
Chapter 6: 6

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Chapter 6 闻风而逃 Fleeing upon hearing the news.

Little Yunqi fearfully followed behind Little Tuoba Feng’s back, as he admitted,” Shi-ge, I’m really too hungry today, I ate one of your flatbreads.”

“Where’d the flatbread come from?”

“The Imperial Grandson hid two from his own meal and instructed that we each have one. I ate yours as well.”

Little Tuoba Feng shushed him secretively, before lifting his sleeve to brush away the crumbs from Little Yunqi’s mouth. He looked around from left to right before tugging at him. The two of them squatted behind the artificial rockery in the Imperial Garden.

Tuoba Feng picked up a tree branch and drew some symbols on the ground, saying,” Just now Shi-ge saw something.”

Little Yunqi asked,” What?”

Little Tuoba Feng said,” I was passing by Qingwan Palace [1], and heard a woman cry out… I held onto the window and watched for a while, the Emperor was hitting the Noble Consort [2], and even lay on top of her, as he moved and moved…”

[1] qīng wǎn diàn (清婉殿) Palace of Fresh Beauty. 

[2] guì fēi (贵妃) Guifei, or Noble Consort. 

Little Yunqi asked foolishly,” Why’d he hit her? Isn’t the Noble Consort a great beauty?”

Little Tuoba Feng said “Pei! It’s not that kind of hit!” He casually tossed away the branch and reached out a hand to press down Little Yunqi.

“It’s like this, both legs around. And took off all her clothes…”

Little Yunqi was utterly at a loss, having been pushed down by Little Tuoba Feng on the grass behind the artificial rockery. Little Tuoba Feng made “En, en” sounds as he came closer to kiss him a little. Little Yunqi found it hilarious, saying,” That’s not a fight. The Emperor is cherishing [3] her!”

[3] téng (疼) lit.” pain”. In this case, it means to love someone dearly and dote on them. 

Little Tuoba Feng nevertheless kissed Little Yunqi’s lips, and mumbled,” En, Shi-ge is cherishing you.”

Little Yunqi said,” That’s not right. How can you press me down, I’m not a girl!”

Little Tuoba Feng said,” You can press onto me.” Having said this, he flipped himself over, lying unmoving on the grass, saying,” You can lie on top of Shi-ge’s body.”Little Yunqi didn’t really understand as he draped himself over. Little Tuoba Feng said,” Turn to the side.”

Little Yunqi used Little Tuoba Feng’s arm as a pillow. Little Tuoba Feng embraced him, and let the former rest on his chest. The two of them bent their knees and hugged one another.

The skies above the Imperial garden were clear and vast, and the sky was flecked with white clouds.

Little Yunqi suddenly said,” Not right! Like this, you’re still treating me like a girl!”

Little Zhu Yunwen turned around the artificial rockery and was taken aback. He stuttered,” Ah, ah…Yun-ge…”

Tuoba Feng was slightly displeased as he asked,” What are you looking at?”

“Not looking at anything.” Yunqi secretly found it very amusing, as he licked his lips, the very image of propriety.

The waiter nodded and bent down to serve two big bowls of beef noodles. Tuoba Feng picked up the chopsticks and split them. Yunqi picked up a portion of less than half of his noodles and placed it into Tuoba Feng’s bowl; Tuoba Feng picked up the thin slices of beef and gave them to Yunqi.

Both of them were used to exchanging noodles and meat, they then mixed the noodles in the big bowls, before concentrating on eating.

The beef slices were as thin as paper and exhibited an attractive luster under the dim lights of the oil lamp. The surface of the soup was covered in a layer of red oil, exuding the delicate fragrance of scallions.

Outside the noodle shop, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, a rainstorm howled above the skies of Nanjing.

There were no other customers on this rainy day. The waiter wiped the empty tables and sat behind the counter as he stared blankly at Yunqi, preparing to close the shop for the night.

Tuoba Feng was the first to finish his food. He put his chopsticks down as he quietly observed Yunqi. After a moment he asked softly,” Do you suppose that Lan Yu knows about this matter?”

