It Started with Slime

Chapter 196: Chapter 149 – Uninvited Duel

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I have no idea what is going on right now. Aarav was thoroughly confused by the situation and looked to Boren for a moment. The boy shrugged so that was less than useless. The others in their small group seemed to have an inkling of what Aarav had done.


The majority of the students in their part of the cafeteria were gathered round to watch how things proceeded and then decide whether it was worth running later. This guy seemed like a classic bully but perhaps Aarav had done something to offend him. After all he wasn’t from this world, he might have gotten it wrong. “I feel as though I have offended you somehow but I have no idea why.” It seemed like a perfectly reasonable question in Aarav’s mind. Why in god’s name would this guy challenge him out of the blue?


“You dare….” The boy hissed, Aarav looked at him, he was the typical image of what Aarav would expect from a spoiled brat. Looking down on everyone here and man, this kid really liked his doughnuts! I mean he was beyond the usually level of fat. If this had been Earth he would very definitely have been in the morbidly obese category. He also seemed unaware that the rest of the crowd was whispering about him. Aarav hearing wasn’t that great but even he could tell that they were not pleased with this progression of events. They also would not do anything to prevent it.


Thus far the situation had not escalated to the point that teachers had become involved yet but it would take long. As the seconds continued to tick by, more and more people were getting sucked into the situation that was occurring in the cafeteria. The boy took a fighting stance, his jowls wobbling. He clearly wanted a fight.


What was comical though, was the size disparity between the two individuals. Aarav a two foot something fairy and this boy, at least double that maybe more.  It would have been hilarious if Aarav was sure this kid was serious. Resigned to the inevitable Aarav simply sighed and drew in a breath to try to calm himself. This would be stopped eventually but he was not going to let a kid who was clearly a bully get away with just doing whatever he wanted.


Seeing Aarav taking a stance the boy started things off. “Agua!” A small amount of water gathered near his palm and formed a type of water spear, it seemed fairly solid and Aarav just stared at it. It was taking a while to coalesce. Did he really expect that his opponent wouldn’t do anything why he gathered his strength? By his victorious grin that his exactly what he seemed to expect.


Aarav prepared Sonic Boom and blasted the boy and his water party trick out of the air just as it was launched toward him. The air seemed to burst and a sound wave travelled through the nearby observes. They had more attention now. The boy grit his teeth, “I just wanted to show you your place. But now I will not go so easy on you! Flame!”


A vortex of fire formed in his hand and this did so much more quickly, looks like he has a greater fire affinity then. He quickly and ruthlessly shoved it toward Aarav and the fairy-slime had his hands full attempting to dodge it. It still ended up catching his left wing and burning it almost completely off! There was a sizzle of his slime burning as he attempted to escape the fireball. There was quite a punch to it and Aarav was serious fearing for his life.


You have taken damage -40HP!


You have gained the Burn Effect -4HP/s for 5s!


Holy crap! It had only clipped him! Still this much damage was manageable as long as he didn’t keep getting hit. That burn effect was annoying though. He could feel the smothering part of his wing. He could purge it but that would give away that he wasn’t an actual fairy. He couldn’t do that.


The kid in front of him had a smug look on his face as Aarav’s horror. Clearly thinking he had got his point across.


But Aarav wasn’t done.


“I can’t believe you would actually hurt me just to prove a point!” Aarav in toned but this got looks of surprise from the surrounding people as well. The slime hadn’t expected that. He thought he had everyone else on side for this.


“What do you think this school teaches you if you were expecting to get through it without getting hurt?! That’s the most moronic thing I have ever heard from anyone, like ever!” The pretty girl at the back that had come down with the fat boy said. She was objectively beautiful he had to admit, for a 9-year-old. But it was hard to see past the mean girl vibes she gave off. She also had the same air of superiority that his opponent had.


Aarav had to rethink this situation he was in. Of course it was going to be this way. He just hadn’t equated his survival in the jungle to this situation in a more civilized setting. He had expected that it would be more controlled, like in fighting sports.

Having made the realisation and with the spectacle having gained the further attention of the room Aarav was resolved to see this to its end. Water Burst was his most powerful spell but he didn’t want to give away information of all this elements. Instead he decided to use Sonic Boom again, this time not against the boy’s hand but at his torso, intending to push him back. Unfortunately it did very little in the way of damage or push back.


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Your target has taken damage -25HP!


Slight knockback effect!


His immense weight must have offset the knockback and so he simply swayed. The boy didn’t even move to avoid the strike though. That was what surprised Aarav. In the forest Aarav had encountered a lot of creatures that he was overpowered by but this seemed another scale entirely.


“You are so weak! As expected of a commoner!” The fat boy sneered again and ran his beady eyes over the crowd daring them to challenge him.


They all remained conspicuously silent. Aarav wasn’t going to miss his chance to strike while the boy was monologuing like a cliché movie villain and instead of trying magic again which was once again on cool down ran up to the boy and attempted to throw his small body against him with some hand to hand combat, Skeletal Kata was one of his strongest skills and with bones forming as necessary to add weight to his strikes and the bulky boy not being able to move, perhaps this could work for him.


In quick succession Aarav aimed blows at the boys shins, knees and thighs. Groin seemed a low blow so he avoided that. The fat boy simply over powered him, Aarav felt sluggish by comparison. Even though the boy was fat and slow in his leg movements. His arms moved quickly enough, taking the brunt of the strikes on his forearms and countering with his fists. His bulk belayed his ability and Aarav was at a little bit of a loss.


He had managed to inflict some damage but there was no visible effect and now Aarav was within striking distance. Luckily he was short and so it was hard for the boy to reach that far down with his stomach in the way. Still his legs worked and he quickly swung his leg at Aarav.


Your target has taken damage -18HP x 4!


The Slime was so focused on getting more hits in that he wasn’t quick enough getting away and the foot slammed into his small body blasting him away and at least 10 metres into the surrounding crowd.


Critical Hit! You have taken damage -250HP!


Aarav felt like he had been hit by a truck! His entire side ached and if he had had ribs, they would have been broken. He hated that he now had nerves because the pain was so intense he nearly vomited. It wasn’t as bad as that big creature, nothing could compare to that but it wasn’t fun and games that was certain.


Gasping and groaning he came back to his feet. Could he simply allow this to stand? But as he looked on the boy seemed to out-class him in all forms of combat. Why wouldn’t he? He had probably been training for years with the best the country had to offer. He had been scooped up from a forest, not having even existed a year ago. It might be necessary to walk away from this his pride destroyed but at least he would be strong enough to fight another day. In only two strikes he had reduced Aarav health by a third. Only a few more strikes and Aarav would be going to the clinic.


“You are weak and worthless, are you ready for your punishment?” He heard a mocking voice say while still trying to stand straight.


Aarav saw red.



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