
Chapter 1: 1

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Arc 1: The Qilin Pendant

Chapter 1: 金陵盛夏 Midsummer in Jinling

During the 5th year of Hongwu [1], Prince of YanZhu Di [2] set out on a Northern military expedition, soundly defeating Köke Temür [3] at the Kherlen River.

[1] hóng wǔ (洪武) lit.”vastly martial” is the era name of the founder of the Ming Dynasty, the Hongwu Emperor (洪武帝)  named Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋), also known as tài zǔ  (太祖) the founding Emperor. Each emperor’s reign will have a different era name, and the Hongwu era was from 1368 – 1402. The 5th year of Hongwu is 1372 and the year name is rén zǐ (壬子). The 8th year of Hongwu is 1375, year name yǐ mǎo (乙卯).

[2] zhū dì (朱棣)Zhu Di, was the 4th son of the Hongwu Emperor. He held the title of Prince of Yan (燕王) his fiefdom was Beiping, which is modern day Beijing.

[3] Köke Temür (扩廓贴木儿) his name was sinicized to wáng bǎo bǎo (王保保) Wang Bao Bao, was a prominent general of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty or  Great Yuan. in chinese it’s (大元) & in Mongolian, it’s  ᠶᠡᠭᠡ ᠶᠤᠸᠠᠨ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ was a Mongol-led imperial dynasty of China.  Those who are familiar with Jin Yong’s Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre (倚天屠龙记) would have encountered him as Zhao Min (FL)’s brother.

When the forces of the Yuan Dynasty withdrew in a panic, they slaughtered a group of nomadic tribespeople by the riverside. Hearing a child’s incessant cries coming from the Tujue’s Tuoba tribe grounds, Zhu Di followed the sounds of its cries and acquired a boy infant. He named the child Tuoba Feng.

During the 8th year of Hongwu, Xu Tiande [4] recalled his troops and passed through the sacred Kongtong Mountains [5] where he encountered a wandering Taoist Priest.

[4] xú tiān dé (徐天德) Xu Tiande (courtesy name), aka Xu Da (name) was a military general and politician who lived during the late Yuan dynasty and early Ming dynasty. He was a friend of the Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang (formerly a rebel leader with the Red Turban Rebellion prior to founding the Ming dynasty), and had assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in overthrowing the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty and establishing the Ming Dynasty. His daughter would marry Zhu Di in 1376, and be his future Empress.

[6] kōng tóng shān (崆峒山) The Kongtong mountains are one of the sacred mountains of Taoism.

The old Taoist invited him to a game of chess, and during the course of their game, Xu Da [4] received a letter from his family that had been sent from more than a thousand li away: His concubine had given birth to a baby boy. Xu Da was delighted at having a son at his advanced age, and hence he requested the old Taoist to bestow a name on his child.

Thus, the child received the name Xu Yunqi [5].

[5] xú yún qǐ (徐云起) Xu Yunqi. Xu is his surname, and his given name is Yunqi lit.”rising like a cloud”, which is a metaphor for many things appearing concurrently. It is actually from a poem《终南别业》by Wang Wei, a Tang dynasty poet.  The quote is xíng dào shuǐ qióng chù, zuò kàn yún qǐ shí (行到水穷处,坐看云起时.) When you walk to the water’s end, sit down and watch the ever-changing clouds/ watch the clouds rise. The poem describes the leisurely life and pleasures of living in seclusion on Mount Zhongnan, and one’s own enjoyment and sense of ease. It highlights a retiree’s sense of open-mindedness.

During the 13th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang executed Hu Weiyong [6].

[6] Hu Weiyong ‘s execution was one of the four major cases of the Hongwu era – where officials were persecuted during the early Ming dynasty. He was the Right Grand Chancellor (equivalent to the Prime Minister) who was accused of treason and executed.

During the 17th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang killed Xu Da [7].

[7] While other generals who had contributed to the founding of the Ming dynasty had been executed by the Emperor for alleged treason, Xu Da died in 1385 under mysterious circumstances. Rumor has it that Xu Da was allergic to goose, so the Hongwu Emperor sent him a goose dish and ordered the emissary to ensure that Xu ate it and died, but Xu Da probably died of natural causes.

During the 23rd year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang executed Li Shanchang and purged his three clans [8].

[8] lǐ shàn cháng (李善長) Li Shanchang, the Left Grand Chancellor was one of the six founding dukes of the Ming dynasty, and he was executed along with his extended family, and thirty thousand others – for treason.

