Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu

Chapter 1: 1

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Ms. Charisma Is Deceived By The Girl Younger Than Her

The first signs of winter appeared on this chilly day in November. The sunshine entering the windows created a blissful atmosphere in the family restaurant that we, Ushiki Oguri and I, sat in, as we faced each other. A few weeks had passed since the cultural festival, making today a Saturday. You’d normally call it a riveting and impactful cultural festival, but I had to confirm something to ensure it truly was that impactful.

“So you actually traveled back in time, Ushiki-san?”

“That’s what I’ve been saying.”

Oguri-chan rested her head on her backhand as she responded to me. And then, she took a good sip from her black coffee. Back during the offline meeting, she went with a cuter choice and ordered apple juice, and yet…

“To think you also were brought back to this timeline, Oguri-san.”

“Again, stop calling me Oguri-san. You may have rejected me, but you don’t have to drastically take your distance from me. Ah! That’s why you’ve been avoiding me a lot more compared to our first rundown!”

“Y-You’re wrong! I thought you were in middle school, so I called you Oguri-chan, but you’re actually an adult on the inside, so I figured it’d be rude of me to…”

“Right now, I am in middle school, no going around it. And even from that point of view, I’m still younger than you.”

“Ahaha…But, yeah. So you realized I traveled back in time?”

That’s my number one question right now.

“Well, duh.”

“Since when?”

“On the day of the off-collab.”

“So early!”

That was supposed to be our first face-to-face meeting, right?! Is she an esper?! Or is this actually her third time traveling to the past? No, she might just be a mega senior of mine just like that blonde shrine maiden, that purple-haired alien, or that black-haired magical girl!

“No, this is also my first time! But if you call the famous Section Chief Kamijou ‘Chief’, then it’s far too obvious!”

Perfectly logical, which is why I had no room to argue. She’s absolutely right. The people around us were always dubious as to why I was referring to her as ‘Chief,’ so if someone who knew us from before like Oguri-chan heard that, it’d be a dead giveaway. And at the same time, it gave her reason to believe that the chief herself traveled back in time since she was perfectly fine with me calling her that.

“If anything, I don’t understand how you didn’t realize I had traveled back in time, Senpai. My hairstyle changed greatly from the first run-through. Ah, I see…you probably didn’t even remember how I looked before this second run-through.”

“I do, I do! I immediately realized you changed your hairstyle! It’s a lot cuter.”

Oguri-chan blushed and continued.

“Th-Then why did you never take it into consideration that I also traveled back in time?”

“That’s…I figured it was part of the butterfly effect that was going around me and the chief.”

“The hell?”

Her character’s totally different now!

“Is it that weird?”

“What about Kofuyu-chan? Nao-senpai, Tadokoro-senpai, they all went through certain changes, right?”

“Yeah, well, they had already changed by the time we got back here, so the chief just classified it as the butterfly effect.”

“How would there be a butterfly effect going on where you don’t start any waves?! If you experience so much change, you’re in a parallel world. And I caused all of these changes!”

I had a hunch that’d be the case, to be honest. After I found out that she was a time traveler like me, a lot more things made sense. Especially her odd connection to those three that otherwise could not be explained.

“Well, I didn’t exactly wish for all of that to happen.” Oguri-chan drank another sip of her coffee.

Black coffee paired with a middle school student just didn’t feel right.

“So, how did things go with Chief Kamijou after that?”

“Hmmm, things were awkward. She hasn’t talked to me at all since then. And it’s like she’s avoiding me. And I still don’t know why she called me up at the cultural festival, let alone why she didn’t come…Erm, Oguri-chan, you said she wanted me to come to the rooftop, right?”

“Are you saying I was lying? How cruel…all I did was relay the message…” Oguri-chan started sobbing to herself with a hurt expression.

“Okay, I’m sorry! That’s not what I mean!”

“Chief Kamijou told me. She probably didn’t get wind of the rumors changing last second, so she quickly tried to change the location. I figured that she might confess to you, so I got the jump on her. I know it might be unfair, but still.”

“N-Not at all. But, the chief confessing to me? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for anything of that sort, but she…never came, after all.”

Maybe something urgent came up? But even so, she would’ve at least contacted me, I feel like…

“Maybe she never meant to come in the first place?” She placed the empty coffee cup on the table and looked at me.

“In the first place…?”

“That’s right. Maybe she realized that you have feelings for her, and decided to play with your feelings?”

“Yeah…Well, she was always teasing me about everything, but there’s no way she’d be that kind of person.”

“Really? Do you really know her well enough? Just like you hadn’t realized that I traveled back in time, maybe you don’t know that hidden side of Chief Kamijou.”

“That’s…a possibility since I’m pretty dense when it comes to women.”

“Oh tell me about it.”

Oguri-chan’s words of contempt hit where it hurt.

