Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 244: 244 Chapter 17-3 Death Theory

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"This place is dangerous. Shall we move on?

"" "" "No objection!

Everyone nodded immediately to my suggestion and started moving.

When I asked why I acted so quickly, the moment Jin questioned Grandpa's half naked, an insect entered his back just like Grandpa did. However, unlike Grandpa's time, it didn't fall directly into his back, but once it fell on his head, did it mean the bug's will? So I went into my back, and I had time to react to the bug that fell on my head, and we had time to look at the bug's reaction and notice the bug and its identity, and from there I could see the bug going into the back of the bug.

The name of the insect that gathered eyes other than that of a gin is "cockroach." "The Black Devil" has engulfed many people in a vortex of fear and chaos. In such a sudden appearance of black demons, we were in a hurry to distance ourselves from the jinn and pull out our weapons to keep them away.

Seeing us so overreacted, Jin also noticed the identity of the insect that entered his back, and in the next moment, he became the same semi-naked as his grandfather. Incidentally, the black demon who dived into Jin's back was crushed by Jin's quick action, or was struck by the ground without proper resistance.

There was also a reason for reluctance to move insects like that, but more than that, they entered a different atmosphere than before. Anyway, the atmosphere is different because there is a possibility that materials that have not been obtained before will be available. For that reason, everyone's walking speed was either heartless or fast... or definitely faster. Everyone seems to have the idea of discovering the material before anyone else, so is it a bit faster to walk at first? At the end of the day, he was able to run as fast as he could, and finally he was able to run as fast as he could.


"Watch out!"

After about 100 meters of running, Lena almost fell down, and Menus stopped trying to help her, but my grandfather and I stopped right away... Jin and Garrat ran away without noticing the back.

"Hmm... it's a little too shabby."

"That's right. It looks like there aren't any bugs around here, so why don't we take a break?

"That sounds good. Although the terrain is relatively easy to run, it's not like you're running in an unknown place."

"That's right! I don't have as much health as you do, so I need you to think about it!... no, um... of course I'm kidding.

When I proposed to take a break where I was calm, the other three agreed, leaving the two who ran away to get ready for a break. During the conversation, she tried to blame us for what happened to Lena, but when they all stared silently, they were in a hurry to deceive her.

There are no signs of monsters, so I was preparing tea with chairs and tables in the hallway.

"Why aren't you following me?

"I was worried something might have happened!

Gin and Garrat, who were moving on without us, are back.

"That said, Jin and Garrat ignored us and ran away on their own."

"In the first place, it's the jinns who are in trouble. There were Tenma and Merlin here, so it was more like a reinforcement than the usual Sword of Dawn."

"I wonder if the leader and the veteran will leave the same party mates behind?

"Well, normally speaking, it's not disqualification. Because of these things, I've seen a party break up many times before."

We fought together against the two of us who came back with a reverse cut. As a result,

"" I'm sorry! We are reflecting, so please come with us!

They both sincerely reflected and apologized. Well, speaking of what we did until the two of us apologized, we just sat in our chairs and ate tea and sweets, and we completely ignored them after the first fight.

"So what happened next?

"Hmm? Ah, a few hundred meters from here, the road was divided."

"When I asked where I was going at that junction, I felt like there was nobody back there. So I don't know what's going on."

(Which means you would have gone further if you hadn't.)

I thought about it, but I didn't say it because I didn't go any further. Everyone but Jin and Galat seemed to think the same thing as me, but they didn't say it. However,

"No, I think I'm really sorry, so stop that face!

"I'm really sorry! I'm sorry, forgive me already!

I didn't say anything, but it appeared on my face, and they apologized again.

"Anyway, if we rest a little longer, we'll have to get to that junction."

That's what I'm going to say, and I'm going to keep talking about love like no other.

Speaking of which, you gave Primera-chan a knight-shaped golem, right? Did he say anything?

And, as Lena remembered, she started talking about a knight-shaped golem.

"I was quite surprised. I think I realized I was making a golem for Primera, but I didn't think I'd get three."

Primera named the three Knight Golems "Persival," "Galahad," and "Bors." Everything is because when I was a kid, I heard stories of knights with that name playing a role.

The three bodies have little difference in performance, but their roles are divided by turning each weapon into a "Great Sword and Shield", a "Double Sword" and a "Spear".

"By the way, I heard you made a monster-like golem.

The monster Lena describes is a golem made from the bones of a Minotaur. At first, it was built around an integral part of the material and the muscles of Hydra, but it was difficult to stand on its own, so I finally finished using another part of the Minotaur material. With the use of Minotaur, it became a golem larger than a knight-shaped golem, and became a golem that was dull and could not move fine, but since it has enough power to compensate for its shortcomings, it has an ultra-large hammer. As a result,

"If we hit it properly, maybe we can crush the dragon's head."

