It Started with Slime

Chapter 113: Interlude XXI – Borowyn Frelaine, Soul Oath

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“The nature of the Soul is strange. The four churches have different explanations for it, but essentially, it boils down to this. It is where your Stats, Skills, Talents and Magic is all anchored. The internal space, the churches call it Soul, so we use the same term, but it is just a word, a metaphysical space in each of us which strengthens with our bodies and minds. Or maybe the soul is what strengthens the body and mind. There are many schools of thought.”


Here Borowyn paused to check that the curious creature in front of him could follow along with what he was saying. Resh nodded along with what Borowyn was saying. Interesting that something which should be so simple-minded can understand such philosophical topics. This thing might just be as intelligent as Boren, not as driven though perhaps. That boy, the King thought fondly of his youngest without allowing any of it to cross his face. That had been his first lesson when working to gain a place at court. Back then, the Mad King had not been so mad. Slight creasing of his brow was all the weakness he would allow to show on his face.


“In any case, the reason I go into this is that each of us has a unique soul signature. The code of our Souls, or the information that forms our Soul, is what I told you. Call it your status. Because it is unique to each individual, it is the best and most binding way to identify an individual. So, by extension, it is the most reliable way to ensure that Oaths are kept and maintained. After all, you can’t exchange your Soul, can you!?” He said it like it was a ridiculous notion ever, and maybe it was. Of course, Soul exchange was not possible.


“I understand, so you need me to swear on my Soul, and you will swear on yours?” The funny Slime, Resh nodded, and Borowyn followed suit. “One final question, you are the King, I am happy that you are doing this personally, but I am curious as to why you would want to do it yourself. Isn’t it a burden on your soul to swear an Oath with me? And if you’re doing this with me....”


“Then I must be doing it with everyone?” The King nodded sagely. “This is an Oath concerning my family so that I will take that personally. I have always believed in leading by example. I would not require anyone to take an Oath; I would not willingly take myself. So I will handle this particular duty myself.” Then his tone changed from serious to playful, which made the next part more disturbing. “It is also a way to assure you that someone important is on the other end. Then, if you fail to live up to your end of the Oath by hurting my family, I will always know where you are! When two people pitted their Souls against each other, it favours the stronger.” Borowyn finished with a laugh, and Resh seemed to cringe a little again. I need not specify that the Soul burden for breaking an Oath is harder the stronger your Soul becomes. Borowyn had a good idea of how strong this little one would become in the years to come.


“I…understand, I think. I have to ask, do I have to take this Oath? You have seen me now; I am not a threat to you and yours, and it seems very permanent.” The Slime creature Resh said.


“I am afraid that is not how this works.” Borowyn hardened his eyes. He would not allow Resh to think him soft. He always tried to be fair but never soft, never weak. His tutors and trainers stamped weakness out of him long ago, and the memory of that still haunted him even centuries later. Such was the burden of power, though. “You will swear this Oath, I will not make it burdensome, but you must do this. I will delay it no further.”


“Very well, I-I am, ready.” Resh visibly breathed out and seemed to calm. Borowyn wondered where the air was coming from and why a creature born with no clear lungs would make such an expression. A kernel of suspicion on this creature’s origins planted itself in the fertile scape of his mind, and it would grow. In the meantime, he had business to be about and petitioners awaiting him. The King needed to be done with this now.


“Good, let us begin then, repeat after me,” Borowyn began reciting. “I, add your name, will protect the sanctity and safety of House Frelaine and all its members.” As he spoke, the glow of Mana infused the words. Health, Mana and Stamina were all used to secure the Soul Oath. It made sense to Borowyn that when binding an Oath, he needed to use all three, and they were all fundamental components of the soul; all should be part of it.


The creature repeated the word adding Resh where the name went.


“I solemnly swear; never to reveal of the secrets of House Frelaine.” Resh again repeated the solemn words.


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“I will never write, indite or otherwise them delineate.” Dutifully the Slime continued.


And finally, “I will not leave the Palace grounds unless I get express permission from a member of House Frelaine.” Resh baulked at his one and hesitated before a surge of power pushed him into the agreement.


“Do not repeat the next part. In exchange, I, Borowyn, King of Darf and Head of House Frelaine do hereby and hereon-“ opening the box that contained Resh, he pressed his hand down so that it sunk into the Slime partially, “-solemnly and sincerely swear to uphold the promise given, that of not harming this being Resh while he remains a loyal vassal of our House.”


The glow that had been surrounding him burst into lines of red, green and blue to swirl, splitting and rejoining and splitting again. Meandering around the people present, they would witness the Oath taken this day. After its dance, the light converged on the unassuming Slime, and just like that, the ritual concluded. I have done what I can to protect my family from the monster this thing will become. With this Oath, I will use it as my spear in the days to come. I feel something in the wind and earth and water. Once the light finished its motions and had settled, Borowyn could not help but slump a little, the Oath adding another burden to his shoulders. It would last a few days before he got it under control, but one more after so many ways invisible. This much was not even worth the concern.


He turned from the Slime and began walking back up to the dais. His steps were measurably slower this time. One of the front bearers moved to close the lid of the creature’s box to put it to rights, and Borowyn waved his hand over his shoulder. “Resh is a free being, and it has sworn the Oath. It cannot harm us now.” He hoped his voice did not sound as tired to the others as it did in his head. A King must always be strong. He repeated the mantra in his head a few more times until he felt his limbs stiffen and back straighten again as he reached the top of the stairs. Standing before the throne, he waited until he was sure he had mastered himself before turning and facing the creature again. Now he was working on climbing out of its box.


Forcing a smile to his face, he proclaimed, “Resh, you are now a free creature. As long as you stay within the walls of this palace, you are free to explore. We will begin training you with all our squires, mages and soldiers. The Academy will have to make some adjustments, but welcome!”


The creature appeared dumbfounded but happy. It seemed its expectations had been for the Oath to be more burdensome than it was, and Borowyn had intentionally taken a softer approach. The King would likely require other Oaths in the future, but this was enough for now. The creature turned to look at Borowyn, eyes wide with awe. All three of them, Borowyn thought with amusement. He wondered why more animals were not born with three eyes that one at the back seemed a damn sight helpful, pun intended. Borowyn chuckled to himself inwardly while he returned the creature's gaze.


The more he looked at this creature, the more confusing the sight became. His eyes saw a monster or forest creature, but his mind saw a sapient creature, one that was human in many of its mannerisms. It was effortless to overlook this beast’s appearance even though it shouldn’t be. He continued to wonder what the world had in store for this creature or, more accurately, what this creature would mean to the world. And now it was Borowyn’s to do with as he pleased.



Got distracted and so did not post last week, will post three today and another three chapters on Thursday or Friday. Sorry about that!

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