Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 67: 67 Chapter 4-3 Shocking Reunion

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"Excuse me...... eh!

"Grandpa Shima ~ Su...... Wow!

Tida and Luna raised their voices of surprise when they saw the breadth of the interior as they entered the carriage. As Tida saw incredible things, Luna was a voice that felt like she was interested.

"Don't stand at the entrance, just sit down"

When I was inside first, I would recommend a seat to the two of you standing at the entrance.

"Ah, yes!

"Ha ~ i"

When the two of them arrived at their seats, Aura quickly offered them tea with sweets.

Aura, who finished serving her tea, stands behind me in my seat with Jeanne.

"Jeanne, Aura, you two take your seats there... you don't mind Tida and Luna either"

Just because the two in front of me are royal, I didn't mean to be disrespectful.

Because I'm younger, it's not because of what happened earlier, it's just that I'm not going to honor someone I don't respect... If they're like the Grand Duke, I'll read the air a little bit.

The seats I have designated for Jeanne and Aura are quite my seats, and for Tida and Luna they will be across the diagonal.

"I can't, Dear Tenma, I can't. I can't believe I'm sitting with a royal... I'm a slave and a maid!

"Tenma, I can't either! You'll be rude to the princes!

The two of them made a rejection, but they're not going to forgive it.

This is important not only for Jeanne and the others, but it also means showing Tida and Luna where she stands with me.

It's also a fabric stone for when Tida decides to take over the throne, imprinted in a way.

That is, "I will not yield to authority, I have all that power," and I am going to include the threat that I said, "If you are going to force me to obey, be prepared to do so".

Most importantly, the latter, by the king, seemed already imprinted.

"Never mind. He's a kid in my carriage now. I hope you're as relaxed as usual."

That's why Jeanne and Aura were forced to take their seats.

Jeanne and the others were pretty nervous, but Tida and the others didn't even see them dissatisfied without saying anything.

"By the way, what kind of minister did you instigate them to be?

Currently, the country is topped by kings and has organizational charts such as assistant kings, prime ministers, ministers, assistant ministers and departments.

It is not that the assistant king is superior to the prime minister, and since he also represents the king, he is in this order because most of the next king candidates worship him.

There are four ministerial positions: the Minister for Military Affairs (Secretary of State for Military Affairs), the Minister for Finance (Secretary of State for Finance), the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Secretary for Foreign Affairs) and the Minister for the Interior (Secretary of State for the Interior), with the relevant departments under each.

"I'm the Home Secretary. Duke of Kaisen von Durham."

"He's a fat bald uncle!

What I found out in my questions to the two of you is that

It was the Minister of the Interior, who said Duke of Kaisen von Durham, who instigated the two of them.

Kaizen pointed out the two...... especially Teeda's lack of experience in action and taught her where the veal was.

Bulls are numerous and it's okay to kill a veal because you need to make a mistake.

He said.

Finally, the unpopularity from women is in the castle NO,1 because they often look at women with nasty eyes with fat, bald eyes! (Luna talking)

In addition, other ministers...... seem to be unfriendly, especially with the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance.

"I see... well, I don't know what kind of guy that is, but it's none of my business"

Teeda and Luna seem to be getting used to it a lot as we talk about it with a pinch of sweets. Jeanne and Aura also seem to have been somewhat less nervous.

"Um ~ Tenma, when you showed up earlier, wasn't there something flying like a bird?

Tida asked as she roared inside. Luna is also caught and chirped by it.

"Oh, you mean Solomon. Come out, Solomon."

I wondered if I could show you anything, and I called Solomon, who was hiding in the bag.

At that time, Solomon didn't like to get noisy, or he was hiding in his bag from himself.



"Shah! Lovely!"

Seeing Solomon with a glimpse of his face from the bag, Tida solidified her surprise less and Luna cheered yellow.

Solomon jumped out and landed on my head. Luna looks at Solomon like that and tries to reach out and touch Solomon as she says she has to, but Solomon skilfully squeezes over my head.

Teeda, who saw such a thing, hastily stopped Luna with wings tightened.

"Luna! What are you gonna do if the dragon gets mad! Calm down!"

