Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Future Path

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‘Asides from their use in locking dangerous objects away or hiding hidden areas, sealing runes can also be directly applied in combat. By mixing seals in with qi attacks it’s possible to disrupt your opponent’s qi flow or block up their meridians. Seals can also be directly used on the user to pool a large amount of qi together for a big attack or a quick escape.’ Raul uncharacteristically read the book with rapt attention during his lunch break.

Two days had passed since Raul learned how to project his qi, and one of the first things he did was make an imprint on the ring Tai left for him. Inside was a locked box and mirror with Tai’s contact already in it. After calling Tai with the mirror and getting congratulated by him, he got the trick to opening the box. Inside was a book on basic sealing techniques.

Every household that managed to make a name for itself had some sort of specialty, and seals were the Vault’s. Even the low-level guards could apply seals to some degree.

As a member of the Vault Household, it was only natural that Raul was expected to learn sealing techniques as well. But before he could get access to the family’s true specialties, he had to grasp basic sealing techniques first.

The book was very difficult, and his progress was glacial. A lot of the information was hidden behind seals that needed to be unlocked before he could learn more. He ended up spending a lot of time rereading previous parts and building a better foundation as a result.

But as annoying as it was, Raul was motivated. Before he could only watch enviously as Tai showed off this stuff, now he could finally learn it too. Images of sealing Tai in a room gave him all the energy he needed to keep going.

But even more than his petty thoughts of revenge, it was the sense of belonging that really kept Raul going. Though not everyone was good to him, he truly loved the Vault Family, and considered it his roots. Learning their signature techniques only made that connection stronger.

“It’s time to start training again” Marina informed him.

Raul nodded and closed the book, but he didn’t make any moves to go back to the posts. “Marina, shouldn’t we focus more on materializing our meridians?” He couldn’t help asking.

The fun of experimenting with controlling his qi hadn’t worn out, but Raul’s goal was very clear. He wanted to enroll in the academy in a couple months. Enrollment only opened every four years, waiting for the next one would open an even larger gap between him and his peers.

Marina shook her head. “No, I’m not planning to materialize any of our meridians for a while.” Her casual words crushed his plans.

After a moment of hesitation, Raul steeled himself. “Marina, I want to enter the Southern Academy this enrollment period.” He confessed. He felt unreasonable saying this.

There were about two months before the exams. It’d be impossible for them to break through to the Spirit Ascension Realm in that time normally. His only hope was if Marina had a way to shorten the time, like she had with the Smelting Period.  

“Of course we’re enrolling this period.” Marina said as if it was obvious. “My target enrolls this year, we can’t afford to let him get ahead of us. The academy is also the perfect hunting ground.”

Though the last part slightly confused him, he didn’t let it distract him from the main point. “Then shouldn’t we start unlocking meridians? We’re already short on time.”

“We’re not going to unlock any meridians prior to enrolling.” Marina shook his head.

Raul’s jaw dropped in disbelieve as he finally understood her intentions. “Are you insane!” He yelled angrily, genuinely catching her off guard.

His reaction couldn’t be blamed. Everyone knew that the Academies looked down on Refining Realm cultivators. It’s the only realm where you must sign an enlistment agreement that states you would join the Academy’s forces at the fronts for ten years when you graduate.

Approaching the fronts was akin to signing one’s own death warrant for a Refining cultivator, even a Spirit Ascension cultivator would be little more than an ant out there.

Marina tilted her head in genuine confusion. It was only after thinking about it for a few moments that she finally understood where the problem was.

“Enlisting isn’t as bad as you think, it’s a great chance to rack up merits.” Marina explained.

“Pft, yeah, if you survive.” Raul derided. “I agree with going this year, but enlisting is too reckless. We should break through to the Spirit Ascension Realm and then enroll.” He insisted.

Marina was slightly troubled by this. Raul had never been against any of her plans before, even the more dangerous ones. She’d never imagined how notorious the Academy’s enlistment was among the lower class.

While Marina technically had full say, as Raul couldn’t cultivate without her, she’d rather not mention that unless she had to. Their cooperation had proceeded smoothly up to this point without anyone having to pull rank, and she’d like to keep it that way in the future as well.

She did not have the capabilities to turn a pig into a dragon, she needed Raul to maintain his own spark of ambition and drive if she were to have any hope of bringing him to the level she needed.