“But even so, I don’t think the chief would do that. We’ve known each other for a long time.”

I may not understand how a woman’s heart works, but I want to have trust in my eye for people. I wasn’t particularly skilled, but I have been working with people for a long time.


Did she just click her tongue?!

“I feel bad for you, Shimono-senpai.” Oguri-chan said, placing her small and soft hands on mine.

And then, she tightly grasped it.

“Being deceived by such a bad person…I would never do such a thing. I confessed to you even after traveling back in time, so of course, you’d believe me, right?” She looked directly into my eyes with such a seductive aura I wasn’t sure if I was really looking at a middle school student.


“I don’t mind whatever you do to me, you know? We’re both adults, remember? We may be in different years, and our bodies may be those of children, but we are mature in our brains. I’m a legal loli, right?”


“Hehe…I was just playing with you. You panic too much, Shimono-senpai.”

“Y-You shouldn’t tease your elders.”

“That may be true, but I’ll always like you, Shimono-senpai. So if Chief Kamijou does you unwell, you can always come to me.” She said and finished the last of her coffee.


Hello helloooo! This is Sakonji Biwako, always energetic and in high spirits! Y’know, Biwa’s just hella bored today. It’s hilarious. Yuuji, Yuki, Risa, and Touka, they’re all busy today, nobody even paying any attention to Biwa. Touka’s not looking at me at all. Ever since that cultural festival, she’s been feeling down. Maybe Nananosuke knows the reason. Biwa should ask him.

Anyways, Biwa’s so bored she’s out on a walk right now. Taking a stroll outside’s a lotta fun. Oh, if that ain’t the family restaurant where Biwa first talked to Nanansokue. He was absolutely terrified of Biwa back then, it was hilarious. He’s been looking down on Biwa as of late, so it’s time for a counterattack! Phew, phew! Oh, talk about the devil, Nananosuke’s eating in that family restaurant. And he’s with OguOgu, too. Man, they’re pretty close.

“Hm?! Nananosuke!”

They fit so perfectly into the ambiance, Biwa didn’t even catch on to him at first!

“Also, these two at a family restaurant…Oh yeah, I think OguOgu likes Nananosuke. I wonder how far they’ve gotten. It’s time for detective Biwa to figure that out!”

And while Biwa was lost in thought, Nananosuke was already up and vanished. Sitting at the table was now only OguOgu, doing something on her phone. Tsk, missed the chance, huh?

“Well, OguOgu’s fine on her own!” Biwa dashed inside the restaurant, quickly arriving at OguOgu’s table.

“OguOgu, you are arrested for being so cute!”

“Ack, Sakonji-senpai?!”

Biwa immediately clung to OguOgu so she wouldn’t escape, pulling her down on the sofa.

“Heeeey, OguOgu!”

“What do you want?!”

“No need to be flustered now, oiiii!” Biwa wrapped her arms around OguOgu’s shoulders, pressing the bell on the table.

DING-DONG, a notification sound rang out, with an employee arriving at our table a second later.

“Drink bar for one, please!”

“You don’t waste a second, do you?! Also, are you actually going to stay here?!”

“So many questions! But Biwa’s got lots of her own, and what better way to ask you than having some drinks on the side. What do you want? Some coke? Okay, coke it is!”

“I can’t even follow anymore!”

Biwa stood up from her seat and grabbed two cups from the drink bar, filling them with coke.

“Oh wait, you had a cup already? What were you drinking, OguOgu?”


“Oiii, coffee’s for adults, OguOgu!”

“No law like that exists!”

“Ahaha! Your retorts are so funny, OguOgu! You’d make it as a comedian!”

“Right…How can Shimono-senpai even put up with you…”

“Oh yeah, speaking of Nananosuke!” Biwa slapped her hands on the table, pushing her body towards OguOgu.

Holy smokes, Biwa almost forgot about her initial goal!

“Wh-What is it?” OguOgui looked at me in terror.

Damn her, being so cute. I’ll take her for myself.

“You were just with Nananosuke, right?”

“Err…you saw us?”

“Biwa’s vision is 20/20.”

“I don’t think that’s relevant, right now…”

“Don’t dodge the topic!”

“Hey, s-stop!”

Biwa poked her elbow right into OguOgu’s side.

“So, what were you and Nananosuke up to, on a weekend day at noon?”

“That’s…” OguOgu averted her gaze for a second, seeming like she’s thinking about something.

However, she immediately glanced back at Biwa…Hey, what’s that look about?

“Well, what do you think it was about, Sakonji-senpai?”

“Huh? Err, you like Nananosuke, right? So you probably went on the offensive and got a good mood going?”

There’s no way two people who hated each other would meet up outside of school.

“Hm, between good or bad, I guess we had something good going…”

The aura OguOgu gave off was different from usual. Biwa’s sensitive towards that, OguOgu was full of confidence today. So that means…

“Hold on, are you two dating?!”

