Kan-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic)

Chapter 6: Further planning and Progress

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Alyssia had managed to get a couple of duels out of the way thanks to the cooperation of several people within the street, allowing their children to participate. After spreading her fame further and completing the daily quota she had set, she went to go rest up and slowly absorb the information she had received from the Starter Gift Package for Drawing.

After slowly absorbing the information, she began to check her experience points after completing the mission.

[Martial Artist] Rank 0 - Non-Combatant/No Named Fighter

[Experience/Fame points] 146 / 500 (upper limit of stored points is 500 before Upgrade)

Looking at her notifications, she had earned twenty points for defeating four more opponents her age who were equally as strong as Tristan without the use of electro, and also she had been rewarded with a twenty point addition from achieving five victories in a row.

The rest of the remaining points were gained from several people who had watched her fights or from word of mouth about what she had done earlier.

As time passed her points would occasionally increase by one point as her story was passed from person to person as she had competed with those her age and defeated five opponents in a row.

She thought about it and then concluded that she would have to wait until she had achieved a higher chain of victories without losing before she could gain points from the achievements.

She believed that it would either be five and then ten in a row, or five and then something like twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five and a hundred in a row but the more difficult the task the more rewarding the points she would receive.

After reaching almost two hundred points in one day, she believed that it would not be long until she reached the limit if she continued to challenge people. She slowly digested what she had learned during her battles and began to try to get rid of some of the flaws or mistakes that she had made.

Although she had won and had been able to dominate the battles, she felt that if she was up against someone more experienced, they may be able to exploit her weakness easily.

Most of all, she needed to better make use of her high Agility to manoeuvre and avoid attacks but also get herself in the right place to land a solid hit on her enemy when they reveal a flaw or use her smaller attacks to slowly break them down.

She found that she needed to work on her balance and stamina the most because she was very tired after just a few duels.

She was still a very long way away from the top fighters in the world, who could fight for many hours without rest so she had no choice but to slowly build up her stamina along with her strength and agility.

After rummaging through her memories and her skills, she began to check out different types of training methods that were used in movies or mangas like weight training, endurance training, leg training, balance training and so on.

She felt that it would be a good idea to get a part-time job or help out at some place that does heavy lifting or delivery types of work so that she could do something similar to Goku and Krillin’s training with Master Roshi in Dragon Ball or just do some extra training while also earning a little currency to help towards her training, needed supplies or just towards her future goals.

She also wished to increase her body’s flexibility and her leg’s reach and kick range to its maximum potential so memorised some of the training methods and apparatuses used in moves like Jean Claude Van Damme's kick-boxer and other setups like the Shaolin wooden post training and other contraptions to help with increasing her training results.

If she could use her Drawing skill from the Starter package then she could begin to practice and draw out some rough sketches of what she had seen and ask someone to have them crafted for her.

For now, she could only perform some basic repetitive training and lift some rocks or heavy items around until she had money to have some weights or some form of weighted clothing made.

She quite liked the idea of getting a pair of customised shoes that better protect her legs when using her shin, knees and the top of her feet to attack, but she remembered other forms of protection would not be so difficult or expensive to use.

She could just use a leg and foot wrap or rope to better protect her legs just like Blue Gilly of the long-leg tribe who took part in Dressrosa's Coliseum Battle or leg protectors used by some Mixed Martial Artists or Muay Thai users.

After thinking about it she decided to wear Knee Protectors and then wrap her lower legs with a bandage or something similar and wear a pair of light but tough shoes.

If possible, she could also get a heavier pair to train in or to better protect her legs but she most wanted to get a pair of knee protector pads used in MMA, Kickboxing and other Martial Arts and also get a pair to protect her elbows.

While she wished to get a pair of slipper shoes or sneakers she could also go for a pair of military boots or something similar made out of leather but after thinking about it she decided to keep her style and her weight as light as possible when actually fighting and not training.

Instead, she found ankle and wrist weights to be a better option than putting on a pair of heavy boots and then having to remove them when she was about to duel. Just as she had thought up everything, her One Piece character style was beginning to be formed.

