Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 271: 271 Chapter 18-13 In the Water....

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What have they done for now?

Before Amur asks what happened and how this situation came about,

"These guys attacked me and I fought back!"

And so I decided to ask Jeanne and Aura who were hiding behind me.

"I mean, they tried to get Jeanne and the others for a ransom... is that correct, Slurin?"

Just in case, when she asked Slurin, she affirmed herself by letting her body bounce vertically.

"If that happens, I'll have to take you to my guild to prove the innocence of the Amur... I'll tie you up and roll you around."

"Rock and rock...... it will be involved in the reputation of the Otori family, so please stop."

Even if I were to roll it over, I was going to make something like a jail cell and put it in it, but Primera was against it because of its bad reputation.

"I can't help it, let's put it in a dimension bag and take it to the guild."If it hadn't been for the first time that the Amur attacked, there would have been some sort of similar incident going on in the guild. ”

Besides, even if it were the first offender, it is certain that it was in fact a struggle with the Amur, and it is clear that Amur is the daughter of the Viscount family.The interrogation of the nobles will be tough, more than they have done (even if they have not done so).

"If these people don't prove their crimes, we'll have to think about staying in Segen for a long time..."

Primera was kneading around Slarin for some reason while muttering in a voice that seemed to give up or was dumbfounded.Well, even though it's a honeymoon, if we keep having trouble like this, we may have no choice.I am sorry for the kneaded Surarin, but I want you to like Primera a little more.

While Thralin was being caught by Primera, he tried to tie up the still stunned culprits and throw them into the bag.

"Oh, Temma!"

Jin and the others have arrived.

"I heard that Temma and Primera are acting strangely at the reception."I came to see it because it sounds interesting! "

“If that sounds fun, we'll help you!”

Even though Noji horse guts came out, I was a little annoyed by Jin and Garat who were deliberately trying to produce a refreshing feeling, but I thought that Jin and the others knew something about these people and decided to consult with them.

"Amur, you're doing great!" These guys are the ones who came to Seigen a while ago.I don't know what happened in the original place, but my attitude, mouth, and personality are bad, and I came here early and caused problems continuously, so the Guild Leader is on the verge of getting angry.As soon as we have evidence of something bad, we will disqualify you as a criminal, not a disqualification!...... what are you talking about? "

“I didn't think it was the first time, but what else are you suspected of?”

"I knew it," he said, listening to Jin, who was the guild leader, and Galat and Menas replacing Jin.

"Well, it's a light threat."In addition, extortion and theft... it has been confirmed that we will pick up the things found by the newcomer in a difficult way. "

"And since they've been here, a couple of rookies have disappeared, and you've been charged with murder."

Looks like they were pretty nasty, but there's no proof that a few people disappeared, so it's only possible.Instead, there is no reliable evidence of threats, extortion, or theft since it is in the dungeon, but there are complaints from witnesses and victims, so the guild has concluded that it is "almost black".However, it seems that it is difficult to disqualify criminals, rather than make them criminals, and it seems that suspension for a few weeks is at best necessary.Jinn laughed that he was waiting for decisive evidence because he could escape to another city during the suspension, and that Amur could guide him.

Well then, let's go to the guild!

Jin and Garat, who were so upbeat, threw the adventurers roughly into their dimension bags and started pushing my back down to the lower level of the warp zone.

Menas began to walk with a dazed look at Gin and Garat, and Primera followed as she talked to Lina and the others.

"Listen, you guys! Those idiots have done it!"

"It was Amur who gave you the lead!"

Upon entering the guild, Jinn and Garat shouted that the adventurers, who had been in trouble loudly, had been struck by Amur.Then, the adventurer who heard it heard a voice of joy and discouragement.

When I came to this point, I noticed that Amur and Jeanne were suspicious of Aura, and I looked at Jin and Garat with cold eyes.However, they have not noticed that their ratings are falling.

Menas, what the hell is this?

