Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 55: Chapter 53 River Haven CIty

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Raul bolted out the door after he heard the announcement. He wanted to see the city with his own eyes. He ran to one of the railings and looked down. The ship slowed considerably for docking and Raul could finally see something other than a blur

“Holy Crap!” He yelled in awe. It was huge! It was so big that Raul felt like Twin Peaks City didn’t deserve to be called a city. It’d take a couple hours but he could run through Twin Peak City with his current speed, but here, he didn’t think a couple days would be enough time.

Large and powerful looking buildings built out of stone spread out before him. A large river lay adjacent to the city, with several channels leading in and out of the city that gave it a unique look. It was the largest body of water Raul had ever seen, and his eyes couldn’t help following it down towards the forest it disappeared into.

“So this is the Academy.” He muttered with sparkling eyes.

“Don’t be absurd.” Marina slowly walked beside him. She could finally move on her own, but she was far from healed. She wasn’t concerned, however. She could get what she needed from this city.

“This is River Haven City, and it’s simply the city chosen for the entrance exams this turn. The actual academy is far more grand.”

“Grander than this?” He looked at her with disbelieve.

“Thousands of times so.” She said simply.

“Damn, I really can’t wait to see it.” Raul grinned excitedly

“I’m more concerned with whether you can pass the exam.” 

“Guh! Rather than me shouldn’t you worry about yourself?” His voice held real concern.

“Not to worry. Our realm’s exam isn’t for another three weeks, and I’ll be healed by then.”

 “Ahhh, gonna use another one of your crazy methods huh. Well, I’m sure you know what you’re doing, but if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask. I may not be that strong yet, but if anything I can take some of the pain.” He looked at the huge city with renewed excitement. He’d be able to explore a lot with three weeks of free time.

A hint of emotion stirred in Marina’s eyes. Simple talk wouldn’t affect her, but she remembered the moment when he took her pain and made it manageable, as well as his careful care for her these last two weeks.

“I promise it’s not dangerous, but thanks for offering.” She replied confidently. “… Also, sorry about what I said before. Your strength isn’t bad, you just need time.” She said softly.

“Heh, finally giving me some credit, huh?” He smirked cheekily, causing her to immediately regret it. “Well, you don’t have to.” He turned his gaze back to the city.

“I had a late start, but no one is going to pity me for it. The fact is I’m weak, far weaker than someone with my background should be by now. I acknowledge that, but I won’t accept it. I’m going to get much stronger from here, I won’t just catch up, I’ll exceed them all.” He gripped the bar so hard his knuckles turned white as he overlooked the city with burning eyes.

“Bold words. No matter, keep that resolve, and I promise I’ll make you stronger than you ever though possible.”

“Heh, counting on you dear.”

“Alright everyone, listen up.” Tai called for attention in the middle of the lobby. It’d taken them a couple hours to land in port, deal with the paperwork, and check in to their hotel, the Chateau Hotel.

Some people were vibrating with energy and curiosity, the newcomers. Meanwhile others were calm and waiting for instructions, those taking the test for the second or third time.

“I know some of you haven’t left the valley before and are itching to explore.” Tai began while staring pointedly at Raul, who made a show of finding a very interesting spot on the chandelier. “But remember, we’re here for the exams, and while here you represent the Vault Family. I expect no unsavory behavior from any of you, but to be clear, no starting fights, cultivator or otherwise, no public indecency, no property damage, and no crimes. Anyone who breaks any of these rules will lose their right to participate this time, and I don’t care if it’s your last chance. Is that clear?”

“Yes Young Master!” Everyone replied.

Tai’s brow twitched as he heard one sarcastic voice, but he held it in. “Good. Finally, I would like to remind you all that the exams for the Spirit Ascension Realm is in two weeks, and the one for the Refining Realm is in three. Use the time you have wisely and be prepared.” He didn’t have to mention the True Pillar Exams as he was the only one taking it.

