
Chapter 4: 4

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 Chapter 4 为老不尊 An old man who doesn’t respect himself 


Little darling~ [1]…where are you running to?”

[1] xiǎo guāi guāi (小乖乖) lit.” Little obedient obedient”, an affectionate nickname for a young child, or your woman. 

Jiang Huan [2] was playing hide-and-seek with several of his young concubines. The former Commander of the Jinyiwei, this man who had held overwhelming power and authority both inside and outside of the Imperial Court – this lascivious old man [3] wore a black blindfold over his eyes, as he ran occasionally to the west, and other times to the east, in the flower garden.

[2] jiǎng huán(蒋瓛) Jiang Huan, a former Commander of the Jinyiwei. In the 26th year of Hongwu, the Jiang Huan accused Lanyu of rebellion, resulting in fifteen thousand being executed. 

[3] lǎo bu xiū (老不修) lit.” Old but does not cultivate”. It refers to an old but still sexually active, lecherous old man.

Three of his young concubines dodged and eluded him, as they giggled,” Come and catch me…come and catch me!”

Jiang Huan howled loudly, his wrinkled face blooming with joy.

Jiang Huan soared into the air like a fish making a break for it, before embracing someone’s waist. He laughed heartily, and declared,” Caught you, Little darling, now give me a kiss!”

Jiang Huan realized that something wasn’t right; He took stock of the person in his arms – extremely heavy. He tilted his head, his countenance filled with suspicion. He extended a hand to feel at the person’s chest – it was flat as a board; Jiang Huan got a tremendous shock as he yanked off the blindfold. A delicate and pretty visage met his eyes.

Yunqi took advantage of this to lean into Jiang Huan’s embrace, poker-faced as he said,” Shifu, it’s been a while.”

“Hahaha!” Yunqi laughed so hard that he couldn’t breathe. He hurriedly bowed and escaped as far as he could.

Little bunny rascal [4]! Even when celebrating a festival, you don’t allow your Shifu to have some peace!” Jiang Huan exhaled furiously as he glared at Yunqi.

[4] xiǎo tù zǎi zi(小兔崽子) – literally translates to “little rabbit kid”. Can mean jerk, rascal, little bastard. It can be used endearingly in love, or in anger. If endearing, it can be used on mischievous /playful or naughty children in a chiding tone. Otherwise, it’s cursing someone in anger.

Tuoba Feng destroyed his Shifu’s building anger in an instant, as he snorted with laughter, saying,” It’s a festival, so we’re here to see you.”

Jiang Huan’s ‘Old man with no self-respect’ appearance being witnessed by his two disciples, was rather embarrassing.  His old face turned red, as he hemmed and hawed,” You’ve seen me. The pair of you can go off and find some fun on your own. Don’t count on tricking a meal from this grand elder [5].

[5] lǎo ren jia (老人家) – “old person” or “old man”. A respectful way of referring to an elder.

In spite of these words, Jiang Huan still instructed the servants in his residence to prepare a feast. As the sky darkened and the lanterns were lit [6], he gestured to Tuoba Feng and Yunqi to take their seats.

[6] (掌灯时) lit.” light lantern time”, this refers to the act of lighting the lantern and blocking the flame from the wind with your hands. It’s when the sky is just getting dark, and the lanterns in the house are being lit. In the springtime and summer, it’s about 6 o’clock, in autumn and winter, it’s about 5 o’clock.

“Hello, Shi-niang [7].”

[7] shī niáng  (师娘) A respectful form of address for their Shifu’s wife.

Tuoba Feng and Yunqi rose to their feet in a sincere salute.

Madam Jiang poured some wine for the two people, before smiling as she said,” The after-effects of the Scholar Red [8]  wine are quite potent. Yunqi, keep an eye on him. Don’t let your Shifu drink too much.” Having said this, she left the table, leaving Jiang Huan, Xu Yunqi, and Tuoba Feng, this teacher and disciple trio to drink leisurely on their own.

