Isekai Tensei no Boukensha

Chapter 85: 85 Chapter 5-8 The Strong

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Gin about to collapse into the sight in front of me.

I stand beside a gin like that and lend my shoulder to support it, and the Bandit King walked toward us... with Galat stabbed at the end of that axe...

Seeing the approaching Bandit King, Jin rises and releases his killing spirit from his whole body, shaking his body in anger.

But at this time, I felt a little strange about the Bandit King approaching me.

"You son of a bitch! I don't care what you think of that one, it's too much!

Hearing Jin's voice as if to slap him to death, the Bandit King's foot was obviously dull.

The Bandit King walked out again as if he was a little relieved when I stopped Jin, who was still going to jump on the Bandit King like that.

"Let go, don't stop, Tenma!

"Wait, Jin. Something's wrong! And look closely, there is no blood flowing out of Galat's body (...)!"

Gin stares at Garratt when he hears my words.

If the Bandit King had pierced Galat's body, it would be strange if a significant amount of blood hadn't erupted.

Seeing Jin quiet, the Bandit King was hooked at the end of the axe (...) slowly lowering Galat off-site.

And the Bandit King turned to the referee. The referee was also surprised by the actions of the Bandit King, but hurried closer to Galat to confirm that Galat was alive.

"Winner, Amur!

The Bandit King returns to the depot after hearing the proclamation of the judgment.

Many spectators were distracted by the appearance, but the referee turned to the audience and expressed the view that 'the last blow of the Bandit King was not aimed at Galat's life, but an act to take Galat off-site and to defeat Galat safely'.

The audience was convinced by the explanation of that referee, applauded the Bandit King for walking away, and also for Galat, who fought until he wore out.

Jin was relieved that Galat's heart was moving, but remembering that Galat was badly injured even if he didn't die, he was trying to rush to the infirmary with his back in charge.

"Jin first. Let's just do first aid in this place."

Listen to my words, Jin got Garratt off his back and put him to bed on the side

"'Cure' … 'Aquaheel'"

I use magic two times in a row and treat Galat.

The wounds on Galat's body have almost healed, but you hit him in the head even when he was rolled over by the Bandit King, and he's still unconscious.

The attendant brought the tanka when I was done using the magic, so Jin and I took Galat to the infirmary on a tanka.

According to the diagnosis of the doctor who was waiting in the infirmary, 'Garratt has nothing else in his life. The injury is also magical, so it's no big deal, but I have to rest just in case because I'm hitting my head. "She is currently sleeping in the infirmary bed.

"I'm glad Garat saved you... but you bandit king guy..."

"Jin, don't resent the Bandit King about Galat... that was only a game. I can't help but say what happened in the rules..."

Menace slaps Jin on the shoulder. Leena had removed the place due to the procedure for the treatment of Galat, etc.

"I know, but..."

"No, you don't understand. Now, if Tenma hadn't stopped you, you'd have jumped on the Bandit King, wouldn't you? Then you'd have been disqualified and Garratt would have been ashamed."

Jin does so at first sight to Menace's words.

"Well, anyway, thanks for the tenma. Thanks to you, Garratt's injury is no big deal, and I didn't have to disqualify this idiot (Jin)... see, you keep your head down too!

"I know... I'm so sorry, Tenma. I appreciate it."

Jin is thanking me as Menace holds her head down.

"Well, that's fine. Come on...... are team fights okay?

Jin and the others are also in the team competition, and Sang and "Dawn Sword" originally participated in the tournament with a quota break.

So the lack of one person becomes quite a handful.

"Well, I don't have a choice. Tomorrow we'll be free, so how much Galat can recover... and in the worst case scenario, I'll try my best with me, Menace and Leena."

There are those who are supposed to compete in individual fights, and the parties who also participate in team fights prepare six of the upper limit criticals for this kind of situation, but there are also teams that fall into this state of affairs in Hitch.

Even then, no members are allowed to be added or changed, so Dawn Sword will be forced into a tough battle.

"That's not where Tenma worries... Tenma doesn't fight until she's in this state, even if she's wrong. If we were you, we could participate in the tournament even if one member was missing. But in the team of Tenma, whose family and members have been consolidated, Tenma's retiring will be an instant team battle retiring."

What Menace is saying is, "Because the tournament is only a people's tournament, only family members (demons) are not allowed to participate." Because I am the only person on my team, if I cannot leave, I will no longer be eligible to participate in the team itself.

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind."

That's what I'm talking about, and it looks like all of the first round is coming to an end, and the attendant came looking for me.

