Kajiya de Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life

Chapter 151: CH 150

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The next day after dawn, I went to fetch water with Kururu. When we’re back, I found a suspicious figure in front of the house with his whole body covered with a cloak or something like that. Speaking of this person who had his whole body covered, I can only think of one person who would appear here at this time. That said, the chances of him being a different person isn’t zero so I gently lowered the water vat and approached him, ready to draw my knife anytime.

“Who are you?”

I called out to whoever it was. The voice that replied back was exactly as what I expected.

“I came because you told me to come here but you’re too cautious though.”

The voice is tinge with a dissatisfaction but it’s definitely the voice I heard yesterday. I can’t see his face through the hood so I can’t really tell.

“That’s because I couldn’t tell if it was really you, you know.”

“Is that so?”

After saying that, the demon took off his hood. Short silver hair with almond shaped eyes, long ears and brown skin with tattoos like the tribal tattoos in the previous world. Although it blends with the tattoos, there is a sword scar around the left eye. Still, the whole face can be said to be a beautiful woman. Based from the knowledge in the previous world, she is considered to be a dark elf.

With the voice and face structure, I was convinced that the person in front of me is definitely a woman. The only men I know are Camilo, Marius, Oyasan and the others. I wonder if there is someone else that has a close connection with women…

“With this, you’ll recognize me next time right?”

The demon woman said proudly.

“Well, I hope you could show your face next time.”

“Un. I’ll do that.”

“Wait there for the time being. I have to bring the water inside.”

I went back to where I placed the water vat and carried it back. If something happens, I have to fight back with the preparedness that this water vat will break. Kururu’s water vat was left by the side of the house and I already asked Kururu to return to her hut.

As I bring the water vat home, I asked,

“Did you come here smoothly?”

“No, the protection that could “ward off” people was a little tricky. I’m not very good at magic you see.”

“I see……”

She came relatively smoothly though… well, let’s just leave it as that.

“Since you’re here this early in the morning, you haven’t eaten yet, right?”


“Then, let’s have breakfast together. Do wash up the dirt on your trip here in the guest room first.”

“Is it okay?”

“Yes, customers are guests after all…”

A bandit may be a criminal but customers are to be treated as a guest, regardless if he has committed a serious crime. This is also what I decided yesterday. From the water vat that I brought in, I prepared a small water bucket for the guest and fill it with water.

Uhm, demon woman is a bit…

“By the way, what’s your name?”


“Then, Nilda, this is the guest room. You can use this for water and cloth. I’ll call you when I have prepared the meal so you can relax after cleaning your body.”


Nilda nodded obediently and entered the guest room.

“Is she here?”

Just then, Diana and everyone got up.

“Yeah, I just told her to unload her luggage and wash up.”

“Okay. Then we have to prepare too.”


We all did our morning routine. Samia went inside the guest room and collected some laundry as usual. It helps because as a man, I can’t do that. After the work in the morning and as the breakfast is ready, I sent Samia to call Nilda.

Everyone, including Nilda, is now at the table. When we put our hands together to do the usual “Itadakimasu”, Nilda-san also copied us and put her hands together and said “Itadakimasu” in a small voice.

“I’m asking you again but, can you tell everyone your name? We can’t call you “demon” all the time you see.”

While eating, I urged Nilda to re-introduce herself. Nilda looked dissatisfied for a moment but,

“I’m Nilda”

She introduced herself curtly. Her line of sight is focused on Liddy, who looks as usual… well, it’s what she appears to be. It’s like there is power in her eyes or rather, there’s this spark in the background and her aura can be seen, it feels like that. This could be because their ecology is incompatible with each other… They have this atmosphere like the dragon and tiger are competing against each other.

You are reading story Kajiya de Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life at novel35.com

Well, there’s actually a real tiger here, but Samia is eating breakfast with relish without minding about them.

“So, how did you know about our product?”

