Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Dao Weapons

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‘Two-hundred and twenty-seven.’ Raul thought furiously on the floor while Tai was dusting off his hands in the kitchen.

“… Why do you fight him? You know you can’t win.” Marina couldn’t understand this blatantly stupid behavior.

“Yet. I can’t win yet.” Raul corrected as he struggled to get up. “I will eventually, and every fight before that will help me do it. Besides, it’s not like I lose anything from losing to him.”

“As you can see, he’s delusional. My condolences being married to that” Tai called out to Marina from the kitchen.

“What, you looking for a round three?” Raul snapped. The two weren’t usually this rowdy, but they were both excited since they hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“I see.” Marina nodded as if she’d seen the light. “So you really are crazy.”

“I’m not crazy!” Raul yelled angrily, even if he did have doubts himself. “I just think that if you can’t even picture yourself winning then you never will. I will beat him one day, just you two wait!” He proudly declared.

A smile crept up Tai’s face in the kitchen. Raul never relented. When his talent was revealed, everyone started treating him respectfully, even the friends he’d had started walking on pins and needles around him.

Raul was the only one who was different. He’d openly declare his jealousy, challenge him to fights, take advantage of his position, and hang around with him just like they used to.

He even dared teach him bad things like sneaking out at night, and how to enjoy the company of women. Though he’d stopped doing that since meeting Ellen, they were still cherished memories. He was truly his worst friend, and brother for life.

Marina just stared at him with a look of contemplation.

“What? Did I amaze you with my profoundness?” Raul made an attractive roguish grin.

“A bit.” Marina nodded, shocking Raul and making him feel like he was on cloud nine. “I’m definitely amazed at your idiocy.” She heartlessly smashed him back into the earth.

“But, I’m even more thankful.” She continued. “Someone like you might very well be the best tool I could ask for.”

“It wouldn’t kill you to be less blunt.” Raul sighed. Well, at least there was no danger of him misunderstanding things.

He then looked at the kitchen and yelled, “Oi! How long are you gonna stick around? You’re holding up my cultivation debut here!”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Tai came back. He’d been checking the immortal cooking tools in the kitchen for any qi signatures asides Marina’s, but it was really only hers on them.

He came to the decision that they had to win Marina over to their family for real. This bomb was simply too enticing! “Before I go, should I prepare an attribute checker for him?” He asked Marina cordially.

“I was just about to ask if you could. I’ll be teaching him how to use basic qi first, but still bring it by tomorrow if possible.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Raul immediately regretted asking as the looks they gave him alerted him it was a dumb question.

Marina threw a reproachful look at Tai as well. Tai looked away in embarrassment and coughed in his hand. “Don’t look at me like that, he took the same basic classes I did.” Marina nodded in understanding and turned an exasperated look back to Raul.

The whites of Raul’s eyes showed as he looked up to the ceiling speechlessly. Bro, those classes were twelve years ago, ok! Please don’t talk about them like it was breakfast yesterday!

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Marina sighed and explained. “Once you reach the qi refining realm, you’ll be a real cultivator. That means just absorbing primordial qi won’t be enough to progress anymore, you’ll need a proper qi cultivation technique. By testing your attribute, we can figure out what technique would be best for you.”

Tai nodded. “Yeah, it will also help Marina make a Dao weapon for you.”

Question marks were practically shooting up from Raul’s head at the mention of another unknown term, but he refused to ask this time for fear of sounding stupid.

“A Dao Weapon is one of the main skills of my house. It’ll be in tune with you and help unlock your full potential easier. It’s often called the ultimate weapon.” Marina voluntarily explained, a hint of pride coloring her voice.

Raul frowned and shook his head. “The attribute stuff and cultivation technique sound awesome, but I already have a weapon.” Raul touched the shrinking bag at his side while thinking fondly of the sword inside.

It was one of the last things his father had given him, and he’d practiced with it for years now. Though it was a bit short for him now, he’d always envisioned himself cutting through scores of enemies with it.

Hiss! Tai sharply inhaled air. Dao Weapons were a Norn family exclusive. No family had ever even come close to being able to replicate it. The effects were so strong that even high-level cultivators would beg for the opportunity to use one for a few hours!

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say it was the cornerstone of the Norn family’s claim to the title of number one support family in the west. To turn it down was simply a slap in the face.  

He glanced at Marina. Sure enough, even that ice woman with a presumably low loyalty to the Norn family was leaking murderous intent right now, and after he’d just determined to draw her into the family. He had to fix this!

“Ehm, Raul. I know that Uncle Cross’ last gift to you is important, but it’s made out of ordinary metal. It’d break immediately if you actually used it in a fight between cultivators. Uncle wouldn’t want to meet you early in the great beyond because you brought his gift into a real fight. You should just keep it with you, maybe frame it. Heck, you might be able to pass it down to your own kid one day as you tell them about their grandpa.” Tai explained tactfully.

He made sure to emphasize ‘the great beyond’ to get the point across to Marina. He also nudged his head in Marina’s direction when mentioning the possibility of a kid. If Raul could really get the deed done Tai would be jumping with joy.

Raul didn’t pay much attention to the ending though, as he’d already taken out the old blade and was staring at it in contemplation while Marina watched silently from the side. Her anger had diminished after hearing about the significance of the blade.

After contemplating for a while, he looked at Marina and asked, “Could you make the Dao Weapon to be like this one?” 

Marina shook her head. “I don’t know what shape the Dao Weapon will take yet, but that sword is very unsuitable for you, so it’s unlikely it will become like it.” She answered honestly. She noticed Tai listening closely, but she didn’t say anything that would reveal something that couldn’t be found with a little digging.

Raul sighed but nodded while putting the sword away. When it came to cultivation matters, he trusted the two in this room the most. If they say it can’t be done, then it can’t be done.

“Well, all this talk about attributes and Dao Weapons is premature anyway, first you have to actually reach the qi refining realm.” Tai reminded him of the big event to cheer him up.

Raul nodded eagerly. Though he was disappointed his old partner couldn’t follow him into the cultivation world, he was still obviously excited to become a real cultivator.

Like Tai said, he could still treasure his sword in other ways. Raul looked at Tai and gestured for him to take a hike. “Three is a crowd, get out of here already man.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Tai actually left this time, though he didn’t forget to shout out he’d bring the attribute testing equipment tomorrow.

‘Good luck brother. I sincerely hope you’ll be a member of this world the next time we meet.’ Tai couldn’t help casting a worried gaze over the cottage before leaving.

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