Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 51: Chapter 49 Perspective

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“I need to check with Formation Masters, I’ll be back shortly.” Tai excused himself after a few minutes of healing with neither of them saying anything.

He entered the main room of the house, the workshop. “Did you find out anything?” He asked the three Masters in deep discussion.

“Yes Young Master.” One of them stepped forward after receiving a nod from the other two. “We’ve successfully deduced the used parts of the formation and have compiled the original makeup of it.” He handed over a diagram with nine formations drawn on it and a short description of their effects.

“This…” Tai frowned in confusion as he went over it. “I don’t mean to question you in your field of expertise elder, but are you sure there isn’t some mistake?”

The Elder immediately shook his head. “If it were just me, I might think so myself, but all of our results are synonymous. It’s a purely self-mutilating formation.” He said with certainty despite the confusion plaguing his own face.

Till now, Tai thought it was a crafting accident. It’s hard for someone to get as injured as Marina from a simple crafting accident, but he knew from the materials requested and talking with Raul that Marina often crafted above her realm, a considerably more dangerous practice. He never imagined that there was no accident at all.

“I see. And I suppose there’s no clue on why she’d do this to herself?” Tai sighed.

“That would be correct. At the very least, the formations themselves don’t offer any benefits.” He confirmed.

“I see. Thank you very much for your work elders. Can I ask you to deposit these papers in the formation archives? We may find a use for them one day.” While Tai had no idea why Marina wanted to almost kill herself, he had to admit it was an effective and inventive way of doing it.

“We’d be happy to Young Master.” He readily agreed. He’d already intended to whether Tai asked or not.

He never knew such a combination of common materials could have such a strong breakdown effect. Several potential applications were already running through his head.

‘That girl really is a treasure cove.’ The old elder thought as he glanced towards Marina’s room while leaving.

‘If we could learn everything she knows…’ Evil thoughts crossed his mind for a moment before fear overwhelmed him and cold sweat beaded down his neck.

‘Too risky.’ He shook his head with finality. This meal was bigger than he could eat, he’d happily make do with the crumbs that came his way.

It took a couple hours for Elder Iori to finish healing Raul. She advised him not to do anything strenuous as they still need a couple days to fully return to a perfect state before taking her leave, leaving just the boys and Marina in the house.

“And here I thought my girl problems had me miserable, but yours definitely take the cake.” Tai tried to joke, even though it touched his own sore spot.

“Ugh. Just leave man.” Raul immediately became more irritated as he remembered the list of people he’d planned to visit before leaving.

His wife was sick in bed, yet he was going out visiting other girls… yeah, he really couldn’t see himself as anything other than scum in that scenario. This whole messed up scenario pissed him off.

“Look, I’m not exactly having an easy time either, but why don’t we at least try to be civil.” Tai said diplomatically.

“Are you seriously saying that now too?” Raul snapped at him grumpily. He didn’t forget how he’d taken that granny’s side. “Look, neither of us is in the mood for small talk, so just say what you gotta say so we can move on with this miserable day.”

“Fine, be an ass. The formation analysis revealed that her current state is likely to be exactly what she planned it to be. do you have any idea why she’d want to hurt herself?” Tai asked coldly.

Raul shivered a little, but he wasn’t surprised. When he connected with her, he could feel her intent to a certain extent. This just confirmed his suspicions.

“It probably had something to do with the Dao Weapon, she –“

“Fuck!” Tai covered Raul’s mouth before he could say more.

“mmpmph!” Raul cursed in anger. He tried to shove him off, but it was useless.

“Sorry.” Tai removed his hand and stepped back in embarrassment. “You don’t need to say anymore, just forget I asked.”

Dao Weapons involved the biggest secret of the Norn Family, it wasn’t worth encroaching just to sate his curiosity. He might risk it if there was a real chance of learning anything substantial, but no household managed to replicate the Dao Weapons in thousands of years of intermarriage. He wasn’t naïve enough to think he’d stumbled onto anything truly vital.

He sighed in disappointment, but let it go. “I’ll be leaving now since I’ve got work to do. Also, you can’t talk to the Elder’s the way you used to from now on.” He reminded sternly.

“Yeah, yeah, power structure and all that. I know.” Raul waved him off in annoyance without looking at him.

“Seriously. You’re a cultivator now and subject to all laws of the household, you can’t outright disrespect those of high position anymore, otherwise it won’t be me and dad dealing with you, but the Punishment Bureau.” He warned.

“I said I know!” Raul snapped at him. He wanted to tell him he took the same classes as him and to get off his back, but the words died in his throat when he turned and saw the genuine worry and concern on him.

Tch! He kissed his teeth and turned back around. “I’ll work on it… Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m pretty used to you being an ass. This isn’t anything new.” Tai snorted.

“Ugh, I know. I’m sorry about those times too.” Raul said through gritted teeth.

‘A little brother who really makes you worry too much.’ Tai sighed, letting go of some of his own anger as well.  “I’ll send someone over with the pills soon.” Tai assured before leaving Raul to his thoughts.

‘It’s a good thing.’ Raul slowly told himself while sorting out his thoughts. They didn’t care about his disrespect before because they treated him like an obnoxious child, now they treated him like an adult. It was an acknowledgement, in a way.

He’d bury his grievances with the elders deep down. He’d never forget the type of people they really were, but he would work with them. They were all of the same house at the end of the day.  

‘Yes, rather than sulk over things I can no longer do, I should figure out what new options I have.’ He understood his mistakes and vowed to move past them.

He began thinking about the family rules and benefits he couldn’t enjoy priorly, bringing up some long-forgotten memories.

Of course, these were merely distractions. A way to avoid the thoughts that really bothered him. Just a couple rooms. He was only a couple rooms away, yet he could do nothing.