“Sakonji-senpai, don’t scream like that. We wouldn’t know who could hear you, hehe…”

You are reading story Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu at

“That confident smile…Are you serious?”

“That I will leave up to your imagination. Right, Sakonji-senpai?”


Okay, this is big news. That small girl OguOgu managed to win over Nananosuke so quickly? Also, wait, wasn’t Nananosuke into older girls? I mean, maybe OguOgu was just so aggressive that he had no chance but to fall in love with her. They mentioned they rode the Ferris Wheel together back during our trip to the amusement park…And she was there during the cultural festival. So that’s what was going on? There’s no way I can add more oil to the fire here.

“OguOgu, this is Biwa’s treat! Biwa’s gotta head somewhere right now!”

Better get everyone together!

“Ah, Sakonji-senpai.”

“Hm? What’s up?” Biwa stopped in her tracks, looking at OguOgu grinning to herself.

“Make sure to tell Kamijou-senpai as well.”

“Okay, gotcha! Byson!”

Did she really have to emphasize that? Well, Touka and Nananosuke are pretty close, so she probably wants to make sure she knows. But then again, why not tell her herself? Welp, izz fine. Biwa will make sure to tell Touka! So that she also knows about Nananosuke and OguOgu dating!


The following Monday arrived. Right after stopping her bike at the school-regulated spot, Biwa immediately headed for the front entrance, spotting Mommy Milkies-chan and a familiar tall stud with brown hair. Biwa immediately dashed towards them.

“Oiii, Naopon and Onikichi! Oii~”

“Ah, Biwako-chan, morning!”

Biwa and Naopon pumped their fists together, sharing one heart and soul.

“Biwachosu, sup!”

“Sup, sup! You’re as tall as always, Onikichi!”

“Biwako-chan! I’d be terrified if Onikichi shrunk outta the blue!”

“Truuuue! That’s hilarious! You should become a comedian, Naopon.”

“Biwako-chan, becoming a comedian isn’t that easy of a job, you know?”

After we finished our greetings, we proceeded to change into our indoor shoes and met up again in the main lobby.

“By the way, Biwa got some huge scoop for the two of you! You can’t miss out on this big story, lemme tell you!”

“Then tell us, Reporter BiwaBiwa!” Naopon turned her hand into a microphone and pushed it towards Biwa’s mouth.



“The thing is…”

“The thing is…?!”

“Biwa changed her nails! Ta-da~!”

“You’re right! They’re so cute!”

Biwa flashed a smug and showed both her hands to Naopon.

“Biwachosu, can I head to my classroom now?”

“Of course, you can’t, Onikichi! You taking Biwa for a fool?”

“But I wanna meet Nanacchi already.”

“Are you two the ones about to start dating?! The heck’s wrong with y’all!” Biwa threw in a retort with Naopon following up quickly after.

“That’s right, Onikichi! I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing BL between my childhood friends!”

Onikichi looked utterly shocked. He’s pissin’ Biwa off. All right then, time for the main scoop.

“Sorry to tell ya, Onikichi, but Biwa’s scoop isn’t her nails. In fact, Nananosuke’s got himself a lover already!”

“Hm? What are you on about, Biwako-chan?” Naopon was burning with anticipation.

“Actually, Nananosuke started dating someone!”

Hearing Biwa’s words, Onikichi seemed just as shocked as Naopon.

“I didn’t hear about that from Nanacchi, though?”

“Welp, he probably missed his chance to tell you. Not like Biwa would know.”

“That’s Biwako-chan for you, you’re so excited one second to not care at all the other. By the way, who is it? It’s probably chief, but…”

“Lol, why’d you bring up Touka now? The one he’s dating is OguOgu.”



They both grabbed Biwa’s shoulders and pushed their faces closer.

“To think Nanaya would go with OguOgu…Then again, she was working hard to win him over.”

“Biwa knew that OguOgu had it in her! Despite being a shrimp, she’s got the power!

“Biwako-chan, what are you even on about?”

“What’s this? Are you jealous that Nananosuke got taken from you, Naopon? The guy you thought would always be your childhood friend suddenly got taken from another girl, which awakened your feelings?”

“Not at all. Never ever. Not in the slightest. Not gonna happen.”

“O-Oh, okay.”

Her eyes look dead! She really doesn’t care one bit about Nananosuke. Wouldn’t you at least be a bit interested in your childhood friend? Well, Biwa doesn’t have any boy childhood friends, so she wouldn’t know. Out of the blue, Onikichi started grumbling to himself.

“Grrrr! Why did Nanacchi not tell me?!”

“Maybe he’s got something going on? Just don’t bring it up.”

“But Biwachosu said they’re dating, right?”

