Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 51: 51 Chapter 3-6 First Apprentice?

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"Well, sit back in that chair there"

I turned behind Amy, who obeyed me honestly, and placed my hands on both shoulders.

"Breathe slowly... vomit..."

I breathe like you told me, Amy, and I aim for the moment I exhale,


I let Amy have her magic. I didn't grant it, I flushed it like a current.

"Hey, what are you doing!

Amy was surprised,

"Put your hands on the barrel again before you forget what it feels like right now"

I ignored it and gave pale instructions.

"What is it, all of a sudden..."

Amy laying her hands on the bucket as she said the bumps, then this time slightly, but the water swayed.

"Hey, something moved!

Amy shrugged as if she'd forgotten what happened earlier.

Like that too much sneeze, so much so that Mr. Karina and Mr. Ariel jumped out of the house.

But Amy doesn't even seem to be aware of it.

"Mr. Tenma, what happened?

and Karina asks, so a magical sign appeared to Amy, I only taught her.

I guess I never thought it would start to bear fruit so quickly, the two of them were pretty surprised.

So, finally, Amy noticed the two of them, and she was explaining it with a big shag.

But it was a little too shabby.

"Amy, look at this for a second"

So I manipulated the bucket of water, turned it into a ribbon-like string of new gymnastics, turned it around and showed it.

I saw Amy stunned and then I put the water back in the bucket,

"Amy did it because it's below the foundation of the foundation. Don't be too sure!

and stabbing the nail,

"Yes! Doctor!

and was somehow being upgraded to a teacher. It was not a slightly hostile eye in its eyes earlier, but turned into an eye of respect... an eye I had seen somewhere, I thought.

"Oh, he looks like Primera's eye!

And I stuck to my voice.

Amy had her neck around her, so she deluded herself that it was nothing,

(That means Primera even respected me... why?

I got to think about it.

"Um, Doctor... What should I do next?

I was pulled back by the voice with... but you look good and imprinted as you wish.

That's what Tenma thought, but the world didn't realize it was brainwashing.

"Now, let's do the same thing again and again anyway. It's important to get used to that feeling first."

"Yes, I understand, Doctor!

I don't feel bad about being called a teacher... but it's kind of awkward.

"Ah, Amy, please stop calling me a teacher..."

"What... the teacher is the teacher, right?

You called me, Mr. Tenma, not long ago! Patience what I want to say.

"Okay, so try not to call me anywhere but during practice..."

I offered a compromise that said... or this kid, even the whole city, is going to call me a teacher lol... and I'm not going to stop calling him a teacher. Then we'll have to get ahead of ourselves and get you to compromise!

"Eh... ok"

I don't feel comfortable with it, but he acknowledged it.

"For that reason, this is the only practice you have so far. If you get used to it a little bit more, let's move on. I'm done for the day!

"What, have you already!

Amy seems to want to do more,

"Amy should be more tired now than she thinks. Now is not the time to do it."

To put it so gently, Amy didn't say any more. Probably just lost my mind and noticed my own fatigue.

Amy seemed more talented than she thought, and if she kept going, two Rockbirds would be able to serve at her leisure.

With the meaning of restoring fatigue, I shared the treat with Amy. Amy seemed a little energized by the sweet-smelling treat... beside it, I cut her a little because Shiloumal was on her own, too.

That's when Amy tried to get back home, and she stepped on a pebble.

I didn't get cocky because I was so aggressive.

"You! What the hell are you doing to Amy?

All of a sudden, a man came running from behind in an amazing shape.

It was such an amazing sword screen that I stringed and manipulated the water I had left in the barrel, wrapped it around the man's body and froze it.

The man was putting his strength into his arms trying to crush the ice, but it didn't break so easily because there was plenty of magic in that ice.

The man, not knowing so, was about to crush the ice that clung to his body as he ran, so he came out of balance and rolled grandly.

"Dad! What are you doing!

I could largely imagine, but he still says he's Amy's father.

It was so noisy that it sounded like Karina and the others who were away.

"What are you doing! You stupid son!

Mr. Arier was bashing the man in the head with a hammer he had.

Mr. Karina seems sorry,

"I'm sorry... that's my husband Rick..."