"Well, to put it simply, those problematic adventurers were [when, where, who] was going to get caught."By the way, the most popular was "Temma came to Segen in a dungeon".The second most popular was "Temma in the dungeon the next day."

It was said that the popularity was dominated by my affiliation, and I became a grandfather from around the sixth position, and Amur should have appeared after the tenth position.By the way, it looks like the torso is full of aggressors.When I questioned Agri, who was having tea with Grandpa at the usual fixed position, it seemed that "the profit will be used for the newcomer education of" Tamers Guild "", and I decided to miss it because I am a member but usually do nothing.

Amur, who was arbitrarily targeted for betting and was thinly popular, tried to protest against the agri, but before that, the agri offered an assortment of sweets, so he changed his attitude.Agri seemed to have anticipated Amur's protest and had already prepared for it.By the way, it seems that the tea confectionery served to Grandpa was also prepared for the same reason as Amur.In addition, I was a member of the [Tamers' Guild], so such consideration would not be necessary.

And then I asked, did Menas and the others hit it?

"No, I'm not betting anything."Jin and Garat apparently hit each other, but in my case, Lina said, "Depending on the mood of Primera, I might get angry if you find out that I'm betting on it ~"... so I stopped it this time... because I didn't really feel confident in reading it because I said... "

Just because Lina said so, when she looked at it with her eyes that it wasn't Menas, Menas noticed my gaze and immediately made a correction.Lina shouldn't have thought that Primera would be so angry, so the real reason she didn't bet would be the same as Menas.

“So, how much do you think they made?”

"Hmm? However, I'm sure they're not buying a dime, so a big dividend might not be very profitable."

From that joy, there is nothing to say, "Take it and lose it."If this is around my jealousy, I will not hesitate to gather with those two, but this time it's irrelevant, so it's only Amur's right to gather.

Is it known to Amur that when he threw into his mouth a piece of sweets that he had received from the agri, he immediately went to the two of them.It's about Amur, so if you're not good enough, it could cost you both money... but it doesn't matter to me, so I'll let you enjoy what happens to your pockets outside the mosquito net.

I see you've finished talking about the bet.

When Grandpa saw that the story was cut off, he put us (other than Amur) in a chair.

"Did you hear about the lake in the dungeon?"Actually, it seems like there's a good chance that Namitaro is there. "

Well, the biggest watering hole in Ceigen is the lake in the dungeon, so it's not strange if the fish go swimming.

But when you think about what the problem is,

But no one seems to see Namitaro coming in through the entrance to the dungeon.

That's all... it's possible that someone entered the dungeon using Jeanne's Dimension Bag, but at least Jeanne and I didn't do anything like that (in the first place, we didn't meet Namitaro, just like my grandfather and I did), and we didn't get involved in any of Namitaro's acquaintances (Jinn or Tamers Guild faces).

"I think I asked other strangers to do it, but if you do that, you're the kind of guy who walks in from the front, right?"

Even if they were stopped, they would break through half the fun, so I didn't expect to ask someone I didn't know to sneak into the dungeon.

There are a few questions I'd like to ask, so let's go ask Namitarou herself for now.

Then the grandfathers nodded and stood up and called Amur to head for the dungeon......

Temma, if you're going to the lake, you're just getting a request for Temma.

Agri said that.Because it was a honeymoon, I said that I didn't want to accept many requests, but Agri pulled me to the reception, saying, "Because I can only do temma" or "I think I can help my peers."

"At last, I decided to accept your request."

I was to accept the request recommended by the agribusiness.Well, I decided to accept it because I was able to listen to Namitaro, but it was a request that would normally take time on a monthly basis.

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When I told everyone the details of the request, they were convinced that it would take less time than I could.

Outside, the rain was starting to get stronger again, but I was able to travel by horse-drawn carriage to the dungeon, so I was able to travel to the lake without any stress, except for the gin and gallat (the gin were also said to be interested).

So how do we find Namitarou?

"It's about Namitaro, so it's hard to think of coming out honestly because I called you, right?"

