it would be more likely that we would meet after going from the same place as when we dived alone.

"I can get the golem out, but it'll take time, and if there's grandpa around, Jeanne and Aura are in danger, so it's safer to go alone."

The movement of the golem is also getting much better, but when the numbers gather, it is dangerous if the grandpa is nearby, so I decided to ignore the weed as I did at first.

"Five orcs... let Golem do it."

On the way to the rest point on the sixty-fifth floor, I found a good flock, so I conditioned the golem.

That's enough, you won't be able to fight me anymore.

As a handicap, Golem was given the condition that only the head of the oak should be targeted, but the heads of the bodies lined up in front of him were cut off three times and two were beaten to pieces.

"Looks like it'll be easier to dismantle."

After a good souvenir for the Siroumars, I put the Golem back together for a rest.

"Hmm? There are different signs of use from mine... Grandpa?

If they are grandpas, it is likely that they are searching for and using the place I used for a break even in the lower tier.

"Well, if we act on Galrat's map, will the rest place be the same as nature?"

But keeping that in mind will make it easier for grandpas to find it.

"Maybe we should stop for a break and move on instead of camping here till morning."

I have attacked around here once, so the strength of most monsters is in my head. We need a break because we can't be alarmed if it's below seventy floors, but there should be no problem with the Force if we're in front of it.

"Let's eat, go to sleep, and then we'll go. I'll leave you to watch and wake up."

I feel like I have a habit of talking to Golems and talking to myself more often because I am diving in the dungeon alone.

You must be careful of your habit of talking to yourself in the future and eat first. Fortunately, there are still about one or two meals left in the beef bowl, and I bought some fruit when I got back to the ground the other day. Also, there are some foods that were originally in the magic bag, so there is no problem with nutritional value....

"Eating alone doesn't taste good."

Until now, it had always been enough to say someone was there, so I didn't think it was so boring to say one person.

"If this were the case, I should have taken Gore and Jill."

The two basically drawer baskets, but if it is a dungeon of Seigen, which is supposed to be home, it will be enough to come out during the break, and it may be a little counterpart.

With that in mind, I set fire to a short candle for a break (something that was left halfway through when I replaced it), ordered it to burn up again by the time the golem burned out, and decided to get some light sleep.

"Still ahead....."

I went down to seventy stories, but I couldn't meet my grandpa.

"Why don't you take a nap and go look for it again?"

Looking at the candles, it was around noon now. I don't know what level you're on, but if you're on Galat's map, you'll catch up, and if you can't catch up, you'll meet me on the ground.

"If I can see you, I'll go like I don't have to see you. Nevertheless, we should have asked the jinn which hierarchy Grandpa was going through."

That way, I would have gone as far as that hierarchy... well, I can't help it now.

"Let's eat and sleep... hmm? There's something nearby."

Something seemed strange, so I looked around in "Explore."

"Surrounded by a (...) na (...) n (...) da (...) and m (...) ca (...) de (...)"

There were multiple "Dark Club Anaconda" and "Giganto Desmukade" lurking in the shade and gap around the rock. The numbers are just three at a time, and they seem to be targeting me as a prey. I feel like I've been showing a lot of gaps until now, but I don't think it was because each of them was controlling each other.

"I'll do Anaconda, and Golem will take Mukade."

If you leave it to Golem, I think the ingredients of Mukade will probably be useless, but Anaconda is more valuable in terms of ingredients than Mukade, so if you leave it to Golem, it will be troublesome.

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"Golem, defeat the Mukade hiding around here! You don't have to cover me!

I immediately gave orders to the Knight Golem from the Magic Bag to assault the Mukade. When Golem destroyed the rock I pointed out, which was a hidden lizard, he appeared in front of Golem in surprise at the impact.

"I'm also surprised by the shock... ooh!

Anaconda crawled out of the shadow of the rock and the gap between the rocks, surprising or slow to move. Anaconda, who was supposed to have been asking about my gap, is exposing it in front of me. Throwing a knife at Anaconda, the one at the back of the three, stabbed him in the eye.

"You can put that behind you. Whoa, whoa!

Anaconda, who had a knife stuck in his eye, was rampaging in a way that entangled the two men in front of him. Because of this, the two in front showed further gaps, so they stopped at once and cut off the neck of the first one with a thick knife, and the second one cut their head vertically with a knife that turned back.

"Do you want to wait until you get a little older? Still, it's hard to cut."

The first one had momentum and had a beautiful cut, but the second one had momentum stopped and the skull was cut from the front, and the cut was disturbed. Well, the head is not particularly necessary, so it doesn't matter whether the incision is disturbed or not. In contrast, the performance of the small Karasuma has been improved, but I was glad to feel that it was growing more easily than when I first cut it off. Incidentally, it seems that the two Anaconda who have just been cut are still alive and moving around.

