Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 30: 30 Chapter 2-3 Return

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I decided to build a first watch spot.

Dig a hole about 2m wide and 50cm deep about 50cm away from the field and serve soil outside the hole on the field side about 50cm to complete a solid trench-like object.

Build the same thing about 30 meters away from the side.

Determine where to exit the carriage at about 50 m from the trench to the rear and mark the ground.

"Now you're almost ready. Prepare your meals before sundown."

and I tell the three of them to cook a meal where I marked it. Even when it comes to making meals, I just make a simple soup with what I bought in the city and dried meat.

However, I am going to make more soup and set it aside and put it in a magic bag for every pot except for dinner.

Within half an hour of us eating dinner, the sun completely fell and it got dark around.

I use the magic of the junction where I have marked it, making it less recognizable and then placing the carriage.

Along with that, he spread the line to a radius of 200 m centered around the carriage, so that when anyone but us breaks in, an alarm would sound in my head and let him know.

It's become a lot more important that it should have been a crusade of dashboards, and I'm going to create a replacement golem in the carriage.

And then there was the last finish, and I turned to the three of us.

"Can you give me one hair at a time?

I heard... the three of them blushed a little on their cheeks,

"What do you use it for?

"Wouldn't you like to use it for weird things?

"But if it's a tenma, do you mind?

And I've been asking back weird things about what kind of mistake I made.

"I need it to make a golem."

and I answered with a voice that was not particularly emotional to the three of us. The three of them have listened to it and offered their hair.

At that time, I want to think it's my fault that I heard something unfortunate, or, don't hesitate...

Anyway, it embeds the received hair in the golem to magic it, and then the golem changes into three figures as he sees them, albeit as they were born.

I was in a hurry for the boulder, but more than that, the three of them seemed in a hurry and confused.

"Nyah! I'm making it Nyah, Tenma!

"Tenma eclectic, sketchy, perverted!

"Tenma's Etsy!... I could show you any time you want to see the tenma."

and lily cats, nelly scolds, and milly rushes to golem each the blanket they were using as they snap something bossy.

In the meantime, I was apologizing while I sat in the dungeon.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't think this was going to happen because it was a Shiloumal golem before."

Apologizing, on second thought, Shiloumal would always be completely naked if he said it in a wolf and a human being, I thought, but I didn't put it in my mouth.

The three of them would put spare clothes on the golem, and of course I would not have committed the foolishness of turning around in the meantime until permission had been granted.

There were six similar faces lined up when I turned around because permission was granted, three faces of different colors that were reasonably similar to exactly the same three faces.

"If you look closely, there's something quite different about you."

"Well, in the dark, if you look at it from a distance, you won't notice."

"Tenma, haven't you done anything really weird with this technology?

And in the words of the last Millie, the three of them ask me, What's the matter, Tenma?

"Give me a break. I swear, there's nothing weird about it."

And when I answered, the three of them had a nasty grin,

"That - Tenma, what did you imagine 'used'?"

"We just asked people if they were playing tricks in this golem?"

"What did you imagine? Tell your sisters and see."

and leaned over with a little character collapse. I sighed,

"I don't know what you're talking about, it's too late for your sister. Besides, I'm gonna make my golem now, so just keep your back."

And when I told the three of them, they came closer with their eyes shining,

"Then we have to take a good look!

"We saw ours, too, so there's no problem!

"It's exciting, I've never seen a man's before!

And it was a woe, so I caught the three of them in the golem holding them back, and gave them an order so that they were turning back.

"It's not fair!"


"Asshole! You can show me!

And it was noisy, but I ignore it and make it right.

I let the three of them go after I finished getting dressed.

The three of them were complaining about boo-boo but decided not to care.

Then divide the golem into two pieces and let it go to the trench.

Even then, the three of them began to argue with my golem about whose golem they were going to pair, eventually winning or losing in Junken.

As a result, I had to combine it with Nelly's golem, but I twisted my neck all the time wondering if it made sense.

I spent some time in the carriage taking my time.

"I knew there wouldn't be any sign of a douche bore coming"

There were no indications that the dashboards would arrive, of course.