She had a human-like Kangaroo face and long but wavy black hair and black eyes, she had a slender body which was originally to reach maturity and end up like many of the One Piece beauties that had kept themselves well maintained and had not ruined themselves through bad habits but she would have slightly longer legs along with her tail.

On her feet would be black light slippers and underneath white leg wraps going up stopping before her knees and then a pair of knee protectors. Above that would be a pair of shorts or hot pants style of lower clothing to cover her bottom half and a short-sleeved top along with her elbow protectors while she would occasionally wear a coat depending on her environment i.e. if she enters a cold region.

One week had passed by and the time was enough to succeed in upgrading her system.

Defeating around five people every day and spreading her fame around the street that she lives in and a little further, she had made many points per day adding to the points she was rewarded for winning twenty-five duels in a row and the individual points rewarded after winning each duel.

There were also the additional daily points that she had earned from gaining Cat Viper’s attention and staying within his memory.

After clicking the Upgrade button, she was now able to access the Basic Learning Feature. So long as she comes into contact with a person, she can purchase the skills they own so that she can begin to learn them without needing an actual teacher.

During the week Tristan and Alyssia duelled many times and trained together but to celebrate their friendship, Alyssia gifted her a needle and thread and drew out a basic booklet of medical knowledge that she knew from her previous life.

It taught her the basics of disinfecting a wound and suturing it along with some other techniques to diagnose the patient and perform chest compressions and mouth to mouth and when to use various techniques.

During her free time, Tristan read the book and found it interesting, occasionally she would cut fruit and sew it. She continued this exercise until she was growing more and more familiar with the movements and was able to not damage the fruit but she knew that she was far from reaching perfection while her speed wasn't that good.

Tristan also followed the movements that were given, to keep her hands exercised and in good condition that was in the booklet which included making a tight fist, bending her fingers, finger to finger exercises, thumb bending, finger tapping, wrist stretching and rotating her forearm.

In the world of One Piece, the medical skills seem to be very good in some parts while other parts would be primitive and some people’s bodies are unusual at times even if it is for comedic effect to suddenly grow back a tooth by drinking some milk, in reality however real medical skills are required and even skills as a Surgeon would be needed to repair a large wound or deal with broken or dislocated bones.

Although Alyssia only knew a couple of things from her previous world, she did know to bandage and sterilise her wounds and take care of herself and also recognise several warning signs when she or someone else is unwell.

For someone who had yet to touch anything medical related, it was a good way to help her walk the path of a qualified doctor rather than working as a nurse or assistant to the goat doctor like in the manga.

Alyssia knew the threats of dying were real within this world and the slightest cut or sting could kill a person if left untreated. Fighting against many powerhouses in the world even the luckiest person could suffer some kind of wound that is life-threatening whether it be a collapsed rib or a fatal sword wound.

Though Roronoa Zoro powered through a large sword wound on his chest without a ship doctor before entering the grand line with sheer willpower and just cleaning, stitching and bandaging his wounds several times but if it was anyone else, they would most definitely die from such a wound unless they had a doctor by their side during critical moments.

During the week she had also visited the doctor to ask if he could provide Tristan with some learning materials and take her as a young apprentice if she can show potential. Sitting back in a wooden rocking chair, Alyssia was having some time to rest and slowly look over the status of the system and available knowledge that she had to learn from and master.