Yunqi drank his big bowl of soup with great relish, his body was now nice and warm. He lifted his sleeves to wipe at his mouth, his lips suffused with alluring rosy moisture, as he smiled and answered,” Most likely he doesn’t know, otherwise he wouldn’t have let me look at the name register.”

Tuoba Feng nodded. Yunqi asked again,” The thread of clues has also snapped here, let’s go back and ask the old man?”

Tuoba Feng responded, “No need. I have a general idea of what’s going on now. When the rain stops, I’ll make another trip to Li Village. Waiter! You can close the shop now, we’ll just borrow your stools to sit on.”

Tuoba Feng paid for the noodles, then moved over a long bench, sitting shoulder to shoulder with Yunqi under the eaves of the house.

The thunderbolts galloped madly across the sky’s zenith, and the ground bloomed with ten million fragmented white rain flowers. 

Tuoba Feng asked,” What did that old man…say in the beginning?”

Yunqi was confused as he said,” He said that this was definitely a serious case. But I can’t figure it out. How serious can a case involving a rank-and-file soldier under General Lan Yu be?”

Tuoba Feng said,” Don’t forget who was the one who gave me the orders.”

There was another peal of thunder, illuminating the faces of pedestrians in the rain with its pallid glow.

Yunqi frowned slightly as he asked,” It is the Emperor who wants…to take the opportunity to kill someone?”

Tuoba Feng didn’t respond. Yunqi said, “Let me straighten out my train of thought.”

“First of all, Li Xi’er died outside the city and was slain by someone called Wang Hu. The Emperor knows of it and had us investigate. The problem is, how did the Emperor learn of it?”

Tuoba Feng said, “Let’s not think of this first.”

Yunqi spoke again, “ Sure, let’s put that aside first. This person named Wang Hu, was a soldier of the rank and file, and was discharged from Lan Yu’s troops before he returned to the Li Village to spend his days.”

“How much does this have to do with Lan Yu? A soldier that has removed his armor and returned to the fields [4], is no longer under his jurisdiction. Even if a charge is to be stuck on the General, it should at least be someone under his current command…”

[4] jiě jiǎ guī tiá (解甲归田) This is an idiom referring to the soldiers leaving the military service and resuming civilian life, and can also mean retirement or being discharged. It is from Gao Yang’s《清宫外史》. There’s a famous quote from Changgeng of SPL (Priest), where he says “My general, how many famous generals of all dynasties can be released from their armies and return to their fields in peace?”

Tuoba Feng suddenly remarked,” The people of the Li Village are surnamed Li, thus it’s not Wang Hu’s own hometown.”

Yunqi came to this abrupt realization, and said,” Thus there should never have been a dispute over the farmland since it was never his home. So why the tussle over fields?”

Tuoba Feng nodded in assent, “Without that, the only possibility is…”

Yunqi’s voice shook as he replied,” Wang Hu was engaged in an unknown matter, perhaps this situation was unexpectedly discovered by the victim, who was killed so he wouldn’t tell any tales…  We need to return and check – the breakthrough must be in searching his home.”

Tuoba Feng noted the rain was getting lighter, and said,” Let’s go. The suspicious thing is in regard to his home. If we can find anything there – perhaps it’s contraband. My guess is that it’s likely evidence that was planted to frame him.”

Just thinking about it, Yunqi realized that if Wang Hu had accomplices, by this time, the interior of that old house should already have been cleaned up. If they were able to uncover anything from searching at this time, it was more likely to be planted evidence to frame Lan Yu.

Yunqi hastily caught up to Tuoba Feng, and hurriedly spoke up from behind,” The Li Village is part of the route for the Crown Prince’s funeral cortege, there is only one way to the Imperial Mausoleum from Nanjing…”

Yunqi paused his footsteps.

Tuoba Feng turned under the drizzle, and nodded as he declared,” My guess is that the Emperor intends to buckle the  hat of rebellion on Lan Yu.”

Yunqi’s voice trembled,” Shixiong, did you forget how Mao Xiang [5] died?  That year, the case of Hu Weiyong had been personally uncovered by him. Almost ten thousand people died – their families executed and their property confiscated!”