"It must feel like a lizard's tail... but this size is too creepy. Well, I guess it's time to put that aside and let him grow up."

The two that were cut were almost dead, so I decided to put them behind me and then deal with the one whose knife had stabbed me in the eye and was out of control. Anaconda, who had a knife stuck in his eye, was almost dead, as if the knife had reached his brain. Thanks to this, I was able to easily drop my neck and I didn't get violent even after I dropped my neck.

"Now, what happened to Golem... oh..."

Anaconda was finished sooner than I thought, so I turned around wondering what was going on with the squid... and I was about to cut the top half of the squid that Golem was stepping on.

Near Golem were the thunderbolts whose heads had already been cut to pieces, and the thunderbolts who were stitched to the ground with the great sword, and ran wild.

"Is it possible that he was possessed by the soul of the devil Razak?

Even though I knew there was no such thing, there was a scene in front of me that made me think so. In the meantime, is Golem my expectation? As if answering, he smashed and crushed the head of the thunderbolt, and next he stepped through the head of the thunderbolt with his heel.

It's quite a miserable defeat, but I don't care if I faithfully executed my orders... but I beat the three B ranked monsters completely, so it's a trivial problem... maybe.

After all, most of the ingredients in the lizard are useless.

Since the top half (especially the head) of the squid are all worn out, the poison and hard shell of the head that can be used for high-value medicine in the material of the squid are not used, so only the bottom half, which is less than half the length, is recovered. Since all three of the Anaconda I defeated are in beautiful condition, the meat and ingredients will be expensive. Well, I don't sell it.

"Now that we have today's meal... we need to clean the golem before we judge Anaconda."

Now the Knight Golem is very dirty. Because it is covered in mud fluid and venom, and dirt and dust stick to it like mud. If you don't clean this pretty well, it may interfere with movement, and if you don't drop the venom properly, it may get poisoned when someone touches it.

"Can I sprinkle it with water to remove dirt and add oil after drying it?"

Wash the golem carefully to avoid leaving any poison or soil, add oil after drying, and it moved better than when it was dirty. Again, it seems like regular care is essential, just like armor.

Golem moved gently to blend the oil, then allowed it to wait, and the meat of Anaconda was appropriately sliced and baked. The meat was quite delicious, so we'll all have a yakiniku party next. Fortunately, three Anaconda are about six to eight meters late and weigh between 100 and 200 kg, so there will be plenty for everyone you know to eat.

"My stomach's swollen, and this time... it looks like I can't sleep."

When I got out of bed trying to sleep, I heard a wolf... howling in the distance. Perhaps you noticed the Golem fighting just below this level, and from there you noticed me....

"I hear monsters gathering."

The fact that it sounds to me means that it sounds to monsters in the same range means that the same thing happens when I bring Golems and gather monsters.

"I think it's okay because I have a grandpa, but depending on the number... follow me! Hurry up!"

If it's really dangerous, Jeanne and Aura will escape into the Surrin, but if they're pushed into numbers in a tight place, it's just in case.

"It seems okay, but it's gathering quite a bit... Grandpa! Don't attack me by mistake because I'm going to help you!

"Tenma! Please!"

Going down to the lower level in the direction of the sound, the grandpa was surrounded by a herd of hundreds of fine oaks. Some of the orcs are intertwined with higher species, so there may be an orck king somewhere.

"Let's reduce the number first... Golem, charge!

It turns out that Grandpa is much better than Grandpa in terms of overall combat power, but Grandpa can't use big magic because of the risk of ceiling collapse, Amur can't swing his good Valdish due to the narrow dungeon, and because of the dense surroundings, he doesn't use his mobility, and Solomon can't fly around the air, so he loses his advantage. As usual, it looks like Slurrin can move, but Jeanne and Aura seem to be in the body, and instead of going out in front, they are turning backwards for backup.

If there's only so many monsters with that strength, I can't help it.

Though I have not been able to demonstrate my strength, I will not lose because the local power is different, but I felt like I said that it takes time because of the large number. However, a knight-shaped golem that transformed into a demon by simply waving his hands and feet at the back attacked him, and the situation inclined at once.

"While the orcs were confused, I was..."

Using Exploration and Appraisal on the confused orc herd, it was on the other side of me... a little before Amur was fighting.

"You're going to abandon your minions and run away... well, it's just the King, and you're smart enough to be an orc."

Attack them at once where they are advantageous, and run when they are disadvantaged. Just...

"If I'd run a little faster, I might have run out."