Now you can use that power. In fact, they're slow, so they'll be dodged or attacked while they're shaking up, but working with Knight Golems will give you a better chance to land an attack.

"Tempura... where are you going? I don't know, but you're not planning on using the Golem to build your country, are you?

"If you're going to give me a favor, why don't you help me?

"I don't do that kind of trouble. The kings told me the same thing, but I was not willing to do it."

I realized that I had made something interesting, and when the king and Lyle came and looked at the Minotaur-shaped golem, the first thing they said was, "Are you interested in the country? It was. At that time, I said I wouldn't do it because it was troublesome, but Caesar, Zayne, and the Duke of Sanga told me that if I wanted to do it, I would be able to keep it as easy as a small country, so I've been careful about misunderstood behaviors lately. Well, I often forget.

"Speaking of golems, I came to three of the 'Princess Bobcat', but once I made three naked golems."

Menus talked about my failure to change the subject. I didn't realize what I was talking about for a moment, but I immediately thought it was a debut as an adventurer.

"What, did you have such a hobby with Tenma?

"What about the boulder?

Jin reacted faster than anyone else and Galat followed me in a mockery tone. Grandpa, Leena, and Menus, who talked about it, seemed to know what was going on and smiled.

"It was a little mistake... it was a technology that I used with a sense of play, and I just forgot because it was me or the horse that used to model it."

I didn't care about my nudity because I was doing it in the absence of people, and I didn't realize what it would be like to be replaced by a person because I was always naked when it comes to horses.

"You said that, but you were aiming for it, right? You stupid bastard!

Jin kept teasing me like he was clearing up his anger until now... but Garrat was sitting next to me, worrying about me, and sometime he moved behind the menus, and Grandpa was quietly drinking tea. Menus was silently out of sight of Jin, and Lina pretended to be busy replacing Grandpa's tea. However,

"Galat! Menus!"

"Oh, wow!


"No, what! What the hell are you doing?

As soon as I called out their names, they tightened the sides of the jinn and knelt down.


"Ha, yes!... no!

"Yikes! All of a sudden!

Lena was lost for a moment when I called her by her name, but she quickly pulled out Gin's hair.

"Garrat, Menus, stay put for a while. This is how it's done... okay!

Receiving Gin's Hair from Lena, I asked Garrat and Menus to hold Gin for a while and tried to create a Golem with people's hair for a long time. The result was

"This is sexual harassment, Mr. Jin."

"Sexual harassment, Jin."

"This guy is... all kinds of... pu! Hyah!"

"Stop it! Stop it! I'm in a bad mood, so break it now!

Two women are highly reputed, and Galrat is somewhat popular, "Gin-shaped Golem (ver. Naked) '. And three of them.

"Hmm... it's a really ugly sight..."

Grandpa looked at Jin's naked golem and muttered, wearing a hood and hiding his hair.

"Please don't... seriously don't..."

As Jin pleaded with a crying face and voice, the naked golems decided to sit in the corner and wait to hide the area for the time being.

"Well, Jin. Here is the remainder of the hair that the Golems used. You know what that means, don't you?

"What are you going to do?

"Use this to make the same thing... and drive around the city of Seigen. Near Golem," Jin! Please, put your clothes on! "while screaming."

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This way, even if people who see you nearby find out that you're not human, people who see you from afar will still look like you're blowing up naked.

"Well, if you do that, you'll lose the trust of your temper!

Jin shouted that it was what I was doing to lose.

"Which is faster, my trust or Jin's trust or social reputation and preference? Besides, I'll cut my temper to a minimum, but even if the gin is fake, there are witnesses... I wonder what will happen?

Running naked golems while saying so,

"I'm totally sorry... forgive me..."

At last, Jin surrendered completely.

"I won... it was a nasty battle."

With that said, stop the naked Golems and turn them back to the stone.

"If it's a nasty battle, you should stop it right now....."

"Jin is also a jin, and I don't punish you every time. Well, I feel like I've done too much."

"Still, it was Jin-san who caused it, so I don't think there's anything I can do about it... but it's also too much."

"It's interesting to see. I'm scared when I'm in Jin's shoes..."

was evaluated by four others. It's quite underrated, but I feel like I've done too much myself, so there's nothing I can do about it. Afterwards, in a plea from four people other than Jin, mainly grandfather, he was sworn that he would not abuse the technology.