[5] máo xiāng (毛骧) Mao Xiang had originally been a qianhu and was later promoted to Commander. After Duan Shixiong in Tengzhou rebelled, Mao Xiang led his troops to pacify the siutation. After arresting many Japanese pirates in Zhejiang, he was promoted to the post of Governor. Later he took charge of the Jinyiwei, but died because of the Hu Weiyong case, one of the Four Major Cases of the early Ming dynasty.

“The Emperor had no recourse but to kill Mao Xiang in order to appease the wrath of the masses… This case cannot be investigated further  [7]! I fear that the implications are too wide and far-reaching. Listen to me, quickly turn it over to the Ministry of Justice!”

[7] Yunqi is shaken because the Emperor assigned this task to Tuoba Feng – if there’s to be a scapegoat to appease the public wrath, it will be Tuoba Feng.

Tuoba Feng said,” Mutual dependence [7]…you won’t die.” Disregarding Yunqi, he walked back to the capital city on his own.

[7] xiāng yī wéi mìng (相依为命) lit.” mutual dependence in order to survive”. It generally refers to a mutual reliance and dependence, neither can be separated. Usually for couples or families. Tuoba Feng only said the first part, but his words are clearly referencing what he said to Little Yunqi when he was a child. 

Yunqi inhaled deeply before he turned and ran.

“Where are you going!” Tuoba Feng hollered loudly through the rain.

Yunqi didn’t answer him, and Tuoba Feng chased him for several paces, before standing firmly in the rain. He pondered for a moment, before yelling,” Yunqi, don’t run about wildly! Come back with Shixiong!”

Yunqi ran like the wind, causing the rainwater on the ground to splatter and spray like innumerable water flowers. His black brocade boots were soaked and the rain dripped down his forehead. He flung his sleeves wide and charged into that extremely familiar little building.

Yunqi lifted the copper knocker on the door and clapped it down fiercely. The black wooden door creaked once, before opening slowly.

“Shi-niang!” Yunqi was short of breath as he said,” To come to disturb you at night, I really feel very apolog…” 

Madam Jiang wore a bamboo hat against the rain and held a cowhide lantern in one hand. She smiled gently, and said, “ Come in, Tudi’er [8]. Lao-Jiang has sat at home waiting for you for a day already.”

[8] tú dì er(徒弟儿) Madam Jiang is calling him disciple, with the more familiar –er tacked on, which means child, son. It’s quite affectionate.



Yunqi took the ginger soup and tilted his neck upwards as he drank a few mouthfuls. Jiang Huan sat on a chair, as he asked solemnly,” You discovered it?”

Yunqi nodded, and said,” Shixiong already went outside the city. Shifu, this cannot be investigated further! It must be transferred to the Ministry of Justice tomorrow – what is the Emperor thinking? Both of us are merely Jinyiwei, if we really accuse Lan Yu of rebellion – setting aside whether there is even such a thing;  the entire Northern Expedition army as numerous as the mountains and seas, and the entire Imperial Court – wouldn’t they all come and cut us down?!”

Jiang Huan said to his wife, “ You call someone over. Have them go outside the city gates, and tell Tuoba Feng to return to the capital. Instruct him not to enter the palace, but come here to the residence.”

Madam Jiang nodded and left. Jiang Huan asked,” Yunqi, do you fear becoming another Mao Xiang?”

Yunqi didn’t answer. Jiang Huan articulated,” Your background is grand and illustrious. In the future, when the Imperial Grandson ascends to the throne, your future will be bright and boundless. You currently holding the post of Deputy Commander is merely to give you a chance to learn, in the future when you can play a pivotal role as the mainstay, you’ll be the Commander.”

Yunqi cried,” Then what about Shixiong?! Shixiong has no one to rely on and is of Tujue blood. In the event that the case blows up beyond saving, the first to be thrown out to be made a scapegoat will be him! Why aren’t you concerned about what will happen to Shixiong?”

Jiang Huan laughed grimly, “If Feng-er doesn’t investigate, then who will? You tell me – who is he acting as a scapegoat for?”