Time went by as it was. When the date changed and an hour or two passed, the alarm suddenly rang in my head.

"All three enemies have moved, get ready to move whenever you want!

The three people who were lying on the word jump up and rush to support them. Lily equipped the bow, Nelly the double sword, and Millie the shield and the one-handed sword, respectively.

I make Shiloumal stand by so he can jump out of the bag at any time and take the knife out.

Although the knife is the same shape and construction as the previous one, the material is made of metal that was grown on the shoulder of the dragon zombie, making it worthy of "super" as an item category, and the sharpness and strength are not comparable to the previous one. (Previous swords are equivalent to "advanced")

"All three, the enemy has approached the back of the Golem up to fifty meters."

The enemy (villagers) ignore the carriage and approach the golem, the magic of perception inhibition seems to be working and the carriage seems to be driven out of enemy consciousness.

"Looks like the enemy has unleashed an arrow, my golem is down! It's time to start the operation!

Pretend that the Golems, who received the enemy's arrows, followed orders and fell.

Two enemies approach two trenches at a time about five minutes after the fall of the Golem, as far as we have examined in our exploration, there are 40 people in a position 50 m from the trenches and 30 in a position 100 m, with the remaining 38 in the village waiting.

And those who approached the reconnaissance were captured by the Golem.

"Now! Begin the operation, all three of you, be careful!

"" "Good luck with the tenma!

I will put Shiloumal outside and target the hidden ones, mainly the rear guard enemies, and send the Golem out for three escorts. I myself use the flying sky and head to the village to catch Banza.

The burglars (villages) and thieves (people) who were approaching the trenches little by little because a reconnaissance was caught in the boulder were wary of realizing that their operations were being discovered, and found three shadows coming from behind them.

"Never hurt the women! It's gonna be worth less!

"Before you do that, you're gonna have to deal with me."

"You idiot! It's ours!

and a humble laugh.

The bandits were licking just because the three were young women. At best, a young man (Tenma) would be an obstacle.

But that was a big mistake. They're C-rank parties, but each alone is already the owner of C-rank prowess.

Furthermore, all three are said to be close to B rank among the C ranks.

This assessment is considerable for those with a two-year history of adventurers. Can you tell that it is not uncommon to be enrolled in the C-rank for ten or twenty years, and that there are so many walls between the C-rank and the B-rank?

In addition, all three are said to be able to use the magical simplicity of fire, water, soil, and wind, so they can also look at higher ranks in the future.

Besides, these three fight better in pairs than individually.

The party rank is already famous among adventurers because it shows a combination that can only be described as triplets.

"Nellie, I'm going to focus on the guy with the spear, so please do something else. Don't stand out too much."

"Copy that!"

"Millie intercepts the guy on his way, 'cause I'll cover him, too"

"Ha ~ i"

Lily gives the two of them instructions. He is the firmest of the three and, for once, he is the eldest daughter, so he plays the role of nature and leader.

Nelly often plays the role of an attacker because of the lightest and most aggressive of the three.

Millie has a little relaxation, but often fights in a position between them because she is the most clever.

But the three positions are basically all-rounders just because they are strong enough to be good at it.

A bandit who tried to put up a spear with Lily's bow fell with an arrow in the middle of his face, and whoever came forward by Nelly would be cut and bled, widening the path as Milly pushed it over with a shield, and the golems would consolidate their sides.

The alarmed bandits easily rendezvous with the two golems.

"Shit! I thought I was a woman and I was alarmed! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

One of the bandits calls the guys who was hiding in the rear, but they don't get a response back.

"I told you to come!

I yell but have not heard back as one.

And, at that time something was thrown under the man, a close look at the corny and rolling object, it was the neck of a fellow who was hiding behind him.

"Wow wow!"

A loud howl echoed at the same time as their necks were thrown in, the bandits howled with that howl and distracted themselves uniformly from the three they were confronting.

It wasn't the three of us who missed that gap, working with the Golem to hit and damage.

If the bandits faced the three of them, now Shiloumal jumped.

Exactly what the tiger (cat) at the front gate and the wolf at the rear gate look like.

