Journey of Celestia Ravenclaw

Chapter 12: Chapter 11

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If there is one thing I regret, it is showing my attraction towards women in front of the Greengrass sisters. They are relentless demons when it comes to teasing and leaving me hanging. While we became close and had fun, it almost outweighs their need to turn me on, almost.


-Excerpt from Celestia Ravenclaw’s Journals, on the Greengrass twins.



The day after my chat with Severus, I’m sporting workout clothes, -muggle style with a training bra and tights-, under my robes as I walk towards his office.

Knocking on the door I expect the normal drawl of “Come in”, but instead it is delivered by a feminine voice, one that sounds familiar.

Entering the room I am momentarily at a loss for words. While I have interacted with them some, we haven’t really spoken outside of the few conversations we had during first year when they were trying to see how malleable I was, and my views on politics.

I rake my eyes across both of them. Pale skin, slim yet visible muscles. Blonde hair cascading across her shoulders, endowed chests with a hint of cleavage, before my eyes land on the amusing icy blue orbs, shining with amusement.

The hairs on my neck stands up straight, and even though I should be the apex predator, I feel like a prey, caught in the snakes gaze moments before my life is over. I curse myself as I let the familiarity of Severus’ office making me relaxing, blatantly displaying my appreciation for the more feminine form. Instead of the usual borderline flirty banter I try to annoy Severus,-a male-, with in class.

“Well, hello there Ravenclaw.” Daphne? I think it’s Daphne, purrs out in a voice that makes heat pool in the bottom of my stomach, while Astoria stalks towards me, swinging her hips, my gaze flickering between the twins, before I can feel the warm touch of Astoria’s fingers brushing from my wrist and upwards towards my shoulder, making me shiver.

I look at Daphne, before my eyes look down into Astoria’s hypnotic glacier blue orbs, sparkling with mischief. It’s only now that I notice they’re a bit shorter than me. I grew up in the past couple of years, and I’m already at 170cm.

A cough brings me back into reality, and I reluctantly stop staring into those hypnotic orbs, finding Severus’ face with a smirk, instantly making me scowl.

“Miss Ravenclaw, where is that usual focus I see in my class when brewing potions?” His voice comes out in the normal lecturing drawl, but I can tell he’s highly amused at my slipup.

Masking my slight irritation, and attraction with my usual sassy self. I school my expression into a teasing grin. “Well professor, now I know why you aren’t receptive to my flirting in class, you already have a couple of blonde snakes.” The slight shock and widening of the twin’s eyes makes my inner dragon purr in satisfaction, while Severus’ suddenly remembers I give as much as I take, and I don’t hold back.

Our staring contest is broken by the twin’s laugh, and it’s almost musical, Astoria’s hand still on my arm.

I take in their outfit, almost the same as mine, and I can’t help baiting them, or is it teasing?

“Well Grengrasses, how muggle of you.”

They instantly school their expressions, remembering they don’t know me, and that was momentarily forgotten after catching me obviously checking them out.

Severus sighs, before assuring them. “Don’t worry about Celestia, while I won’t say she’s harmless, nothing said in this room has ever left this room, and I assume she’s going to stick to that rule?”

While both twins look at each other and mouth ‘Celestia’, I give Severus a nod. “Of course, where else would I take refuge from the dunderheads known as idiot gryffindors never taking no for an answer.”

The twins relaxes again and giggle, before voicing their opinion. “Shame you’re not a filthy snake like us, they won’t dare to ask out such dark witches in fear of their family disowning them.”

I simply shake my head.

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“So, I have a couple of guesses, but what are we doing here?”

Severus flicks out his wand and a portion of the wall slides back, before opening like a door and presenting a staircase. Motioning for us to follow, we walk down the dimly lit stairs before arriving at our destination.

An open space with a stone platform in the middle, looking to be 4x10 meters, with a stone tribune on either side. Snakes in different shapes and forms decorating the room in different places.

“Welcome to Salazar Slytherin’s Dueling Pit.” Severus says as he turns around. I can see the sisters looking at each other.

I look between them and Severus, before motioning in a “what’s up with that” gesture.

“You are the first non-slytherin to enter this room, and the only two reasons are you are a founders heir yourself, and I know your personality.”

I scowl at him. He knows I often treat others as they treat me, and I weigh the gains and losses before making important decisions. Thus he knows that if I spread the knowledge of this room and what goes on here, I will lose both my companion and his knowledge.

“I asked the three of you to come without robes, as this is the first time Celestia will participate in our weekly sessions.” I raise an eyebrow at that, I didn’t know Severus took apprentices, and he knows I won’t ask the reason why.

He flicks his wand and the lanterns light up in blue on one side, and green on the other. He looks surprised for a second before looking at me and arriving at the same conclusion, the room probably sensed Rowena’s blood in me.

“There are only a few rules in this arena. We don’t adhere to the circuit’s limitations and regulations. We operate on different type of duels, honor, ranking in the Slytherin’s internal hierarchy, conflict and training.”

The twins look surprised yet again, that the epitome of Slytherinness would divulge house secrets to an outsider, and I don’t bother hiding my smirk at their reactions.

“We will operate under training. No killing curse or other curses causing instantaneous death, and no curses that cannot be reversed or permanently maim or disfigure your opponent. If you are uncertain of the reversibility of your curse, consult me before the duel.”

I nod to myself, pleased. This is as close to a real life simulation as I can get. I just have to hold back my Shouts, I don’t want to let that secret out yet.

“Very well, Greengrass, to the green side. Celestia, to the other.”

I walk up on the side lighted by blue torches, and as I step on the platform, the Ravenclaw crest spread out covering my half of the platform. Yet again Severus looks surprised.

“Professor, which of us?”

Severus looks over at the twins with almost a malicious grin, and it’s one I know, but the twins are confused as he probably rarely shows that towards others.

“Both of you.”

They momentarily gape in shock at Severus, before Daphne gathers herself and nudges Astoria, both of them walking towards their side of the platform.

We all brandish our wands, before Severus drawls.


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