Luna nodded reluctantly at Tida's words, returning to her original seat, but her eyes kept staring at Solomon.

"Solomon rarely gets angry if he doesn't do something he doesn't like. Say hello, Solomon."

When I held Solomon and pointed him at Luna, Solomon looked at Tida and Luna,


And he rang and sat by Luna.

"Shah - cute, brother, this kid!


Answering Luna's words quickly, Solomon also moved away from Luna and now to Jeanne's.

When Jeanne hugged Solomon, Shiloumar stood in front of Jeanne and restrained Luna.

"Luna! Don't push me! What would you do if an angry Solomon could eat you! I'm sorry, Mr. Tenma. Please forgive me for telling Luna so often."

You won't have to slip in like this... although I'm a little uncomfortable with it.

"Would Luna give it to you if someone else told you to give it to your father or mother?

To my question, Luna thought a little, shook her head to the side,


and apologized. When I looked at it and stroked Luna's head, Solomon seemed to know I had forgiven him, too, and flew to Luna again.

"Look, Luna, it's an indisputable dragon to think Solomon is cute. If I did something I didn't like, I don't know what kind of terrible eye it would fit. It is the same even for other creatures. Of course I can say it to people. You should remember."

Seeing Tida at the end, Tida seemed to be listening to me and thinking about it.

Staying relaxed in the carriage for a while suddenly got noisy outside and one horse walked together by the carriage.

"Is there something wrong?

The knight on the horse was Mr. Din, who looked a little troubled by my questioning,

"I got into trouble. Looks like a bunch of wolves caught my eye... probably smelled the blood of a cow"

When I heard that word, I rode myself out of the carriage and looked for the wolf, and there were five to sixty herds walking together about 50 meters away from our group.

"1.5-2m black wolf... is that diawolf... is that a wolf with a D-rank designation"

"Yeah, if it's just one head, it's a D-rank, but with about 10, some C, some 20, it's a B-rank-designated wolf."

Diawolf, as Din said, is a troublesome wolf who is not difficult to crusade with if one head, but who is more difficult enough to increase the number of herds because he is good at collaborating...... by the way, because he is not a demon, he is often attached to it as a 'designation', but he treats it like any other demon in the guild.

"Perhaps some flocks have merged, but in this number it would be the difficulty equivalent of asking for more than A-rank...... Tenma, sorry but help me"

That's what Mr. Din says. He tries to get the knights ready to attack.

"I think a werewolf opponent would be enough for Silowmall. Shiloumal, play a little."

That's what I said. I took off Shiloumal's collar and let him out.

The off collar Shiloumal returned to its original size and ran out with a swarm of diawolves swinging their tails.

"That's Shiloumal...... why is your body different in size?

"This collar is a magic item. I got it in the dungeon, but it's very convenient, so I equipped it with Shiloumal."

Not only Mr. Din, but everyone watching Shiloumal...... even Jeanne and Aura were surprised by Shiloumal's change, but Shiloumal didn't care about that at the time, he was chasing around a herd of Diawolves.

Even for Diawolf, he didn't seem to think a wolf bigger and much larger than ourselves was coming at us, running around scattering spider children.

"Oh, it looks like Shiloumal held one of his leaders. I'm gonna go for a second."

After watching Shiloumal and the wolf chase for a while, Shiloumal had succeeded in holding one of the larger heads of his body in the herd, and apparently decided to go check on him a little bit because that was like one of his leaders.

Looking at me heading to Shiloumal with flying sky magic, Mr. Din said something, but I pretended not to notice and flew up to Shiloumal and said.

"Good day Shiloumal. Keep it down for a while."

When I stroked Shiloumal's head and then peered into the dyawolf that was being held in, the wolf roared to intimidate me, but I suppressed the wolf's mouth with both hands to give him a slightly stronger kill.

"Grrrrrrrrrr...... ku, ku, ku, ku, ku"

As soon as I was killed, I hit and rang with an unusual and frightening voice, pressed into Shiloumal, but managed to show my stomach and try to surrender.

"Shiloumal, you can let go."

Tell Shiloumal to release the wolf, but the wolf at heart didn't try to get up in a position with his stomach on display.

