Jordan Grace: The Chaos Bringer

Jordan Grace: The Chaos Bringer

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Jordan Grace: The Chaos Bringer

Review: 7.7/10 from 13 ratings

After his parents died, Jordan had to fight to survive—in the orphanage where he grew up, in school, and now he has to face entities that threaten to take his life. And those of his friends. His power—that awakens on his eighteenth—sends a call to the far corners of the multiverse and what answers won’t be pleasant.

In the midst of the struggles to fit in at the Hywell's University of Magic, and to learn what he needs to, what once was his life is now an echo of the past. Maybe he can control the unknown powers he possesses, but what if he—and everyone he loves—dies trying?

Every Friday, I'll be posting. I will update this as I build more chapters, so stay tuned. This story will also be on RR and Wattpad as-well.

I would rate this story as PG-14. There will be swearing and some gore; not much else will happen. That might change, but you’ll be the first to know.

Several action-adventure elements are mixed with tension, jokes, and secrets. The tone won't be grimdark in this story. War, loss, suffering, and violence will be mentioned.

There is an analytical/rational side to MC, as well as an emotional side. Those emotions are mostly under his control.

What you won’t see in this novel

Bland protagonists
Pacifist MC who is too good to take a life when necessary
Evil villains who do not have any reason to be evil
Murderhobo plots

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