I asked Nilda, to change the atmosphere.

“When I was patrolling the boundary between the demon world and the human world, I came across a reconnaissance unit on the human side, I asked the red-haired woman there named Helen.”

Nilda said “demon world” and the “human world” but the world and space-time are not different. The area where the demons live is called the demon world, and the area where humans live is called the human world. It is one of the remnants of the war 600 years ago.

“Redhead Helen huh, is it the Lightning Sword?”

“I heard it was called “Thunderbolt”.”

She did say that she’d be out of the area for a while, she’s been to the demon world huh. And I noticed that she changed its name. Thunderbolt huh- Well, it’s certainly fast.

“I came across the “thunderbolt” corps and got into a fight. But I was outmatched. They didn’t kill me, but the “thunderbolt” destroyed all my weapons in a blink of an eye.”

Well, it’s my custom model after all so it can easily break ordinary steel. However, if she continues to use it like that, even if it is a custom model, it also has its limit. When she comes back, I’ll have to fix it.

“I saw it coming, so I tried to keep her from destroying my weapon but it was still destroyed before I knew it. That’s when she said to me,『You’re good! If you had the same weapon as me, maybe you could have done more!』Then…”

“Then you heard about it huh.”

Nilda nodded.

“Yes. I said I also want to get such weapon. She said, 『This gem was specially made for me. It’s not that easy to get.』Around that time, the other demon troop who heard the sound arrived. The “thunderbolt” corps could have taken care of them too, but for some reason they retreated. She showed me the engraving on the hilt and said, 『If you really want one, find a craftsman who makes weapons with this engraving! 』, is what she said.”

“I see”

“That’s why I took a leave and came to look for it. Other than the fact that the craftsman who made it was around here, I didn’t know anything else so I was looking for it there. As it’s around here, I thought she must have bought it directly from the craftsman or from a merchant whom the craftsman wholesaled it to.”

Maybe as she didn’t have the time so Helen was not able to tell her the place directly.

So, that’s how it came to the emergence of a bandit looking for a weapon engraved with a fat cat. Helen wouldn’t have expected this to happen too.

“Then, those you have attacked, why did they not remember your face?”

“I didn’t reveal my face in the first place, and in that state, the magic of “forgetfulness” works well.”

When I glanced at Liddy, Liddy nodded to me. There’s magic like that huh. She said she was not good at it but she seems to be able to use magic as long as the conditions are met.


“Are you done with your inquiries?”

“Oh, yes for now.”

“I see. But it’s good, the food here is delicious.”

“It’s worth it if you say that.”

After this, we finished breakfast without much conversation. Well, I’m not too sure if I should ask about the demon world. After we had our breakfast and cleaning up, I moved to the workshop. I then worshipped the Kamidana. Nilda imitated what she saw and worshipped as well.

“As a demon, you don’t have to do it if you’re not supposed to pray to a human god.”

“There is no such thing. I just imitate it because I think it’s an interesting custom.”

“Oh, I see”

Is the demon race non-religious? Or maybe, the Demon King is already the one at the highest position or something like that.

After the worship, Rike and the others prepare to make sheet metal. I lit it up as it was quicker for me to lit the furnace with magic. Nilda’s gaze pierces me, but there’s something I need to ask her now. Nilda and I move to the business meeting space in the workshop (although there are only tables and chairs) and sit face to face.

“So, what kind of weapon do you want?”

“Oh, right. It may be unfamiliar to humans, but it’s better if it’s a thin, long single-edged sword rather than a wide, double-edged sword.”

“A weapon for slashing huh. Should it be gently curved?”

“That’s right.”


I used a knife to quickly scrape the wood that was placed in the workshop. The finished product was not varnished or anything, but it was the kind of thing that every boy would buy on a school trip in the previous world.

“Is this kind of shape okay?”

“That’s exactly what I want.”

“This is it huh…”

The weapon Nilda wanted is a katana.

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