[7] zhuàng yuán hóng (状元红) The Zhuang Yuan Hong or Scholar Red. zhuàng yuán (状元) refers to the top scorer in the palace examinations. It is a fermented rice wine that was originally brewed to celebrate the birth of a boy, symbolizing the future academic achievements of the boy, since only men could take the Imperial examinations. 

“Mm.” Jiang Huan nodded his head. Tuoba Feng served them by pouring the wine, and said,” We haven’t been here for nearly half a year now. Here’s a toast to Shifu.”

Jiang Huan replied,” It’s fine. It’s the Qixi Festival, what’s the point in the two of you standing on courtesy with this old man. Come, come. Just drink.”

Yunqi smiled, “Shifu, I’ll have to investigate a case when we return later, so I can’t drink wine. I’ll have a cup of tea in lieu.”

Jiang Huan didn’t ask which case it was, only stared at Yunqi and asked,” What sort of case are you investigating that you can’t drink during a festival –  what logic is this?”

Tuoba Feng hastily said,” I’ll drink on Yunqi’s behalf.”

Jiang Huan dropped the subject, and said,” Then Feng-er [8] will drink on his behalf.”

[8] An affectionate nickname for Tuoba Feng. By adding the (儿) behind his given name (锋), hence Feng-er (锋儿). His nickname for Yunji is Yun-er  (云儿).

Jiang Huan downed his wine,  with an ‘Ah!”, he suddenly perked up, and asked,” Both of you have recently taken office, how are you doing?”

Tuoba Feng pondered for a moment, before giving a broad outline of the situation in the Imperial Court. By the time his account reached the matter of Fang Xiaoru, Jiang Huan was somewhat moved. He said,” Yun-er did well in this matter. The Fang family is still a source of talented scholars who can inherit the past and inspire the future. One cannot treat them too harshly. Come, drink.”

Tuoba Feng and Jiang Huan pushed the cups around and toasted one another. For each toast, Tuoba Feng drank two cups. In no time, a big jar of Scholar Red had been consumed. He finally succumbed to the effects of the wine, and groggily fell into a drunken stupor.

[9] tuī bēi huàn zhǎn (推杯换盏) – to push the cup and toast one another. Describes a good relationship.

Jiang Huan, however, had drank till a red glow suffused his face. He was still sober as he watched his senior disciple be defeated by the strength of the alcohol. He slapped his thigh and mocked the former before letting Tuoba Feng off.

At the end of the feast, Jiang Huan entered the study, and widened his pair of slightly intoxicated eyes, as he questioned,” Which case are you investigating?”

Yunqi smiled politely,” So Shifu had actually wanted to…get Shixiong inebriated before asking?”

Jiang Huan waved his hand at this, saying,” Having that piece of wood listen in is pointless, getting him drunk simplifies matters.”

Yunqi smiled as he earnestly recounted the case that they’d been investigating today, not leaving out even the slightest detail – even the incident of the shrew driving her suitor away in the alley was elucidated in its entirety.

Jiang Huan closed his eyes as he listened to this account. He sat in the wooden chair and rocked slightly, before saying,” The Ministry of Revenue didn’t have that name?”

“That’s right.” Yunqi responded respectfully,:” I’d planned to return to the Li Village at night together with Shixiong to check it again, but Shixiong is really too drunk…”

Jiang Huan nodded, and said,” Mm. You mustn’t go on your own.”

Jiang Huan stroked his beard as he spoke,” A case that the Emperor assigned… there is certain to be something dubious about it. You’ve been clever your entire life, but careless at this moment – you almost solved this case in such a manner.

Yunqi bowed and said,” Fortunately, Shixiong understood its significance. The burden of the Jinyiwei falling solely on my shoulders, still wouldn’t do.”

Jiang Huan said,” Both of your temperaments truly do complement one another’s strengths and make up for each other’s shortcomings. You really are overly confident in your own abilities, and shouldn’t leave Feng-er even for a short while.

The thread of clues had been snapped, and Yunqi had merely wanted to consult Jiang Huan, not expecting to be rebuked for his deficiencies. He could only respond awkwardly,” What Shifu says is true. Shifu is wise and insightful.”

