Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 59: Chapter 57 Rough Morning

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“Ugh, what happened?” Raul groaned as he held his aching head. He could just make out the roof of the hotel room through his blurry eyes.

‘I’m back at the hotel? What happened to the bar and Re–‘ His thoughts froze when he rolled over and saw a beautiful face framed by blond hair beside him.

To make matter worse, the door started opening before he could even assess the situation.

“Gasp! How could you Raul!” Ellen’s loud voice rang through the room, causing Raul to wince as his head panged in response. “Such betrayal! And after Marina spent the whole night worried about you, I can’t bear to watch.” She covered her eyes dramatically while keeping her fingers open so she can still see.

“Look, this isn’t what it looks like.” Raul tried to explain while staggering up painfully.

But before he could explain, things went from bad to worst as Marina walked in behind her.

‘I might be screwed here.’ Raul trembled in panic.

Marina frowned and bopped Ellen on the head. “Stop messing around. it’s  worrying that he still hasn’t woken up yet.” She said before walking over to Ren and placing her hand on him.

“Wait, what?” Raul bobbed his head in confusion.

“Boo, your no fun Marina. We could’ve gotten some more good reactions out of him if you'd played along.” Ellen complained.

Raul muddled brain finally caught on as he glared at Ellen, who immediately stuck her tongue out at him while picking up Pip from the dresser she'd been watching over them from.

“Well played. Of course, you realize this means war.” Raul muttered darkly, putting all the venom of his hangover into it.

“Bring it small fry. In a couple days I’ll have you so paranoid you’ll be looking over your shoulder for weeks.” She taunted him with her free hand.

“You two shut up please, I’m trying to focus.” Marina scolded the two children while taking notes on their interaction. She found it particularly interesting that Raul didn’t catch Ellen’s deceit. She didn’t know if it was because of the hangover or his panic, but she would look into it.

“What’s going on over there?” Raul whispered after lumbering over to Ellen despite the nausea he was experiencing.

“First off, circulate your qi to detox before you throw up in my room please. Secondly, you’re the one that brought him here, so you tell me what happened.”

Ellen taught him the detox method before filling him in on how he showed up at her door carrying an unconscious bleeding Ren.

“It’s slowly coming back to me.” Raul said as the circulation slowly cleared the haze in his head.

“Damn, you must have had some good stuff if it’s taking this long to clear.” Ellen noted after twenty minutes passed and Raul was still struggling.

“Ooooooooh yeah. The kind of stuff Tai wouldn’t shut up about.” He grinned.

“Whew! Lucky bastard. I suppose it was provided by this guy. I don’t understand how you walked out of here with no money or plans and bring back an injured member of an Earl Household.”

“Hold up. He’s from an Earl Household?” Raul stopped detoxing in surprise. Households were ranked as Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess, and Duke depending on their power and status. The Vault Family is a Viscount House, meaning the Singh House outranked them slightly. It might seem small, but the actual gap in power and resources can be huge.

“Ugh. I suppose I should’ve known you wouldn’t know. Yeah, the Singh House is an Earl House. So I’m really hoping you picked him up as a good samaritan and didn’t attack him for that drink.” She joked

“I would never! And frankly, I’m insulted by the insinuation.” Raul responded in mock outrage.

“Don’t blame me, you did have that stint of bar fighting.” Ellen said softly in a more serious tone, causing Marina to pay more attention to the conversation while working on Ren.

Raul winced and looked away shamefully. “That was a long time ago.” He mumbled.

He’d made a bad habit of picking drunken fights when younger. Back then he was training his combat skills every day with nothing to show for it. He wanted to fight, to gain something from all the time and effort he put into it, and that leaked out when he was drunk. it’s not like he just suddenly started punching people, and he never hit a friend. But there were always fights to find for someone looking for them, and when he got like that he found all of them.