As Primera said, I decided to try two kinds of plans this time, because even if I call it, it may not come out in a joke.

"First of all, prepare a potato kan, wrap the thread around it... and throw it!"

First, we used Namitarow's favorite dish to lure him out.If this doesn't work, I'll have to take another rather violent approach.....

"I want to, ohhhhhhh!"

Before the potato kan (feed) landed on the water, a namitalow jumped out of the water and stung it.And Namitaro flew to us with too much momentum.

"How dare you fly so far..."

We nodded in silence at Grandpa's dumb voice.

"Nah... but it's not that complimentary."Nami-chan, it's shining. "

Nanitaro was fooling around, but he was throwing potatoes into his mouth.After seeing this, I regretted that I should have let the lightning magic slip into the lake in a violent way from the beginning.

"So, what do you want from Nami-chan?"It's still a little early to get back to the King's City, isn't it? "

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Actually, there are rumors that Namitaro appeared in the lake without going through the entrance to the dungeon.I'm actually here to ask you how you did it.And since Temma received a simple request, she came to do it at the same time. "

When Grandpa, who was the fastest to return to his senses, answered Namitaro's question, Namitaro said, "What, that kind of thing?"

Sure enough, the entrance to the da-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-k

Then how did I...... feel uncomfortable with Namitaro's way of saying it?

The entrance to this dungeon is through, but it's from another dungeon!

Namitaro's impact made us all stop thinking.Namitarow went on to explain, as if to ignore us like that.

"Yesterday, I dashed into the nearest river from Segen after a violent swim, but I found a little depth on the way to swimming in that river."When I looked for something, I found a horizontal hole so close that I could get through it.Now, go inside and play a dungeon.Then, if you swam away thinking that you had conquered it, you'd have gotten here.By the way, we're connected to the deepest part of the lake.And this is a souvenir! "

Having said that, Namitaro took out a tarpaulin about 2 m in size from his own bag.The octopus was weak, but still alive, trying to escape to the lake somehow.

"What the hell is this guy? He's so tough... hey!"

Namitarou chipped between the octopus's eyebrows with his temper and completely mowed the octopus's life.By the way, the octopus ate the chop of Namitarou, and the area between the torso and the legs became flat.

"This guy... he's the same kind as the one who was in this lake before, right?" "Are you a child?"

"I don't know if it's a child, but there's a lot of octopus about this size."I didn't mean to catch him, but he was holding on to me to eat it, so I had to wait a bit. "

Since then, there have been no sightings of octopus in this lake, but it seems that they have not been sighted, so they have not actually been found.Alternatively, this lake is like a vacation home for octopus and the territory of the wolves, and the real residence is a different dungeon.

"In a sense... or quite a big discovery, isn't it?"

Even though the discovery of a new dungeon on the lowest level was quite a big discovery, another undiscovered dungeon has been assimilated, so it may not have been found anywhere else.

"The dungeon over there is also quite spacious."I feel like I'm running out of time all day.Besides, it's not very funny... and I think it would be more fun to swim in the deep sea. "

The whole dungeon was submerged in the water, and it seemed to be too dark to see the front well, and it almost hit the wall again and again.Besides, the creatures didn't seem to look the same as the ones in this lake except for the octopus, and they didn't have any new discoveries.However, it is possible that there were no new creatures on the road that came, and since we have not investigated the ore, it is possible that the treasure is asleep.Well, Namitarou said it was a hassle to find, so I didn't feel like going there except for playing.

"Anyway, the dungeon connected to the lake must be reported to the guild and the kings."Of course, that's why the strategy won't go ahead. "

Currently, I can work in the water, and I can only report it to Namitaro. I and my grandfather can use magic to investigate in the water, but if a monster that is stronger than the octopus I defeated before appears, it could become a graveyard.I don't want to go because it looks like a lot of trouble.Even if it is a request from the king, it is impossible.

Well then, when the mystery of Namitarou is solved, I'll fulfill my request.