The extermination of the three clans, or yí sān zú (夷三族) was a form of capital punishment centered around collective responsibility for those involved in serious crimes such as treason and conspiracy, the three classes of relatives to purged were either parents, brothers, and wives OR Father, mother and wife.

During the 25th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang executed Zhou Dexing [9].

[9] zhōu dé xìng(周德兴) The Marquis of Jingxia, Zhou Dexing was a founding general of the Ming dynasty and was from the same hometown as Zhu Yuanzhang. It is said that they were childhood friends. His son Zhou Ji had improper relations with a palace maid, thus Zhou Dexing was executed by virtue of being guilty by association (collective punishment/responsibility) 

During the 27th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang executed Fu Youde, the Duke of Ying [10].

[10] fù yǒu dé(傅友德)Fu Youde was a general and naval commander during the Ming dynasty. He was formerly Xu Da’s deputy. It was rumored that he was executed or committed suicide by the Emperor’s command. His title was (颖国公) Ying-guogong or the Duke of Ying.

During the 28th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang executed Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song [11]. All six of the founding dukes of the Ming dynasty have perished.

[11] féng shèng (冯胜) Feng Sheng was a Ming dynasty general.  His title was  (宋国公)Song-guogong or the Duke of Song.



During the 25th year of Hongwu, Crown Prince Zhu Biao [12] passed away.

[12] zhū biāo (朱標) Zhu Biao was the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eldest son and the crown prince of the Ming dynasty. His early death created a crisis in the dynasty’s first succession that was resolved by the successful usurpation of his brother Zhu Di as the Yongle Emperor, an act with far-reaching consequences for the future of China.

The plums are yellow and ripe [13], it is midsummer in Nanjing.

[13] This is a reference to a Song dynasty poem by Zeng Ji 《三衢道中》. When the plums ripen, the weather will be clear and sunny every day. 

The main entrance to the House of Dancing Smoke [14] was tightly shut, and only the side entrance had been left open for people to pass through. There was a horse carriage parked in the small alley. The music of stringed and woodwind instruments frequently sounded from the upstairs level, and one could hear the peals of feminine laughter and cheerful chatter.

[14] The name of the brothel wǔ yān lóu (舞烟楼) is a reference to the Song poet, Yan Jidao’s 《浣溪沙·二月和风到碧城’》The poem evokes the imagery of a songstress/dancing girl (many of them were prostitutes) who was once young and popular but was left in a miserable state after she grew old. The poet expresses his sympathy for these unfortunate women.

Yunqi moved his body to the side and turned after the end of the alley. He effortlessly flicked the dust off his black sleeves and raised his head towards the second storey.

“……Secretary [15] drink another cup.”

[15] zhǔ shì (主事) is an official title Secretary which means that he is the head/principal official in charge of a particular ministry/department, and it was a 6th grade/ranking official post. He is from the Bureau of Military Appointments or Ministry of War.

“…not so loud…don’t attract the attention of those lackeys [16]…”

[16] He uses the word (鹰犬), which is literally falcons and dogs, and it’s a derogatory way of referring to hired thugs or lackeys. It is especially appropriate because loud noises will attract the ‘animals’ attention. He actually means the Imperial guards or secret police – since those are generally deemed to be the Emperor’s lackeys/dogs.

Yunqi stepped onto the narrow alley wall with one foot, and then kicked off the roof of the horse carriage as he leaped upwards. He clambered up the red columns of the “House of Dancing Smoke”, and as lightly as a falcon ascended to the second story. After which he curved his body forward to decrease his momentum as he landed steadily on one knee.

Raising his hand, he seized hold of the dangling sash on top of his imperial bodyguard’s hat to arrest its incessant swaying. He held his breath.

Yunqi entered the room in a flash. On the top of the door lintel was engraved two characters, “Chun Lan [17]”. He swept a glance at the surroundings, upon hearing the sound of footsteps, he tucked and rolled, hiding under the bed.

[17] The room belongs to the entertainer/prostitute named Chun Lan, chūn lán (春兰) lit.”Spring Orchid”. The fact that it’s engraved implies that she’s probably very popular and well-favored enough that she gets her own room. It can refer to a specific genus of orchids, aka the noble orchid found in East Asia, or is just a pretty name since orchids have very beautiful and elegant associations. In the next paragraph, she was described as the brothel’s (红牌) lit. “red card or red plaque” – which means she was the top/most popular.

