Journey of Celestia Ravenclaw

Chapter 7: Chapter 6

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I have been told countless times that upon first impression I seem cold, callous and narcissistic. Even Filius told me that years after our first meeting, and I suppose most of the are right. I don’t know if it’s my dragon nature, or simply my introvert personality, but I find that I often don’t really care what people think of me.


-Excerpt from Celestia Ravenclaw’s Journals, on first meetings.



Walking the halls of Hogwarts for the very first time was interesting, the Castle is a lot bigger than I thought, and we were only walking towards the Ravenclaw tower. Sure it is one of the three tallest towers in the castle, but it is still such a small part of the entirety.

The moving staircases were interesting to see in real life. I was always confused when reading the books and seeing the movies, but mother Rowena explained that it’s a defense mechanism. If a student or professor uses the stairs, it will always take them to the correct location as long as the destination is kept in the person’s mind, but if an intruder was to use the staircase, it would take them to a floor with the fewest amount of people, if it even connected to a floor. They also had false steps and trick steps, which we would have to memorize.

Arriving at the entrance to the common room, I felt my Ravenclaw ring reaching out and a few strands of magic connecting with the tower housing my fellow claws.

The prefect turned around and took stock of all the first years before nodding to the female prefect. “This is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, it’s location is an open secret, most of the students know where it is, but if asked we never actually tell anyone it’s location. Upon trying to open the door, it will ask a logic puzzle that needs to be solved to gain entrance. Anyone want to try?”

I know this is actually not correct. Any ravenclaw can gain admittance without answering the question, they just have to ask the door, and it used to be a simple game to teach the claws puzzles and logical reasoning, but I suppose that has been lost with the years.

Albert, the sorting hat, keeps a list of all the students that are Ravenclaws and has automatic permission to enter, but there are other ways to enter the different common rooms, like a Speaker for the Slytherin common rooms.

The prefect turns towards the door, and I take it in. There is no handle, no beak, it’s a stone archway with a heavy wooden door, but as the prefect’s attention, or i suppose intention turns to opening the door, the wood morphs into a raven.

“Peace is what mankind yearns for, and it is the ideal that they keep in mind with every step, but peace is not what keeps catapulting us into new eras and inventions. What is?”

That is different, and ominous. I was not expecting the door to ask such a, well I suppose morbid question would be the right phrase. I look around at my fellow students, and I can see Professor Flitwick’s brows furrowing.

Looking back towards the door I take a step forward. “War and conflict.” Everyone’s attention turns to me, yet the door caws and opens. Ignoring the stares of the firsties, prefects and the Professor I motion towards the door, and the prefect snaps out of his thoughts, giving me a curt nod before walking through.

Entering the common room it reminds me of Castle Hecate, but with more wood. The colours are still in bronze, blue and black, but it feels cozier, more fit for living beings. 

The couches are old fashioned, puffy with interchanging bronze and blue stripes, and most of the furniture is made out of wood.

Adorning the walls are banners with the Ravenclaw crest, windows and floor to ceiling bookshelves with books flying around and sorting themselves upon the shelves from where they have been left at the different desks.

It feels like home.

“This is the common room, most of the books follows the syllabus, both current and in the past ten years. There are usually two to three companion books to each one from the syllabus, but there are a few journals and fictions as well.”

He ends his speech and the female prefect turns steps forward. “I am Evanna Rosier, and my fellow 5th year prefect is Tom Hendrickson. There are three female, and three male prefects, each set is from 5th year and upwards. Usually the ones available to the students are the 6th years, as 5th and 7th focus on their Owls and Newts, but we are available if you see us in the common room, if you have questions or complaints.”

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She points towards a door next to the one we walked through to enter the common room. “Professor Flitwick is our head of house, and his office can be found through that door, his hours are on the list pinned to the wall, and if he’s not in his office, he’s usually in his classroom or attentions meetings.”

She walks a bit to the other side towards the stairs leading further up the tower. “Up here are the dormitories, the 1st floor is for the 1st year students, and so on. The top floor is for prefects, or Head girl and Head boy if they are from Ravenclaw. Dormitories are gender separated, but there is nothing stopping a boy from being invited in to a girls room, or vice versa, as long as it is before curfew. Each room is shared by one other person.”

Another prefect comes down the stairs and whispers into Evanna’s ear, before she looks at me. “The names of a room’s occupants are on the door, but it looks like there is one missing.”

Raising an eyebrow in question she waits for me to explain. “That would Hogwarts being notified by the sorting hat to prepare the founders suite on the floor above the prefects.”

She simply gives me a nod before telling the first years to follow the rest of the prefects, while Professor Flitwick motions for me to follow him to his office.

Walking through the door to his office I take a look around and see it’s more or less an extension of the common room. It doesn’t look very personalised yet it’s still inviting.

“Miss Ravenclaw please have a seat.” 

“Thank you professor.”

We sit down on separate sides of his desk, before his attention turns back towards me.

“I was not aware of your admittance this year.”

I tilt my head, confirming my earlier suspicion. “I thought the Book of Admittance would give the headmaster a copy of new students each year?”

“That would usually be the case. Upon the birth of each magical child the book writes a new line, and once said child confirms that they want to study at Hogwarts a note is made and the name is put on the list given to the headmaster at the beginning of summer.”

Ah. I see where the issue lies, but I’m not going to tell him that unless I can assure the secrecy.

Mask in place and voice monotone. I respond to him. “I see.”

His facial expression tells him that he understands I won’t elaborate further.

“Very well. You should familiarize yourself with your new room.”

I vacate the chair and turn towards the exit, before stopping and turning back. “Professor, I don’t know you yet, hence I don’t trust you outside of your capacity as an instructor. I know it’s a bit unorthodox, but once I know I can trust you, I would like to have another talk.”

An eyebrow raises, which looks a lot more odd on a goblin than I thought it would, before he gives a slight smile. “I see, I hope you have a pleasant night Miss Ravenclaw.”

Giving him a nod. “Likewise Professor.” I exit the room.

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