Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 collapse

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“And you’re certain she only reached the Refining Realm today?” A handsome middle-aged man asked from the screen.

“Absolutely.” Tai nodded with certainty. “I inspected her closely yesterday and she definitely wasn’t in the Refining Realm yet.”

It can take years for a person to be able to cultivate after their cultivation was abandoned, but that was only under the premise that they had no resources. For someone like a Norn Family member, possibly even a high-ranking member, it should’ve only taken a little over a month.

That she hadn’t broken through before, despite recultivators not having a smelting period, and instead broke through on the day Raul did was pretty telling.

“You did a good job not making any rush decisions with her. Though we’re only making guesses now, she might be a crucial existence for Raul.” Hearing that, Tai looked like he wanted to ask something, but he hesitated. “Hm? Are there any other problems? Don’t hesitate to ask.” The man said.

Tai shook his head. “It’s nothing father, I was just wondering how the front is holding.”

“You don’t need to ask about that, like I’ve said it doesn’t concern you.” George’s face turned grave.


“No buts! You guys are the future, but you’re still small right now. If you really want to help, then do well at the academy and become formidable. Us old heads can still hold up the sky for now.” George chastised him, but his voice was warm.

Tai nodded, but his throat felt tight.

“Good. Find out what Raul wants to do about the academy. The next entrance exam is in four years, he should be able to reach a decent realm by then. As for the Norn girl, for now–“

“Tai!” Ellen burst into his room with a panicked expression. “Family Head.” She did what she hoped was a professional bow to the screen before continuing. “Raul’s wife collapsed!” She tried to keep the panic out of her voice. As the one who’d investigated Marina she was highly aware of how ugly this could get.

Both Tai and George’s face turned extremely ugly. “Let’s go! Father, I need permission to order Physician Lee.” He turned to the screen.

George nodded in appreciation for his son’s wits. Physician Lee wasn’t their highest realm physician, but he handled those who were in low realms and those who had damaged their cultivation often.

The ability to quickly pick out the best man for the job was integral to a Family Head. “You have it, you can also command Physician Mark if it comes to it. Go.” He consented before the screen turned dark.

“Her state is very stable young master, she should awaken naturally in a few hours.” Lee informed Tai in the living room. He, Raul, and Ellen had been waiting there while Physician Lee checked Marina’s state.

“Do you know why she collapsed?” Raul asked anxiously. He was scared to death when Marina collapsed. He’d run out of the house like a madman screaming for help until a guard appeared before him.

Lee shook his head. “She’s very fatigued, but not to the extent she would’ve collapsed. There are no abnormalities with her cultivation either. She’s mending extremely well, to the extent that I’d like to ask her for advice.” His eyes shined as he mentioned her mending.

“Ultimately there’s nothing that should’ve caused her to fall unconscious. I think it’s possible she experienced a large shock, and that’s why she fell unconscious.” He explained.

The man’s words caused Raul to collapse into the couch, his face a mix of relief and guilt. Ellen patted his shoulder with a worried expression while Tai signaled for Lee to step outside with him.

“Thank you for your quick response Physician Lee, who knows what could’ve happened if you weren’t so swift.” Tai bowed his head respectfully. “Take this seal, you can collect that ingredient you were asking about with it.” Tai took out a paper slip from his ring, but Lee shook his head in refusal.

“Thank you for the kind words young master, but I didn’t do anything that a regular physician couldn’t, if anything I should be apologizing for not being more useful.”

“Nonsense! Your examination alleviated all our worries. If someone else did it, we’d be left wondering if the problem was missed. Please, take it.” Tai insisted.

Physician Lee pondered for a moment before nodding. “Then how about this. Why don’t you mention me to the little miss when she awakens? I would be gratified if I could talk to her about medical practice.” He compromised.

Tai was surprised but he didn’t let his smile slip. “That would be no problem, but I can’t promise she’ll visit.” He warned.

“Naturally.” Physician Lee nodded with a smile before leaving.

When Tai came back, he found a depressed Raul laying his head on Ellen’s lap while being fed a toasted breadstick with a strong smell of hazelnuts.

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‘…These two are too close!’ Tai’s eyes twitched. “Ellen, don’t spoil him.” He chastised with a frown. 

“What, you want my lap to yourself?” She flashed a mischievous grin at him. 