"It won't be long before the Tenma players turn up. Return to the armoury."

I nodded and got up from my chair and took some potions and stuff out of my bag and gave it to Menace before I went back to the modem.

"If Garratt wakes up, give him a drink."

"Sorry, Tenma."

Menace received it honestly and fixed it into her own bag.

Jin won't be here until the last game of World War II, so he says he'll be here until then.

As I was relaxing my body a little after I went back to the modem, the attendant came to call me to tell me that my turn had come.

My opponent in WW2 is a big axe player, and he went to the main race in the last tournament, which is good for size as a virtual bandit king, but he lost to Ash in the last tournament, so he's not going to find it helpful because he's too different in strength.

My opponent hadn't shown up yet when I went up to the arena, and the attendant was rushing to get him.

He didn't come as soon as the attendant went to the other man's desk and took the time to get to me even when he showed up in the arena.

If you look at them wondering what they're doing, it's apparently an operation that upsets me.

You've been laughing at my face for a while now.

Where I said in my previous life, 'It's late! Musashi!' I know you want to play a method of warfare like that, but I don't really think it works in a game with rules that make you lose at the referee's decision if you make them wait too long.

Besides, it seems to have irritated the audience before it irritated me, and there has been a huge booming since earlier, making it an awesome atmosphere for Oggo.

The referee also seemed to know that Oggo was deliberately taking time, and also seemed a little irritated.

"Game two of the main race, Game one, Tenma vs. Ogo. Let the game begin!"

If you look again at the man who was said to be ogo, he is just over 2m tall and weighs probably slightly over 100kg. It feels like I'm proud of my power to see it, and I put my axe up big without any thoughts.

I didn't pull out my sword, I just snuck into my opponent's pocket and let go of my left body blow... and I got into a moro around Oggo's dovetail. As a result, Oggo collapsed, spraying bubbles from his mouth and smothering.

As it were, Oggo could not stand up and was declared defeated by the judgment of the referee... Is that it?

Oggo eventually left with both sides held by the attendant without being able to stand up after he was declared a loss...... seriously? That's it?

I stood stunned and watched Oggo leave the scene for a while.

By the way, when Oggo left, there was such a big booming that the audience had the illusion that the venue swayed, and the attendant was having a rough time deceiving the audience.

I was promptly refereed and went back to the modem with a big booing on my back, but even after I returned, I remained unapologetic, so when I went to visit Galat with a change of mood, Jin and Menace shook me, 'Is it over yet', and when I told them the reverse of the matter, they burst into laughter... The two people who were bursting into laughter were pissed off by the doctor and the nurse, and for some reason they even got me involved.

The first game of World War II is a happening called Instant Kill? had, but the game since was showing more excitement than in previous years.

My opponent for the third round was also decided and, as expected, the last third place winner.

The Bandit King game was also lightly over. The opponent had outdone the attack several times, but had been defeated without even being able to hit it.

The next winner to win was the last one, who kept fighting the way he was going to get his opponent, and the audience didn't react well. But I guess the opponent has a lot of strength because he's been in the main race last time and won without taking damage against that opponent.

Eventually, the time came for the last game of World War II, and that's when the temperamental gin appeared.

Poor thing, Jin's opponent was the one who made it to the main race this time in his first tournament appearance, and he was supposed to be the next generation of Hope, but he didn't have enough power to do anything to burn Jin to 'defeat the Bandit King' in an attempt to take Galat's enemies.

The game has been a one-sided flow since the beginning and was settled in about five minutes from the start.

The young man was depressed that he could only continue to be attacked by Jin all the time, but from what I can tell, he said, 'You've often endured the attack of Jin in that state for five minutes,' and some of the people in the game seemed to share the same sentiment.

The game ended all two games in Jin's game, and the rest of the game was a one-hour break just half way through.

The audience uses this time to buy lunch, etc., but as an athlete, we can't really eat... normally...

"Tenma change"

For some reason, Jin came to my desk and was gathering my lunch.

My lunch is cooked. It's a soup made of leftover cabbage and chicken in the mansion into a broiled style, punched in previously cooked and preserved white rice and added melted eggs, which is good for digestion because it's cooked in rice, and contains chicken and eggs, so it has perfect nutritional value...... should be, maybe.

Among the participating athletes, those who had won were not allowed to leave the audience or the venue, so the attendant was supposed to tell them to bring food and drinks.

However, there was not much to eat in the menu given to me by the attendant, so Jin, who had been kicked out of the infirmary, came and was in the current situation while I was making it with permission in the modem room.