A short while later, a man appeared bearing a wine cup in one hand, embracing the House of Dancing Smoke‘s most popular entertainer, Chun Lan with the other. They laughed and conversed merrily as they entered the room. Chun Lan smiled coquettishly as she said,” The Secretary [15] should return home after drinking this cup. The regulations pertaining to a period of National Mourning  [18] are in effect, should the Da-ye [19] of the Jinyiwei catch you in the act…”

[19] guó sāng (国丧) lit.” National Mourning” refers to the mourning period that the country must observe for the death of an Emperor, Empress, Empress Dowager, and in this case the Crown Prince. Banquets and marriages (and in this case, carousing) were prohibited during this mourning period out of respect.

[19] dà yé(大爷)Used to refer to someone of power or higher social status. His lordship. This great lord. 

“Not a problem, not a problem…” The man responded drunkenly,” Who cares whether it is the Crown Prince or the Emperor who’s dead – this official is merely of the lower 6th grade [20]… Come, come, come, let’s chat on the bed…”

[20] cóng liù pǐn (从六品) lower 6th grade/rank, which is above the 7th grade (正七品), but lower than the 6th-grade zhēng liù pǐn (正六品). There are grades from 1-9, with 9 as the most junior.

That man exhaled slowly, as he embraced Chun Lan and they rolled around on the bed [21].

[21] To roll on the bed originally referred to a wedding custom where a child/children roll on the newlywed’s bed for fertility, but it is now used as a euphemism for having sexual relations. 

Yunqi lay under the bed, listening to the unceasing creaking sounds emitted from the bed boards. He was extremely bored as he waited for a while until that man had concluded his activities and began to snore. Yunqi shook his sleeves absent-mindedly, swinging out a little knife with a blade as thin as tinfoil. Without even glancing at it, he felt towards the bed.

From his long and elegant fingers appeared a 2 cun [22] wide blade, which he lightly brushed against the other man’s neck. The other man woke up at once, covering his neck as he gained consciousness.

He yelled loudly several times as blood spurted out uncontrollably from his neck. He struggled to get off the bed, but lacking the strength, he could only fall heavily back onto the bed.

[22] 1 cun is 1.183 inches. 

On the bed was Chun Lan, who had unexpectedly been sprayed with a faceful of blood. She clutched at her dudou [23] to cover her chest as she sat up, crying out shrilly,” It’s you again! When did you get here?”

[23] dù dōu (肚兜) A halter-top, close-fitting, backless camisole (undergarment) generally worn as undergarments or by very young children. They are generally embroidered as part of the women’s arts, with varying themes depending on the wearer.

Yunqi extricated himself from under the bed, and arched his hands in greeting, replying,” While you were playing the qin.”

Chun Lan hurriedly pulled her clothes to the ground, as she raged,” You…Xu Yunqi! You’ve already killed three people on Lao-niang [24]’s bed this month! Aren’t you done yet?”

[24] lǎo niáng (老娘) lit.” old lady/mother” Lao-niang. A colloquial and slightly conceited (or self-deprecating, exaggerated)  form of self-address for an older female. The male equivalent would be Laozi lit.” old man/father.” ”

Yunqi took out an official notice and tossed it onto the table, as he responded,” During this period of National Mourning, those who linger in the disreputable areas of flower-strewn streets and willow alleys [25]  – the Emperor has said that anyone detecting this crime can execute the offenders on the spot. I can’t let him off. The space for the name on the document is still blank, when the people from the Ministry of War arrive to identify the corpse later, you can just fill his name in.

[25] huā jiē liǔ xiàng (花街柳巷) lit.” flower streets, willow lanes/alleys.” A euphemism for the red-light district, and brothels.

Chun Lan narrowed her eyes as she sized up Yunqi for a long while, before suddenly replying,” This grand-aunt here [26] had originally wanted to ply him with wine, and then save his life. Who did this fellow get in the way of?”

[26] gū nǎi nɑi (姑奶奶) lit.” grand aunt” It refers to the sister of one’s paternal grandfather. Since someone of an older generation is more senior, this is an aggrandizing form of self-address to show their contempt for another. 

Like Lao-niang, it’s not very classy to refer to themselves in this manner.

Yunqi smiled at this and waved his hand without speaking. He threw a small silver ingot on the table, and said,” Woman, don’t ask anything more. This money here is for you to replace the bedsheets. I’m not coming anymore this month.”

Chun Lan spat out angrily,” It’s already the 28th! If you come again, how is Lao-niang to do any business!”

Yunqi whistled once before leaping off the railing. The lapels of his black gilt-edged robe fluttered in the wind as he vanished without a trace.