“Biwa didn’t hear that from Nananosuke, though. OguOgu told her, and she was hiding it, too.”

“What, so it wasn’t just me? Thank god.” Onikichi sighed in relief.

He sure is attached to Nananosuke, huh? Naopon continued, commenting on Onikichi or Nananosuke, I couldn’t tell.

“Well, he might be embarrassed to suddenly start dating a younger girl after years of saying he’s into older women. Let’s just play innocent until he decides to tell us himself.”

If that’s supposed to be commenting on Nananosuke, then it’s pretty harsh of her.

“And if you two didn’t know, then Touka’s probably in the dark, too. Gotta tell her.”

Biwa felt excited to break the good news when the other two pulled on her hand to keep her in place.

“Lol, what’s this? Why’d you stop Biwa?”

“Biwako-chan, you intend on telling the Chief?!”

“Of course?”

“Biwachosu, that’s a bit cruel, don’tcha think?”

“What? Why? Touka’s on good terms with Nananosuke, so she’s got the right to know. Let go, Biwa’s taking care of it!”

Using self-defense techniques Biwa was taught by Gramps to shake them off and start running.

“No, Biwako-chan! Stop!”

“Biwachosu! You better wait!”

Biwa heard their voices in the distance, but time to ignore them! Biwa will only listen to Touka! So just wait for me!


I, Kamijou Touka, sat in my classroom, basking in the sun. After we’d entered the second term, we immediately switched seats, which moved me to the row next to the window. That of course is something positive, and I’m using it to its fullest potential at the moment. The light of the sun lit up my gloomy heart, giving me temporary happiness and joy. I just want to fall asleep like this.

I remember somebody telling me that a quick nap during the day would raise productivity during the afternoon. Oh yeah, it was Onii-chan. I’m not quite happy with him being the source of that information, but it sounds believable, at least. So I might as well get some rest until the fifth period starts.

I pressed my head against my chilly skin, closing my eyes. Wrapped up in this cold sensation and warmth surrounding me, it felt like I could see a maidenhair tree. Beneath its branches stood a girl, having her back turned towards me. Even though I didn’t have any sensation of actually walking myself, I kept on making my way towards that girl, like I was being sucked in. Right as I reached a distance where she could pick up my voice, the girl turned around before me.

“This is my victory, Chief Kamijou.”

My head shot up from the table, as I looked around me.

“A dream, huh…”

Looking at the time, only a few minutes had passed, but my body was drenched in sweat as if I was out for hours. I couldn’t see the face of the girl in my dream, but her gaze felt like it was burning deep inside my brain.


What was that about? What she told me on that day under the maidenhair tree. And why…did Nanaya-kun not come? I’ve been thinking about it until this day, but I was still just as confused. Of course, if I didn’t know the answer, I should just ask the person in question. If you don’t understand something, you should ask. That’s the first thing I taught Nanaya-kun. However, I can’t muster up the courage to do so. The flower of my courage that bloomed when I decided to confess was ripped out from the roots by that girl—Ushiki Oguri-san.

I was terrified of a middle school student who was two years younger than me. No, she’s not a middle school student, she’s an adult like me. An adult who traveled back in time…which makes her even scarier! And if that victory she mentioned turns out to be…No, it’s too early to assume these things. I haven’t heard a peep about her and Nanaya-kun possibly dating. Maybe my assumptions simply chose the worst-case scenario, and it’s not too late at all. That’s right, it’s too early to be depressed. If I give up now, there’s no way I can grasp what I truly long for!


Together with this energetic voice, the door to the classroom swung open, with Biwako entering. Her golden twintails swayed from left to right as she walked toward me.

“What’s gotten you so excited, Biwako?”

“Biwa’s always excited and brimming with energy, lol.”


“Anyway listen, listen, listen to this!”

“I am listening!”

Biwako slapped her right hand with her flashy nails onto my shoulder.

“Nananosuke and OguOgu started dating! Hilarious!”

“How is that hilarious? That Nanaya-kun and Ushiki-san started dating?”

“That’s right! They were on a date last Saturday!”

“I see, a date…A date?!”

“He’s not half bad, really.”

“Is…that true, Biwako? Not just a rumor?”

“Yep, no doubt. Biwa was told from the person herself.”

“I-I see…that is…hilarious…”

My surroundings started to fade out, as I heard the faint voices from two particular juniors of mine.

“Ah! Biwako-chan, did you already tell her?!”

“Sure did.”

“So we didn’t make it in time, here we…”

Eventually, I heard nothing and saw nothing. And with this declaration slammed upon me, I, Kamijou Touka, completely blanked out.

You can find story with these keywords: Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu, Read Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu, Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu novel, Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu book, Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu story, Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu full, Kibishii Onna Joushi ga Koukousei ni Modottara Ore ni Dere Dere suru Riyuu Latest Chapter

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