He didn’t exactly do anything wrong. Fighting was integral to the culture of their world, and mortal fights couldn’t cause any real damage, provided no one dies of course. But he still felt ashamed, he’d basically been throwing a tantrum.  

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It didn’t happen all the time he drank, but it happened enough that he started watching his drinking. It stopped happening when he turned eighteen and could control himself better, but it was still a dark spot of his past that he didn’t like talking about.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” Ellen scratched her face awkwardly, realizing she’d touched a sore spot.

“No, it’s a fair point.” Raul sighed while ruffling his bed hair. “I’m still not really sure what happened to be honest. One moment we were drinking and having a good time, the next he was suddenly spitting up blood. I guess I didn’t know where else to take him and brought him here.”

This part was a minor lie. Raul could’ve taken him to a professional Physician. Cultivators need very little sleep and most cultivator run businesses are open all day, but he didn’t feel secure dropping Ren in a stranger’s hands given his Family circumstances.

“Hmm, he might have a previous issue then.” Marina chimed in. “His injuries are internal and fresh. He may have been suppressing them until he got too drunk. Do you know if he was in any altercations beforehand?”

Raul put his fingers to his chin in thought. “Hmm, he had a spat with this guy who showed up, but it didn’t come to blows.”

“Probably not that then. What was the spat about? Maybe there was a fight before you guys started drinking.” Ellen asked.

“Can’t say.” Raul shook his head. “It’s his personal business.” He said before they could ask. “I will say that it’s very possible there was a fight before I met him though.”

“Then that’s probably it. He may have also used a lot of mental energy in that fight and that’s why he isn’t waking up.” She could only guess at that. Marina specialized in body and qi cultivation; she didn’t know much more about mental energy than the average learned cultivator.

Mental energy was complicated and only people of the Mind Spinner profession could deal with it in depth. A Physician could only really tell when someone’s mental energy was extremely low due to the body’s reactions to it. Ren’s mental energy wasn’t in the danger zone where it’d affect his body, so Marina couldn’t tell much.

“So we can only wait?” Raul asked.

“The only thing I can think of is asking your Elder for help. Her healing will be more effective than anything I can do.” Marina admitted, causing an ugly expression to spread across Raul’s face.

“No good. Elder Iori and Tai took some of the others to the Academy officials for scouting and questions, they probably won’t be back till evening.” Ellen informed them.

“Then… we really just have to wait. He should be up before she comes back, otherwise the problem might be more serious than we thought.”

“Ahhh, what a pain. Is it too late to just dump him in an inn somewhere?” Ellen felt this was more trouble than it was worth. She’d held reservations before in case Raul might be implicated, but since he had nothing to do with the injury, she wanted to dump the problem.

“No way, we can’t just abandon him.” Raul immediately vetoed.

“You heard Marina, there’s nothing more we can do for the guy. Let’s drop him at a Physician and go about our day

“Ellen has a point.” Marina said. “We housed him for the night and healed his wounds, we’ve done enough. I say we dump him somewhere and wash our hands of this mess.”

A fight involving the injury of the scion of an Earl House wasn’t minor. There was already enough to deal with preparing for the exams without getting involved in this mess.

“But what if he gets attacked while unconscious? I don’t want that on my conscience, we might as well wait till he wakes up.” He argued.

“He has his own family, we can send them an anonymous tip where we drop him and they can deal with the rest.” She reasoned.

‘Oh, they’ll deal with him alright.’ Raul thought but didn’t comment. He felt it’d be wrong to give away Ren’s personal story. He needed to think of another way to get them to let him stay. He'd be safe here at least.

“Ok, so it’s decided.” Ellen clapped, taking Raul silence as begrudging agreement. “You know anywhere I can drop him Marina? I’m not too familiar with this city.” She asked while moving to grab him.

“Ugh.” Before Ellen even touched him, Ren started to stir.

“Shit.” Ellen cursed while backing off

‘Why can’t anything ever be simple’ Marina sighed.

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