Chun Lan again waited for another while before deciding that the person must have already fled quite a distance. Having stewed in her emotions for a long time, she let loose, screaming,” Someone’s been killed!”

Yunqi walked along the western streets and carelessly broke off a tree branch, swinging it and knocking it around. He entered the palace via the side entrance, returning to the residence of the Jinyiwei – the small, red-lacquered building that was draped in white mourning cloth.

During the Hongwu era, the Jinyiwei were arranged into groups of eight, with six teams working in shifts. With the commander and deputy commander, there were fifty members in total.

These fifty guards were all tall in stature and of handsome appearance. These guards dressed in fine brocade lived within the great courtyard. Aside from the times that they were on duty, they were constantly at Zhu Yuanzhang’s beck and call.

It was just after noon, and the guards who hadn’t yet taken their shifts had just awoken. They were currently in the courtyard washing their faces. Upon seeing Yunqi’s return to the courtyard, they quickly greeted him.

“Good morning, Deputy Commander.””

Yunqi replied carelessly to the greetings, then talked to a guard who sat atop a tall colonnade with his arms around his knees. Yunqi said,” Rongqing! Why are you still wearing the feiyufu? Come down, and change to the black [27] one.”

[27] fēi yú fú (飞鱼服) The flying fish clothing is generally gold or red, but this is a period of National Mourning, hence they are temporarily wearing a black one.

The Imperial Bodyguard named Rongqing smiled at this,” What did you go out to do this early in the morning – there’s a big wet patch on your sleeves?”

Yunqi swung his sleeves, leaving a few tiny red splatters on the bluestone-tiled floor.

Rongqing immediately frowned slightly as he asked,” You killed someone again?”

Yunqi didn’t answer him, instead replying with another question,” Where’s Lao-Ba [28]”

[28] lǎo bá (老跋) is the affectionate nickname he uses for Tuoba Feng In this context, calling someone old is actually a form of respect. The Ba is part of Tuoba Feng’s surname. 

Rongqing,” He’s soaking himself in the pot.”

Yunqi asked in a gloomy manner,” When’d he go in?””

Rongqing moaned and groaned, “He just stepped inside, then you returned. The flames are still burning vigorously, he won’t be out for another hour.”

Yunqi stood there and contemplated the matter for a bit. He’d planned to wait a little longer, but his sleeves were covered in blood and he had no choice but to walk towards the small building east of the courtyard.

The interior of the bathhouse was filled with dense clouds of steam. Yunqi removed his shoes and untied his belt, he then shrugged off the black guard’s uniform and tossed his hat aside. A large purple-black bruise was revealed, visible above his white underclothes.

With his back to Yunqi, Tuoba Feng lay half-immersed in the bathing pool. His scarred back, the color of antique bronze, was exposed above the water’s surface. Tuoba Feng spoke coldly,” I couldn’t find you in the morning. So it was because you went out. You reek of blood, who did you kill?” Yunqi took off his white clothes, balled them up, and hurled them in front of Tuoba Feng. A pale blush rippled across his features as he continued to step into the hot water. He sighed and said,” The Secretary of the Ministry of War, a lower 6th-grade official. He entered a brothel during the National Mourning period…”

Tuoba Yan asked,” How much?”

Yunqi replied,” Twenty taels of silver. At least I waited for him to finish up before I made my move. Letting him die on under the little belly of the most popular girl in that brothel didn’t wrong him.”

Tuoba Feng turned his head to the side and looked at Yunqi assessingly, he asked doubtfully,” Who was so generous as to offer that much money?”

Yunqi replied,” The position of Secretary may be junior, but it has ample opportunities for one to enrich themselves. So many people are eyeing it. There were five or six people waiting eagerly for him to die – it was absolutely essential for him to fall to misfortune.”

Tuoba Feng said,” Bring the soap over and sit over here. Your back is soaked with blood, Shixiong [29] will wash it for you.

[29] shī xiōng (师兄) Senior Martial/Disciple brother. They trained under the same Teacher.

At this time, only the sounds of water could be heard. Both men’s breathing had quickened due to the hot steam filling the bathing area. Tuoba Feng hugged Yunqi, setting him down between his own legs. He rubbed his fingers over Yunqi’s back for a moment, before saying,” The listener gets a share too.”

Yunqi replied languidly,” Merely washing my back is worth five taels of silver?”

Tuoba Feng didn’t respond. Yunqi smiled as he suddenly spoke up in a severe tone of voice,” Commander-daren [30], may I request that your hands not grope about in such an unruly manner.”

