Journey of Celestia Ravenclaw

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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In hindsight I have to laugh at the “incident”, I was more worried about the twins revealing my secret than me actually having the Killing Curse thrown at me for the first time. We laughed a lot at that later, and the next duel we had was completely different, but probably even more dangerous for me than the first one, which is ironic.

-Excerpt from Celestia Ravenclaw’s journals, on priorities.


After that exclamation, time stood still for another moment, before panic set in. 

This time the use of my Thu’um wasn’t instinct, it was one I had practiced.

Looking at the twins and Severus, I gathered the Thu’um inside me before letting out the shout. 


The effect was instantaneous. All three of their wands were blasted out of the hands, not unlike the expelliarmus, but this couldn’t be blocked, shielded, dodged or countered.

Quickly using Accio to summon their wands. I took a deep breath.

“Are we all a bit calmer?” All three of them nod at me dumbly before I start walking towards Daphne, Astoria instinctively moving her body in front of her sister, but Daphne shook her head at Astoria.

Coming to a halt half a meter in front of them, I looked into Daphne’s eyes. “I’m sorry Daphne, using the cruciatus on you was more instinct than rational thought, I didn’t mean to put that much power into it, but as of right now I can’t explain why.”

I looked at Astoria, and I could see guilt reflected in her eyes. “I don’t know the both of you, or your personalities. I don’t shy away from using the tools at my disposal, I am not inherently malicious and hold no will towards either of you for spells used in the heat of the moment in our first duel, even you Astoria.”

I could see she wanted to argue, but Severus interrupted.

“With that out of our systems, Celestia, can I have my wand back?”

“No.” I shook my head while replying. Severus raising an eyebrow. I look into his eyes.

“Severus, will he be able to force this out of you? Either by oath or other means?”

Severus knowing I am speaking of Dumbledore, shaking his head. Voldemort isn’t an issue right now, and I’ll revisit this later, probably by the end of the school year.

“Astoria, Daphne. I’m sorry but neither of you are leaving this room without me being 100% sure this will not be spoken about.”

The twins look at each other for a second, before back to me.

“What did you have in mind?”

I was about to reply before I stop, looking between the three of them, before thinking. This is actually an opportunity for me to let the three of them know everything. I could practice with the twins, and Severus could possibly have insight that neither of my mothers have, or want to give.

“One alternative is that I offer no explanation, and simply require you both to sign a blood contract with terms we would discuss, and breaking the terms would make both of you lose your magic.”

I stop for a second to gauge their reactions, neither look happy but they don’t look like they’ll argue.

“The other alternative, this also includes you Sev, is that we all take a vow to never share the others secrets, we’ll work on the wording later, and I explain absolutely everything, even what Sev probably has been wondering for a while.”

Severus immediately responds. “What kind of vow?”

“One that is above the unbreakable. Intentional thoughts of breaking the vow will render you silent and unable to communicate, verbally, physically, written. Intentionally trying to break the vow will rip your soul out of the body, almost like a dementor, and it will be sent to a place for eternal damnation and torture, and I mean that literally.”

He looks at me confused. “There is no such vow.”

I simply shake my head. “There is, but that is a part of the explanation that I won’t give until such a vow is taken.”

The twins gaze at each other, having a silent conversation, while Severus has a contemplative expression.

The twins reach a decision first and speak in unison. “We’ll take the vow.”

I look towards Severus and he nods. This whole situation is bizarre. The twins haven’t really spoken to me before, and while Severus sees me as something of a friend, I don’t think he really trusts anyone.

“For curiosity’s sake, before we do this. May I ask how you all reached that decision?”

Daphne speaks up first, and her usual frosty facade fades away as she looks to be reminiscing.

“There are things I noticed in the duel that physically isn’t possible. Your speed and reflexes are above human levels, I’m not even sure you noticed but some of the chains we threw at you are not possible for a human to dodge.”

I didn’t even notice, but before I can think more about it Astoria follows up.

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“And the thing you did at the end, and how you took our wands. I have never felt or heard of such a magic, it felt primal, animalistic. The closest example I can get is that it felt and sounded like a higher form of Parseltongue.”

Severus nods his head. “It is quite obvious you know of a form of magic and things I have never heard about, even from him.” He scratches his arm unconsciously, the one where I know the Dark Mark is.

