It’s Mooorbin Time

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Alec’s perspective


It was a beautiful day out, birds were singing, the sun was shining, and I was miserable. You see it was the time of month where I found myself locking myself in my room and trying to not interact with the world at all. Admittedly that isn’t all too different from how I normally behave but, it is still a departure all the same. The reason I spend several nights a month locked in my room not even letting my roommate in is because I’m a lycanthrope, or at least close enough to one. 


You may ask, how did this situation get started? I’ll tell you, I don’t know, but however this started the fact of the matter is I need to live with it for the rest of my life. Fortunately my antidepressants stop it from being too bad, but I still have to deal with certain, physical changes. Thankfully my roommate has the patience of a saint and never bothers me when it’s that time of month. So the plan is simple as always, distract myself with my classes then as soon as I get home lock myself in my room with my equipment and ride out the changes like I’ve always done.


Noel’s perspective


As I was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast I noticed my roommate do his usual dash out of our house as quick as he could. Every month at around the same time he would get really weird for about a week and then go back to his somewhat depressed self. At this point I wasn’t sure why he might be acting like it, I had my theories of course like any good scientist but I had no way of testing them. One of my earlier theories was that perhaps he was a trans man, and this was his time of the month and that was causing him dysphoria, but then I found out that he was in fact amab based on accounts of his childhood he told me about. For a while I thought maybe he was a werewolf, but his weird behavior never seemed to line up with the full moon so that couldn’t be it. At this point I had resigned myself to just hoping he would tell me eventually.


Alec’s perspective


Classes as usual were rather boring but something felt slightly off, I couldn’t explain what it was but I could definitely notice something was off. My lunch for instance didn’t really seem all that appetizing even though it wasn’t anything unusual, just a simple burger and fries. Maybe I was coming down with something, I also noticed myself feeling more depressed than usual. Suddenly it hit me, I was out of my antidepressants because I was too depressed to go to the pharmacy over the weekend! Fuck this was bad, there was no way I’d be able to get them to send in my meds by tonight since I was also too depressed to call in my meds over the weekend. Damn antidepressants weren’t doing their job anymore if they left me too depressed to call in for more of them, that or my depression was getting worse. While both possibilities were concerning I was far more concerned with getting home as quickly as possible and hiding out in my room.

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Noel’s perspective


If I was suspicious something was wrong before I was almost sure of it now. As soon as Alec got home he all but sprinted into his room, I decided to leave him be, since he seemed to be going through a lot. Things stayed like that for a while, he popped out once to get some food but he was back in his room before I could ask what was up. After that is when things started to get weird, the first thing I heard was a crashing sound coming from his room. Now I respect people’s privacy but a crashing sound when someone already seemed pretty out of sorts is quite concerning. 


So I did what any self respecting nosy roommate would do, I put my ear up to his door. At first I didn’t hear much other than some grunts but it almost seemed like the pitch was getting higher? I continued to listen and eventually heard a moan, although it sounded almost more like a moo than a moan but that would be ridiculous, I think I would notice if my roommate was keeping a cow in his room. However sure enough I heard it again, louder this time and unmistakably a moo, unable to hold back my curiosity any longer I opened the door and was dumbstruck by what I found.


Alec’s perspective


I was about two blocks away from home when I started feeling even more weird. I was starting to feel claustrophobic on the bus, like the walls were going to close in around me and crush me. I decided to get off early and walk the last two blocks and that was the first time today I actually felt ok, for whatever reason being out of the cramped bus felt like a wave of relief washed over me. Shortly after the bus incident I made it home and rushed into my room as nonchalantly as I could, I like to think my roommate barely even noticed me getting home. Not long after I found I was starving, I made a quick dash for the fridge and made myself a nice salad real quick. Although I realized I forgot to add any dressing or condiments, it still tasted delicious thankfully but that’s when it hit me, I was already changing.


 This wasn’t supposed to happen so soon, not to mention it explained why I felt so off today. But it didn’t make any sense, I’d been feeling off ever since this morning, even before I got on my meds it never happened this early. Once I realized what was happening the changes started to accelerate, first was the fur of course quickly covering my entire body. I knew if I wanted to keep my clothes I had to get out of them quickly, thankfully I was able to strip down just as my feet started to change. The feet were always a weird experience, the sensation of them elongating and developing the shape and material of hooves was an odd but not unpleasant experience and a moo escaped from my mouth before I could stop it. Shit, I was already mooing, that meant next were the horns which meant a similar sensation to my hooves. From there the rest of the transformation was quick and I found myself with considerable chub, very large breasts, a cute tail, and at least a foot off my height. The worst part of the transformation was that it made me like it. I knew werewolves claimed that their transformations were affirming but I didn’t believe it, in my opinion it must be changing their minds to force them to like it. I was unfortunately brought out of my panic by a soft gasp at my doorway and as I turned to look at the door I couldn’t help but be glad I wasn’t alone. Wait what? That’s not how I’m supposed to feel!

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