[30] dà rén (大人) is an honorific title for those in senior positions, such as gentry and aristocracy. Your Excellency.

Yunqi was just about to get up when his throat was suddenly encircled by Tuoba Feng’s strong and sturdy arm. His breath was frozen in his chest, as he lifted his head to look at the wet ceiling.

You are reading story Jinyiwei at novel35.com

Tuoba Feng puffed a breath of hot air by Yunqi’s ear, as he whispered,” Also take the opportunity to whore a little?” Yunqi elbowed him sharply, but Tuoba Feng neither avoided it nor did he give ground. It hit him under the center of his ribs, and he grunted in pain, loosening his grip on Yunqi.

Yunqi coughed several times before replying,” I’ve exerted myself fully already, come earlier next time.”

Tuoba Feng laughed at this as he followed Yunqi out of the bathing pool. They stood in front of the mirror. Tuoba Feng’s physique was like that of a vigorous and athletic hunting leopard, his muscles were filled with strength and a sense of explosive force. Nevertheless, Yunqi was only focused on putting on his inner clothes and didn’t even glance over at him.

Tuoba Feng’s long and slender fingers parted as he pressed them against Yunqi’s back, before wrapping them around his waist. He said,” The Jinyiwei all bear scars, it’s only your skin that is unblemished. It’s not good to behave so arrogantly, beware of earning yourself a beating with the punishment rods.”

Yunqi stared defiantly at the image of Tuoba Feng’s nude body in the bronze mirror, raising an eyebrow as he jeered at him,” Can you bear to do that?” Having said this,  he reversed his hand to jab Tuoba Feng’s eyes with his fingers.

Tuoba Feng loosened his grip in order to meet his attack. Yunqi then flung that blood-stained guard uniform into the wooden bucket, inclining his head before turning to leave.

The Jinyiwei was formerly known as the “Ceremonial Luan [31] Division”, and had also been called the “Brocade Imperial Guards Commanding Division [32]. Zhu Yuanzhang had personally established it during the first year of his reign without a determined structure of members under its jurisdiction. The first two batches of Jinyiwei guards were small in numbers but had been screened and selected in accordance with stringent criteria.  Out of a hundred candidates, only one or two would be selected; all of them men below the age of twenty-five.  Martial arts, literary talent, appearance, and physique were the four integral criteria, none of which could be compromised with.

[31] luán (鸾) is a type of mythical bird, related to the phoenix. The name of the division is yí luán sī (仪鸾司) lit.” rites/ceremony luan bird department/division.”

[32] jǐn yī qīn jūn dōu zhǐ huī shǐ sī (锦衣亲军都指挥使司) lit.” Brocade Imperial Guards “Commander of the Capital City” Division.”

The Jinyiwei had numerous duties and responsibilities within the palace; not only did they serve as the guard of honor in front of Zhu Yuanzhang’s palace, but they also took direct orders from the Emperor. They could move about the palace without being announced. There was a lot of sneaky, underhanded activity involved with this sort of official position.

In order to prevent the ‘tomcats from stealing fish’, Zhu Yuanzhang set up a special rule in place. During the tenure of a Jinyiwei: 1. He cannot enter a brothel. 2. He must not exchange amorous glances or behave flirtatiously with the concubines of the Imperial harem.

If any were to commit these two offenses, they would be punished by having their nine clans exterminated.

There were so many filthy things going on outside the palace. The Founding Emperor would naturally have his own considerations which he couldn’t speak of.

It was understandable. If an unnamed Jinyiwei caught some unspeakable ailment and spread it to a concubine of the Imperial Harem, the Emperor might unknowingly turn over her plaque and select her to spend the night… Thus becoming a super spreader – one will become ten, ten will become a hundred. In no time, the three thousand beauties of the Imperial Harem would suffer from this hidden disease. Perhaps senior ministers of the Imperial court, and their wives might be put at risk.

As a result, all the guardsmen, regardless of age, were prohibited to engage in sexual contact with women. After they retire from their official position, to put it succinctly – whether it’s to go whoring or marry a wife, they can do as they so please.

This was great suffering on the part of these young and vigorous guardsmen, particularly so for their twenty-year-old Commander [33] who stood at the forefront.

[33] zhǐ huī zhèng shǐ (指挥正使) Commander of the Jinyiwei. 

A group of men living together in the courtyard all day long; Other than waiting for the Emperor to suddenly take it into his head to carelessly arrange some marriage, matching them with a wife [34] – there really wasn’t anything else to look forward to.

[34] xí fù (媳妇) This can refer to a daughter-in-law, wife (of a man younger than yourself), a young married woman. Context matters.

