Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 258: 258 Chapter 17-17 Same Offences

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"... that's it."

Now all my costumes are ready.It took longer than I thought, but it was not only because of the monsters, but also because of Felt's obsession.I don't know for an amateur, but it seemed like there was something interesting about the felt, and I started over where it was almost finished.I didn't know what changed, but I couldn't complain more than I left everything to Felt.

"Even so... how much is this costume worth?"

"If I go at cost, it's almost all, but isn't that what Albert is trying to say?Honestly, I don't know. "

My costume is a familiar tuxedo, but it's only shaped and made of yarn made from black wool of Mary and Ally and yarn dyed black of fine Gol and Jill yarn.And the shirt is made of Gol and Jill intermediate and low-grade yarns, as well as general yarns.The material alone seems to be the most expensive tuxedo in the world, but the felt's focus is not on fabrics, but on stitching on the back of the hem and sleeves with the finest jill and gol threads or using buttons made of dragon scales.

This tuxedo was made out of such dedication that honestly I couldn't imagine the price and I didn't know the felt I made.

"This is not a family treasure, but a national treasure.I've heard that you can tailor your mother's dress and use it at her daughter's wedding, but this tuxedo is definitely going to happen. "

Sure, if you use it carefully, it would be a waste if you don't use it in my next generation, and if you store it in a magic bag, you might be able to use it for a hundred years.

"Still, even if they say it's madness, such as dyeing the silk spider threads black, there might be no other way."

"It may be, but even if I dye it, the gloss doesn't disappear, and I think it tastes good with this... well, if I complain that it would be a waste, it's not because I'm the only producer.No one can complain.Or rather, if I say it poorly, the supply will stop.If that happens, those who are waiting for the turn won't shut up.But the spear is not the tempura that stopped the supply, but the one who complained and bent the tempura's navel. "

"It's up to me to use my stuff, and if the field complains, I'll definitely shut it down.I'm not thinking of making money with Gol and Jill's thread, so I can use the other amount I give myself and dispose of it whenever I burn it if I don't need it anymore.Well, I think it's hard to explain to Maria-san why it happened. "

Maria-san manages the splitting of the Gol and Jill threads that I don't use, so Maria-san has to explain to the people who are waiting in turn.By the way, Maria-san manages the distribution, but Maria-san doesn't have any money flowing directly from me.Instead, a portion of the yarn sales is donated to Maria-sama's charitable business, and people waiting in turn donate in the form of a fee when handing over the yarn.That alone would be quite a sum of money, but it would be more profitable for Maria-sama to sell to the nobles (...).

As it stands, if you try to get the yarn on a regular route, there's only one route for me or Maria-sama.But I basically give Maria-san the yarn other than my own, so even the Duke of Sanga and the Marquis of Sammons basically get it through Maria-san.Because that would deter other nobles from trying to get the thread directly from me.

Therefore, the aristocrats who want to obtain the yarn in other ways are either capturing the silk spider in the dungeon of Seigen (as it stands, they have not even found traces of sightings) or reselling the yarn bought from Maria-sama (just because there is a risk that Maria-sama will be impressed if they make a profit from reselling, I have never heard of any reselling).

Many of these nobles are Reformists, and some nobles are separated from the royal family by other factions (including royalists and neutrals), but basically nobles other than Reformists are trying to get it through Mariah.So you have to lower your head to Maria for the thread, which leads to the improvement of Maria's authority (and also the king).Also, more and more aristocrats are saying that they can't get it even if the producer hates me, so they can't say they're allies, but they're not enemies.

"Still... if Gol and Jill threads are used not only for the tempura costume, but also for the Primera costume, it looks like the two costumes alone will be remembered in history."

Even the price assumed to have been sold to the public is likely to be an idiot's amount, but there are some stories in the history of the continent such as the use of national money for weddings to destroy it, so it seems that it is not the best in history, but it may still be the best in recent decades.Well, it's mostly a material that I prepared myself, so it's just a "conversion into money" story, "but Albert laughed that it would still be unmatched in recent years.

"I didn't intend to have a big wedding.Primera agreed, but by the time the Duke and the royal family joined, it had to be quite large. "

Neither I nor Primera had the idea that even a small wedding would be okay, but when Primera's parents were Duke, they couldn't choose that option.So, I tried to get some acquaintances to scale there, but since half or more of the people I knew and Primera (excluding those in Kukri Village in my case) were aristocrats, it was difficult to narrow down the number of invitees.