Jiang Huan answered with some satisfaction,” That is only natural, otherwise, how would this teacher promote you to the position of Deputy Commander?”

Yunqi smiled as he rolled up his sleeves, not daring to make a sound.

After Jiang Huan had made sense of the entire sequence of events, he asked,” That person who wielded the hammer, did the victim die with one blow, or did he crack the victim’s skull after several blows?”

Yunqi immediately felt a sense of awe in his heart, as if the fog had lifted, revealing the brightness of the moon,” Death by one blow!”

Jiang Huan smiled faintly and said,” Great physical strength, unerring accuracy. He could be a former soldier, or perhaps a stonemason or blacksmith.”

Yunqi nodded as he replied,” That’s right, the blacksmith is well-practiced in swinging a hammer.”

Jiang Huan asked in a slow and leisurely manner,” How was the injury? Could you tell if it was struck horizontally, from the side, or…”

Yunqi was struck by a sudden realization, and said,” The back of his skull, not the crown of his head!”

Jiang Huan chuckled, and replied,” In that case, it is unlikely to be a craftsman.  Since blacksmiths and stone masons wield hammers with a top-to-down motion…the only possibility is…”

With tears glistening in his eyes, Yunqi cried out agitatedly,” Soldier! Wang Hu must be a soldier! Shifu is really too wise! I’ll go to the Ministry of War to review the name register!”

Jiang Huan said,” Slow down. There are so many military organizations, the names will be like an ocean, how are you going to search?”

Yunqi said,” Just spend a little more time and it is…”

Jiang Huan squinted at him, and asked,” Still so rash?”

Yunqi was bewildered, but Jiang Huan continued,” Tomorrow you can head to the Ministry of War, and start looking through the list of soldiers that fought in the expeditions and returned to the capital in recent years. How’s that?”

Yunqi sensed the dangerous atmosphere and nodded his head. Jiang Huan said,” Go then. If your teacher isn’t mistaken, this case is sure to be a serious one.”

Yunqi knew that he wouldn’t be able to get anything else from asking further. At this moment, towards Jiang Huan, this lascivious old man, he felt extreme admiration and awe. He lifted the front part of his robe as he knelt down, and kowtowed once before taking his leave. 

Tuoba Feng was dead drunk, as his nose nuzzled against Yunqi’s neck. His footsteps weaving all over the place, with one arm draped over Yunqi’s shoulders, as they staggered towards the Imperial Palace.

“The old man is biased…“ Tuoba Feng complained in his alcohol-induced madness. His body was crooked as he stood on the spot, and performed a few Drunken boxing moves as he shouted,” The old man is biased!”

”Yunqi chortled until his stomach hurt, and consoled him,” Isn’t the old man doting on me equivalent to him doting on you, the principle is the same… you’re actually drinking your Shidi [10] ‘s vinegar [11]?”

[10] shī dì (师弟) – “junior martial/disciple brother”.

[11] chī cù (吃醋) lit.” to eat vinegar”, means someone is jealous/envious. Here’s why.

“En…” Tuoba Feng nodded his head and draped himself over Yunqi, permitting the latter to drag him back home.

Tuoba Feng’s body reeked of wine, and he muttered repeatedly,” Touch Shixiong’s ear…”

“?” Yunqi was baffled by this.

Tuoba Feng tottered and swayed as he seized Yunqi’s hand to squeeze at his own ear, then tweaked Yunqi’s ear, before he said,” Is it soft or not…”


Yunqi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he nodded,” Soft, soft ears.”

The two people stumbled along as they returned to the courtyard. Yunqi sighed with relief, and said,” You’re all just eating but not doing any work, come get your Commander!”

On this cool and breezy night of the Qixi Festival, the Milky Way spans the heavens, and the fireflies are scattered throughout the land.