Since the number had been gradually decreasing since before the Golem intruded, I should have cut it off early, but I don't know whether I couldn't recognize that I was losing the number because of the number, or whether I thought I could push it off, but either way, because of that misjudgment, I would lose my position in the flock, glory, and life, so it would be wise to say that it was an orc.

"Amur! The big boss in the back is trying to escape! Aim for him!

"Got it!

Communicating the presence of King to Amur, Amur took the surrounding oak as a stepping stone and ran away. And then...

"Enemy General, I've taken it down!

I put a spear on the oak king's neck.

With his boss dead, his orcs panicked again as if their previous collective actions had been a lie, pushing their people away from the scene.

"Slurrin! It's all right, Jeanne and Aura go out and Slurrin go after them!

It took a little effort, so we started hunting the rest of the oak with a few other golems. During the hunt, there were several counterattacks by the orcs, but since the flow was completely coming to us and the resistance in the orc's morale was decreasing, I kicked the orc counterattack with a touch of armor.

"Lots of meat!

"Yes, it's really too much....."

"You're starting to feel sick...."

A significant number of orcs have escaped, but the sight of dozens of orc bodies still rolling was likely to make me sick because of the smell of blood.

"Okay, let's start with the meat collection!

Because of the large number, the Golem is the center of the work, but since it is more certain that detailed instructions will be given each time, everyone handled it and went back to collecting it.

"Still, you came early?

"The map of Galrat was accurate and the Knight Golem performed better than I thought."

Even if there were a few B ranked monsters, the presence of Golems in the city was quite large. Anyway, I didn't know that I was tired, so I could wait all the time while I was asleep, and I was doing enough as a shield.

"Especially if you can handle the back."

When I was surrounded, the most trouble was being taken from behind, so I was most grateful that I didn't have to worry about it.

"If this golem were to come out to the public, the concept of a party might change."

Broadly speaking, there are three types of adventurers: working with people, working with solos, and working with monsters. There are communication problems when working with people and monsters, or there are difficulty problems in solo. On the other hand, Golem obeys any order without complaining, so there is no such trouble.

"Well, surely the solo adventurer will jump. And some adventurers aren't good at communicating. But this performance golem can't do that, and I don't know how many years it will take for an adventurer to walk with him."

Rather than years, it may take decades or centuries, but royalties and nobles may be able to get it faster. Well, I think mass production is difficult.

"So the horse that caused the orc to attack me...."

I was looking for a way to punish him, but he was already lying on his back looking at us.

"Siroumaru... you're not tired, are you?

As Jeanne said, Siroumar is not just laying on his stomach, he is reflecting with his arms and legs stretched out.

"I'm kind of losing my temper...."

I'm losing my temper because I look crazy.....

"It's my fault. Shiroumaru, come here a minute."

For a moment, I thought the horse laughed, so I decided to anger the horse as planned.

Tempura, that's fine. I hope you don't think I'll see you again soon. "

If Grandpa had forgiven me, I would have freed the horse whirlpool on the way... but then Slurrin caught me. Even if my grandfather and I forgive it, it feels like that, and it seems that Slurrin will also preach.

"So, Grandpa, how far did you go?

Um, if you just want to dive, you can go up to the seventy-first floor. But it's hard to say that around here while protecting Jeanne and Aura. And as I was trying to get used to it on the upper level, the horses ran out. "

After all, I think I noticed the fighting noise and smell... but if I just ran away, I wouldn't be surrounded by orcs, so I must be out of my mind. Well, as the owner, I'm glad you're feeling so emotional.

"So, what do we do now? Whether you want to join us at the bottom or go back to King's Landing once... we're running out of food anyway, so I think we should go back to Earth once."

After listening to Grandpa's story, the suspicion arose that perhaps the high emotion of the zebra was about food.

"Tenma, I'm hungry."

Then I'll go back. I was thinking about getting some sleep, so let's cut it up here and have a discussion on the future. "

I still have food left, but just in time to get back to the ground and eat in the carriage. The carriage was rented on Amy's parents' property as usual, so we decided to have dinner and a discussion.

"And we need to talk about oak meat."

"I'll eat it all, it's okay!

When I talked about the large amount of oak meat, I said that Amur would make all of it our food, but I don't know how many years it would be (we might not have it for a year), so I thought about getting it in the future and decided to sell most of it leaving only good parts. The decision was made by a majority vote (I, Grandpa, Jeanne, Aura voted in favour), but Amur, Silomar, and Solomon were still dissatisfied. Well, I was immediately convinced that I would serve a slightly unusual meat (anaconda meat) for dinner, so the persuasion was easy. However, it was out of the question that the jinn who heard the rumors of yakiniku and the Tamers Guild came to me and almost lost a single one.

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