Of course, Tuoba Feng didn’t care about a wife either.

Yunqi could still put up with the situation, after all, he was only 17 years old. At this time, he’d already changed into a clean set of guards’ uniforms and had something hidden within his sleeves. He cut through the garden, moving towards the Rende Palace [35], only stopping upon arriving at the Crown Prince’s study.

[35] rén dé diàn (仁德殿) The Palace of Benevolent Virtue or Rende Palace.

Through the window pane, one could vaguely make out that there was someone seated in the room. That person was currently engrossed in writing something.

Yunqi knocked three times on the window, and enunciated,” Imperial Grandson.”

Zhu Yunwen lifted his head from his work and exclaimed,” Yun-ge’er [36]!

[36] gē ér (哥儿) This is a variation of gē (哥) i.e. big brother. It can be used by brothers to address one another, or it can also refer to children, or in ancient times, it was used to address the male descendants of a court official’s family. Later, Yunqi refers to himself as Yun-ge  or Big Brother Yun in front of Zhu Yunwen. Note that Yun of Yunqi means cloud, while Yunwen’s Yun means to allow/permitted/fairness.

Yunqi was Xu Da’s son who was of the same generation as Zhu Yuanzhang. In addition, Xu Da’s eldest daughter was married to Zhu Di. So in terms of seniority, Zhu Yunwen should call him ‘Uncle [37]’. However, as their ages were similar, Yunqi let Zhu Yunwen address him as he pleased. He replied,” I’ve already bought that knickknack that you wanted.”

[37] shū (叔) lit.”paternal uncle’.

Zhu Yunwen was about to go open the door, but Yunqi said,” Just take it from me through the window.”

Zhu Yunwen asked,” The Loyal and Righteous Heroes of the Water Margin [38]?”

[38] zhōng yì shuǐ hǔ zhuàn (忠义水浒传) This seems to be an abridged or different version of the original Chinese classic《水浒传》aka The Water Margin / Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai’An. Yunqi makes a pun on the name of the classic shuǐ hǔ zhuàn (水浒传), saying it’s shuǐ xǐ chuán (水洗船) i.e. Water washes the boat, using similar sounding words.

Yunqi replied,” I’m illiterate and don’t know if this pesky thing is some Water Washes Boat [38], you have a look and see if it’s the right book or not.”

Zhu Yunwen smiled at this, receiving the book and flipping through it. The pages of the book were yellowed, evidencing its age, and proving that it was indeed a reproduction of the original tale left behind by the folk storytellers of the Yuan Dynasty.

Of course, Yunqi could read. He’d just been trying to coax Zhu Yunwen and make him happy, thus took out another small wooden box and handed it to him, saying,” I also bought some crystal pieces [39] from the Western Regions. When you’re reading at night, hold it under the lamp and look through it to prevent damage to your eyes.”

[39] This was a magnifying glass, which had been used since the Eastern Han Dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, glasses with frames holding them to the face started appearing. 

Zhu Yunwen who had suddenly experienced his father’s death and was now facing his father’s funeral wasn’t able to pull himself together. He offered his thanks to Yunqi in a listless manner.

Yunqi noted his state and knew that the former wasn’t in a good mood, so he said,” When I went out today, I encountered an amusing matter. Should I tell you about it?”

Having said this, from the outside of the window, Yunqi said,” This morning, I went to the House of Dancing Smoke to catch a Secretary of the Ministry of War That fellow, even with death impending, was still huffing and puffing as he  embraced a girl, tossing and turning, rolling about here and there…”

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yunwen showed keen interest, and asked,” Did you capture him?”

Yunqi replied in mock seriousness,” He was so difficult to capture… Listen, when your Yun-ge [36] arrived, that Secretary was sprawled naked on the bed…” As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hands. Facing the open window, he extended his ring finger of both hands, having them represent the two people as he demonstrated,”

“That man rolled over like this, and this is how he held down the most popular girl…”

“One tugging with both arms… and the other person like this… two legs clamping around…”

Zhu Yunwen was amused by this and smiled.

Yunqi withdrew his hands back into his sleeves, and smiled politely,” It’s good to smile. Don’t hold it in, it will harm your body in the long run. I’m off. Don’t let the Grand Tutor [40] see that book. Ge [36] isn’t so free to take the rap for you.”

[40] tài fù (太傅) Grand Tutor was one of the three Ducal Ministers, i.e. the most senior of the Emperor’s closest advisors., the other two being the Grand Preceptor and Grand Protector. 