The Jinyiwei were all off duty, with dozens of young fellows sitting in groups within the courtyard, noisy and boisterous. Each of them had a firefly fan in one hand amongst the hubbub, chattering excitedly with one another. It was truly the summer night scenery of the “With a small fan, of light silk gauze, she swipes at the flitting fireflies. Laying down, she gazes, at the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl stars [12].” 

[12] qīng luō xiǎo shàn pū liú yíng, wò kàn qiān niú zhī nǚ xīng (轻罗小扇扑流萤,卧看牵牛织女星) This is an excerpt from a poem <Autumn Evening> or《秋夕》by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu, It tells of a lonely concubine whose fan is useless now that the summer heat has gone, who stares in the sky at the Altair and Vega constellations.

When the crowd of Jinyiwei caught sight of Yunqi and Tuoba Feng returning home, they couldn’t help roaring with laughter as they came forward to assist.

“ Really exhausting Laozi to death.” Yunqi instructed them,” Set two chairs together, and let him lie outside for a while, the breeze will help sober him up. Don’t put him on the bed and let him smother, see that he doesn’t throw up and choke.”

“Where’d you go? Drinking until he’s stinking drunk, but you didn’t bring back two jars of wine for your brothers.” One of the Jinyiwei waved his soft gauze fan before swinging his arm to toss it to Yunqi. Yunqi extended his hand to grab it, removed his outer robe, and then shook his inner robe,  as he fanned himself, saying,” Hai! That wine at that old man’s house can’t be drunk, fortunately, Lao-Ba helped me block a few cups, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to get home tonight.”

The assemblage of Imperial Bodyguards let loose another round of teasing. Yunqi sat on a chair by himself, allowing Tuoba Feng to sit next to him. Tuoba Feng kept rubbing his lips and nose against him, so Yunqi boxed his ears. The former’s head drooped down and rested on Yunqi’s thigh. He mumbled a few sentences in the Tujue language and closed his eyes.

There were bamboo chairs scattered all over the courtyard for people to enjoy the breeze. Summer fruits and melons were placed on a low bamboo table. There was not a single lamp or candle in the great courtyard. The Jinyiwei had assembled innumerable bamboo cages out of bamboo strips and thin rice paper, and leisurely caught fireflies and trapped them inside. The flickering dance of fluorescence was everywhere, their glow illuminating the entire garden.

At this time, the fireflies were fluttering around Tuoba Feng’s face. He was currently sleeping sweetly, and the beautiful jade light like a riot of stars was reflected on his handsome visage. Yunqi waved his fan to scatter them, the dim lights whirling about in all directions.

In this faint luminescence, Yunqi saw clearly the two rows of poetry written on the fan, and he smiled as he read them aloud,” In the Milky Way, the Cowherd star can watch from a distance, the shining brightness of the Weaver Girl star [13]…”

[13] This is a quote from the poem 《迢迢牵牛星》, it expresses the pain and sadness of their love through the tale.

“Zhang Qin, is this the fan that your wife-to-be made? This girl’s writing is quite beautiful.” 

That Jinyiwei called Zhang Qin merely beamed, then bantered,” The Milky Way that separates the Cowherd and Weaver Girl is crystal clear…

“…they can only silently gaze at one another with affection. [14]” Yunqi smiled in understanding as he spoke. Glancing at the Imperial Guardsmen gathered in the Courtyard, he secretly thought about how, on this Qixi evening, the entire Imperial Capital city was filled with people pairing up as mates and lovers. Yet there was an entire pack of handsome young fellows gathering here completely unknown. If they were to be let loose outside of the palace, goodness knows the magnitude of the girls’ sorrow and girls’ joy [15] they would stir up.

[14] yíng yíng yī shuǐ jiān, mò mò bù dé yǔ (盈盈一水间, 脉脉不得语)  This is an excerpt from a poem 《迢迢牵牛星》, poet unknown. Yet another poem about the Cowherd and Weaver Girl expressing the pain and setbacks in their love.