“Very well. I will do the vow, all you three need to do is give your consent when asked, and not fight the feeling of the vow entering your body.”

I close my eyes, thinking of the wording and how I want to do this, and I want to do the calling and end in Dovahzul.

In the name of Goddess Hecate, and as her heiress, daughter, divine blood and the Dovakhiin, I, Celestia Ravenclaw, call upon the hallowed vow.

Feeling mother’s embrace enveloping the room, a warmth permeates my body as I heard the others gasp, but my eyes are closed and I focus on channeling the sliver of divinity in my body.

“May the four of us be bound by the Thu’um and the divinity of Hecate. May our individual secrets remain a secret of the group, only to be shared with the un-bonded by the lucid, unforced, and express permission of the individual.

The soul called Daphne Greengrass, do you give your consent to enter into the Hallowed Vow, knowing what is expected, and the penalty for betrayal?”

I open my eyes and I know they are orange. Daphne stares for a second before recollecting herself. “I do.”

I look at Astoria. “The soul called Astoria Greengrass, do you give your consent to enter into the Hallowed Vow, knowing what is expected, and the penalty for betrayal?”

“I do.” She responds, in a smooth voice.

Looking towards Severus, I focus on nothing interfering with his Dark Mark, and shielding this moment from the master of the mark, as I know it would cause problems if the mark were to be erased now.

“The soul called Severus Snape, do you give your consent to enter into the Hallowed Vow, knowing what is expected, and the penalty for betrayal?”

“I do.”

Collecting my Thu’um, and focusing on mothers divinity. “Consent has been given, and as the caller I conclude the hallowed vow for the three individuals called upon, and the caller of the vow. May the price for betrayal be eternal damnation, in accordance with the hallowed vow.

I can feel the vow seeping into my entire being, but it feels different, sort of malleable. According to mother Hecate this vow has never been taken by a being with any divinity, as it was intended to be taken by her priests, priestesses and between mortals.

Opening my eyes I find Astoria a lot closer to me than she was before I closed them. “Did you know your eyes turned orange, and moved like fire, but with specs of gold in them?”

Specs of gold? That’s new, I suppose that’s the divinity from my mother that is in me, but I will have to ask her the next time.

“The specs of gold is new, but I was aware of the orange, yes.” I give her a slight smile and hers turn positively sultry, making me gulp. I forgot about our re-introduction, and their matured bodies.

Daphne comes closer to look into my eyes, but I assume they have turned back into their royal blue. “Did you know you’re absolutely gorgeous?” The second she finishes her sentence she gasps, and I tilt my head. Oh, fuck.

Apparently I said that out loud, because both twins and even Severus whirls around to focus on me. “What did you do?”

“I may have forgotten a tiny, miniscule, unimportant detail regarding the vow?”

The twins eyes narrow in suspicion, while Severus pinches his bridge, apparently realizing what I forgot.

“What. Did. You. Forget?” 

“Wow even when you’re angry you look absolutely hot.” Double fuck.

Apparently I caught Daphne off guard, because she blinks owlishly at me. “So I may have forgotten that we can not lie to one another. Unlike veritaserum we are not forced to answer questions, and you can absolutely say you don’t want to answer, but we cannot lie.”

“Celestia.” Severus drawls in his annoyed voice, making me flinch. “While I may be experienced in world play, the three of you are not, and are going to have to figure this one out on your own.”

“Anyways want me to explain now?” I try to change the subject, but by the looks of the twins expressions they’ll revisit this later.

They all nod, and I will probably laugh at my bluntness later. “One of my mothers is Rowena Ravenclaw, and the other is the Goddess Hecate. I’m part dragon, currently only a dragon heart, but my soul is that of a dragon, making me in my tongue, or Dovahzul, what we call “Dovakhiin”, or dragon born.”

Pandemonium erupts. Each focusing on a different thing. Daphne that my mother is Rowena Ravenclaw, Astoria that I’m part dragon, and Severus on the Goddess Hecate part.

I let out a sigh, I suppose they need a longer explanation, but I’m not telling them about the part where I am from another world.

ZUN HAAL VIIK  = Weapon, Hand, Defeat (The Disarm Shout).

Disarm: Shout defies steel, as you rip the weapon from an opponent's grasp.


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