Yunqi was about to leave when he suddenly heard someone say from some distance away,” The period of National Mourning hasn’t yet ended, what is this ruckus?”

Yunqi muttered to himself: This is not good. He hurriedly motioned to the Imperial Grandson to make himself scarce- go back to hide the contraband. Only to see a man striding over from the end of the corridor leading in from the courtyard, a mourning hemp hood on his head, as he berated him,” Who let you come to the Crown Prince’s study?”

That person just so happened to be the current Imperial Court’s Grand Tutor, Huang Zicheng. Whenever Zhu Yunwen met Huang Zicheng, he behaved like a mouse catching sight of a cat, he was so frightened that he knocked over the brush rack and ink slab in the study with a series of clattering sounds. Yunqi instead took a few steps forward, pausing outside the study and arching his hands in a salute as he smiled at Huang Zicheng,” Greetings [41] to the Grand Tutor.”

[41] jiàn guò (见过) – lit” I have seen”, a form of respectful greeting/address.

Huang Zicheng was over thirty years of age with a lean appearance. At this time his face was flushed red with rage as he scolded,” It’s you again! Without a good reason, the Jinyiwei are forbidden to enter the Imperial Harem. In addition, the period of National Mourning mandates that you wear black clothing. Xu Yunqi, what is your purpose for coming to see the Imperial Grandson in such colorful finery?”

Yunqi smiled and said,” Please quell your anger, Grand Tutor. The Commander is currently on duty and should be at the palace. This humble one was just about to relieve him and came to visit the Imperial Grandson on the way. Why don’t I accompany the Grand Tutor over?”

Huang Zicheng had been put into a difficult and embarrassing situation [42]. It was such a trivial matter. In any event, he wouldn’t dare kick up a fuss about it in Zhu Yuanzhang’s presence. Huang Zicheng spoke again,” The Imperial Grandson mourning his father’s loss is as painful as gouging out one’s flesh and carving one’s bones. Sorrowing due to loss is merely a part of human nature. If one does not grieve or mourn, one would be unfilial! Why do you need to worry about it? Where is the Deputy Commander? Call your Deputy Commander of the Jinyiwei over.”

[42] bèi jiāng le yī jūn (被将了一军) A Chinese chess (weiqi) reference, where the enemy’s general has been ‘put into check’. It refers to being put in a passive and embarrassing position by someone who is deliberately making things difficult(either by obstructing, constraining, or exerting influence over someone)

Yunqi thought for a moment, and replied,” How unfortunate! The Deputy Commander resigned from his post a few days ago and returned home for matchmaking.

Huang Zicheng spoke angrily,” Don’t try to deceive me. Who is the newly appointed Deputy Commander? I will not let today’s events go easily. You can wait here together with me while we send someone to summon…”

Yunqi spoke very earnestly, “The new deputy commander is…”

Huang Zicheng,”?”


Huang Zicheng,”……”

Huang Zicheng inhaled deeply several times, and just as he was about to open his mouth to teach Yunqi a lesson, several Jinyiwei passed by. Coincidentally, it was Rongqing and three other Jinyiwei walking together side by side. They inclined their heads towards Yunqi in respect.

”Hello, Deputy Commander. Hehe.”

Yunqi said,” Be more serious!”

The group of Jinyiwei unanimously put on serious expressions as they chimed in,” Hello, Deputy Commander. Hehehe…”

From the room came the sounds of Zhu Yunwen desperately trying to hold back his laughter. Yunqi spoke,” This lowly one will get going now, together with the Grand Tutor…together we will go meet the Emperor?” Having spoken, he hurriedly put his arm on one of the Jinyiwei’s shoulders and slipped away.

The group of imperial bodyguards turned around a corner and laughed. Rongqing asked,” Why was the long-winded Grand Tutor trying to teach you a lesson?”

Yunqi responded with derision,” He was lonely.”

As they were speaking, the group arrived at the Chamber of State Affairs [43]. Tuoba Feng stood outside the chamber and glanced at the sundial. Upon seeing Yunqi, he was startled and asked,” You…why didn’t you change to the black clothes?”

[43] yì shì tíng(议事廷)The place where the Emperor and his Ministers discuss political affairs. 

It was only at this time that Yunqi was jolted to wakefulness by this. His black clothes had been stained by blood and hadn’t yet dried after being washed. He’d actually worn his feiyufu over – had it not been for Tuoba Feng being the one on guard outside, entering the chamber in those clothes would have resulted in him being beaten to death on the spot. Having nearly committed a grave mistake, he hurriedly asked,” What time is it? I’ll go back and borrow a set to wear.”