“Also, it’s worth mentioning that it’s not too late to sign up for enrollment, anyone who wants to can simply ask me or Elder Iori and we’ll take care of it.” This time he stared pointedly at Ellen, who despite still looking green faced and barely standing still managed to stick her tongue out at him.

‘One day I’m going to strangle these two.’ He swore. “Elder Iori, I leave the rest to you.” Tai passed the stage over to the elder chaperoning them and disappeared.

“Show off.” Raul muttered enviously.

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“So long as you follow the rules the Young Master laid out you can explore the city as you wish. Remember to cherish these days and use them to your advantage.” Elder Iori’s soft voice somehow spread through the whole room.

She went over a few more rules and tips about the city before dismissing them.

‘There’s still a couple hours before night… It’s probably best I make the call now.’ Marina noted as the group was let free. “I have plans for tonight, you can…” her words died off when she turned to Raul only to find he was no longer there.

‘If he could move like that in combat, I’d have less worries.’ She shook her head in disbelief. She wasn’t worried as he’d expressed his plans to explore the city earlier, she just didn’t expect him to go this soon.

She couldn’t understand it, what was so good about wondering around a city? You could learn everything about a place much more efficiently by reading a few books anyway.

Well, it was good if he could entertain himself, she had to focus on fixing her body and finishing the Dao Weapon. She informed Milton she didn’t need dinner and moved towards her room.

“Marina! Do you know where Raul went?” Ellen came up to her with unsteady steps before she could go to her room.

“Sorry Ellen, he took off before I even noticed, why?” Marina tilted her head as she looked at Ellen with worry. She knew she was ill, but she hadn’t seen her since the day they’d left.

“Damn! That guy is always jumping in headfirst. I bet he doesn’t even have any money on him.” Ellen grumbled in annoyance. This was the last thing she needed to do before she could relax.

Both her and Tai were essentially free from their obligations during this time. While for Tai that meant more time to prepare for the exam, Ellen was basically on vacation.

‘Of all the stupid…’ Marina’s face twitched in similar exasperation. “I’ll go look for him before he get’s in trouble then. I don’t think the stores here will open a tab on the Vault name.” Marina rubbed her head as she prepared to push her plans back.

“No need, no need.” Ellen waved her hand before her face. “He’s an idiot, but he knows how to work the streets, he’ll be fine.” She assured.

“Are you certain? Don’t forget that there’ll be a lot of cultivators here because of the exams.”

“Trust me, he’s not an innocent child, he can care for himself. Besides, hunting him down isn’t as easy as you’d think.” She knew this from experience. “Just give him this the next time you see him.” She passed over a shrinking bag.

“Will do.” Marina nodded while taking it.

“Also, sorry we haven’t had a chance to meet in a while. I know you tried to visit, but I really didn’t want you to see me like that.” Ellen rubbed her head awkwardly.

Marina shook her head adamantly. “No need to apologize, it’s perfectly understandable. How’re you feeling now though? You still seem to be struggling a bit.”

“Ahhh, I’m feeling much better now that we’re on land again. I just need a couple hours to unwind and I’ll be as good as new.” Ellen flexed confidently. “Want to have dinner together or something after I’m better? Catch up a bit.”

 Marina hesitated for a moment, but finally shook her head. “I’d love to Ellen, but I have to work on recovering for the exams.”

“Ahh, planning to use one of your secret methods huh. Got it. If you run into any trouble don’t hesitate to call, I’ll keep my mirror out.”

“Thank you. If only that guy would do the same.” Marina sighed. Mirrors couldn’t connect when one was in a spatial ring, at least not until the True Pillar Realm. Raul wasn’t used to having one and often left it in his ring.

The two parted ways and Marina finally made it to her room. She took out her mirror and wrote a location on the glass.

She didn’t have to guess to know her contact was in the city. The Norn Family had many True Pillar cultivators taking the exams and would’ve arrived early. Sure enough, the message went through.

A frown formed as time ticked by with no response. She wrote another short message. You know the price if you don’t show.

She received confirmation a few seconds later.

She snorted coldly. ‘Looks like he’s forgotten his place in the months he’s been loose. I’ll have to remind him.’

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