"Nevertheless, regardless of the purpose of this use, I think that Golem uses quite advanced technology, but why don't you usually use it?

"That's right. I think it might be useful, but why?

Lena and Menus seem to have wondered why I didn't use that haired golem, but the answer is simple.

"Simply because it's inferior to the golem I usually use in every way. If I may say so, it is excellent for when there is no Golem nucleus or for mischief purposes."

The disadvantage compared to the golem I usually use is that it takes time for the golem to form first. This can be said to be faster than your regular golem from where you make the nucleus, but the way you use your hair cannot be prepared beforehand, so if you even make the nucleus, you can't just throw away the magic afterwards. Moreover, if there are magic and materials (rocks and earth) that can be activated by ordinary users, they can be created simultaneously, even if it is a hundred or a thousand, but those who use hair must make it all on the spot.

And secondly, there is too much difference in golem performance. Golems that use hair also make their bodies out of rocks and dirt, so normal human opponents can fight without problems, and depending on how they are used, they can be extremely effective as a combat force. However, no matter how hard it is to have a golem than a normal human, it is only as big as the human model, so it is more fragile than a golem with a nucleus that has been well designed and created. Perhaps with the strength of the Sword of Dawn class, even if Lena alone (but only if she fights with magic), she will be able to win perfectly with multiple opponents.

"And the third reason is that it's troublesome to make clothes. I can't let you fight naked, and if you're going to use your energy to do that, it would be more efficient to move that much yourself. Well, if we could get even enemy hair, we could use it as much as harassment."

For these reasons, the use of hair golem was a forgotten technique in me.

"With armor and weapons, it's likely to be enough combat power, but even someone who's always using it seems to be able to do it, and I would prefer a golem like I gave it to you as an engagement present in the first place. Technically sophisticated, but not very user-friendly... it's a technique that was born for pranks. Don't take it seriously."

While convinced of the reason why Galat does not use it, I pressed carefully not to use it again.

"That's the way to split up... Jin, get lost! They finally showed up!

When Gin and Garrat came to the front of the divide, a new monster of longing appeared from that divide. A lizard in the shape of a comode dragon, he noticed us over there, looking at us with his tongue twitching in and out.

"Go, Jin! Get rid of your grief with the first must-have!

A little bit too much earlier, and the jinn would stab me from behind? It was packed with things like. Perfect to clear up such a jin's mind, I decided to sacrifice the lizard that appeared in front of me on my own initiative.


Jin stormed the monster as if he was turning his stress into force.

"Grandpa, that monster didn't have any good materials, right?

"The skin should have been that expensive... but the meat stinks, it's hard, and it's not a monster of much value."

"No, normally, if the skin is golden, the meat is secondary...."

"Well, from Tempura and Marlin's point of view, delicious meat is more important than the skin at that price."

"That's right. As you have benefited from it many times, I don't want you two to think about it."

Speaking while looking at a jin like that, a bunch of lizards appeared from the way the lizards appeared. Incidentally, the first lizard to come out was struck down by a jin.

"Hyi, fuu, mii...."

"It's all coming out... well, it's all swarming with gin."

"Jin will be fine."

"You may be unconscious, but you're only aiming for your neck or head beautifully...."

"Perhaps it was an act that had been infidel until now?

"If that's the case, you're in trouble... not cute at all," Jin said, but somehow his reputation gradually declined.


After defeating a dozen lizards, the herd was wiped out, and the jinn increased the magnitude of victory. But Galrats' gaze was cold.

"Nah, what?

"Oh, it's nothing. Better keep the lizard in the bag sooner. Maybe other monsters will come because of the smell of blood."

Gin was surprised at the gaze of the galats, but it was troublesome if they were in a bad mood again, so I decided to turn Gin's consciousness from Galats to lizards.

"In the meantime, I'll put it in my magic bag, but this is the total amount of gin. Just remember the numbers."

That said, Jin said that it would be better to divide half in all (parties), but it was me in "Orasion" who pushed the crusade, and it was Jin who actually defeated all of them. My grandfather and I declined to share, and Galat and I also renounced our rights as "Swords of Dawn", so we decided to exchange money in Jin's personal name after returning to the earth.

"Still, I'm surprised that a bunch of lizards suddenly appeared."

I see. Maybe that hole was the lizard's feeding ground. "

Lizards killed by jin seem to be able to operate for a long time even with a small amount of food, and furthermore, bugs and other insects grow faster and are easy to reproduce, and have high nutritional value, so if they were lizards, they might have looked like a treat.

"Those cockroaches... they were also of some use. I don't want to imagine much... but I don't think lizards are the only ones that show up further than that, and I obviously think they're stronger than the skeletons and rotten golems up there, so we need to tighten up and move on."

