Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 53: Chapter 51 Leaving Twin Peaks

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“You really read fast.” Raul complemented with a touch of envy as he turned the page again. Marina didn’t comment as she started scanning the new pages. Raul would flip it unprompted when she finished. He’d grown quite adept at it in the past few days and could even look around while doing it.  

An hour had passed, and the clearing filled up a lot. Only fifty youths and one Elder were going, but many of the families of those leaving came for goodbyes.

Matthew had gone off to spend his last moments having a heartfelt goodbye with his girlfriend Claudia alone. Raul was tempted to go over and find out what Matthew didn’t want him to hear, but he resisted.

The ship would come to take them away soon. Now that the moment was so close, Raul couldn’t help glancing down the mountain.

Of course, all he could see was the building in front of him, but in his mind’s eye he saw the entirety of the Vault Compound and the little valley town below it. He’d spent his entire life here, it was the place that raised him. His eyes couldn’t help getting a little misty as the memories rolled through him.

“Page.” Marina’s weak voice reminded him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

“Ah, sorry.” He murmured before turning the page for her again. Talking was still painful for her, he must’ve been staring for quite a while for her to resort to it. He looked back down the mountain again, but he didn’t get distracted.

“Hey Raul, Marina!” A chipper voice suddenly called out to them. Ellen walked over while wheeling two cages behind her.

“Hey Ellen.” Raul answered back while Marina tapped her chair in greeting.

“I haven’t seen Pip or Duke in a long time.” Raul commented while bending over and looking at the two animals in the cage.

The one-foot white and brown Satin Rat with intelligent black eyes chirped happily and waved its small paw at Raul and Marina.

The three-foot brown porcupine, on the other hand, completely ignored their greeting and continued munching on his food.  

“Duke is as true to his name as ever.” Raul’s face twitched a bit while he watched the quilled rodent easily bite a chunk off the bark of a thirty-year Soil Tree.

Even with his full strength he couldn’t break that bark, hell, even Matthew’s monstrous raw strength wouldn’t be able to, but this little guy… it was the first time he realized how terrifying Ellen’s pets were.

“Ah don’t mind him, he just likes putting up appearances. He’s actually super happy to see you guys.” Ellen laughed.

Duke squeaked in anger and flared his quills over the treasonous slander. His quills turned black and half ethereal as extremely pure Shadow Qi ran through them.

“Ahahaha, see? He’s just a shy boy, aren’t you little guy.” She stuck her hands into the cage to rub the angry porcupine’s body, completely ignoring the dangerous quills.

Duke squeaked in grievance, but still flattened his quills before they poked her. He’d let it slide this time for her years of excellent service, however, this transgression wouldn’t be forgotten, one more slip and he’d– His train of thought melted as his body shuddered in pleasure while Ellen scratched the perfect spot on his back.

Raul grinned as he watched the arrogant rodent become putty in Ellen’s hand. Demanding squeaking came from Raul’s shoulder and distracted him from the cute scene. Pip was there asking for attention cutely.

Marina’s eyes widened slightly as she noticed the rat. ‘How did it get out of its cage? No, more importantly, why can’t I sense it?’ Her body might be in shambles, but her cultivation wasn’t. Her spirit sense was active the whole time, but she hadn’t noticed the little rat get so close. Even know, with her eyes looking right at it, her spirit sense failed to detect anything.

Raul didn’t think so much about it and simply rubbed its head affectionately. He was used to Pip’s antics.

“How’re you holding up Marina? Everything healing well?” Ellen finally released Duke and turned a concerned gaze over.

She nodded slowly while still looking at the rat curiously. It was the first time meeting Ellen’s pets, though she’d seen pictures. She hadn’t thought too highly of them before as they didn’t look strong, but now she realized she may have underestimated Ellen’s Beast Taming talent.

“You can pet her if you want. Pip is very well behaved.” Ellen said proudly, noticing how Marina could barely keep her eyes off her.

Duke squeaked in condescension at the rat before turning back to his food. The clever little rat merely stuck her tongue out at him before going back to enjoying the attention.

They chatted for a while as the place grew fuller. Soon, a formation activated, and a giant projection of Tai popped up in the center of the field.

His clothes were luxurious, and the insignia of the house was proudly displayed on his chest. Everyone in the field calmed down and looked over as Tai released an air of dignity just with his presence.