After that, it was easy to rendezvous with the rest of the golem, and Lily and the others, who added Shiloumal and four golems, hunted the remaining dozens of bandits without risk.

Time went back a little, and Shiloumar, who jumped out of the Heavenly Horse bag, knew the enemy's position with his sense of smell, and snuck in without making a sound behind it.

"Hey, something's wrong with you! We got a guy approaching!

"If we hear voices too, we'll make sure we rush right away!

and I stare at the trench, not even realizing this look on Shiloumal sneaking behind me.

In the next moment, fifteen people who were on the spot were lost their necks without being able to speak or speak, the last thing the fifteen felt in the world was a glimmer of wind slipping between themselves.

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Shiloumal looked over and made sure there were no survivors before sneaking into another rear unit, which also devastated him.

Around that time, Tenma was exploring what was going on inside over Banza's house.

Twenty-nine people, including Banza, were gathered in this house, and the remaining nine were in the house a little further from here.

Gently go down by the house and watch what's going on inside.

"Wow, that sounds like it's going to work. I don't care if you're a man or a woman, but you're gonna sell more expensive."

"Three of them have the same face over that amount of weight. I'd like to see some of my favorite nobles give me a fortune."

My surroundings are talking to Banza. Vanza at the time also seems to have a disgusting smile on her face.

"Again, my plan wasn't wrong, I mean! I didn't know it would take three good things from the start!

I'm laughing so high. I was getting angry.

"Besides, this village is convenient. Few adventurers or city knights come after a small number. That made it easy to occupy it. Sometimes travelers can be easily caught if they can sleep with drugs."

and he speaks well without noticing me.

"Besides, it was great to kill the villagers in turn from useless jijijibaba!

The words made me impatient.

After exerting reinforced magic on a wall other than my front to make it less fragile, I set my left palm against the wall to unleash the magic of an 'explosion'.

The walls struck the bandits like claymore mines.

Of course, out of the 29 people who were near the wall, 10 died instantly and 9 died of insects. The other ten, including Banza, are intact as if the dead or dead had replaced the shields.

But it was solidifying without knowing what had happened.

I step inside with my undressed love knife Xiaowumaru on my shoulder, the vanza that notices me absurds my voice.

"Why are you here! No, more than that. This is your fault!

"What if it is?"

I ask back flat.

"Don't think it's just gonna work! You guys, they only have one kid. You can't lose, fuck it!

Banza had given orders to nine intact men.

I was laughing without speaking up as I saw how it was going.

"What are you laughing at! You little shit!

And he yells, his men are slowly approaching him with weapons, chairs and other things that are likely to be weapons that were nearby.

Look at that. I...

"I'm the one who created this situation. Do you know that one kid gave you 19 casualties in an instant?

That said, the men who tried to get closer began to retreat gradually.

One of those men ordered (threatened) Banza to pull out his sword and poke me in the back of a man.

The man with the sword hung on me in a semi-frequent state.

"Out of the way."

When I pulled the man's swollen blow one step away, I waved the knife straight into the hanging.

It was a blow that didn't look like much effort, but the man's body was slashed diagonally, scattered hungry and desperate.

The other men who witnessed it arrived at the door opposite me without hearing Banza's still voice.

"Oh, it won't open!

"Hey, why won't you open it!

"Window! Break the window and get out!

"The window won't crack! What the hell is going on?

And I was having a panic.

That should do the same. Except for the broken walls, I recognized that the doors and windows were part of the walls and applied reinforcement magic, so I couldn't open or break them without more strength than my reinforcement magic.

In other words, they were hunted down to a wall with no escape route for the 'Co Shape', just a powerless prey.

The only way they left it was to break through the roof and escape, pull me out and escape the broken wall, or be hunted by me.

"What's wrong, you're not running away?

My men shake their heads and beg for my life.

"We didn't do anything."

"Oh, yeah. We had no choice but to be threatened by our heads."

"The bad news is it's all head. We weren't going to be hostile to you."

That's bullshit. When Banza opened her mouth to yell,

Shut up, you geezers.

There was a voice out of my mouth that conceived magic and anger that surprised me myself.

The men who heard the voice are shaking their faces bright blue. Some of them were leaking.