I decided to reinvent my temper and move forward with the offensive, and we discussed a few ways to get the lizard swarm on our way. As a result,

"Looks like that hole was one of several places."

We found some holes similar to the ones we came down from. At the same time, I encountered a group of reptile-type monsters who thought they were feeding on the insects that lived there several times.

Most of them were the same kind of monsters as the lizards that Jin defeated, but they also found monsters that looked like snakes to geese and frogs. Each of them is about a meter in size, and when they are arranged in order of threat, they are like lizards, snakes, geese, frogs.

The snake was similar in shape to Anaconda, but the biggest one I saw was about a meter, and I didn't seem to have any poison. The yams were slightly smaller than that and the average was about 80 cm, trying to hide until we attacked or surprised them. However, I was good at hiding and sometimes I stepped on it and touched it without knowing it, so I had to be careful about surprises. And frogs,

"You look kind of loving."

"Depending on how you look, you look cute."

"Perhaps it will become popular as a pet?

I feel like I said that. It was not about 50 cm in size, and unlike the "Mad Poison Frog" that I had previously crushed, the power of my tongue was weak, and even if I hit it properly, it hurt a little. And it feels like I've made the frog bigger.

"Pets can be difficult on boulders, but they're cute compared to other monsters. Maybe they're preying on insects, but at the same time they're being preyed on by lizards and snakes."

A small individual may have been preyed on by a large class of geese, but it may not have been completely destroyed because of the unexpected rush. Or, as you can say, lizards and snakes may be running away from walls and ceilings that are difficult to climb.

Well then, maybe you should ignore the geese and frogs as much as you can. Fortunately, if we don't take care of him, he's just hiding. "

If you've just hunted the monsters you've encountered, the ecosystem will collapse, and maybe the bugs will flood the dungeon up. The lizards and snakes on their way are helpless, but the non-attacking geese and frogs should be missed as bug cleaners. It doesn't seem to be very valuable in terms of materials.

With that feeling, the first tactics that were going well gradually became more fatigued. The reason for this is that the signs of monsters are weak. Frogs and geese are hard to notice if they are not used in "exploration", and lizards and snakes are approaching without making a sound, so there were occasions when they were scared. And above all, the trouble is the presence of insects. Their habitat is not just holes, so if they're off guard, they can hit directly from the ceiling.

However, unlike the upper hierarchy, there was no odor that could be attributed to the rotten golem, so it was possible to take a break on the spot if tired. So I decided it was time to try my first camp.

Until now, it has been difficult to take a break because of the smell, but this time, if you pay attention to hidden frogs, goats, and even insects, you might be able to take a break in the space made of earth walls, as it was in the dungeon where Hydra was.

Well then, this is my procedure, but first I'll create a magically quarantined space. And fill the space with smoke that kills insects. Afterwards, cool the inside until you can get enough ice. After that, I'll take a break inside. That's all. "

"I think that's fine, but when you light the smoke, you should make an air hole above and below the wall. If you magically send the wind through the bottom hole, the bugs may escape from the top, or you may be able to drive away the bugs around here."

If the smoke is burned in a sealed state, the whole smoke may not survive, and the smoke may disappear along the way. Also, since we have to deal with insects that can no longer escape, it was my grandfather's opinion that we should let them leave on their own at all. Menus and Lena, who had heard the opinion (especially the treatment of insects), agreed first, so they decided to build a wall and then drill a hole.

Well then, let's light it up.

"Galat, gangangan, go! Just in case, the temper can handle it!

My grandfather and I still have work to do to raise the temperature to send the wind and cool the inside, so Jin and Garrat are going to do the smoke work. However, he said that Galat was better at the work, and Jin was just backing Galat. Menus and Lena did not need a number of people to make smoke, so they watched the two people who were weird and tense in front of the fire with us.

I ventilated, but the smell of smoke still remains.

"Well, it's cuter than the rotten smell."

After completing the planned work and closing the hole in the wall, I started preparing for the camp by putting out the carriage as usual. When camping outside, it was a break between the female team and the male team, but this time it was in the dungeon, so I decided to use the carriage in separate compartments. At that time, Jin said, "Are you going to sleep with other women early in your engagement?! Because I was teasing, I decided to say that Jin's bed was outside due to a large number of favors.

Thus, the first camp took place after the start of the new dungeon.

By the way, I went back to Earth a few days later... and when I got back to Earth, our theory of death was flowing and I was surprised.

The reason for this was the start of the camp, and it was thought that we had died because we had returned to the ground as usual every day but suddenly had not returned for several days.

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