Yunqi drank the ginger soup and felt a searing sensation in his throat. Having said these words, Jiang Huan became reticent. He shut his eyes. The pair of disciple and teacher sat quietly across a charcoal stove.

After a while, Yunqi suddenly said,” Shifu, I have decided…”

“Shut up!” Jiang Huan scolded him coldly.

After midnight, the rain came down heavily. The Jiang family retainers had finally met with Tuoba Feng who was returning to the capital city.

Tuoba Feng carried a large cloth-wrapped bundle and was as drenched as a chicken that had fallen into the soup. He strode into the front hall, and saw Yunqi and Jiang Huan together, but did not indicate any surprise – clearly, he’d already put two and two together.

Tuoba Feng placed the cloth-wrapped bundle on the table, as he clasped his fist in salute towards Jiang Huan.

“You’ve investigated it already?” Yunqi asked uneasily.

Tuoba Feng unwrapped the bundle, and inside it was dozens of sharp crossbows that had been dipped in poison.

Tuoba Feng reported quietly, “Inside Wang Hu’s house, below the bed was a secret passage. The secret passage leads to about half a li outside the village. There was gunpowder buried below the ground, but they’ve been soaked by the heavy rain and cannot be ignited.”

“I also found a letter.”

Tuoba Feng shook open the sodden letter paper, using both hands to present it to Jiang Huan. Jiang Huan stroked his beard whilst reading the letter for a moment, before saying,” This is a secret order from Lan Yu to commit treason – during the Crown Prince’s funeral cortege on the way to the mausoleum, they are to use the poisoned arrows to assassinate the Emperor and Imperial Grandson.”

Tuoba Feng nodded in agreement, and said, “If the gunpowder was buried prematurely, there is a possibility of rain ruining them. Thus they first dug a secret passage, and waited until it was closer to the time of the coffin being escorted to the mausoleum before they buried it… It is likely that the deceased glimpsed this, and thus was silenced by Wang Hu.”

Jiang Huan spoke again,” Given that there are more than ten crossbows, there should be accomplices.”

Tuoba Feng replied,” Accomplices…I don’t know who they are.”

Jiang Huan said, “ You don’t know who? Yunqi, tell him.”

Yunqi didn’t reply, and Jiang Huan rebuked him angrily,” You’re not even listening to Shifu anymore?”

After a long while, Yunqi said,” The villagers of Li Village…can all be viewed as accomplices. You should have dragged back several men in the prime of their life and killed them, leaving them in the house. And during tomorrow’s court session, have the Ministry of Justice investigate; That will substantiate the case further…Sigh.”

Tuoba Feng said,” You should have accompanied me, all along I can’t do without you. So the game was actually set in the Li Village, and the villagers are to be utilized in this manner. I’ve noted it down.”

Jiang Huan said,” Fine. Now, there’s still one thing missing.” Yunqi and Tuoba Feng didn’t get his meaning. Jiang Huan continued,” Wan-er, bring the wooden tablet from the room.” Having said this, he raised his brush and dipped it into the ink. Yunqi quickly moved to his side to prepare the tools for writing [9].

 [9] cì hòu bǐ mò (伺候笔墨) lit. “serve the brush and ink”, it refers to the practice of literati having assistants or pages to prepare the tools for writing, which include the four treasures  of a scholar’s study; brush, inkstick, paper, inkstone.

Madam Jiang held a carving knife in one hand, and a wooden tablet in the other. She sat by the side of the table. Jiang Huan drew a picture and instructed,” Carve it accordingly.”

Before she’d married this person who’d been the second to hold the post of Commander of the Jinyiwei, she’d been a skillful artisan of a gold shop in Nanjing, and her ability to wield a sharp knife was at the realm nearing perfection [10]. Only the sounds of the rainwater falling outside the hall could be heard.

[10] chū shén rù huà (出神入化) – to describe a skill that has reached perfection, the realm of deities and transformation. Superb artistic achievements.

Madam Jiang hummed a little tune and smiled demurely as her hands rose and the knife fell. In no time, she’d carved a military waist token.

The Great Ming Hongwu Weiyang 7th Army Verification Office: Wang Hu.