[15] nǚ ‘ér chóu (女儿愁) and nǚ’ér lè (女儿乐) are references to the Chinese classic Dreams of the Red Chamber《红楼梦》。

You are reading story Jinyiwei at novel35.com

However, these Jinyiwei were not permitted to wander about. Once they entered service in the palace, they would need to remain inside in accordance with the regulations, and accept the situation of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl,  each being on separate ends of the earth – it was truly pitiful [16].

[16] zào niè (造孽) lit.” create sin”. Buddhism indicates that evildoers will suffer the consequences. In the Sichuan dialect, it refers to pitiful, pitiable.:

The summer breezes blow gently past, and the fluorescent glow of the fireflies dances and flutters beneath the Wutong tree. Observing this scene made Yunqi rejuvenated and joyful.

“This year’s Qixi Festival is extremely pleasant, and it didn’t rain. What fruits do you want to eat? What would you be happy to do? How about some paired doggerel [17]?”

[17] dǎ yóu shī (打油诗) An interesting, vulgar sort of folk poetry. It was named after Zhang Dayou of the Tang Dynasty. They are humorous, short, and interesting poems that can be self-deprecating or self-effacing. They are often used to satirize and can also be used as riddles. 

Rongqing smiled and rolled up his sleeves. He rummaged about under the eaves, lowering his head,” Today someone presented a lot of good gifts to the palace; there were only two portions – one for the Emperor, and the other was sent to this great courtyard here…”

Yunqi smiled,” Did I hear you correctly? Which family’s gongzi-ye [18] has such grand style [19]?” 

[17] gōng zǐ yé (公子爷) Young Master Lord, it’s either used sarcastically or as an honorific. In this case, Yunqi is being sarcastic. If someone today says you are a gongzi-ye – it’s not a compliment, it is likely that they mean you are delicate and squeamish, arrogant and spoiled.
gōng zǐ (公子) is an old respectful term used for a son of an aristocratic or wealthy family.
(爷)Used to refer to someone of power or higher social status. Grandpa,  Lord.

[19] pài tóu (派头) lit.” style” It refers to the demeanor or style displayed/expressed by a person or thing. In this case, it’s like saying someone is such a showoff – acting in such grand style.

Rongqing tidied up the table for a bit, before bringing over a jade bowl and setting it down on the side table next to Yunqi. The bowl was half filled with ice, and the top of the ice was covered by the glittering and translucent flesh of a fruit. 

Yunqi was shocked,” Lychee [20]?!”

[20] lì zhī  (荔枝) Lychee was enjoyed in China since 200BC. During the Tang Dynasty, there was a specific horse relay set up to convey the fruit from Sichuan to the Imperial Courts, and Yang Guifei loved lychees, there is a famous poem by  Du Mu《过华清宫绝句三首》that specifically references this.
A rider stirred up clouds of dust, the concubine smiled delightedly. No one knew that it was because the lychees from the South had arrived.

Rongqing said,” It was your Wang-ye [21] brother-in-law.

[21] wáng yé (王爷) A way of addressing a Prince. It’s the same ye (爷) as da-ye gongzi-ye that you’ve seen earlier. wáng (王)means king or prince. Remember that the Emperor is (皇上), he is above the Princes. This should be the Prince of Yan, Zhu Di, the one who picked up Tuoba Feng as an infant. It’s quite telling that we never see any communication or gifts from Zhu Di to Tuoba Feng, only Xu Yunqi.

Yunqi sighed helplessly, he said,” Just eat already. Thanks to me, you’ve been blessed with gastronomic fortune. Remember it.”

The crowd of Imperial Bodyguards broke out into laughter,” But of course.”

The gluttonous worm [22 ] in Yunqi had been roused – he didn’t even bother washing his hands, directly grabbing some fruit to eat. Tuoba Feng sniffled a little and woke up.

[22] chán chóng (馋虫) lit.” greedy worm”, refers to a strong appetite. 

Tuoba Feng spoke dazedly,” Give Shixiong a bit too, what fruit is that?”

“Why is the dog’s nose so effective?” Yunqi laughed, and casually fed a few pieces to Tuoba Feng. He then instructed,” Rongqing, you pack a basketful, there’s a little eunuch outside, have him bring them to the Imperial Grandson.