Tai blushed a little and looked away. “Is that so bad?” he whispered bashfully.

Ellen’s eyes twinkled with a sadistic glint as her mouth curved even more upwards. He looked so cute she just wanted to eat him up.

“More bread please.” Raul requested just as she opened her mouth to tease Tai. He didn’t so much as flinch as the two turned frowning faces towards him, he only opened his mouth patiently and looked more pitiful.

It was bad enough he’d accidentally hurt his wife, but now these two wanted to flirt in his own honeymoon house before he’d even had the chance to do so. He only had three words, in your dreams! 

Ellen’s lips twitched, but in the end, she lowered another breadstick for him. Though she knew him well enough to guess his thoughts, she had a soft spot for Raul. If it wasn’t for him her and Tai would probably be nothing but master and subordinate. Besides, it was kind of fun seeing Tai’s bitter face.

“Alright, out with it.” Tai grumpily demanded. “I saw that look when Physician Lee was talking, what did you do?”

“…” Raul was silent for a moment as he slowly ate the breadstick, but he inevitably finished it. “… I learned how to use wind qi before I learned how to use regular qi.” He eventually said, greatly shocking the both of them.

“I’m sorry, come again?” Tai couldn’t help saying. He’d literally just seen Raul less than twenty-four hours ago and he wasn’t even a cultivator then, now he can already use his attribute, what kind of talent was this?

Not to brag, but he was the most talented Vault descendant in history, and it’d still taken him four days to figure out how to project his qi, and another five to use his attribute.

‘Are the methods of the big families so different?’ For a moment Tai seriously wondered if his dreams were even possible. He didn’t know that Marina’s eyes would widen in surprise if she’d heard his record.

Anyone who’d managed to project their qi in a month on their own could be said to have prodigal qi talent. Projecting qi became second nature to all cultivators eventually, but it wasn’t nearly as easy as it looked.

Internal injuries were common in the cultivation world, and over seventy percent of them could be attributed to qi deviations. Those who were naturally in tune to the movement of their qi could save themselves a lot of trouble on their cultivation journey.

“That’s amazing Rai Rai!” Ellen rustled his hair ecstatically. She didn’t know exactly when Raul had broken through, so she was much more surprised about him learning his attribute qi first.

“Phew, I’m glad I’m not alone on this. My instructor looked at me like I was a freak when I learned my attribute qi first.” She smiled happily while casually saying another sentence that’d cause Marina to question her worldview.

What did learning your attribute qi first mean? It meant you didn’t take the attribute test! In the dark with hundreds of options around you and you actually walk straight to the right one, what kind of aptitude was this? It was much rarer than just having good qi talent, even top families rarely produced people that in tune with their attribute.

Of course, qi talent was only one factor in judging a cultivator’s talent, and having it wasn’t enough to guarantee one would rise. That said, having it was certainly better than not.

Tai pouted as he watched Ellen spoil Raul and coughed several times to get their attention. “Yes, I remember how shocked I was when Ellen told me that story. Combined with her exhaustion it wouldn’t surprise me if that caused her to faint. You don’t need to feel guilty though man, it’s not like it was your fault. Also, considering her goals, she’ll probably be happy when she wakes.”     

Raul didn’t look directly at them while he nodded. He couldn’t tell them that she’d actually fainted because he’d pushed too hard trying to cultivate.

The Divine Pairing Hearts was a secret technique of the Norn family, Marina had already warned him repeatedly of the consequences of it leaking to outsiders.

Tai and Ellen stayed to comfort Raul for a while, but they both ultimately had duties they had to return to and left.

Raul sighed in the now empty house and walked to the room. He cast guilty eyes at the peacefully sleeping girl.

He sat next to her and hesitantly put his hand over hers. This wasn’t for solidarity or comfort however. He couldn’t use his qi to give her a check up since he couldn’t send it outwards yet, but there was another method that only he could do.

He was never aware of it when he was a mortal, but there was a connection between him and Marina always present. He’d thought she’d been building one every time she used the technique, but she was just igniting what’d already been built. If it was just activating something already there, he might be able to do it too.

He hesitated for a moment, but his eyes set with grim determination. If the damage was really caused through their connection, then there might be things only he could perceive, he had to risk it. He closed his eyes and reached for their connection.

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