After engraving the military title, Jiang Huan instructed, “Apply three layers of varnish and seal it with wet clay. Bake it in the fire, and after it’s done, add some cinnabar and ink. Smear some blood on the back of the token.”

Madam Jiang agreed and left. Yunqi’s heart shivered [11].

[11] They are knowingly framing General Lan Yu, and forging evidence. Which would warrant a death sentence in itself. But because they know this is the Emperor’s intention in having Tuoba Feng investigate the case, if there is more evidence/ the case is more substantial,  it is less likely that the mob will turn on Tuoba Feng. He is the designated scapegoat, just like Mao Xiang was.

Half a shichen later, Madam Jiang carried an old feiyufu uniform that Jiang Huan had worn many years ago on her arm, and placed the waist token on top of the cloth bundle on the table.

You are reading story Jinyiwei at novel35.com

Madam Jiang unfolded the feiyufu, and asked with a soft laugh,” Who’s wearing this?”

Yunqi had already been mostly dried by the brazier, but Tuoba Feng was still wet and dripping. He took over Yunqi’s half-drank bowl of ginger soup and downed it, before saying, “I’ll wear it and enter the palace now for an audience with the Emperor.” As he finished speaking, he moved forward to take the clothes.

But Madam Jiang evaded him, smiling, “ I’m just teasing you.”

Jiang Huan sighed heavily, as he got to his feet and extended his arms.

Madam Jiang put that Imperial guard’s feiyufu on Jiang Huan and helped him dress.

Yunqi and Tuoba Feng paled in fright as they cried out together, “Shifu!”

Jiang Huan said,” I’m old! Is Yun-er at ease now? Shifu will personally make this trip for both of your sakes.”

As Madam Jiang fastened Jiang Huan’s belt, she whispered to him,” The Crown Prince’s premature death has affected the Emperor, and his temperament is rather strange. Lao-ye [12] must be more cautious with his responses.”

[12] lǎo yé (老爷) an honorific title for officials, wealthy or influential people, or the gentry. Servants also use this to refer respectfully to their masters. In this case, her husband.

Jiang Huan replied,” Of the three generations of Commanders of the Jinyiwei, it is I, Lao-Jiang who has served the Emperor the longest. Of course, I won’t go so far as to misspeak.”

Madam Jiang smiled and voiced,” It is merely for the sake of reminding you. Come back earlier.  Be more attentive when you’re in the palace, don’t get distracted.”

Jiang Huan nodded, and Tuoba Feng carried the cloth bag. The horse carriage had already been prepared outside the residence. The teacher with his two disciples rode in the horse carriage and passed the Meridian gate.

The flash of lightning tore across the gathered darkness, and the thunderbolts raged through vast land. The heavy rain cascaded down as if poured out from an immense basin.

The 25th year of Hongwu, the 8th day of the 7th month. The Four Major Cases’ implications were vast and far-reaching, the majority of the injuries and casualties were from Lan Yu’s impending case.

The fate of countless lives and their futures rested upon the three men in the horse carriage.

The Imperial Study was still ablaze with lights.

Jiang Huan said,” Both of you return to the courtyard and await the Imperial Edict. Since the material evidence is in hand, there is no need for you to enter as well. “

Tuoba Feng and Yunqi were conscious that Jiang Huan had something to say to Zhu Yuanzhang, and thus bowed to him in respect.

Jiang Huan also left them with instructions, “Have a good rest. Tomorrow, during the morning court, Feng-er should amend the duty roster. Both of you must attend the court together, and serve as the left and right.”

Tuoba Feng agreed respectfully, and both men took their leave. Jiang Huan took over the cloth bundle and entered the Imperial Study.

Yunqi was extremely exhausted, after cutting through half of the Imperial Palace and returning to the guard’s courtyard, he lifted the grounding order and the crowd of Imperial Bodyguards rushed out, tongues all wagging as they questioned him incessantly.

Yunqi asked,” Where’s Zhang Qin?”

Someone answered laughingly, “Resting in his room.”