"Okay, you can wake up because you're not mad anymore."

When I stroke my stomach and then call, the wolf is up and down and quiet, checking on me.

The other wolves seemed wary as they watched me and Shiloumal on the far roll, and when they turned their gaze to you, they retreated slightly so that they could escape at any time.

"Are you hungry? Then eat this for everyone."

I took three dead cows out of the bag and put them away so they could look like wolves.

The wolf lying by his side looked at me with a strange face, but immediately stood up and smelled the cow.

I made sure of that and tried to get back to the carriage,

"Shiloumal, we're leaving! That's for the wolves! Don't worry, there's nothing for you."

Shiloumal was with the wolf and smelling the cow hard.

"Uh-oh, cu, gawan!

Since Shiloumal couldn't quite get away from the cow, he had no choice but to wear a collar and force him back in the air with a smaller size Shiloumal.

I grabbed the collar at that time, so let's not worry about it, though Shiloumal sounded bitter.

"I'm home, Mr. Din. I think the wolves are fine now, so let's move on."

Mr. Din had a surprised look on his face, but ignored it and looked at me back in the carriage. He sighed lightly and went back to the knights and started moving forward.

The first thing I did back in the carriage was give Shiloumal a bull horn. I then gave Solomon as well, but the two of them seemed very happy and might take extra pleasure in this minute.

"Um... Mr. Tenma. Why did you give those wolves cows?

Looking at the two, Tida asks so strangely.

"Teeda, those wolves are, in a way, your victims too. With dozens of cows gone, their food was gone for that matter. If you think about it, there's nothing like giving a cow."

"Were you?"

Teeda seems convinced by my words. But the truth is, the wolf was cute, so I behaved like a cow, which accounted for the majority of the reasons. What I said to Tida is one of the reasons, so let's keep this to myself.

After that, it was no big deal, and I was able to get to near the Wang capital in less than half a day.

"Shiloumal, let's even exercise a little before we enter the Wang capital...... sora, go!

I opened the carriage door and let him out before entering the king's capital, trying to keep Shiloumar running as long as I wanted.

When Shiloumal flew out, one of the knights approached him about something, but when he entered the king's capital, Shiloumal had to keep him company for a while, so he let him exercise, and he convinced him to go back.

"Shiloumal, don't get too far away from the carriage! And if you don't know anyone nearby, come back to the carriage immediately!


Shiloumal barked, rushing out well.

Though Solomon was also out there, he didn't tell the knights that there was a dragon, so he told them to put up with it in the carriage so as not to cause useless noise.

"Wow, quick, quick! Shiro, you look great!

Shiloumal runs around the carriage at considerable speeds, sometimes playing over the knights and teasing small animals such as rabbits.

I'm watching as Luna shakes and cheers.

"Whoa, Shiloumal! Where are you going!

Suddenly Shiloumal changed direction and ran out. There is one carriage running ahead, and Shiloumal seems to be aiming for that carriage.

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The carriage also suddenly appeared to be approaching Shiloumal in a panic, but for some reason it quickly proceeded towards Shiloumal.

"Oh no! I might be willing to fight judging you an enemy!

I hurried out of the carriage and flew for Shiloumal.

Meanwhile, in that carriage,

"Dear Merlin! The wolf is coming this way with one head! Awesome speed!

When I heard the report, I thought some of the wolves were stupid. There's no way a wolf can handle this number of people alone, but I wonder what you're thinking.

But maybe that wolf is on his way because he thought even this number of opponents could win? It was also possible, so I decided to take a look at the wolf just in case.

"Oh, my God! He's got a lot of magic! Everybody, don't get distracted! Pretty powerful enemies!

At first glance, I found out it wasn't just a wolf. I told the knights about it, and I made an interception.

"Hmm? Could he be... everyone! Stop the attack! He's not a Shiloumal!

From the furrows I saw and the magic I remember as I approached, that wolf is likely a silowmall.

"Heh? Shiloumal...... is that true!

Chris is surprised with his voice up, and Edgar is circling his eyes as well.

"See you then! Look! I'm running my tail over here! And I can't feel any hostility!