“I need to check with Formation Masters, I’ll be back shortly.” Tai excused himself after a few minutes of healing with neither of them saying anything.

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He entered the main room of the house, the workshop. “Did you find out anything?” He asked the three Masters in deep discussion.

“Yes Young Master.” One of them stepped forward after receiving a nod from the other two. “We’ve successfully deduced the used parts of the formation and have compiled the original makeup of it.” He handed over a diagram with nine formations drawn on it and a short description of their effects.

“This…” Tai frowned in confusion as he went over it. “I don’t mean to question you in your field of expertise elder, but are you sure there isn’t some mistake?”

The Elder immediately shook his head. “If it were just me, I might think so myself, but all of our results are synonymous. It’s a purely self-mutilating formation.” He said with certainty despite the confusion plaguing his own face.

Till now, Tai thought it was a crafting accident. It’s hard for someone to get as injured as Marina from a simple crafting accident, but he knew from the materials requested and talking with Raul that Marina often crafted above her realm, a considerably more dangerous practice. He never imagined that there was no accident at all.

“I see. And I suppose there’s no clue on why she’d do this to herself?” Tai sighed.

“That would be correct. At the very least, the formations themselves don’t offer any benefits.” He confirmed.

“I see. Thank you very much for your work elders. Can I ask you to deposit these papers in the formation archives? We may find a use for them one day.” While Tai had no idea why Marina wanted to almost kill herself, he had to admit it was an effective and inventive way of doing it.

“We’d be happy to Young Master.” He readily agreed. He’d already intended to whether Tai asked or not.

He never knew such a combination of common materials could have such a strong breakdown effect. Several potential applications were already running through his head.

‘That girl really is a treasure cove.’ The old elder thought as he glanced towards Marina’s room while leaving.

‘If we could learn everything she knows…’ Evil thoughts crossed his mind for a moment before fear overwhelmed him and cold sweat beaded down his neck.

‘Too risky.’ He shook his head with finality. This meal was bigger than he could eat, he’d happily make do with the crumbs that came his way.

It took a couple hours for Elder Iori to finish healing Raul. She advised him not to do anything strenuous as they still need a couple days to fully return to a perfect state before taking her leave, leaving just the boys and Marina in the house.

“And here I thought my girl problems had me miserable, but yours definitely take the cake.” Tai tried to joke, even though it touched his own sore spot.

“Ugh. Just leave man.” Raul immediately became more irritated as he remembered the list of people he’d planned to visit before leaving.

His wife was sick in bed, yet he was going out visiting other girls… yeah, he really couldn’t see himself as anything other than scum in that scenario. This whole messed up scenario pissed him off.

“Look, I’m not exactly having an easy time either, but why don’t we at least try to be civil.” Tai said diplomatically.

“Are you seriously saying that now too?” Raul snapped at him grumpily. He didn’t forget how he’d taken that granny’s side. “Look, neither of us is in the mood for small talk, so just say what you gotta say so we can move on with this miserable day.”

“Fine, be an ass. The formation analysis revealed that her current state is likely to be exactly what she planned it to be. do you have any idea why she’d want to hurt herself?” Tai asked coldly.

Raul shivered a little, but he wasn’t surprised. When he connected with her, he could feel her intent to a certain extent. This just confirmed his suspicions.

“It probably had something to do with the Dao Weapon, she –“

“Fuck!” Tai covered Raul’s mouth before he could say more.

“mmpmph!” Raul cursed in anger. He tried to shove him off, but it was useless.

“Sorry.” Tai removed his hand and stepped back in embarrassment. “You don’t need to say anymore, just forget I asked.”

Dao Weapons involved the biggest secret of the Norn Family, it wasn’t worth encroaching just to sate his curiosity. He might risk it if there was a real chance of learning anything substantial, but no household managed to replicate the Dao Weapons in thousands of years of intermarriage. He wasn’t naïve enough to think he’d stumbled onto anything truly vital.

He sighed in disappointment, but let it go. “I’ll be leaving now since I’ve got work to do. Also, you can’t talk to the Elder’s the way you used to from now on.” He reminded sternly.

“Yeah, yeah, power structure and all that. I know.” Raul waved him off in annoyance without looking at him.

“Seriously. You’re a cultivator now and subject to all laws of the household, you can’t outright disrespect those of high position anymore, otherwise it won’t be me and dad dealing with you, but the Punishment Bureau.” He warned.

“I said I know!” Raul snapped at him. He wanted to tell him he took the same classes as him and to get off his back, but the words died in his throat when he turned and saw the genuine worry and concern on him.

Tch! He kissed his teeth and turned back around. “I’ll work on it… Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m pretty used to you being an ass. This isn’t anything new.” Tai snorted.

“Ugh, I know. I’m sorry about those times too.” Raul said through gritted teeth.

‘A little brother who really makes you worry too much.’ Tai sighed, letting go of some of his own anger as well.  “I’ll send someone over with the pills soon.” Tai assured before leaving Raul to his thoughts.

‘It’s a good thing.’ Raul slowly told himself while sorting out his thoughts. They didn’t care about his disrespect before because they treated him like an obnoxious child, now they treated him like an adult. It was an acknowledgement, in a way.

He’d bury his grievances with the elders deep down. He’d never forget the type of people they really were, but he would work with them. They were all of the same house at the end of the day.  

‘Yes, rather than sulk over things I can no longer do, I should figure out what new options I have.’ He understood his mistakes and vowed to move past them.

He began thinking about the family rules and benefits he couldn’t enjoy priorly, bringing up some long-forgotten memories.

Of course, these were merely distractions. A way to avoid the thoughts that really bothered him. Just a couple rooms. He was only a couple rooms away, yet he could do nothing.

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