Yunqi said, “I’ll go have a look at him. Tomorrow there will be last-minute shift changes. If anyone wants to be lazy and sleep in tomorrow, go talk to Lao-Ba yourself.”

Yunqi directly entered Zhang Qin’s room. Zhang Qin’s injuries weren’t very serious, he had some medicine smeared on his forehead as he sat on the bed。 He looked at the firefly fan in his hand as he turned it back and forth.

Upon seeing Yunqi return, he hurriedly got up and said,“ That mother…”

Yunqi smiled and said,” Just need some sleep.”

Zhang Qin said, “ You didn’t get beaten did you? Laozi was rash and came back too hastily. I was waiting at the palace entrance, intending to summon some brothers to go with me to tear down the Ministry of War. By the time I rushed to the courtyard, you’d already left…”

Yunqi laughed and said, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting [13], understand?”

[13] bú zhàn ér qū rén zhī bīng (不战而屈人之兵) A quote from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (孙子兵法) which is a set of ancient military strategies that are still studied today. It was written in 5th century BC.

Zhang Qin grumbled at the unfairness of it, “ You didn’t find trouble for them?”

Yunqi replied in a mysterious and secretive manner, “ I have my ways, and there’s no urgency. You just wait and see, at that time I’ll let you roll up your sleeves. Go rest first, it will happen in a few days.”

Zhang Qin said, “Alright. Don’t forget about me when there’s a fight.”

Yunqi made replied with an affirmative En, en, before turning to leave. He shut the room door and caught sight of Tuoba Feng standing in the corridor.

Tuoba Feng said, “Zhang Qin didn’t really suffer much, that bunch from the Ministry of War didn’t dare to be too ruthless in their attacks.”

Yunqi nodded, “ You tell me if the Emperor intentionally wanted to frame Lan Yu for rebellion, and there’s unrest in the court session tomorrow that can’t be suppressed, how many people should guard him?”

Tuoba Feng answered, “ I’ve already arranged the shifts. You, me, and Rongqing; The three of us have the best martial arts skills. During the morning court session, there will be twelve people standing inside the chamber, and twelve people guarding outside the palace. Twelve more people will stay at the main gate of the palace to coordinate with us if necessary.

Yunqi was suddenly swamped by a sense of exhaustion, and yawned, “Ok. Then I’ll go sleep first.”

Tuoba Feng said, ” What sleep – you got drenched in the rain. Go bathe first so you don’t catch a chill.” After speaking, he ignored Yunqi’s struggles, holding his neck and towing him away.

The inside of the bathhouse was filled with rising water vapor,  an enshrouding dense mist. Outside the window, the heavy rain continued to pour down. 

Yunqi stripped off his clothes and squatted on a low stool with his back towards Tuoba Feng.

Tuoba Feng soaked his towel in hot water, both knees on the ground as he knelt behind Yunqi, carefully cleansing his wounds.

“The old man is extremely biased,” Yunqi said.

Tuoba Feng who was completely focused as he wiped, said,” I already told you so.”

Yunqi sighed.

After falling silent for a moment, Yunqi suddenly asked,” If the Imperial Grandson ascends the throne, and wants me to be Commander…what do we do?”

Tuoba Feng found it rather baffling, and said, “Nothing. Why are you asking this?”

Yunqi asked,” Then what about you?”

Tuoba Feng answered, “ I’ll just be the Deputy Commander. Can one be a Jinyiwei for one’s entire life? At the old man’s age, he still has to enter the palace in the middle of the night; It’s too tiring. If it were me, after I retire, I’d go far, far away, with…” Tuoba Feng suddenly held his tongue.

Yunqi’s heart jolted once, and he said,” With whom.”

Tuoba Feng replied quietly, “With you. Would you go? In the boundless desert, by the Kherlen river… herding.”

Yunqi mocked him, “Your tongue certainly changes direction very quickly. Unfortunately, you’ve already unintentionally revealed the truth [14] – with whom?”