And I was impatient, and flew towards Shiloumal.

Then Edgar and the others rushed after him, but before that I arrived at Shiloumal quickly.

"Shiloumal - Where's the Tenma... Whoo!

The excess of momentum clashed with Shiloumal, and I was left to play and dance in the universe.

"Shit! Shiloumal ripped someone off!

For a moment I saw someone hit with Shiloumal and was flown, and I thought Shiloumal had killed people.

"I need you to stay alive! A stranger by name!

I took him closer to Shiloumal and found that the bounced one was apparently alive.

The man was flying in the grass mud, poking upside down from his head like a gag cartoon.

"Shiloumal! What have you done! Are you all right!

When I tried to run over to someone who stabbed me in the mud,

"Tenma ~"


And I heard you calling me. When I look at the voice, the carriage that Shiloumar was aiming for earlier is approaching, and a knight on two horses running in front of that carriage is waving at me calling my name.

"That's just... uh..."

I recognize you, but I can't remember your name. Shiloumal seems to remember him, waving his tail and waiting.

As I tried to remember, the two knights increased their speed and came down the horse to my side.

"I was really alive. Good!"

"I'm so glad! Long time no see!"

When I saw the two of them up close calling out for intimacy, my name finally came up.

"Sure, with Edgar the King's Kingsguard... Mr. Chris?

When they called their names in remembrance, they nodded and stroked their heads.

"That's right! It's Edgar! Good to see you safely..."

"Yeah, really..."

They seemed so happy to see me, they were weeping slightly.

"By the way... why are you two here?

"Oh, I've been looking for Tenma with Master Merlin... where is that Master Merlin?

"I jumped out first..."

It was then that I remembered someone who had fallen for Shiloumal earlier.

"No way! Grandpa!

When I hurried to pull through someone poking me in the mud, it was the proverbial grandfather, Merlin the wise man.

"Grandpa! Don't die!

Hurry up and lay the healing magic on Grandpa, letting him spit out mud stuck in his mouth, and Grandpa managed to open his eyes safely.

"Tenma...... Tenma! Finally I see you... Tenma..."

The moment he opened his eyes and recognized me, Grandpa cried and embraced me... but tried to

"Grandpa... it stinks..."

I accidentally pinched my nose and avoided the smell from my grandfather.

"Hey, what are you talking about! He said it was a touching reunion... Kusa!

Grandpa instantly pinched his nose and took off his clothes as he smelled his clothes complaining to me.

Apparently, where Grandpa was poking, there was animal manure mixed in the mud.

Grandpa is in a big hurry and washes his body with a water polo with water magic out of it. I threw soap in the water polo, covered it with bubbles, and then washed my hands, too.

"Ooh, Tenma."

As I wash my hands, I hear nostalgic voices from the carriage that Mr. Edgar and Mr. Chris left behind earlier.

"Uncle Mark! My uncle was here!

My uncle parked the carriage and ran over and hugged me.

"Good! You were really alive!

My uncle was in tears, repeating that it was good... at that time,

"Nooo! Mark, what a touching reunion with Tenma before I do!

Grandpa's voice echoed around after washing his body. Uncle Mark had a look like he didn't know what was going on, but he seemed to understand that it was a problem to say how Grandpa was doing and Mr. Edgar's ear punch that he was cuddling with me before Grandpa, and he bowed his head and apologized to Grandpa many times.

"Anyway, I'm glad Tenma's alive and well. Wow!... By the way, what did Tenma do after defeating Dragon Zombie?

Grandpa complained scatterly to his uncle and dried his body, then he just held me up all over the partition and asked me what happened after that.

"After I defeated the dragon zombie, I lost my mind and fell, but Shiloumal and Slalin carried me and took me away to a place where the zombies weren't there. He didn't seem to wake up for a few days afterwards, so he walked along the river for a few days because he didn't know where he was. When I heard about Kukri Village in my village, I heard that more than half of the villagers were dead... and I didn't have the courage to make sure everyone was alive or dead, so I stayed on the journey."

I told my grandfather some foot-colored stories, but it's true that he thought I was dead with a dragon zombie brace and he was afraid to confirm the body.