Tuoba Feng replied,” It’s wei-shi [44], you don’t have enough time.” Having spoken, he drew Yunqi to an area hidden behind the building pillar and reached out to unbutton his own collar.

[44] wèi shí (未时) the 2-hour period between 1 – 3pm. 

Yunqi understood at once and loosened his own belt. The two exchanged their guard uniforms behind the pillar.

Tuoba Feng took the feiyufu but didn’t put it on. He lowered his head to help fasten the black belt for Yunqi, before telling him,” The Emperor’s mood isn’t good today, and I fear that he’ll want to flog the Remonstrance officials at court [45] later… you must be attentive…”

[45] tínɡ zhànɡ (廷杖) A punishment in ancient China that involves flogging or caning a courtier at court in the presence of the other officials. Either a punishment whip or a bamboo board is used. In prior dynasties, it was less seldomly used, but during the Ming Dynasty, it became the Emperor’s usual means of punishing courtiers. It is both the name of the punishment rod or whip, i.e. a court rod/cane, and also the name of the punishment.

Yunqi said,” A public flogging in court again?”

Tuoba Feng replied,” It had to do with the Crown Prince’s posthumous title – it was merely a matter of adding or removing a few words… It’s a Remonstrance official named Zhuang Lu, his family just had someone send over some silver, and requested that the person handling the flogging be a little more lenient, and not injure his ligaments and bones…”

Yunqi jeered,” Have them look for whoever accepted the money.”

Tuoba Feng’s shoulders tensed up, and his voice was hoarse as he lowered his head slightly. He said,” Shixiong accepted the money.”

Yunqi and Tuoba Feng looked at one another in silence. Tuoba Feng’s figure was slender and tall, a good half-head taller than Yunqi. He was dressed in his inner unlined clothes, as white as freshly fallen snow below the antique bronze skin of his neck with its clean lines.

Their bodies were very close to one another, and even the rhythm of their breathing was attuned. Their breaths mingled together, as their lips almost came into contact with one another.

The leather drum sounded lightly, signaling that the Jinyiwei were to change shifts. Tuoba Feng relaxed his grip and watched as Yunqi entered the Chamber of Political Affairs.

The eight Jinyiwei’s footwork was orderly and uniform. Within three steps, they had arrived at their positions. The original guard on duty bowed, before turning towards the columns and exiting from the side entrance.

Yunqi inhaled gently, his eyes downcast [46] as he stood to one side of Zhu Yuanzhang’s dragon desk, watching Zhu Yuanzhang’s every move out of the corner of his eye.

[46] yǎn guān bí, bí guān xīn (眼观鼻,鼻观心) lit.” eyes observing the nose, nose observing the heart” It can mean that someone has their head and gaze cast downwards due to shame or shyness, or that the person is concentrating.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s hair and beard were entirely white, his eyes clouded with age. It was evident that his son Zhu Biao’s death had affected him greatly.

Having to bury and grieve the death of his child  [47], finally revealed this callous and merciless monarch’s true state. Yunqi glanced at him, feeling that this was merely an old and frail man in his twilight years.

[47] bái fà rén sòng hēi fǎ rén (白发人送黑发人) lit.” The white-haired person sends off the black-haired person. It refers to a parent having to bid farewell/mourn their deceased child.

Zhu Yuanzhang lifted his brush and circled something on the list of people to be executed by beheading, before coughing several times.

The Eunuch Supervisor hurriedly presented a handkerchief, also coming over to gently rub Zhu Yuanzhang’s back in a soothing motion.

Within the hall, there were two senior officials kneeling with their backs straight; one was a Remonstrance official, and the other was a Civil official. Both their expressions were cold, and it appeared that they’d already knelt on the ground for several hours. There were large patches of sweat on the backs of their official robes. More beads of sweat dripped along their cheeks, falling to the ground.

Zhu Yuanzhang merely turned a blind eye to this as he took a sip of his tea. He said,” Yunqi.”

Yunqi felt a chill in his heart as he responded,” This subject is present.”


Translator’s Note:
Some of the dialogue is more archaic and concise, so it’s pretty challenging to translate. I’ll ponder on it a bit more, and maybe take a stab at Ch 2 to decide if I will continue to translate this novel. There are also a lot of court terminology and historical figures involved, so there will probably be a lot of footnotes.

Author’s Note:
This thing that is called history, is like a little girl that anyone can dress up.
Don’t take it too seriously, just take it as a novel.

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