The story of the dungeon connecting Namitarou to the lake has come to an end, so I headed upstairs to prepare for the request I took on.Preparation itself is not difficult, but it will take a while, so I asked my grandfathers to take care of the octopus while I'm gone.

It's been about 30 minutes since I moved upstairs, and now that I'm ready, I'm standing on the shore of the lake.....

Golem, move forward!

I gave orders to over a hundred golems.The golem moved along the wall in two rows, stopping at a depth beyond the hips of the leading golem.

A medium-sized golem (on average, about 2 m high)

"Just the tenth pair... I didn't make it 30 meters, but okay?"

The golem that was stopped sat there before the small golem retrieved the nucleus.Now we have an impromptu rock path.At the end of the collection of the core of the golem that became the road, I let the golem that was waiting on the shore walk on the rock and took the gymnastics sitting position at the end of the road.When the golem was recovered, the next golem was advanced to drop the golem into the lake, which had become a rock mass at the tip.Then the golem was shifted to the side and sat down in the same way to retrieve the nucleus.I let the next golem drop into the lake...... As a result, a rocky path of more than 50 meters was made with a hundred golems.The reason I didn't go further than I thought was that in some places, when I dropped the rock, the scaffolding was bad, and something unexpected happened, such as rolling in the other direction or sinking.

After making the first hundred bodies into roads, I went back upstairs to create a golem and sent it into the lake.

It took me less than an hour to make the golem into a road, so from the second time on, I left the supervisor on site with Slarin, and I devoted myself to making the golem.Too much will get in the way of the work, so I waited for the recovered nucleus to arrive after making some additions, and repeatedly made only the amount that arrived.

Thanks to the division of work, I managed to shorten the time from the second time to the first half, and I was able to make a road to the other side in about three hours.

In the end, you use earth magic to fill the hole.

Even if it is a road, there are holes like tetrapods everywhere, so I decided to fill the hole with a stone made by magically scraping the wall.This was done in about 30 minutes because I had the golem fill the hole after I broke the wall with magic first.

I had been waiting for Primera for nearly four hours, but they were using the carriage as a base for fishing, eating, sleeping, and exploring the surrounding area because I was worried.

"I'm hungry... what time is it?"

“I think it's probably late for dinner.”

There will still be time before the day changes, but at a very late hour, it was definitely said.I was concentrating, so it seems that the spacing around it is getting strange.

When I tried to have a late dinner alone, for some reason everyone came and started preparing together.Except for me, she should have eaten, but she was hungry because of the passage of time.

In the end, it was more delicious to eat together than to eat alone, so we had dinner together... obviously it was the second dinner (late night meal), but there were three people (+2) who ate more than I did, and there was one person who tried to retire to eat, so the break after meal was extended, and I returned to the ground only after midnight.Namitarou said he was in the lake a little longer and disappeared into the water, so he decided to leave it there.

The request was completed and the report of the dungeon in the water was made at noon on that day. I didn't intend to accept the request for the dungeon by getting a reward quickly, but I was asked to tell me where the entrance at the bottom of the river was, so I decided to return to the lake in less than half a day.

After listening to the location and reporting back to the guild again, I found that the entrance was under the jurisdiction of Segen, and the guild leader and staff were very happy... but I realized that there were no adventurers who could conquer the water soon after, and I was disappointed.

After we finished greeting and shopping, we almost ran out of things to do, so we decided to leave for the King's City two days after the day we reported it... It began to rain hard the day after the day we reported it, and even though it was scheduled to leave, it didn't stop, so we were going to be late for about two days.

By the way, Namitarou was the only one who was happy because of the rain, and it seemed that Namitarou was swimming and playing against the current of the torrential river in the heavy rain.

While the stay was being postponed, the level of the lake in the dungeon rose again, and although the path I made never sank completely, the water flowed downstairs.According to Namitarow, the water of the dungeon connected to the river was pushed under pressure by the rising water level of the river.

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