[Name] Alyssia Lucine

[Race] Mink - Kangaroo

[Birth place] Zou (Night Guard’s Affiliation)

You are reading story Kan-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic) at novel35.com

[Main Profession or Job] Martial Artist Rank 1

[Secondary Professions or Talents] Leg Martial Arts and Navigation

[Strength] 6+1 (+1)

[Agility] 7 (+2)

[Stamina] 8+1

[Intelligence] 4+2 (+1)

[Spirit] 8+1 (+2)

Infant stage, so stats are reduced to half

Haki - N/A

Skills or talents:

Electro (Active Racial Talent) 0% Mastery

Sulong (Active Racial Talent) 0% Mastery

Beast Instinct and Sense (Passive Racial Talent) 13% Mastery

Basic Leg Martial Arts (Gained Talent and Knowledge) 84% Mastery

Basic Navigation (Gained Talent and Knowledge) 68% Mastery

Basic Cooking (Gained Knowledge and Experience) 100% Mastery <Upgrade to Intermediate>

Basic Science (Gained Knowledge and Experience) 86% Mastery

Basic Math (Gained Knowledge and Experience) 100% Mastery <Upgrade to Expert>

Basic Scholar (Gained Knowledge and Experience) 100% Mastery <Upgrade to Advanced>

Basic Programming (Gained Knowledge and Experience) 100% Mastery <Upgrade to Expert>

Beginner Drawing (Gained Knowledge) 49% Mastery

Weakness - Very hot or dry environments, Sulong risks of character going out of control or being weakened afterwards


After checking her stats, she noticed that through the years she had gained one point in her Strength, Stamina and Spirit as a result of her constant practice.

Thanks to her Scholar ability to help read through books and learn different kinds of knowledge, her intellect had also gained two points which showed that through learning and practice she could improve her base stats.

As for her skills, talents or racial abilities, she found that they had grown over the years. Even her Science mastery had gone up a little after reviewing some of the knowledge. Although the racial abilities like Electro and Sulong were not showing signs of improvement, she had gained thirteen percent mastery of her Beast Instinct and Sense after fighting many battles.

In battle, she was able to push her senses to a higher stage and grasp a better understanding of her passive ability. Not only did she have to use her eyes, ears, and nose but also her sense of taste(when the opponent’s wounded) to sense if someone was close and she was able to also grasp the fighting instinct of the minks that make them difficult to hit.

Even with their Electro and high Agility, many of them may easily fall prey to Haki users but their beast instinct helps them to avoid oncoming attacks better and grasp the opponent’s weakness. Almost similar to the protagonist’s instincts where he can be considered a battle genius, the minks also have a somewhat similar ability.

For her two Talents or Side Professions, she had also improved her mastery through learning the knowledge provided to her by the system and through practice and experience.

Her Leg Martial Arts mastery showed the most improvement when she practised or sparred with someone and her Beast Instinct Passive did partly play a role in helping her grasp it sooner.

The Navigation mastery was slowly improving now that she had bought the Beginner Drawing package and was steadily improving that ability in her free time while sketching out a basic map of the area that she lives in along with some other things.

Out of all of the skills she had within her possession, the only thing that was yet to reach the Basic level was her drawing so she did not need to spend her experience or fame points.

Some skills required five hundred points to upgrade while others could cost up to two thousand points to purchase or upgrade to the Basic grade.

[Martial artist] rank 1 - Student or basic level rank

[Experience/Fame points] 269 / 5000 (upper limit of stored points is 5000 before upgrade)

Tips - fight more opponents and spread your fame! Right now, you are weak and unknown but one day you might be able to become famous in your area. If you cannot defeat certain people within your area travel to another location to issue challenges to spread your fame further and then return when you are stronger!


As a Basic rank Martial Artist, her skills were just at the level of an apprentice of a dojo or a low-rank fighter within the world in terms of fame.

Some people may know of her, and her skills may be good for those of her age but she still had a long way to go before she would be able to grow more influence for herself.

In her street, she was somewhat known now but outside, few people knew of her unless they witnessed one of her duels by chance.

There was a problem in finding more opponents her age who did not use Electro within her street so with every passing day she had to expand her range in order to find a new opponent if she wished to complete the twenty-five duels won in a row achievement.

She could not defeat the same person twice and then earn the wins in a row to get the achievement, thanks to the rules and restrictions stating that she could beat an individual once and then defeat the next opponent, the same opponent will no longer count as someone that can be included on the achievement.

Although winning another duel with the same person can provide points, it would not register the opponent’s loss to her a second time on her winning streak.

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