Rongqing said,” Rende Palace has been sending people in search of you all night, they’ve repeatedly come to inquire. Did you make an appointment with the Imperial Grandson?”

Yunqi replied,” No. Then later when someone comes again, he can just conveniently bring it back with him. Come, come! Everyone gather over and have fun together.”

The Imperial Guards laughed as they moved the bamboo chairs around. Everyone was eating fruit or drinking tea, chatting idly. Rongqing plucked a stalk of cotton rose and said,” A game of pass the flower. Whoever’s hand it lands in, that person must answer a question. Tell us about their childhood sweethearts [23], how’s that?”

[23] qīng méi zhú mǎ(青梅竹马) lit.”green plums, bamboo horse” Idiom that refers to Childhood sweethearts. There is a story of two neighbours, a little boy who rode a bamboo stick as a horse, and a little girl who played with him and they went to get green plums together, they eventually grew up and got married from Li Bai’s poem 《长干行》

The Imperial Guards cheered at this and set up a noisy table to play at. They slapped at the bamboo table as the flower was passed around these young men’s hands.

Whenever it stopped in someone’s hands, the flower-bearing Imperial Guard would have to tell an interesting story about their youthful amorous adventures, which at times would gain the group’s uproarious laughter, their acclaim, and other times a few sobs and sighs. 

The Jinyiwei pick the young masters of official families and the descendants of military generals; at the age of 13, they would have been put under Jiang Huan’s command to learn martial arts for four to five years.

During this dynasty, a good proportion of the thirteen-year-old youths would have already had their marriages arranged or under discussion. And as for the matters of love and feelings, they would have glimpsed it early. But the topics they spoke of were nothing more than so-and-so’s family’s young miss is well-educated and well-versed in etiquette, talented in reciting poems, and knowledgeable about history and current affairs.

There were others who said that only a female without talent can be considered virtuous, and it is more proper for them to be well-versed in the female arts [24]. Thus five or six of them utilized their neili, and fanned vigorously with the paper fans, beating the flower back and forth like a rolling ball.

[24] nǚ gōng (女红) The female arts, also known as female red. It refers to needlework, weaving, embroidery, sewing, etc

After a short while, the flower passed into Yunqi’s hands, and the noise stopped.

Yunqi said,” I’ve been an orphan since I was young, and was sent into the palace to stay. What green plums and bamboo horses [23]… don’t take the opportunity to poke fun at Laozi, change to someone else, change to someone else!”

The crowd clamored and refused to comply, some of them even asked,” Lao-Ba then? Since the both of you are sitting together, then let him answer.”

Tuoba Feng replied tipsily,” En… Bamboo horses [23] become a pair.”

Yunqi swatted at them with the fan to shoo them off, saying,” He hasn’t sobered up, don’t listen to his cooked-up nonsense.”

The Imperial bodyguards kept chortling. Yunqi thought for a while and said,” No green plums, but the bamboo horses [23 ] were certainly riding together recklessly every day. It is a pity that brotherly affections do not suit this situation.”

Tuoba Feng’s ears twitched, as he opened his eyes which were reddened due to intoxication, and said,” What affections are there, come tell us about it. That fruit is delicious, give me another.”

Yunqi fed Tuoba Feng a piece of lychee, then placed his slightly cool hand on those ears which were emitting heat, and said,” That year when Lao-Ba and I were in the palace drilling ground practicing our martial arts, there was a young child that hung about the place all day, gawking. You all guess, who was it?”

The group asked,” Who?”

Yunqi spoke mysteriously,” That year I was six years old, and Lao-Ba was nine. That child was five.”

Tuoba Feng closed his eyes, sighing gently.

“Lao-Ba didn’t like the sight of that child, and bullied him all the time,” Yunqi said leisurely.

The crowd jeered,” Lao-Ba was jealous.”

Yunqi said,” What nonsense. How would a nine-year-old know to be jealous.”