"Still, I thought I was going to be a royalist nobleman, but I don't think I'd call him a neutral... and that's interesting to say on the temper side."

As my guest, the neutral Viscount Mustang is supposed to attend.Count Mustang and I have had occasional correspondence since we cooperated in the coup d 'état a few years ago, so we have never come to visit, but we are in a friendly category.From that edge, I decided to call it a wedding, but it seems that this has become quite a topic among the nobles.

"I didn't think that inviting Viscount Mustang from another faction would cause a breakdown or create a new faction....."

The royals told me that the King was using me to bring in Viscount Mustang, that it was the Duke of Sanga who was trying to bring in Viscount Mustang, and that the Duke of Sanga was using me and Viscount Mustang to launch a new faction, the "Duke of Sanga (provisional)."

I came out of the Neutral school when Viscount Mustang, who is said to be a powerful neutral, said that he was going to change into a royalist on my invitation.

And the main topic of the Reformers is to use my wedding to connect the royals and the neutrals and destroy the Reformers at once!and so on.

"It's possible to talk about royalty and neutrality, but it's more like a" temper "than a" duke. "If we put it at the top of the organization just in form, we will soon get powerful force and public support.Reformers... are more stupid than laughing.If you're worried that you might be crushed, you just need to keep your hostility down a little bit. "

Grandpa says so, but I don't think most reformist aristocrats actually do.However, because the few nobles who are unable to do so stand out, it seems that all the reformists have radical ideas or something close to them.

"I don't know if I can say thanks to that, but some reformist aristocrats have switched to other factions.Well, the main saddle change destination seems to be neutral, and the only decent aristocracy among the reformers who did the saddle change, so the neutrals did nothing but get the most out of it. "

For that matter, the Reformist resentment seems to be directed at me and the Viscount Mustang, but it's also a good place to resent them because they misunderstood themselves and panicked.

"Speaking of which, my father was mourning.Anything, Primera refused to walk along Virgin Road. "

"I knew it would happen, right? I said I should walk, but Primera wanted to come in with me like when Serna and Henri did... I couldn't say it very strongly because I decided that I wanted to do the wedding and the reception."

The wedding and reception focused on what Primera wanted to do, and the two of us decided that I wanted to do the second party.This is because I wanted to lead the second party rather than think that weddings and receptions should respect the opinions of women.

The reason for this is that I have to invite many aristocrats associated with the Duke at the wedding, so the people I want to call... are mainly concerned with the villagers of Kukri.I don't think the Duke of Sanga and the aristocracy Primera call them fools or laughs at the people of the village of Cukli, but I thought I'd give them two chances to celebrate if they made me feel weird.

The first was a common wedding, like that between Serna and Henri, and the second was a festival that was often held in small villages such as Kukri.

There was a church in Kukli village (but there was no priest), but many other small villages were not, so there was also a wedding where everyone declared to be a couple in front of the villagers and enjoyed it as if it were a festival, and Kukli village was also the mainstream.Incidentally, my father and mother, like me, moved to the village of Kukli after having the kings celebrate in King's City, where they celebrated again.

"I see. The second time you're talking about a gathering of people close to the tempura side... By the way, can I join you?"

"Yes, of course. My acquaintances are the main ones, but Albert and I know each other."

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"No, rather than just getting to know each other, you're going to be my stepbrother.I don't think you have a real feeling about it. "

In fact, the fact that Albert is going to be his brother-in-law doesn't bother me at all.Speaking of Albert so far, he has the image of being the best of the three idiots.Also, because the image of Chris as a child is strong, I don't feel that he is very old.

"Well, I couldn't help it because I had a way of meeting you, but at least take off one (...) response."

Speaking of which, Albert had a history of stalking.It was certainly because of those events and Chris that I was not born to respect Albert and the others.