“It’s once again time for the Southern Military Academy’s examinations. As this year’s participants you all carry the significant burden of representing our house. That said, I have no worries. You all are the best and the brightest of our young generation, and I’m fully confident that all of you will do your absolute best to uphold our honor. And for those who don’t make it, know there is no shame in defeat, so long as you hold your head high, and keep the symbol of our house ever present in your minds. The ship will be here shortly, and I sincerely wish you all good luck.” Tai held his head over his chest for a moment before flickering out.

Loud applause and a few cheers followed the speech.

“Phew, that didn’t go so bad.” A hooded man said from behind Raul.

“Whoa!” Raul jumped in fright before recognizing Tai. “Dude, do that again and I‘ll put a bell o you.” He whispered angrily.

“Sorry, it wasn’t deliberate.” He smiled.

“Liar.” Raul and Ellen said simultaneously.

“You guys never give me any face…” He grumbled. “Anyways, can I ask you to stay with Marina Ellen? Pops wanted to talk to Raul before we go.”

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“Leave it to me.” Ellen responded with her work face.

“Be back in a bit.” Raul passed the book to Ellen and assured Marina.

Tai grabbed his shoulder and led him to a small room in one of the surrounding buildings. A large monitor took up one of the walls, and George Vault’s face could be seen on it.

He looked to be in his early forties, had good features, and shared Tai’s black hair. He was a handsome man, but he lacked the natural regality his son had, making him look a bit dull in comparison despite their similarities.

“Yo Old George, good to see you’re still alive and kicking.” Raul waved as he walked in.

“Afternoon Raul. Still with that nickname I see.” George grumbled.

“Ah, sorry.” Raul apologized sincerely while remembering his talk with Tai, surprising George. “I’m still working on that stuff. Should I call you George, Patriarch, or…?”

George’s face scrunched up uncomfortably before he shook his head. “In public it’s best if you call me Patriarch, but you can address me as usual in private.”

“Phew, that makes it easier, everything else felt awkward.”  

‘You’re spoiling him.’ Tai glared at his father, who put on a show of not seeing it.

“Still, to think you’d actually acknowledge it, it seems marriage has matured you.” George smiled.

“Ugh, more like stressed me out.” Raul sighed.

“Really? Tell me about it.”

Raul talked about his time with Marina. He told about his cultivation, her crazy teaching methods, how frustrating she can be, his fighting record, he told him many things.  He got so into it he didn’t even know when Tai left the room.

“This Marina sure is a handful.” George said.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Raul sighed while thinking about her latest stunt.

“Do you regret the marriage then?” He asked curiously

“Absolutely not.” He said without hesitation. “She might be crazy, but its because of her I can finally cultivate and have a chance to pay you and everyone back for your kindness. It’s hectic, but everyday has been fun and fulfilling in a way I couldn’t have imagined in the past. Also… she’s not that bad once you get to know her.” He admitted.

“That’s good then.” George laughed.

Tai knocked on the door then, a reminder they only had a couple more minutes.

“Looks like the boat is coming soon, I better get going.” Raul stood.

“Wait a minute.” George’s face suddenly got serious. “I won’t stop you if you’re determined, but are you sure you want to enroll this year? You understand what you’ll be risking?”

Raul stayed silent for a moment before looking George in the face. “Old George, you remember the promise you made to me?”

George stayed silent for a moment before he sighed. “When you become a more capable man than your father, I will tell you about your mother.” He repeated the promise.

Raul nodded with a smile. “Dad was a genius. I can’t take an ordinary road if I want to surpass him. I know it’s risky, but I think this is the best for me.”

George sighed again. “You truly have his spirit… Go then. I will wait for the day when I can tell you everything.”  

“It’ll come sooner than you expect.” Raul grinned.

“Hahaha! Maybe it will. Oh, and Raul, everything I’ve taught you goes double at school, make it triple since you’re married.”

 Raul shivered before nodding gravely. “I’ll be careful, and I’ll make sure Tai doesn’t get himself in trouble too teach.”

“There’s a good lad. I wish you both the best. Bring honor to the House and have fun.” George smiled while fading from the screen.

The immortal boat slowly ascended from the Vault Compound. Raul looked down on the valley one last time. There were still feelings of melancholy, but there were also feelings of excitement. Talking to George reminded him how much his life had changed in the last few months. He'd always wanted to ride a boat but never could, yet now, here he was. Everything was different now, he was different now, and he wondered how much more he’d change. He didn’t know the answer, but he couldn’t wait to find out.

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