Zhang Qin asked curiously,” A child in the palace, who else could it be?”

Yunqi jabbed with his fan, smiling as he said,” There, he’s come.”

Zhu Yunwen was wearing a crown made of night luminous pearls and garbed in lavender brocade. He carried a glazed crystal lamp in his hand. The candlelight flickered from within the glazed crystal lamp.  Behind him followed a little eunuch, as the former entered the great courtyard, he exclaimed,” Yun-ge’er, you’ve finally returned.”

This was the first time that the Imperial Grandson had visited the Jinyiwei’s courtyard. The group of Imperial Bodyguards hastily rose to salute, and each made as if to return to their rooms to change into their feiyufu. Yunqi smiled and said,” No need, everyone doesn’t need to bother themselves, there’s no need to change clothes.”  He then told Zhu Yunwen,” There’s a thousand-jin weight [25] hanging on my body right now, so I’m not going to get up and salute, I trust that the Imperial Grandson won’t take offense.”

[25] chèng tuó  (秤砣) The weights that they used to hang on scales. He’s referring to Tuoba Feng lying on his lap.

Zhu Yunwen laughed at this, and passed the glazed crystal lamp to his attending eunuch, ordering him to withdraw. He lifted the lower part of his robe as he sat down, The entire courtyard of Jinyiwei begged their leave, and dispersed as they quickly went upstairs. They held onto the railings as they looked curiously toward the courtyard, wondering why the Imperial Grandson had come.

Zhu Yunwen opened his folding fan and shook it, saying,” Are Yun-ge’er’s injuries from the rods better?” Just as he was speaking, he met the eyes of Tuoba Feng, whose head was currently resting on Yunqi’s legs. That gaze seemed to contain the cruelty and savagery of a wild beast, compelling Zhu Yunwen to shiver involuntarily.

Tuoba Feng closed his eyes, and replied indifferently,” The Imperial Grandson has been troubled [26], Feng has already treated it properly.”

[26] fèi xīn (费心) lit.” wasted heart”, it means to worry, to expend efforts worrying about. It is a form of courtesy speech (客套话) generally used as a request or in thanks.

Yunqi asked,” Did you go out of the palace to play tonight?” As he spoke, he handed over the porcelain bowl and said,” The Prince of Yan [21] sent some lychee, later I’ll have someone bring them to Rende Palace for you to eat. These are iced, so have some first…”

Even before he’d finished speaking, Zhu Yunwen with his childlike disposition cheered and exclaimed,” Lychee!” He didn’t care that it was leftover fruit, merely taking it over and putting it in his mouth.

Yunqi wasn’t sure if he should laugh, in his heart he thought: The entire palace, but Zhu Di only sent the Lychee to two places – it truly gave him a lot of face [27].

[27] miàn zi (面子) – “face”. It refers to one’s feelings, dignity, or reputation.

Zhu Yunwen ate as he spoke,” I wasn’t permitted to leave the palace. Coming here was also behind the Grand Tutor’s back. I had something to say to you, Yun-ge’er.”

Yunqi just smiled without replying. Tuoba Feng snorted contemptuously.

Zhu Yunwen hadn’t noticed, he grinned and said,” Do you remember last year’s Qixi?”

Yunqi smiled and replied,” Of course, I remember. You were so bored and wanted to go out of the palace to play. You disguised yourself as a little eunuch. I propped you up with my shoulder and we climbed out from the Imperial Garden…and we were pursued by the palace gate guards through half of Nanjing…”

Zhu Yunwen’s gaze held a smile, and he said,” You took me riding with you.”

Yunqi said,” En, this loyal dog’s horsemanship is superb, leading them around until they were giddy. Why did you suddenly recall this matter?”

Zhu Yunwen smiled again, and put the empty porcelain bowl aside, saying,” Just suddenly recalled it for no apparent reason. Also, when I was six years old I got beaten up by my 7th tang-ge [28]

[28] táng gē (堂哥) elder paternal cousin. When you have so many cousins you just call them by number (normally ordered in terms of age).