"Even if Albert refuses, Leon will come to play without reading the air.The people of Kukri Village are used to Alberts, so there's nothing wrong with that. "

Albert and his colleagues often come to see each other, so do the people of Kukli village who come to see each other.So, even if you were in there, it wouldn't be a problem... but I've never met the Duke of Sanga or the Marquis of Sammons so far, so maybe you won't have much to talk about.Incidentally, people in Kukli village, including Uncle Mark and Aunt Martha, don't seem very nervous when they're dealing with the King or Maria for some reason.When I asked my uncle why, he said, "Rural people are nervous!"and laughed.The truth is, I've been used to talking to you so many times before when I met you at home... but as you said, I'm sure you're nervous.Otherwise, no matter how many times we met, we wouldn't try to talk as close as we could get.In that sense, even though I was called "old man" earlier when I met him, it meant that my nerves were thicker... rather than that I was strange.

"Anyway, since most of them are from Kukuri Village, it should feel like the occasional banquet has grown a little.Don't hesitate to join us.Besides, the King and Maria will almost certainly participate, but don't worry about rudeness. "

"No, you will have to be careful not to be rude as a nobleman of the kingdom.If you behave disrespectfully because it's rude, the relationship usually gets worse.Not to mention that if they were His Majesty and Maria, I would be guilty of death if I were good, rude and bad.Not only that, but it certainly has a negative impact on the Duke of Sanga, and in the worst case scenario, the Duke will be cut off.I wouldn't joke about it with Cain or me, but don't joke about Leon, just in case. "

Albert seemed to know what I was doing was a joke, but the other guy got nailed.I don't think I'll ever really get hit by a boulder lion... but I don't know what happens when I get drunk, so I decided to be careful not to make this joke.

"Leon's not trustworthy... well, I'm afraid that's all I've ever thought of."

Grandpa was convinced that Leon would be easy.

"Tenma, don't talk like that to the public.If someone you don't know hears about, they'll think the temple is fooling His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, and Uncle Houston's bastard. "

As a usual joke, Felt, who had been quiet until then, was able to insert his mouth.I didn't mean to fool the kings, but now I realized if I could take it from the side, and I thought I had to be careful not to say this joke as much as possible outside.Well, I don't think we need to be as careful about Leon as ever.

"Be careful not to wrinkle until the show.When it comes to care, you don't have to be so nervous about the material, but if you treat it carefully, it will extend the lifespan of your clothes. "

As soon as Felt pressed his costume against me, he instructed me to put it in the magic bag and pointed to the door.When we received the costume, we finished our business at Felt's shop, so we left the shop gracefully.

"Felt, you're getting a little stiff...."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it.If our rivals knew that we had spoken ill of Alex and the others in Felt's shop, they would soon turn Felt into a (...) spoken ill person and spread rumours all over the city.Besides, just being there to deny it might be considered the same crime.Then we'll just have to be careful and get rid of us. "

"Don't even think about Felt. It was a little too much fun for the three of you."

As long as we are close, we tend to keep talking about it because our eyes go where the king is useless, but in general we have forgotten that it becomes a crime of disrespect.

Reflecting on Grandpa like that,

"Hey, Tempura... don't be so careless as to make me speak ill of His Majesty?"

Albert said strangely,

"You may not have said that, but it was the same thing when we were together, right?"

"That's right. You're not guilty of the same crime as us, even if you're not.No, Albert's in a position under Alex, so he might be worse off than us... and I'll take care of him when he's ready. "

"So! I have nothing to do with it!"

That's how Albert reacted well, so he kept teasing until he went back to the inn.Well, when I got back to the museum, I tried to stop teasing, but Primela and Amur saw the last thing I tried to tease, and Albert prolonged his teasing.

And the next day,

"Yesterday, you just made fun of me, and the tempers are going back to King's Landing..."

With all the plans in Gungjo over, I greeted my acquaintance in the morning and left for King's Landing in the afternoon.

I was dissatisfied, but Albert seemed to understand that Primera and I had an unexpected stay because of the monster, and he complained but didn't keep it.

Well then, let's hurry to Seigen!

Calling out to Amur, who is battling the Bobcat Princess, who has come to see her off,

I won again!

And Amur came back.Behind them was Aura with a tired expression, and behind them were three people with regrettable faces.By the way, Jeanne hasn't been able to join us since the beginning, which seems to have increased Aura's burden.It is unusual for Leni not to participate, and Leni said that she was going to buy the product and information just before her departure, and she would not come back until the scheduled time.

"There's no unexpected disturbance in Seigen, right?"

And when Primera whispered on the way out, Amur looked at Primera with eyes like he saw something pathetic... but there was no problem on the way to Seigen and in Seigen (it was rather too smooth and creepy), and somehow Amur felt remorse.

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