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But she couldn’t back down on this. Not only would entering with no meridians materialized allow her to nurture Raul to his full potential, but the ten-year enlistment was also of vital importance.

Marina’s goals were complete domination. There could be no question in anyone’s mind who was better between Raul and that person. For that, it wasn’t enough for Raul to be strong, he needed status and achievements as well, yet the world was unfair and shallow.

No matter what kind of waves they made in whatever backwards area the Vault Family protected on the fronts, they’d never even get noticed. But if they made waves somewhere high profile like the Southern Academy lines, then it wouldn’t matter where they went afterwards because eyes would already be on them.

She absolutely had to make him enter as is.

“…We don’t have enough time to breakthrough to the Spirit Ascension Realm before enrollment starts. Are you really willing to wait four years?” She asked coldly.

“No, I’m not.” Raul shook his head without hesitation. “But I don’t think you’re being entirely truthful when you say we don’t have time. Explain it properly please.” He spoke politely but sternly. He didn’t mind taking risks, but only if he judged they were worth it.

‘Troublesome.’ Marina frowned. She considered herself a good liar, but Raul was starting to make her second guess that recently. It wasn’t like this in the beginning, but at some point, he started noticing her attempts at deceit.

“Materializing meridians isn’t hard to do, but it’s extraordinarily hard to do perfectly. If mistakes are made in the process, then the meridians can lose the ability to do certain things. That’s why most people in the know take a few years to materialize all of them, even though a decent Qi Cultivation Technique could get the job done in a few months. While you are right, and it is possible for us to reach the Spirit Ascension Realm by the enrollment time, I will not allow you to do anything that will harm your potential. Not until you fulfill my wish at least.” She explained the issue after a moment of thought.

While it wasn’t the whole reason she wanted this path, she wasn’t lying about wanting to preserve his full potential. She felt this explanation would be easier for him to digest than trying to explain the complicated benefits of enlisting with the Academy for ten years, and she was right.

Raul already knew that Tai was in the Qi Refining Realm for two years before he broke through, that’s why he thought his request was unreasonable to begin with.

He also had no desires to harm his potential for short-term gains, and completely dropped any thoughts of reaching the Spirit Ascension Realm before enrollment. That said, he wasn’t completely convinced to enroll this year. As much as he hated the thought of losing four years, it was much better than certain death.

The fear of the Academy’s ten-year enlistment reached an almost Boogeyman status among the lower households and common people. Thousands of hopeful youths disappeared every four years hoping to make something of themselves there.

In truth, the ten-year enlistment was potentially very beneficial if one knew how to grasp it, but the few success stories were vastly overshadowed by the waves of deceased.

Marina clenched her teeth at his prolonged silence and gave another push. “Frankly, the Ten-year enlistment is only deadly to low realm cultivators, I wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t have faith in our ability to graduate at a much higher realm. Do you not think we can do it?” She tossed the ball into his court nervously.

Raul stayed silent. It was easy to talk about risking his life in his backyard. Though he’d had a couple close calls, they were always self-afflicted and somewhat controlled, but war was different.

War wasn’t you against yourself, there was another intent on killing you by any means possible. A battlefield was a place where your best isn’t always enough and even the most powerful could fall, like his father fell...

Raul closed his eyes in thought. Even if he did graduate at a high realm, did he really believe he had what it takes to survive that hell?

He opened his eyes, a bright resolve shining within them. “I understand. We’ll go as is then.” If he could settle living ordinarily he wouldn’t have tried so hard to become a cultivator. The Vault Family would’ve taken care of him all his life, but he didn’t want to just be a tiny spec in the world. He believed he was more than that, now it was time to prove it.

‘Bring it. Whatever challenges come my way, I’ll exceed them!’

Marina released the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. They were always going, by hook or by crook, but she was sincerely glad that he’d chosen so himself.

“We’ll be turning up the training to prepare for the entrance exam. Train with Qi manipulation for a couple more days, we’ll be switching to combat training after that.”

“Ohhhh!” Raul’s eyes shone as his blood started boiling. He’d been looking forward to this particular training for a long time.

Marina’s heart finally fully rested when she saw him excitedly attacking the post. Their goal was now affirmed. In two months, they’d take the entrance exam for Southern Academy.

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