KARAZ, Names Out

Chapter 6: Gold

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In a battle between her body and her brain, her brain always wins! The rosy-cheeked girl continues to think. Thinking consumes her body! She continued to read the book...

An Education

The ways of accessing the subconscious mind, like hypnosis tools and NLP or any other technique, are presented as magic by the people who use them, and this is an issue. They self-destruct the science behind these techniques. Enough time should be given to access the subconscious instead of hacking it!

Education itself would provide access to the subconscious mind after the brain has been supplied with information for a long time. You will find after a while that you think like an engineer if you have had a few years of engineering education. Normal people who try to discuss a technical topic with you would not compete with you if you have become an engineer, because engineering has entered your bloodstream even if you have not practiced it in the form of a job. From here we can see the difference that brain learning, when done long term, is acceptable.

Accessing the deep brain takes a lot of work to change a person's behavior, and slow learning is preferable to shock learning because it gives one enough time to examine the ideas received rather than just receiving them. This is what Christopher Nolan portrayed in his movie "Inception", a dream within a dream!

Education is the most obvious technique for programming our brain. What happens to the brain during education? This is a good topic to explore, will you? Maybe what happens to the brain when we are educated is that information is uploaded into memory and absorbed by the subconscious mind! Maybe the subconscious is not a separate mind, but just a level, the machine level! Human language is a higher level, so sometimes this level is not suitable to solve the problems of the machine level below, you cannot tell someone with words to stop getting upset, because the emotions are the level below or the machine level, the emotional level, the unconscious level...

The rosy-cheeked girl suddenly remembered her grandmother while reading these words from the book.

Cheaters! That's what the grandmother of the rosy-cheeked girl called men! The rosy-cheeked girl begins to wonder what she thinks. The rosy-cheeked girl is thinking about an explanation for male and female relationships, women accused of jealousy by men and men accused of cheating by women, and both sexes are trying to find a logical understanding or explanation for why a man keeps looking at other women and why women are more jealous than normal.

The rosy-cheeked girl kept thinking ...

Cheating and jealousy was a high-level description (logical thinking) for physical conditions, and such logical thinking will always mislead women and men in their behavior. Logical thinking is considered invalid in this case because the language of feelings is different from the language of thought (logic), and our attempts to make each sex reasonable aren't the right way to find a solution!

The male hormones drive him, and the female hormones drive her, and our thoughts and logical thinking are there to control these animal behaviors, so basically, we can't blame the men for being in contact with other girls, but we can blame them if they don't feel guilty or if they overstep their boundaries, such as having a sexual relationship with another woman!

The rosy-cheeked girl couldn't believe that she thought like that and how the book poisoned her thoughts, she couldn't bear to contradict her beloved grandmother and hated herself for a moment and said,

“Cheaters! They're all cheats!”

Then the rosy-cheeked girl played her favorite song again, reached for her cup of noodles again, opened the book and continued reading ...


Reading is a form of willingness to program one's mind by oneself. The passion to carry a book everywhere is a constant invitation to the mind to reprogram itself about particular or general ideas. You are reading a language invented by humans to change the settings of your neurons in your brain that you have not been able to access in any other way, so use reading a language, listening to music, watching a movie, or talking to a friend to do this. If you can no longer program your mind in conventional ways, you may be talking to yourself!

Daydreaming is a form of talking to yourself; it's like someone inside you is telling a story! Talking to yourself is also a way of learning, you program your mind with certain words.

Paloma Mari-Beffa in an article titled "The Surprising Benefits of Talking to Yourself" claims that inner conversations or self-talk help us organize our thoughts, plan actions and ultimately control ourselves! Paloma Mari-Beffa also claimed that Jean Piaget observed that young children begin to control their actions as soon as they begin to develop language! Paloma Mari-Beffa also claimed that, according to some studies, our brain prefers talking to ourselves to accomplish tasks by default!

This raises an interesting question about language: if humans had not invented languages by today, would we be living like every other animal on the planet? Wars can provide a clue that leads to the answer to such a question, where talking has no great value when you are on a battlefield. Soldiers were programmed to skip the level of logical thinking and talking, soldiers would not talk to each other before shooting at each other. Can we assume that we are normal animals without languages? Can we assume that without the invention of language, there would be no civilization?!

Playing games is an impressive experience that everyone has had many times in their lives. We feel excited when we play games as we do when we travel. Playing games can be a way to programme the brain. In every game you start at a stupid level and after a while you suddenly become an expert. If you were told that you would become an expert in this game, you would not believe it at the beginning, but after a short time your hands and your mind are oriented and you become an expert in dealing with this game, even if at the beginning you do not understand how to become an expert, and this happens in everything, not only in the world of games most of the time! It's like someone else inside you starts playing the game, your mind has learned, that's how your brain has been trained, that's how a doctor becomes a doctor, that's how an engineer becomes an engineer, it becomes like an autopilot...

An engineer!

The rosy-cheeked girl remembered the engineer who had proposed to her before she decided to work far away from her home. She remembered the meeting between the two families, it was a challenge game between the two families, it was a match. Both families were conservative and did not allow the rosy-cheeked girl and the engineer to meet and talk alone. Her father was very strict with this rule, he wanted to preserve his girl's reputation, as he claimed!

To appear civilized, the families agreed to meet in one of the city's cafes. They claimed that in this way both families would try to get to know each other outside of formal meetings, and that this would be a chance for the rosy-cheeked girl and the engineer to get to know each other privately.

