Isekai’d After Getting Stabbed

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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I shake my head and mentally press the no button before saying.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. Unfortunately, I cannot accept that position."

"Oh? Can I ask why?"

"It was bothersome and not only that, I'm participating in the Sacred Games, you know?"

I show him my card and see him look at me with widened eyes.

"No way! Are you a participant in this year's Sacred Games?"


"Bwahahahaha! This year will be even better! Very well. I will not force you and inform the Queen that you reject our offer. On the contrary, I will support you, Ryan."

"Thank you, Kyle."

"Anyway, Maria. You can now begin the attachment process."

The woman nods her head and says.

"Ryan, where do you want your rune?"

"Wait. I can choose the location for the rune? I thought that it could only be attached to my arms and forehead."

"If you did not have high affinity, yes. However, you have the highest affinity to water and wind. You can even attach it to your penis and it will still work but I will not do that… without an extra payment."

I cough a little, and Kyle laughs loudly.

"Let's not do that."

"Oh, my~ you don't want me? Am I not beautiful enough?"

This little minx! I can see her heavenly valley when she leans toward me.

"Please don't do that. Don't give something that you don't want to give because I will gladly accept your offer."

"Fufufufu~ You don't know that~."

"Haaaaa… Please get this over with. I still need to train."

The little minx pouts and says.

"Fine. So where do you want it?"

"On both sides of my shoulder, please."

"Of course."

I can see her taking out two small orbs from her bag and placing the green one on the table.

"I will start with the Water rune first okay? Do you want it on your right or left shoulder?"

"Either way is good."

"Very well."

She presses the orbs at my right shoulder, and I can feel cold energy get absorbed into my body. It spread around my body but only lasted for a few seconds. When the sensation is gone, a rush of knowledge bombards my head.

It did not hurt as the knowledge was not much. It was a knowledge of how to use my rune and what kind of spell I could use and soon to use with enough training.


"I know you are special. Just how high is your affinity to water runes? It is as if the rune is eager to serve you."

"Who knows?"

I cannot say that all the runes, including the True Rune, are eager to serve me because of my title to her.

"Well, you can keep your secret. Once I know what kind of family Ferdinand Clan is I will know the truth. Anyway, let's continue."

I change sides and let her attach the Wind Rune to my left shoulder. Just like before, I can feel cold energy rushing through my body for a few seconds before it disappears. Another rush of knowledge got inside my head and went by in a second.

If the energy coming from the Water Rune is like getting splashed by cold water, it was like a morning wind hit me this time. It was still cold but a different kind of cold.

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"And done. That was the easiest attachment process I ever did in my life. If only all the people like you, Ryan."

"How long does it usually take for you to attach a rune to someone's body?"

"That depends on the person. For the average person with low to medium affinity with the rune, it will take fifteen to thirty minutes. For the higher affinity, it will take ten to twelve minutes. You are the first person who only takes a few seconds to attach the rune. I am really curious about your ancestry."

I ignore her attempt to dig more information from me by saying.

"Thank you for your great work, Maria. If there is nothing else, I need to go back to the forest and train for the rest of the day."

I look at Kyle laughing at Maria, who pouts at her attempt to get rebutted easily before saying.

"Is there anything else, Kyle?"

"Nope! You can go and train. I need to stay in this place for a little bit."

"See you later then."

After saying that, I walk out of the building and go to the forest.


|3rd POV|

Kyle and Maria look at Ryan walking away from the inn and release a sigh. Kyle looks at the owner and says.

"Can you give us some privacy?"

"Of course, sir Kyle."

The inn owner gives them the private room at the back of the building, where she leaves Kyle and Maria alone.

"So, how is it?"


"Yes. The queen wants to know if her offer is worth the investment even when her offer is rejected by Ryan."

"I did not lie when I said that he has the highest affinity to Water and Wind rune. Give him enough time, he can control them effortlessly and become a stronger Wind and Water rune user in the world."

"That good, huh?"

"Not only that good, Kyle. As a rune researcher of the Falena Royal Family, I have seen many talented people but if they are compared to Ryan, they are all garbage."

What Ryan did not know is that Maria is not your normal Rune Mistress that helps anyone attach a rune to their body. She is, in fact, one of the highest ranking Rune Researchers that work directly under the Royal Family.

She and the few others are the greatest minds in the entire Queendom in the Rune field of study. Not only that, but they also need to be a powerful Rune user and magician.

"If he accepts her highness offer, she will hit a jackpot. I am willing to take him under my wing but sadly he wants to join the Sacred Games instead of joining us."

In Maria's mind, Ryan wasted his talent and potential by joining the Sacred Games. She admires his will to join the Sacred Games and try to win the tournament, but she already knows that he will not win the fight.

She and the rest of her co-workers know that the tournament is rigged from the start. This tournament has only two winners: the Godwin Family and the Barrow family.

They are the two most powerful houses in the Queendom of Falena. In the history of Falena, only those two houses win the Sacred Games, and their streak is broken when Commander Ferid and the current husband of the Queen win the fight.

It was a historical moment that broke all expectations. However, this event also makes her so sure that Ryan will not succeed in his attempt.

The Barrow and Godwin family will ensure any commoner or Non-Falenan Noble will not win the Sacred Games.

"Yeah. It is really a shame. Maybe after the Sacred Games, I will ask him one more time. A healer is rare in this place and I know her highness will want to recruit a soon-to-be powerful healer."

And Kyle is telling the truth. The Healer in Queendom of Falena is a rare sight. There are a lot of magicians in this place, but healers? Their number did not reach a hundred marks. The people of Falena have an affinity that goes to the destruction side of a rune.

The most common affinity in this Queendom is Fire affinity. There is a reason for that, but it was a story for another time.

After talking for a few more minutes, Kyle gets up from his chair and says.

"Anyway, I probably need to get back. I still have a criminal to hunt."

"Ah, yeah. The former guard of this village, yes? Good luck in your hunt, Kyle."

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