And he told me...... I see it looked like I was even pranking Amy...... I'm getting a little angry.

And more angry than me is Shiloumal. What an owner-thinking guy... I thought the treat I just gave him at Shiloumal's feet was falling off.

... This guy dropped it by surprise with the sound earlier... Is confectionery more important than mine...

Shiloumal, unaware of my emotions, approaches me roaring at Rick, who is immobile.

"Wow! Don't come over here!

Rick is moving his body to get rid of it, but of course it doesn't work.

Eventually approaching Rick's sight, Shiloumal was poking Rick's head small with his forefoot, as if the cat were going to rat.

It seemed a lot clearer after a few small pokes, and Shiloumal came back to me satisfied.

He shook his tail and came to me. Show Shiloumaru the sweets that were falling,

"You... you were angry about the sweets... you had nothing to worry about but me?

When I asked him that,

"Cu ~ n, cu ~ n"

And I showed my stomach and rang.

I saw that, and I felt like I'd given up, but

"No more sweets."

When I said that, I looked like I was shocked, and then I started staring at Rick.

Rick at the time was preaching surrounded by Amy and Karina.

with a faint voice then,

"What, he's the tenma! That monster is rumored to be..."

And I heard things I shouldn't listen to.

I'm slowly approaching Rick,

"Talk about it now...... can you let me hear more"

and spoke with a smile (...).

Rick was quite surprised when he was suddenly spoken to because he was in the shape of turning his back on me.

Funny thing is, even though I'm smiling and talking, Amy and the others seemed scared, including Rick.

"What, ah, the..."

"Oh, it's hard to talk like that."

That's what I said. I snapped my fingers. The ice that was wrapped around Rick's body with the sound of pattin ', crushed simultaneously.

By the way, there's no point in the act of ringing your fingers... I just thought it would be cool, so I did.

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He was a free Rick, but he stayed heckled on the spot, not trying to get up.

So I crouched down and made sure Rick and I looked at each other.

"So, tell me more about the rumors you just made"

And he made a voice that seemed as gentle as possible, but Rick, with a blue face, didn't answer.

Thinking about what's going on,

"Whoa, what's up, Tenma? Did Rick do anything wrong?

Jin called from behind. There were many other Dawn Sword members besides Jin.

Rick's complexion improves on the appearance of the Jins.

"No, there's a rumor going around that I'm a monster, so I was just trying to talk to Mr. Rick."

To that word,

"Oh, me, I was in a hurry. Sorry, Tenma!

Well, then, it was Jin who raised his hand and tried to leave this place.

"Oh, is that the one Mr. Jin and the others were telling everyone about?

and an aristocratic warrant lady who did not read the air, had asked the jinns to confirm.

At that moment the three men, except Leena, tried to escape simultaneously,

"Run away!

I summoned three golems at the same time as I captured the Jins in dirt magic.

By my magic, Jin and the others were in charge of the golem with their bodies stiffened like minotaurs.

Emily and the others, as well as the adventurers on the road, were turning a blind eye to the event.

"Well, let's hear it"

I said that and buried the three of them only with their necks at the end of the garden... Now I remember a comic book I had seen in my previous life that would be perfect if accompanied by a blade-drawn broom.

"Wait a minute! There's a reason for this!

"So calm down first, dude!

"That's right! Listen to me first!

Try to make excuses in the order of gin, galat and menace.

Well, I'm not a ghost either... so I'm going to listen to you first.


"All of it, that's what Jin said!

"Yes, Jin turned us away!

"Wait, you guys!

Blocking Jin's talk, Garat told him that Jin was the main culprit, and Menace followed him to it.

"I'm thinking of everyone! And you guys, too, because Tenma sucks, and if you give him a little bit, he's relentlessly hiccups. Even the nobles bowed their heads in the city of Gunjo, what did you say!

Apparently, each one of them followed a tail to his own accord.

I laugh nicely...


The current flowed to the three of us.

If this was the cartoon I saw on reruns as a child in my previous life, the three of them would have had their bodies clear and bones visible, blackened and smoked.

With that in mind, he was punished to such an extent that there was no death or sequelae left.

