It Started with Slime

Chapter 109: Interlude XX – Isabella Frelaine, Conversation

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Isabella just contemplated the audacious monster in front of her. It was in her house, and then instead of answering her question, it asked for a Mana Potion? Of course, she had some. It took her only three seconds to decide and then another two to pull out a Mana Potion for her spatial pouch, stride over to the creature and then dump the liquid directly onto it. Being decisive had always been a strong suit of hers, and if it helped the beast feel at ease, that meant she would get answers quicker. The Mana Potion was a minuscule expense, hardly worth taking the time to consider if it got her what she wanted.


Isabella had only intended to find out what Haemish was up to; he had been responsible for the attempt to find a cure for Boren. With her youngest child’s training moving along nicely, it was more important than ever to have a highly qualified Alchemist at their disposal. She was looking to stock up on Health, Stamina and Mana Potions for Boren’s use. Training took its toll, and she would not have her son suffering more than necessary. It was a mother’s duty, after all, to make sure her children grew up strong.


“Now, what are you?” it no longer had any excuse not to answer. Isabella opened herself up and used Understanding. It gave her a better idea of people’s motivations and some inclination to their thoughts, subtle but effective. She would know when he lied, at least.


“I am a Slime, but in addition to that, I am also young. I have only lived for six months, more or less.” All true so far. “I was not born with the ability to speak; it is something I have learned since I was born.” Also true but, a partial truth? She quirked a brow and activated Intense Glare; it was only a superficial skill. It did not do any actual damage, but its effectiveness in interrogations was undeniable. Unfortunately, it could be circumvented by looking away, which the Slime did now. There is more to this, but it does not tell me.


“Interesting, so when did you learn Darfan? Six months is unbelievable to learn a new language without a teacher, and I assume you learnt by listening?” He nodded at Isabella. Nothing more, Isabella’s jaw clenched imperceptibly. It was becoming clear that she would have to drag the answers out of it. A direct question then, “Do you intend any harm to Darf or any members of the royal family?”


“I don’t know the royal family...except for you, of course. And I doubt I could do any harm to you if I wanted to. I couldn’t stop Haemish from capturing and storing me in this box.” The monster made the most human gesture that she had seen it display so far, a shrug. That is true enough unless it has been bluffing this whole time and wanted to get captured so that it could attack?


No, she couldn’t think like that anymore. It had already nearly driven her insane last time. She was seeing shadows everywhere and looking for killers around each corner. No, she needed to be cautious and willing to see things with an open mind. Also, this creature appeared very weak, no threat at all. Everything in her said that this creature might be crafty, but it was not hiding strength either. So, it needed to be careful about a different type of deception, perhaps more dangerous than flat out power?


“Good, then you will not mind swearing an oath to that effect?” That should cover any eventuality. Even if it flees, then my family will be protected.


“Huh? What? You want me to swear an oath not to harm people that I don’t even know. And people whose intentions I do not understand? They may try to kill me! You might do it for all I know. How can you ask this of me?” Time to seal the deal with this, then


“Okay, way I see this, here are my options.” Resh swallowed as he felt the noose tighten. “I can get rid of a potential threat to my kingdom and family right here and now. You are an intelligent entity and pose an unknown threat.”


“And, umm…the other option?” Isabella’s smile regained its predatory cast.


“The other option, my petite friend, is that you swear the oath I require of you, and then you are not only free to move around within the lab, but if you behave, I might even allow you to move around within the palace and other areas as well.” It was a very reasonable offer. She was a little too generous in her estimation, but you got the best out of subjects that did not feel backed into a corner. Instead, you cornered them. Then showed them the golden staircase out, which just so happened to be behind them the entire time, such a coincidence!


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Isabella watched as the Slime contemplated the non-decision. The smile never slipped. Always show control, whether you had it or not. Her mother had taught her that little nugget in a very physical way. She still felt the stick sometimes when she wasn’t careful. Maintain outward control.


“I would be free to come and go as I please? Not trapped here like a lab rat?” This Resh was demanding, considering she was not only gracing him with her presence but also offering a very lucrative deal for her and him to a lesser extent.


“I grow tired of this, chose. It is either this or death. I will tolerate something that could become a threat to me and mine soon. What. Do. You. Chose?”


He was nervous, a single eye in his head twitching a little. She knew the signs. It was strange that this creature, intelligent though it was, was showing such human signs of malcontent. It was very curious, almost as if it could not help itself. That a monster should display signals that she could interpret as a human was beyond belief, making her even surer that she needed to understand this thing, where it had come from and what it was doing.


“Very well, I will sign your contract…but I am not happy about this, and I still feel that letting me go is the best choice for everyone. I can leave the country even, just stay deep in the forest…?”


“Sign? Contract? No, no, we will be doing an oath nothing as flimsy as a written contract!” I am not surprised he tried to wriggle his way out of the Oath by suggesting a contract, something so flimsy and not even binding on your soul and mind. Did it think her so naïve? It seemed that she should be insulted, but who in their right mind would be insulted by such a primitive. It was still a monster, after all. No, there is no point in taking offence here.


“Oh, okay. The pen is mightier than the sword and all that!” Again this stupid creature was spouting complete nonsense. Was a pen more powerful than a sword? What writing implement could fulfil that criterion? The blade was always more powerful. Perhaps magical inscriptions but not a pen!


“I am done with this conversation. It seems we have run out of time. I will have my Oathkeepers come and take your Oath. They will explain the details when they come to see you. Make it well. If they deem your Oath inaccurate, then you will have to unswear…” the Queen grinned at that. It had a sardonic cast to it. It was good to make this thing quiver; it would make the process smoother with no funny business. “You will not like having to unswear an Oath, trust me.”


“I….ummm….understand…” his voice ended in a whisper.


With that, she strode out, brushing past a dishevelled Haemish and Taler, Rion had gone. Both Alchemists were intrigued by the conversation that had occurred. Haemish especially seemed to be watching her retreat with curiosity; Isabella saw all this and more as she moved down the corridor away from the Alchemist Lab. It was time to have a conversation with the King. She allowed him to play his games and even pretended to be in the dark about his schemes. He should know better after over a century of marriage, her agents were everywhere, and they brought snippets and whispers to her everything. Nothing happened in the palace without her knowledge.


A tear escaped her right eye as she contemplated the implications of what Haemish had brought back. What could it mean? What can I do with this, a new agent perhaps, but this could be exactly the opportunity she had been waiting for; poisoning would not go unpunished. Not if she had anything to say about it.


And she had a lot to say.

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