You are reading story KARAZ, Names Out at novel35.com

Both families sat down together in the café, and since there was no large table that would have been enough for both families, they put tables next to each other so that both families had room. The rosy-cheeked girl and the engineer sat at separate table, relatively far from their families. Both families thought this was a civilized way to bring their children together! The engineer was shy about asking the rosy-cheeked girl questions, and she tried to answer politely. Both thought they would feel free because they were allowed to sit separately, but this freedom was under the supervision of both families, and it was a false civilized way, but both families did not realize that!

  The engineer brought his father, mother, sisters and a few other women to the meeting, and these women spent most of their time staring at the rosy-cheeked girl and watching her reactions. The rosy-cheeked girl felt uncomfortable, but she tried to ignore it because her mother had taught her to stay calm no matter what happened at the meeting!

The rosy-cheeked girl felt sorry for her mother, who wore only a light gold bracelet, while the women of the engineer family wore a fortune of gold on their bodies. The rosy-cheeked girl imagined that if she takes such gold and sells it, then this sold gold will make her rich all her life!

The engineer was handsome and smart, but the rosy-cheeked girl did not like him, she did not think the engineer turned her on, she did not feel like this was the guy she would sleep with for the rest of her life. The rosy-cheeked girl did not dare to reveal her feelings for the engineer, claiming that the guy was stupid and stingy when he asked her if she wanted to drink juice just once!

The rosy-cheeked girl claimed that she was thirsty, and he was drinking his juice alone. The rosy-cheeked girl's mother tried to convince the rosy-cheeked girl to accept the engineer because she thought there will be a great future for him. The rosy-cheeked girl then decided to be tricky and use her ultimate weapon to stop her parents from convincing her to marry him. The rosy-cheeked girl claimed that the engineer was not religious, and this was true, such a thing is especially crucial for the rosy-cheeked girl's father, and then he boldly said,

“Forget about him!”

Even today the rosy-cheeked girl remembered this story, although she was still not convinced about this engineer and sometimes wished she should have accepted this offer in the past. The rosy-cheeked girl took a deep breath and then reached for her book again, played her song from the beginning and continued reading...

How science sees hypnosis is important, many studies are made to test hypnosis event, it is usually perceived in the stage entertainment. Hypnotherapy is used as a complementary treatment and hypnosis has a strong relationship with dreams, which most of us are interested in. Hypnosis and dreams have in common, roughly and generally, the idea that both use the subconscious mind!

Ann Williamson simplified the processes in the brain during hypnosis based on the idea that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and right hemispheres, as we all know. Since the mid-twentieth century, it has been found that these two parts are each divided into mainly four regions or four lobes, and many studies have been done to test the functions of the brain regions by examining which areas are active (light up in a scanner) during certain human behaviors. People tend to divide humans into left or right brained because some studies have found that one hemisphere is sometimes more dominant than the other in certain behaviors. Such a division remains controversial, while assigning functions to each brain region is more accepted and scientifically sound.

Ann Williamson simplifies by claiming that in our normal waking state, the left hemisphere is more dominant and is responsible for the "conscious mind" and verbal communication. According to Ann, the right hemisphere is more emotional and creative, communicating with symbols and images, and could be called our "unconscious mind." Ann's description leads us to the question of which parts of our brain are active when we dream during sleep, and what generally happens to us during sleep.

We can see that humans need daydreaming because we are always worried about the future and affected by past events. We can understand why we think about the future and our brain can still control our daydreams, you will not dream because you have to fly like a bird, right? Will you? As a child, maybe you did when you watched a cartoon because it was a satisfying, colorful and simple, non-realistic journey into another fantasy world.

So, a daydream cannot be a big mystery like a nightdream, and the traditional questions like "why, where, when, who, how, and what" regarding daydreams can be answered somehow, which is not the case with nightdreams. This roughly suggests that the problem of understanding dreams lies mainly in night dreams, since we cannot control them, even though it can be assumed that both day and night dreams have the same psychological motivations.

Do you want to keep reading this book? Why do you want to!!!

If you want to do that, you should at least start dreaming!

The roommate of the rosy-cheeked girl returned to the room after washing her face and also took a cup of noodle, then the roommate changed her non-sexy pajamas and put on her sexy pajamas, her light sleepwear!

“It's so hot, you cannot stand it, can you?” Asked the roommate to the rosy-cheeked girl.

“Yes, it's so hot today!” replied the rosy-cheeked girl with a slight fake smile.

The rosy-cheeked girl lost concentration again and pretended to read her book, she realized that she could not concentrate, she felt hypnotized again, but this time she was not focused on the book, she was focused on her roommate, it was the opposite, a few seconds ago she felt hypnotized by the book and now she suddenly feels the opposite, she started to wonder if this is what happens during hypnosis! She read the same paragraph over and over again, but she could not remember a word!

The roommate starts again to list some of the names she remembers, and the rosy-cheeked girl receives her words without any concentration, the roommate names 'names' that make her feel like she is forgetting the name she wants, she is not helping her remember the name, she is helping her forget it!

The rosy-cheeked girl then began to skim the book and found many QR codes placed on many pages of the book, she ignored these QR codes and noticed a receipt among the papers of the book, the receipt was for a paid fee but the name was hidden, the original owner of this book became a mystery to the rosy-cheeked girl and she tried to find another clue to find out who the real owner of the book is but she couldn't find ...The roommate quickly finished her cup of noodles and decided to go back to sleep...

The rosy-cheeked girl found it a chance to continue reading again, she went outside to get a cup of drinking water and then returned to her room, she tried to find some tea she kept somewhere in the kitchen, but she couldn't find it, she always knew that someone would take her things if she left them for a long time. She started again with her favorite song, grabbed her water cup, opened the book and continued reading ...

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