It should be noted that this spread rapidly among adventurers from the next day, and from those who knew the dawn sword, the rumors became true and feared.

I turned to Rick with three people on the ground with their necks out of the ground.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rick. I've been looking out for you here since then, I say Tenma. And it came to pass, but I was going to teach Amy how to handle magic. Thank you in the future."

"Oh, oh..."

I politely greeted him, but he didn't respond well. I'm sure he's tired because he was diving in the dungeon.

I thought so and handed you a box of nearby marks and a pack of handmade potions (5 health restoration potions, 5 magic potions and 5 wound pills).

"Oh, thank you... by the way, the Jins..."

"Oh, it's okay. Because he's not dead!

When I said it in such a bright voice, I just said, "Really?" and I pulled Amy and the others up to my home.

No heart, or you seemed all tired and quiet, thinking,

"With that said, Leena, can I make you a cup of tea, but you want to drink it? I'll get you some tea."

and speaking to Leena, who was following the Jins to see how they were doing,

"It will be a treat!

That's what I said, he came running over to me.

I take four servings of each from the treats I keep for myself and make tea.

"With that said, what's the name of that treat?

I forgot to explain the treat, so I put the tea in front of Leena and then...

"Square is more of a castella, and chiffon cake is better in a glass."

I taught. However, the chiffon cake in front of you has only a few hands, accompanied by raw cream and fruit.

Fruits are strawberries, grapes and oranges. Because of the sweetness of the raw cream, the tea was added with a little tannin.

"I'll have it!

The hanging voice was on my back, and the way I ate it was beautiful. That's right, it feels like a noble lady, but she eats fast, and by the time I finished eating half of the castella, she was already finished eating the castella and working on the chiffon cake.

And it's Shiloumal faster than Leena. Shiloumal was almost round and swallowed without chewing on him.

By contrast, Slalin was eating slowly to taste. Plus, cleverly extend a part of your body like a tentacle, cut into small pieces with a fork and tease your mouth?, body? I was carrying it to... I don't know if there's anything like a taste bud (Mirai) in the slalin...

Anyway, slallin was the prettiest way to eat in this... even though it's slime...

After that, I was talking to Leena appropriately.

For some reason along the way, Slalin had gone outside several times. Well, he was back in a few minutes, so I didn't particularly care.

I was talking to Leena for about an hour.

"With that said, it's time for dinner. Why are you leaving?"

That's what she said, she had a container with a solid raw cream in her hand.

As soon as I dropped him off at the front door,


Leena screamed.

Something! And when I went outside, Jin and the others were neat with their faces off the ground.

"Yabe! I forgot!

Hurry to make sure they were digging up, but they all seemed to be just passing out.

With restorative magic on the three of them, it was then that I realized that Slalin was out to see how the three of them were doing.

As soon as I dug up the three of them,


First, Jin noticed. Looks like the healing magic worked.

"That's me. Why are you sleeping in here?

Galat and Menace also opened their eyes when they muttered so.

None of the three of us seemed to remember clearly, but I slightly remembered eating magic at me.

So I quickly discussed it with Leena with my eyes,

"Are you all right? I didn't think you'd pass out with that one!

"That's right. I must have been tired of the dungeon!

and stood up quickly. The three looked strange,

"Good for you, Leena. The three of you wake up immediately (...)!

"Right, Mr. Tenma! Glad you noticed right away!

and so on were deluded. The truth is, for less than two hours, I left them buried outside, but the three of them convinced me (also said I let them) that it was something like that.

"It's almost dinner, isn't it? If we don't get there soon, we're gonna lose it!

The three of them seemed uncomfortable with the words,

"I'm already hungry ~. Let's go! Thank you for the treat, Tenma."

To Leena's momentum, such as this, the three of them were flushed to a meal.

But these past few days, when other adventurers asked me the truth, the three of them have complained,

"I got hurt when they said I was a monster."

and in addition to the mental attack, if I flinched the physical attack (let's ram it up like a monster here - like that), the three of them have been apologizing for the tremendous momentum.

Since then, rumors have been added that if you sell me a fight, you'll be buried on the ground and taught to be a servant.

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