[14] This is a reference to the idiom lù chū mǎ jiǎo  (露出马脚) “revealing the horse’s legs”. The Qilin is one of the four legendary mythological creatures, and during festivals, they would dress up a horse or donkey as the Qilin. But since it’s very hard to wrap up / hide a horse’s legs, if the costume came off, the legs (i.e. the truth) would be exposed.  Later, Tuoba Feng asks “horse legs?” (i.e. the truth)

Tuoba Feng answered in an intriguing manner,” I only fear that you, this money grubber, this person obsessed with being an official, will be unwilling to go.”

“The truth [14]? Tuoba Feng asked as he extended a hand to wrap around Yunqi’s waist, pulling him against his own body, and using his thigh to gently rub at Yunqi’s waist. 

Yunqi’s face flushed and his ears went red as he said, “Commander, please do not blindly grope around. Which family’s young lady do you fancy? Afterward, I’ll bring the brothers to accompany you to seize a bride by force?”

Tuoba Feng embraced Yunqi, and said softly,” Call me Shi-ge.”

Yunqi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry,” Shixiong-daren… your hands… don’t…grope around.”

Tuoba Feng whispered, “Call me Shi-ge, what you called me when you were little.”

Yunqi continued to struggle. Tuoba Feng wound one arm firmly around Yunqi, and said, “With you.”

Yunqi considered it for a moment before saying, “ I’ve helped you save up a lot of silver, for you to give your wife, there are forty-four silvers…”

Tuoba Feng didn’t reply, instead, he rested his chin comfortably on Yunqi’s shoulder, sniffed at his neck, and stated, “Not marrying a wife, you keep it.”

Yunqi was dumbfounded. Tuoba Feng’s voice was deep and steady as he said, “Turn around.”

Yunqi turned his head slightly and stared at Tuoba Feng. The latter’s gaze was deep, the pupils of his eyes like brown amber submerged in water. His handsome, lean face bore the heroic spirit of the men of the boundless desert.

His nose bridge was high, the opposite of Yunqi’s. The curve of his lips was like the Gobi desert, tough and unyielding, but a turning point. The clean lines of his neck were covered in fine pearls of sweat from the steam.

Tuoba Feng whispered, “Shi-ge is cherishing [3]  you.” After which he closed both eyes, and kissed him.

At that moment, Yunqi’s heart felt like a cheetah’s claw was scratching gently at it. And in response to that sensation, he also shut his eyes.

Tuoba Feng’s kiss was extremely awkward and clumsy, gently rubbing against Yunqi’s mouth and lips repeatedly, but he didn’t know to suck; he used his long slender arms to embrace Yunqi, just like when they were young.

Yunqi had been caressed and nuzzled like this for a long time, and having recalled something, he abruptly burst into laughter. Yunqi had once asked Chun Lan out of curiosity, what was kissing with lips and tongue like. Chun Lan was the most popular girl in the House of Dancing Smoke, and her description had been so vivid and lively that Yunqi had flushed from his face to his ears – It was extremely clear that Tuoba Feng was totally unfamiliar with it.

Tuoba Feng opened his eyes, and asked in bewilderment, “Why are you laughing?”

Yunqi said, “Nothing. Now I believe that you don’t have a lover.”

Tuoba Feng smiled, “ That’s ever been the truth.”

Yunqi unnaturally covered himself with a towel as he entered the bathing pool. The wounds on his back ached faintly with the stimulation of the hot water, causing him to moan continuously.

Yunqi was a little absent-minded, thinking only about those two jade pendants. Tuoba Feng waited for a while. He appeared to want to go in and bathe together but didn’t dare to.

It seemed as if that kiss, had changed something for him.

Yunqi frowned slightly, and turned to glance at Tuoba Feng, asking, “Not bathing?”

Tuoba Feng’s face was faintly pink as he shook his head. Yunqi found it a little suspicious. 

Tuoba Feng casually picked up a towel to cover his legs, and then said, “Hurry up, your wounds mustn’t be soaked in water.”

Yunqi sighed. He went out after he finished bathing. Tuoba Feng helped me put on his inner robe properly, then said, “Go sleep.”

Yunqi returned to his room and took out those two jade pendants. He lay on the bed as he turned them over and over as he looked at them. When the door opened, Tuoba Feng came in. Yunqi immediately stuffed the jade pendants under his pillow, and wondered aloud, “What’s wrong?”