"What did you guys do to the people who lived in this village? Did you guys help the man who begged for his life? Haven't we ever thought we'd be?

To my men who will be cornered by my words,

"He's not gonna let us get away with this! The only way to help is to kill him! It's gonna take all of us, Sora!

Banza burned again, his men are called with a weapon of thought as they remain semi-frequent.

I barely move off the spot, slashing, slicing backwards, cutting left (reverse torso), cutting right, chopping bamboo, cutting up, slashing, cutting right (torso) and cutting with one knife in approaching order. All of my men died while my body was in two.

The only thing left is Banza.

"Hey, mountain general. With your men, are you a sight to behold? I'm gonna throw up."

I speak to the Admiral of the Mountain (Banza), who has not been able to hide his surprise that his men were easily cut off.

Banza suddenly smiled.

"No, we'll do it. Why don't you join hands with me instead of these guys? Of course you're the head. I'm number two... no, number five is fine. How about you guys give me seven and I give you three? Mmm."

and come closer with a rubbing hand.

And when he got close to me, about two meters away,

"You idiot!

"You're the idiot"

and he took the knife out of his nose and jumped at me, but there can't be anyone else in such a visible hand.

I had a banza knife. I cut off my hand.

The hand fell out of the wrist, potpourri, with the sound of ju, and a burning smell.

"Gee yah! My hand!

I had cut Xiao Wumaru with the magic of fire, and Xiao Wumaru's black body was wearing a light red color.

Banza is holding her burnt out right arm and screaming.

I ignore Banza's screams and cut off the rest of my hands and legs.

Banza, he was screaming loudly, but at the end of the day he was quiet from the pain and incontinent.

In the meantime, the incision is blocked from burning, so you won't bleed to death.

Stuff the cut end of a truncated man's clothes into Banza's mouth so he doesn't bite his tongue just in case.

It was then that I was concerned that the nine people who were supposed to be in the house a little further away from here would not come.

When I used exploration, it had not moved from the first house, on the contrary, it had not changed its position.

I came up with one possibility and headed to the house on guard.

When I opened the door quietly and went inside, I heard a rattlesnake and something moving.

Proceeding carefully to the audible, the sound is heard from inside the deepest room.

I never opened the door to my will and glanced inside with light magic.

"Is anybody here?

I peeked in. What I saw were nine women as I imagined.

All the women had their hands tied behind their backs and monkeys tied up to their feet.

All the women who noticed me were frightened and crying as they approached.

I was wondering what to do.

"Tenma, where are you?"

"Ku ~ n"

"What's wrong, Shiloumal?

"You have a tenma over there?


And I heard voices, so once I got out of the house, I'd make a call to one of the three of us.

"Ooh, guys, this way! Were you hurt?

Lily and the others, who were in front of Banza's house, rushed over when they called.

"There's no serious injury over here!

"Tenma, are you hurt?

"How could you have been here?

And I'm gonna pack it up, and the three of you won't be hurt, saying,

"Actually, something unexpected happened..."

and talk about what's been going on.

He talked in turn about taking down Banza and his men, feeling signs for nine people here, the women being caught and scared of me (the man), etc.

The three of them went inside because they would let themselves go and explain.

In the meantime, I take out my torso and boil a lot of water. Strain the water in a different pan from that and make a simple soup.

About fifteen minutes later the three of them came out of the house.

When a few of the women were debilitated, they still had no resolve to meet the man, so I decided to give the three of them a pot of soup and a boiling torso to get away from here.

When I told the three of them about it and told them I was heading to Banza's house, they asked me to bring them in because there were about 20 prisoners in the field and the golem was watching them.

When I go to the field, there is scattered blood, parts of people and bodies, and in the center of it are 23 bandits tied with ropes, with four golems on the lookout.

The bandits were noticing me and yelling, but they were so loud that I used 'Stan' to quiet them down.

I removed thirty small golem cores from my bag and created a golem in the field to have the bodies collected in one place.

The bodies collected were magically ice marinated before being placed in bags.

Then I gave the golems instructions to the prisoners to monkey and carry them to Banza's house, and I retrieved the carriage and then flew one foot to Banza's house.

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