"Jin... no matter how good you say it is for digestion, it doesn't make sense if you eat a lot..."

He said, "It's okay! My game is the last one, so I have enough time to digest it!

Gin scratches the rice cooker without even taking my dislike for a thing. Even though I made more with Jin's appearance, I decided to eat too because my share was going to run out as it was.

Jin lay down and talked to me when he finished his rice cooking.

"How does Tenma see the Bandit King?

"Like Jin said, he looks a lot younger than we think. And to see the battle with Galat, he seemed unfamiliar with being ambushed and flirted with"

Jin is also nodding when he hears my words.

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"Mostly the same feeling as me... but the way I fight, it's close to the Bandit King in one way or another... that's going to be a beating from the front"

That's what Jin says, but I guess he was going to have a rambling fight from the front more than the original. You can do it if you want to do an ambush or flirt, but even if Jin does it, you can't fight like Galat.

Then the methods of warfare will be determined by themselves.

So beating each other from the front is more likely to win than forcing you to mane Galat.

"Ok... then I'll go back to Galat. Tenma, treat."

When Jin rose to momentum, he raised one hand and walked out of my holding room... leaving my holding room scattered...

In the meantime, I threw the laundry and the like into the bag and lay on the bench trying to stay asleep even for a short time.

I could afford quite a bit more physically, but there seemed to be more mental fatigue than I thought, and I soon became utter.

After a while, I felt signs of someone approaching the holding room, and my consciousness completely awoke from half asleep.

"The turn of the Tenma players is approaching, please prepare"

It seemed to be the attendant who was approaching me, knocking on the door of the holding room and then telling me what to do.


"Okay, I'll be back in about enough time to call you, so get ready by then"

Even when it comes to preparation, the leather armor that I use a lot will be finished soon, so I only have to do enough to keep my body loose after that.

The opponent of the third round was the last third place winner. Once I checked his game, I had a little doubt about it, but I'm not even thinking about it now.

Thirty-five year old tiger beast and his name is Blanca. Contrary to their appearance, the way they fight is the type that prefers to overwhelm the opponent with moves over force pushes.

His best weapon is a spear, but he is fighting World War I and World War II by replacing the spear's tip with something made of wood, and he has won it with so little power.

For a moment I wanted to try to fight Blanca with a spear, but I decided to put up with it this time because the spears were just against each other.

Confirming the feeling of Xiao Wumaru, the attendant picked him up as it seemed to be time at some point... Originally the attendant wouldn't pick him up just by calling, but he decided to pick him up because it would be hard if the audience made a scene like when he was in Ogo.

Blanca came from the other side, almost at the same time as I went up to the arena.

Blanca looked at me and suddenly got a fierce look. Did you get angry for a second? I thought so, but it doesn't look like an angry atmosphere, it rather looks like an enjoyable one. Perhaps when you get excited, you'll look like that.

As he went up to the arena and stopped immediately, with a small grin on his mouth, Blanca ripped off the cloth that was wrapped around the tip of the spear. Under the cloth is inserted a tip made of white metal, which is a little hard to tell from a distance, probably something made of orihalcon.

Apparently, Blanca recognized me as a strong enemy, which means it's the first time she's serious in a tournament right now.

When me and Blanca got to the center of the arena, the referee saw how we were and then tried to raise our right hand, but Blanca waited.

"Hey, that was tense. Is that such a tiny weapon okay with you? You're gonna get skewered before you get anywhere near me, right?

Blanca says as she looks at my weapon, but she doesn't sound too foolish.

"I ask the other way, is that a weapon? If they dive into your nostalgia, you're in the way, aren't you?

In response to my reply, Blanca is laughing as she peeks into her fangs.

"You're a businessman... don't regret the big mouth!

Judge raises his right hand.

"Try to make me regret it!

At the same time as my words, the referee was shouting something as the referee waved down his right hand.

Me and Blanca ran out at the same time as the referee said.

Blanca's spear tips focus on my body even as I run.

Yeah, I'm focused on firing Blanca's first shot without pulling out the little hips.

Blanca's sharp blow was fired the moment I walked in between the spears.

The leather armor's chest gently crept faster than I expected, but I succeeded in dodging it, and I tried to dive into Blanca's pocket.

But Blanca wouldn't allow it, and the moment I dodged it, she switched the spear to a crossbow.

The spear was passing around my armpit, so I couldn't avoid it, and my body was flown aside.

However, there was not much gap between the spear and my body, so there was not much damage.