"After that, I lived in Gunjo City doing adventurers for nearly two years, and recently I was trying a dungeon in Seigen. I was thinking about going to the tournament for Wang Du, and seeing someone from Kukuri Village at that time."

"You did... but this is how we got to see each other safely again! From now on, you're not with Grandpa!

"Oh, but after the tournament, I'm going back to Seigen to try the dungeon again. I'm renting a room."

When I told Grandpa about it, he remembered something.

"With that said, Tenma kept her apprentice in Seigen. All right, all right! I'll follow you then!

Behind his grandfather, who made such a declaration, Mr. Edgar and Mr. Chris were yawning.

"Fair enough, Master Merlin. Let's start with the King's Capital."

Mr. Edgar says so and opens the carriage door,

"I'll be in Tenma's carriage... shall we go, Tenma?"

So he pulls my hand and tries to fly magically to the carriage.

"Edgar, Chris, Mark, I'm going first! Shiloumal, don't be late!

Leaving the knights with them as they were, Grandpa flies for my carriage.

I was suspended, but I had no choice but to fly by magic myself. When I looked behind me, I saw Mr. Edgar and the others rushing after me.

So much less, we get to the carriage, and Grandpa just tries to get inside.

At that time, another carriage was sidelined in such a way as to line up next to the carriage. It's the Grand Duke's carriage.

"What, you're alive, Merlin?"

"That's a lot of words, you shomben bastard!

I didn't know what was going on in the sudden tongue battle.

The cursing between the two grows intense even while I'm grumbling.

"You two, that's it..."

"" Keep your lord quiet!

Mr. Din tried to get between them to calm them down, but they pushed Mr. Din away and continued to curse each other.

Mr. Ding, who was pushed away, is sending me a signal with his eyes.

"Grandpa, calm down!

"Please calm down, Grand Duke!

Me and Mr. Din went around behind each other at the same time, winged tight and pulled the two apart.

"Te, don't stop the temper"

"Get off me, Din!

The two of them were resisting, but there was no way to help me and Mr. Din, and they left while being dragged by cheats.

"Did Grandpa know His Excellency the Grand Duke?

My grandfather gave me a bitter look on my question.

"It's just a rotten edge! And Tenma, I don't call him His Excellency or anything, but Shomben. Yeah!

"No... even if it's the Grand Duke of this country, it's on the boulder..."

When I'm clouding my words with my grandfather's remarks,

"Who the fuck is Shomben! You pervert!

From a distance of 10 m, the anger of the Grand Duke flew.

"Whether it's true or not! You forgot when you were in the middle of magic school! Or are you messed up!

"That didn't just zero the water in my pants! You're the one who stormed the women's bath naked!

"That was an accident! I was blown away by a magical failure, and the tip of the fall wasn't just a women's bath! Evidence of that was out of bathing time.

The two cursing each other gradually became an exposed story, and the people around them were pulling quite a bit.

That didn't change when Mr. Edgar and the others caught up, because it started to get even worse.

"Let's both chill our heads a little!

I jumped out of behind my grandfather and dropped him by creating a water polo with water magic over his head. Mr. Din was away from the Grand Duke and never flooded the moment I jumped out.

"" Cold!

The water polo was kept cold as an aside, and the argument between the two stopped.

"What are you doing, Tenma!

"I'm still not the Grand Duke!

"What will Sage and the Grand Duke do when they are all together and exposed to shame! The knights are scared, too."

In my words, Grandpa and Grand Duke all looked around.

Then the knights are uniformly looking away and out of sight of the two of them.

"Just get in the carriage"

When I opened the carriage door, Jeanne and the others peering at the door rushed back to their former seats.

"... a temporary truce."

"... let's just get inside"

When they said that, they went into the carriage with the sleaze.

"Tenma, the other party is the Grand Duke..."

Mr. Din taps me lightly on the shoulder and places Mr. Edgar and the others in one place.

Looks like Mr. Edgar and the others were placed around my carriage. I had a light meeting with Mr. Din and the others and gave Tanikaze instructions to move on.

Note that during the discussion, Mr. Chris was too obsessed with moffing Shiloumal, and Mr. Din was angry with him.

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