Tuoba Feng dried his hair and observed Yunqi for a while. He very naturally walked up to the bedside and used the towel to wipe Yunqi’s feet.

Yunqi’s gaze was filled with question marks as he looked toward Tuoba Feng. Tuoba Feng gazed at Yunqi with some hesitation.

Yunqi declared, “This is my room! Go back to your own room to sleep!”

Tuoba Feng was speechless with astonishment as if Yunqi’s words were extremely preposterous. Yunqi frowned slightly, and asked, “Did you…get a fever from being rained on?” He then stretched out a hand to touch Tuoba Feng’s forehead.

Tuoba Feng seemed very disappointed as he sat by the bed. After a moment, he said quietly, ” Oh.” He then got off the bed and left.

Yunqi said, “Idiot,” then put his head on the pillow and went to sleep.

In a daze, Yunqi seemed to hear the sounds of rummaging of boxes and cabinets in the next room and knew that Tuoba Feng was looking for the jade pendants. He gave a satisfied smile before turning over and going to sleep.

It was unknown when the rainstorm stopped. 

After the second watch, the courtyard was completely silent. The floor was bestrewn with fallen leaves, and the dark clouds had dispersed. The first quarter moon shone brightly in the night sky, its clear and bright light seeming to cast a purifying glow over the entirety of Nanjing.

A eunuch’s shrill voice rang out, “The Commander of the Jinyiwei, Tuoba Feng, and Deputy Commander Xu Yunqi,  are to receive the Imperial edict!”

In that instant, a cacophony of sounds arose from the various rooms in the courtyard. Innumerable room doors swung open. Yunqi was only half awake as he ran out of his room, almost slipping and falling in the corridor, had it not for being hugged by Tuoba Feng, who had also rushed out.

“What happened?”

Tuoba Feng’s voice was hoarse as he said, “I don’t know.”

In the moonlight, Yunqi could see that Tuoba Feng’s eyes were bloodshot as if he hadn’t rested at all.

“In accordance with the blessings of Heaven, the Emperor has decreed: The Great General Lan Yu is guilty of conspiracy against the state, his crime punishable by death! In the depths of the night, he has fled in fear of his crimes; Tuoba Feng and Xu Yunqi are hereby commanded to lead the 48 members of the Jinyiwei out of Nanjing to pursue and apprehend him. If he offers obstinate resistance, then execute him on the spot. This is the word of the Emperor himself!”

Tuoba Feng and Yunqi simultaneously felt a chill run down their spine, meeting one another’s eyes. From that gaze, each knew that they were thinking the same thing.

Who had divulged the information? !! Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely be furious!

Forty-eight people to apprehend Great General Lan Yu?! It was unknown how many personal bodyguards he had with them. If there were nearly a hundred people, was the full cohort of Jinyiwei to be buried together with them?!

While Yunqi’s thoughts were still confused, Tuoba Feng had already responded, “This subject accepts the edict!” as he received the yellow brocade scroll. He rose to his feet and roared, “ Change to your feiyufu, and fetch the embroidered spring knives! Gather inside the courtyard!”

Yunqi felt more uneasy the more he thought about it. It shouldn’t be that he suspected himself of divulging the news… it couldn’t be… Yunqi swept a glance across the Imperial Bodyguards who were currently rushing out of their rooms. They were hopping as they put on their boots, buckling on their hats – their expressions filled with unease and trepidation.

In that case, perhaps it was that the Emperor feared alarming the officials, and therefore did not send the army in pursuit. Accordingly, they needed to apprehend him overnight. Having considered this, Yunqi felt slightly more relieved. Tuoba Feng commanded him, “Yunqi! Hurry and go back to your room to change!”

Yunqi surveyed the area, then hurried towards the room. Abruptly, he discovered that Zhang Qin’s door was still tightly shut.

The information had indeed leaked out from the Jinyiwei’s side.


Translator’s Note:
First, the realization that the Emperor had planned to sacrifice Tuoba Feng all along, then the plot against Lan Yu, then Shifu… 

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