Yunqi said,” How can you say you were beaten up, clearly it was you beating people up.”

Zhu Yunwen convulsed with laughter, and said,” You lured a cricket for me in the Imperial Garden, I brought it to find  7th tang-ge for a cricket match, but 7th tang-ge has a lousy gambling disposition, and won’t pay up if he loses. He even stepped on my cricket and killed it.”

Yunqi pondered for a moment before continuing,” You then got into a fight with him. You couldn’t beat him on your own, so I agreed to help fight. He pulled at my clothes, you pulled at my clothes, he then called for his personal boy servants to come to tug as well… the more we fought, the more people there were – the trouble grew like a rolling snowball, with no end in sight. In the end, more than ten people were punished to kneel for an entire afternoon. It was only after my Jie [29] interceded on our behalf that the Emperor let us off.”

[29] jiě(姐)Elder sister.

Zhu Yunwen gave a knowing smile and said,” That’s right.”

On the second floor of the courtyard, there were many guards around the red railings, in groups of twos and threes, leaning on the railing as they chatted. However, their conversations were slightly absent-minded and unfocused, since they had perked up their ears to listen to the gossip between Yunqi and the Imperial Grandson in the courtyard. 

Zhu Yunwen swept a glance at them, looking a little embarrassed as he kept the folding fan.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yunqi instructed,” Rongqing! Take the lychees and send the Imperial Grandson back!”

Zhu Yunwen hurriedly waved his hand and said,” I won’t trouble these big brothers. Give it to the little eunuch outside the door, I’ll return on my own.”

Yunqi answered,” Sure. The burden is still weighing on me, so I won’t send you off. There’s a firefly lamp on the bamboo desk, take one with you and hang it above the bed curtain to watch and play with.”

Zhu Yunwen left to pick up the lamp, and as he turned, he was silent for a moment. Yunqi asked,” But I forget, for you to come running here, was there something you wanted to tell me?”

Zhu Yunwen seemed to hesitate for a while, before he answered,” Yun-ge’er, in the future, after I become the Emperor, I will be sure to treat you well.”

At that instant, the entire courtyard was completely silent. The whispering amongst the bodyguards ceased, all holding their breaths as they gazed towards Yunqi and Zhu Yunwen in the courtyard. 

Yunqi’s back was covered in a cold sweat as he whispered,” Yunwen…the heir’s position has not been established. No matter what you hear from others, you must remember not to speak recklessly. This affection you have for me, it’s enough that I bear it in mind.”

Yunqi considered the matter for a moment, before continuing,” Whether the Emperor establishes you as his heir, has always been independent of the affections between you and I. Don’t be too concerned by these other matters.”

Zhu Yunwen smiled as he turned, a firefly lamp in his hand, he said,” Sure. I understand, go rest early.

Yunqi gave a dignified nod. Once Zhu Yunwen left, Tuoba Feng sneered several times as he clambered up, swaying unsteadily as he kicked open the door and hurled himself back to his own room. The bodyguards dispersed and the night was silent. 

The next morning, Yunqi woke up early. As he pushed his door open to go into the courtyard, he saw an entire group of people standing there.

Other than the six bodyguards who were currently on duty, all forty-two of the Jinyiwei were currently present.

Yunqi stared at them in confusion, asking,” What’s this about? Looking to brawl?”

Rongqing laughed,” Reward us, reward us! Yun-ge’er! You can distribute your private savings to your brothers now, there’s no point in saving it anymore.”

Rongqing clasped his fist in salute [30], and bowed with both hands folded. The forty Jinyiwei bowed neatly and precisely.

[30] bào quán lǐ(抱拳礼) The right fist is placed in the palm of the left hand and both shaken back and forth two or three times; it may be accompanied by a head nod or bow. The gesture may be used during meetings and parting, and when offering thanks or apologies. A form of salute.

Rongqing said,” Congratulations Deputy-Commander. During this morning’s court session, the Emperor has established the Imperial Grandson as his heir, and issued an edict to proclaim it to the world!”


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