I thought Blanca's full blow was the moment that the earlier blow struck, but when I suddenly saw it change to a horizontal giraffe, the speed of the spear is still likely to increase.

The landing was firmly decided, but the distance from Blanca became rearranged.

Now pull out the knife beforehand and run towards Blanca again.

Blanca dropped her hips, put up a spear, and came in a series of thrusts against me.

The speed is slower than earlier, but the uninterrupted thrust will not be able to be followed by coarse motion vision.

I tried to approach the spear with a knife, but Blanca flirts with me with the speed of the spear with strength and weakness.

I thought Blanca's penetration would stop, but I couldn't see the speed fading at all, and the audience made it look like I was attacking her unilaterally.

Blanca also takes a distance when I take a distance.

And when I move out, Blanca moves out, too, to launch a series of spear attacks.

The difference between the sword and the spear reach prevents my attack from reaching Blanca, but we haven't eaten Blanca's attack properly so far, so it's content is mutual.

"Tenma, it's time to go for real"

Blanca said that as she launched a series of spear attacks.

"Whenever you want. I mean it, too."

I tried to slap him lightly, but I was a little surprised that he didn't mean it on the inside.

Shortly after Blanca said she was going to be serious, there was a change in previous serial strikes.

Previously, serial strikes were simple pokes, but after the change, a rotation was added to the poke.

When I tried to pay with a knife for a penetration where a rotation was applied to try, the knife started to get big.

I didn't just let go of the knife, but instead, I fell ill and nearly ate Blanca's blow, but I was able to avoid it with a single hair.

But it looks like Blanca's blow has plundered into leather armor, and some of the leather armor has been shredded and rendered useless.

"Damn, you're not gonna use this anymore... I liked it a lot!

I spilled my stupidity while removing the leather armor I've always used, but only my eyes didn't come off Blanca.

Blanca also waited in discipline for some reason until I finished removing the armor.

"Ha, I'm glad you just need leather armor. I was actually going to make up my mind now!

Seeing me finish removing the leather armor, Blanca put up the spear again.

Exactly the next time I take the same blow, it sucks, so now I decided to use my legs (...) to fight.

The blow that added Blanca's rotation was certainly a threat, but it wasn't without a weakness.

The rotation seems to be applied by twisting the arm, so the movement stops only for a moment when the arm is stretched out. So Blanca was shorter in range than the first poke, so that her arm could not be extended, and the disadvantage of the intermission had been somewhat eliminated.

So it was about 2 to 30 cm from the beginning, but I was able to approach it, and I was likely to be able to make a blow in a little while.

Blanca's blow suddenly stretched the moment I tried to set up a counter in anticipation of the timing.

The reason for this is simple: there's no more spinning in the poke. Blanca noticed that I was gauging the timing and, conversely, she was timing and stretching the poke.

Blanca was invincibly laughing at my counter, which on the contrary had unleashed the counter, but that was the blow I had been waiting for.

A master like Blanca thought there was no reason not to notice my counter, so I changed my movements in detail and stepped in, and the rotation disappeared from the suggestion to extend my range.

I stepped in and grabbed the root of the tip of a blow that lost its rotation and became just a fast thrust.

Blanca was surprised by the sudden and rushed to pull the spear, but the next moment she switched to slap the spear to the ground because she seemed to realize it was bad.

"Gu Yue..."

I attacked Blanca by letting go of her knife and pulling the sheath out of her hips the moment she changed her thrust and pushing her sheath in with a kick.

As a result, my sheath was stabbed around Blanca's chest with the added power of my kick and the power of pulling Blanca's spear.

But Blanca couldn't sink Blanca with that blow, as she used magic to increase her defense where the sheath hit her aggressively.

Blanca waved a spear and bounced me off, forcing me to distance myself.

It didn't look like there was any damage at all, as Blanca's face was slightly distorted when she waved the spear.

I called the knife and sheath away from hand into my own hands (...).

The summoned sheath is reinserted in the hips and the knife is placed in the middle to confront Blanca.

From the audience, I could hear a surprise cheer for the existence of a sword and sheath that suddenly appeared at my disposal, but I couldn't afford to care less now.

Because Blanca was distracted from killing earlier. That's pretty intense too...

It's not like I've ever been relative to a killer before, but I've never been able to turn a killer from a human before (...).

"Tenma... don't resent me even if I die..."

Blanca disappeared at the same time as that word... it looked exactly like she disappeared, but it doesn't change that I lost my appearance for a moment.

Shortly after I lost sight of Blanca, my killer suddenly swelled from behind my left, trying to swallow me.

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